Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Mike…….Water can appear in three forms…..

    1…..Solid……  like a ice cube, frozen lake, snow ect. 

    2….liquid……. like our oceans, lakes,  streams,  rain showers , floods ect.

    3….gas or vapor……….like steam,  and our clouds in the heavens / sky,  and even on earth as fog. 

    All of these are the forms water can exist in, common sense 101 .  We all know that clouds are large accumilations of water vapor, that have risen from the oceans and other things, into our atmosphers at different levels, and can condense into liquid under different pressures and tempatures.

    The sky is devided into different atmospheres and water exists in them all to one degree or another. Even in space water exists.

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike………gene






    Gene, clouds are NOT water, as you yourself made clear by stipulating BETWEEN water, ice, and steam/vapor.

    Just like a ribeye steak is NOT a cow.

    But more importantly, why don’t you address the main point that I keep screaming at you guys?  The waters above are ABOVE the sun, moon, and stars.

    Are clouds ABOVE the sun, moon, and stars? No?  Well then they can’t very well be the waters that are above the sun, moon, and stars, can they?

    There’s also another question waiting for you…

    Why does your interpretation of Genesis 1 have God creating light after it already existed, creating heaven after it already existed, creating earth after it already existed, and creating the luminaries after they already existed?

    Please explain.  Thanks.

    Danny Dabbs


    Hi Mike,

    Don’t waste your time and energy on Proclaimer.
    It’s no use debating with a deceiver.


    You’re right, Danny. In fact, I walked away from this thread about 3 years ago, even stopped talking to him all together for two years for that very reason.

    But then when he started talking about how vaccinations and tyrannical martial law rules for a flu with a 99.9% survivability rate were a good thing, I could no longer remain silent.

    And then I was talking to other people about how the Bible doesn’t align with the fantasy story told by Scientism, and he piped in bearing false witness about the Bible. That was about a year ago, and I told him then that I would bring him to his knees using the scriptures themselves. Ever since then I’ve been doing exactly that, and I’m not even close to done yet.

    I’ve already reduced him to a sniveling coward who resorts to name calling and hiding from easy questions because he knows to answer them would prove that he is wrong. But now I’m curious just how low he will go and how much completely absurd nonsense he will spout in his effort to save face.


    Science 101

    Water exists in at least 3 states.

    Liquid, solid, gas.

    End of story.

    It is the same water in the sea, lakes, and rivers that forms clouds and icebergs, snow, rain, etc.

    Google ‘the water cycle’ or watch this entry level 2d video.


    What are these waters above the sun, moon, and stars that God allowed to flood the earth in your model?


    The water came past the sun  moon  and stars, to flood the earth. Lol. What can I say. I’m lost for words. This is a new low.


    Chop chop

    Proclaimer:  Chop chop. Bring back the sun.

    Mike: Already done… twice on video.  Your turn now…

    No Mike. Bring it back after it is set and without going to a higher altitude to do it.

    Zooming in to increase the visual space below the sun and horizon  is deception, if you are trying to pass that off as bringing the sun back after it is set.

    You have the camera gear. Now drive to a plain and get clicking. Seek the truth. Test. Then let truth change you. Or be a fool.


    Don’t waste your time and energy on Proclaimer.
    It’s no use debating with a deceiver.

    Cult members think truth is deception. That’s a fact. When it comes to truth,  I am not shy. Truth is a sword that can hurt if you are on the wrong side of it.


    Eric Dubay lies exposed

    1. He questions the existence of flights that I have been on numerous times.
    2. He talks about trade winds that boost plane speed, but the point is the distances are two or three times the distance than reality and similar northern hemisphere flights. Further, a return flight goes back against such trade winds. Of course he fails to mention that because it doesn’t support his false narrative.
    3. He maps out flights of the 3d globe that has been projected on a 2d map. His BS is exposed when you take the flights he mentions and map them to the globe directly. When you do that, no direct flights that exist need to cross Antarctica for the shortest route.

    Dubay tells lies because he intentionally leaves out the truth and tells porkies about the globe. And his followers are foolish to the extreme. The man has bad fruit, yet his cult members are oblivious to all this, as is the case with all cults.


    Mike’s deception

    I already gave you the perfect solution to prove that you are telling the truth… Quote my statement that was intentionally designed to deceive Berean into believing something that I know is a lie.

    I told you what you did. You intentionally left out the real reason why lower latitudes are colder and made out the reason was because the sun was ever so slightly further away. Of course you ridiculed that idea, but it is not the real reason for varying temperatures. You created a straw man then attacked the straw man. Is this the fruit of a man who loves truth? No sir.

    I see your cunning, because you ask me to quote the very words of your deception knowing full well that the deception is what you intentionally left out which is impossible for me to quote. Please stop with the cunning deception and come into the light and repent.

    The words I can quote if that is what you really want are all the words where you are trying to convince Berean that the reason science says lower latitudes are colder is the sun is further away. It is all those words Mike that form the deception. And as mentioned before, you couple this with leaving out the real scientific reason.

    You should feel ashamed of yourself Mike for engaging in such lies and peddling them here to other members. Imagine what God thinks about this.


    No point in fighting reality Mike.

    Gene, clouds are NOT water, as you yourself made clear by stipulating BETWEEN water, ice, and steam/vapor.

    Mike, where does rain come from?

    The sky.

    Is rain, water?


    How does the rain get up there in the first place?

    Water droplets turn into water vapour which are small enough to float up toward the sky.

    Are water droplets, water?


    Is water vapour, water?



    Mike……To even think that clouds don’t contain water,  and are not above the earth , is apsolute pure stupidity, and shows us all how your brain works.  Do this the next time it rains, go and stand in it and get soaking wet, then come back and tell us that it’s not water ok?

    Mike your nothing but a joke at best. I told you ounce a time back,  that if you were to ride the actual space station around this earth , would you then believe the earth is round?,  i am now actually convienced that even if you “actually” did do that , you still would not believe the earth is round, thats just how screwed up your thinking is, you would think someone is tricking you,  even if you seen it with your own eyes, not realizing the only one tricking you is yourself, or a deluding Spirit sent from God,  As 2ths 2 says? ,….“because they recieved not the love of the truth , God will send unto them a deluding Spirit in order for them to “believe” a LIE.”   

    Think about it Mike, anyone who dosen’t know that rain water  comes from water evaporated from waters on this earth by forming into a vapor which condenses into clouds,  and then condensing further and forms the actually water comming down upon the earth,  from above the earth, or (terria ferma) , is a fruit cake,  Mike sorry to say this, but your elevator don’t go all the way up brother, your bisquits aren’t all cooked, you missing a few bricks, shy of a full load, your not firing on all cylinders son!

    This whole thing just keeps getting dumber and dumber as we go along,  but the sad thing is it pulls in people like Berean, and Danny, who really do need honest and  “sound” teachings in their lives. IMO

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike……….gene




    Well said Gene.

    It’s dumber and dumber  to be sure.

    Such stupidity needs to be exposed for what it is. Imagine the damage to the gospel and faith for those that need salvation when Mike lies and says the bible teaches this rubbish.

    Yes, he’s a few eggs short of a dozen. He’s lost the plot for sure. He suffers from clue deficit disorder.

    But he is also a lesson on how one can be deceived if one is foolish enough. After all, the god of this age is the father of lies.

    “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.”

    Stay away from a foolish man, for you will not find knowledge on his lips.

    A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.


    Mike……Put a pan of ice qubes on your stove,  turn the heat up and watch the ice melt and turn to a liquid we call that, water, and begin to  it boil off, what does that stuff comming off the water look like?, a cloud,  right?, we call that steam,  it disapears right into the air right, but if i put a cool towel over it, the steam will “condense” back to licquid water again right.  See now there is a very good and  simple thing anyone can do, to prove the three states that water, or  H2O, can exist in.  solid, licquid, vapor or gas. Yes Mike All elements can exist in these three stages under the right heat and pressures conditions.  Even solid rock can, we call that liquid “lava”,  thats what you see comming out of a volcano,  is that not part of the earth in a liquid form? , these are elementary things, that even childern are taught and can come to know.  

    Another expermiment, if i remove the atmospheric pressure from water it will boil and freeze.  That is why in space there exists no “licquid”  water  .  Take a large bell vaccum Jar, put a cup of water in it, and draw down the internal pressure by a vaccum pump, watch as the vaccum is drawn down, the water will begin to boil and turn to ice ,  that is why liquid water,  h2o , does not exist in space,  except as solid ice,  we can not  exist in space either without a space suite that pressurises our bodies ,they have to wear or the water in our bodies will boil and freeze and we will die.

    Anyway Mike,  h2o we call water, can and does exist in three forms , liquid water, solid ice, gas vapor”steam”.  I have never said any different either.  Common sense 101.  

    Peace and love to you and yours………gene



    Mike: What are these waters above the sun, moon, and stars that God allowed to flood the earth in your model?


    Proclaimer: Bahahaha!

    The water came past the sun  moon  and stars, to flood the earth. Lol. What can I say. I’m lost for words. This is a new low.

    Correct.  According to the Bible, God opened the floodgates of heaven and flooded the earth with waters from heaven.  (Gen 7:11, 8:2)  Since the sun, moon and stars are IN heaven, and the waters are ABOVE heaven, then yes, the waters passed by the sun, moon and stars on their way to the earth to flood it.

    This is what the Bible teaches, Proclaimer.  If you believed the Bible, then you wouldn’t Lol or be at a loss for words.  You would just accept what the Bible says as the truth of the matter.


    Proclaimer:  No Mike. Bring it back after it is set and without going to a higher altitude to do it.

    No Proclaimer.  Bring back the finger after it has set over the countertop horizon.

    Danny Dabbs



    Proclaimer:  Cult members think truth is deception. That’s a fact. When it comes to truth,  I am not shy. Truth is a sword that can hurt if you are on the wrong side of it.

    I think you are a member of the Cult of Scientism. But let me make a children’s cartoon to demonstrate your version of truth on this “cloud” issue – since you and Gene just don’t seem to be able to understand my written explanations – no matter how far I dumb them down for you.  Then we’ll see if you shy away (“run away and hide” as usual) from the truth I show you, or get on the right side of my truth sword so it can finally stop ripping you apart like it’s been doing for years here.

    Gene and Proclaimer’s Remedial Understanding of the Waters Above




    Does the cartoon help you guys see that no matter what you want to call the raqia (firmament, sky, expanse, heaven), the sun, moon and stars are IN it, while the “waters above” are ABOVE it.

    So if the “waters above” are clouds, then the clouds are ABOVE the sun, moon, and stars.  And if you want to say that the raqia is EVERYTHING above the earth (atmosphere, troposphere, thermosphere, outer space), then clouds can’t be the waters ABOVE the raqia, because they are not ABOVE outer space.  And that means you STILL have to come up with something in your worldview that could be the waters ABOVE the raqia that the sun, moon and stars are IN.

    Fellas, I don’t know how I can dumb it down for you any further than I already have.  Please God, let this cartoon allow these knuckleheads to see what I’ve been saying for months, and how their answer of “clouds” simply cannot align with what your written word says.  🙏🙏🙏


    The saddest part is that Proclaimer clearly KNOWS what that cartoon portrays.  And I KNOW that because of the “excuses” Proclaimer tried to use to get out of this situation…

    1.   Mike, does the Bible really say that the sun, moon and stars are IN the raqia?  I’ll have to research the Hebrew.

    So I did that for him and confirmed for him that the Bible does indeed say the sun, moon and stars are IN the raqia.

    2.  Mike, does the Bible say the “waters above” are above the raqia itself… or just above the waters that are below it?  I’ll have to research it.

    So I did that for him too, and showed him this…

    Genesis 1:7… And God made the raqia, and divided the waters which were under the raqia from the waters which were above the raqia.

    So the Bible does indeed say that the “waters above” are ABOVE the raqia itself.  And the Bible clearly says that the sun, moon and stars are IN the raqia that the waters are ABOVE.

    So Proclaimer has known that his “cloud” theory was a failure all this time.  Yet he still pretends that his failed theory works – because he KNOWS the alternative.  He KNOWS that honestly admitting the truth of the matter means he has to come up with some other waters that are ABOVE the sun, moon and stars… AND an explanation for how these very waters flooded the earth in Noah’s day.  Of course this is impossible in his understanding of our world, but not in the world God described in the Bible.

    The bottom line is that Pretender, already KNOWING that he has been beaten down into a cowardly shell of the man he used to be, is so dishonest that he will keep promoting a theory that he KNOWS contradicts the Bible in an attempt to avoid admitting that he was wrong.

    And that, friends, is some SERIOUS pride!  May God have mercy on his soul.


    For Gene (I Saw It On TV) Balthrop and Pretender…

    Hopefully my children’s cartoon has dumbed it down enough for you guys to understand how “clouds” couldn’t possibly be the waters ABOVE THE RAQIA that the sun, moon and stars are IN.  So…

    1.  What is your NEW answer for what the waters above the raqia itself could be in your worldview?

    2.  Please explain why your interpretation of Genesis 1 has God creating light after it already existed, creating heaven after it already existed, creating earth after it already existed, and creating the sun, moon and stars after they already existed.

    Hop to it, gentlemen.  Thanks.

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