Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Gene:  Mike……You do realize,  don’t you?, Holding on to this flat earth thing put you in the catagory of some of this earths most ignorant people that now exists. It causes people to doubt everything you say Mike.

    Gene, what does it mean when an idiot calls YOU an idiot?  Something for you to think about.

    But right now, we are not discussing the flatness or roundness of the earth, Gene.  We are discussing something that is taught in the BIBLE.  And that Bible teaching is that God created the raqia to divide the waters below the raqia from the waters above the raqia.

    We know that God formed the waters below the raqia into seas.  And we know that God created the sun, moon and stars and placed them IN the raqia.

    I’m asking you and Proclaimer what the waters are that are ABOVE the raqia that the sun, moon and stars are IN.  What is your direct and honest answer to that particular question, Gene?

    Hint:  “Mike, flat earth is stupid” is NOT an answer to my question.  Thanks.

    Danny Dabbs


    A big ball has definitely an up, down and side.
    Look at these kids, they know better than most of scientists:



    Danny, 😄🤣

    I’m still waiting for Proclaimer to answer this question…


    Hey Proclaimer, which ONE of the up arrows in the right image point to the throne of God in heaven?


    All of them Mike. If you follow any of these arrows, you would eventually reach the end of the universe and to God as he exists outside his creation. That is a very simple explanation BTW  because in reality this diagram is 2d and doesn’t take into account the shape of the universe’s fabric etc.

    Further, God dwells inside his creation via his Spirit. So he can be inside every atom too.

    He is eternal and will dwell in all when sin is fully dealt with.

    Because your mind is limited with 2d comprehension, your misunderstandings come mainly from interpreting 2d maps and diagrams into 3d reality. You continuously trip up regarding this.


    Danny, you should just admit that your eyes are not the purveyors of truth. Your are just advertising to the general public that you are a simpleton. Your mind is ruled by your eyes and own limited understanding. I think if you were humble, this would not be the case. You would instead be wise which anyone can attain despite their IQ and intellectual shortcomings. But you choose to be foolish about this by trusting your own limited experience of life and I respect that you have chosen this because you have free will as a sentient being. But I am also free to debunk your childish assertions. If this offends you, then know this, when truth offends, it is you that needs to change.


    Mike:  Hey Proclaimer, which ONE of the up arrows in the right image point to the throne of God in heaven?


    Proclaimer:  All of them Mike.

    Wrong.  God dwells on a throne that is surrounded by the thrones of 24 elders.  That throne is in a specific location.  And that location cannot possibly be in the direction of all of those arrows, since none of them point in the same direction as any of the others.  It can, however, be in the direction of just ONE of them.  So which ONE of them points to the throne of God and the thrones of the 24 elders that surround Him?


    Proclaimer:  Danny, you should just admit that your eyes are not the purveyors of truth. Your are just advertising to the general public that you are a simpleton. Your mind is ruled by your eyes and own limited understanding. I think if you were humble, this would not be the case. You would instead be wise which anyone can attain despite their IQ and intellectual shortcomings. But you choose to be foolish about this by trusting your own limited experience of life and I respect that you have chosen this because you have free will as a sentient being. But I am also free to debunk your childish assertions. If this offends you, then know this, when truth offends, it is you that needs to change.

    Translation:  Danny, you need to believe the laughable claims of Scientism over the Bible, your God-given common sense, and your own eyes!

    And if you DON’T do that, you are childish, foolish, a simpleton, and have intellectual shortcomings.


    Correct translation. We are not all gifted the same way and we all have weaknesses. But regardless of intellect, we should seek wisdom and if so, we spare ourselves from becoming fools. Do not trust in yourself and your limited understanding.

    That said, we have free will. We are free to become fools and there is not much that others can do about that. But I encourage everyone to know their own limits, listen to others, and trust in God. Your eyes are not the last word on truth.


    Wrong.  God dwells on a throne that is surrounded by the thrones of 24 elders.  That throne is in a specific location.  And that location cannot possibly be in the direction of all of those arrows, since none of them point in the same direction as any of the others.

    Is that right Einstein. Lol. All directions lead to God. He exists above and below. Inside and outside his creation. He holds creation in his hands.

    Once gain your 2d mind dictates your truth.


    And how about the 24 elders who surround God?  Are they also above and below, inside and outside of creation?

    If not, you have a big problem.



    The throne room could be a specific location in space or could even be the highest dimension in which case is beyond our understanding. Regardless, if you head in any direction, you will eventually reach the end of creation (unless it is infinite) and God will be there.


    Flat Earthers have another big problem to ignore

    I wasn’t involved, but these are the supposed facts.

    • The moon in Tennessee (Nashville) was 6 degrees above the horizon, looking west;
    • The moon in Australia (Sydney), was 30 degrees above the horizon, looking north-northeast.

     How can you explain this on a flat earth. You can’t.

    Why not run this experiment if you can call it that yourself Mike. Based on globe math, we will look for a future full moon and choose a time at night for both locations. The idea is for us to take a photo at the exact same moment. Are you keen? If successful given cloud cover possibilities, you post your image and I’ll post mine. You can then explain how the results works on a flat earth. As I have already posted my explanation in the graphic below this one. Let me know if you wish to participate?




    Also, how is the bring back the sun experiment going?


    Mike……You do realize,  don’t you?, Holding on to this flat earth thing put you in the catagory of some of this earths most ignorant people that now exists. It causes people to doubt everything you say Mike.

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike………gene

    Absolutely 100% true unfortunately. A little leaven works through the whole batch of dough in the same way that foolishness ruins a man’s reputation.

    But right now, we are not discussing the flatness or roundness of the earth,

    Incorrect. We are discussing flat earth too. And I am waiting for you to bring back the sun. Further, I have invited you cooperate on an experiment together. Read my post regarding the moon.


    Proclaimer:  The throne room could be a specific location in space…

    So then I ask again… which ONE of the arrows in that meme you posted points to the throne room where God sits on His throne, which is surrounded by the thrones of 24 elders, and 4 creatures who sing before Him day and night?


    Proclaimer: And I am waiting for you to bring back the sun.

    I already told you I’d do that in ONE YEAR from now… IF you have by then directly and honestly answered (or at least made a REASONABLE, non-snarky attempt) most, if not all of my questions that have been waiting for many months.

    I also showed you in my recent presentation how this bone you won’t let go of is a nothing burger anyway.  Let me dumb it down even farther for you…

    Set your camera on a stand or whatever.  Have somebody put just the tip of their finger behind the edge of the countertop of whatever – so that the countertop represents your ball earth horizon, and your camera can’t see the tip of the finger because it has gone beyond the horizon.  Good so far?

    Now zoom way in on that hand, and see if it brings the tip of the finger back up over the countertop horizon.  Well… did it?  Would it?  Of course not you knucklehead.  The tip of the finger is already hidden behind a solid object – just like the horizon on a ball earth is.

    Here’s the point.  Did your friend have to stick their ENTIRE HAND behind the countertop horizon for you to realize that you couldn’t even zoom the smallest piece of the hand back up above it?  No, they didn’t.

    Do you SEE the point yet?  It is the same with the sun.  On a ball earth, once something – OR EVEN THE TINIEST PART OF SOMETHING – is hidden behind the tangible horizon, it cannot be zoomed back up above the horizon.

    So if anybody has ever zoomed the sun back up into the sky after even an INCH of it disappeared over the horizon, we do not live on a ball.  And I’ve already showed you TWO different vids of people zooming HALF of the entire sun back up into the sky.

    So your meme, asking us to zoom the entire sun back up after the entire sun has disappeared from view is just a scam to make sure knuckleheads like you don’t even think about the fact that zooming the sun back up into the sky after ONLY ONE INCH of it has disappeared behind the horizon already proves that we don’t live on a ball.

    Your challenge is the equivalent of showing you Chicago from 55 miles, and you saying:  Well, show us Chicago from 1000 miles or the earth is a ball!

    Sorry son.  55 miles is adequate to prove that we DON’T live on a ball, just like zooming the sun back into the sky after only ONE INCH has disappeared is adequate to prove that we DON’T live on a ball.

    Anyway, I’m willing to do it in a year from last week (I think it was last Wednesday) IF you have upheld your part of the bargain by then.

    Proclaimer:  Further, I have invited you cooperate on an experiment together.

    That I can do.  You’ll have to do the homework though.  CAN we even see the moon at the same time?  And if so, you’ll have to figure out what time and day I need to film it compared to what time and day you need to film it.  Let me know what you find out.


    Proclaimer, just so you know, the moon basically follows the Sea of Crises.  When it rises in Phoenix, the SoC is about the 12 o’clock position on the moon.  But when it sets in Phoenix, the SoC is about the 5 o’clock position… almost upside down from when it rose.  Does that mean that Arizona moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern during the course of 12 hours or so?

    Also consider that if I stand on my balcony facing south, the stars move across the sky from left to right.  If I turn around and face north, the stars move across the sky from right to left.  Does that mean that when I turn from facing south to facing north, I’m teleporting myself to the southern hemisphere?

    There’s a lot more going on than your memes let on, dude.  Those memes are designed for easily confused/convinced knuckleheads who can’t think for themselves.  You should know this by now just from the few that I’ve taken the time to expose.

    If I could expose them all as fast as you can click “Copy” and “Paste”, I would.  But exposing takes much longer, and I simply don’t have the time… especially when I know you won’t even read the correction anyway.  After all, I worked for hours on that presentation for you.  Did you even read ONE of those posts?  Of course not.

    But then again, that’s why I know what a horizon is, and you don’t.  And why I know that “gravity” doesn’t repel, and you don’t.

    It’s also why I know this fact and you don’t…

    If the ball earth horizon is what’s blocking the bottom of the distant object (but of course refraction is projecting the rest of the object up and over the ball 🙄), then the horizon can’t very well be BEHIND the object in the distance.

    We call that the Black Swan, and it already ended the debate once and for all 4 years ago.

    Of course there are also hundreds of other proofs too… but you’re simply not interested in a SERIOUS discussion about them.  Which is fine, since it’s clear you don’t have the mental capacity for it anyway.

    So then, let’s get back to the BIBLE, shall we?  Have you come up with your new answer for what the waters ABOVE THE RAQIA that the sun, moon and stars are IN are?  What ARE those waters, Proclaimer?  They can’t possibly be clouds (which aren’t water anyway) if they are ABOVE the very space/expanse/heaven/sky that the sun, moon and stars are IN, right?

    Chop, chop.


    Oh, and don’t forget my new direct question for you and Gene.  Why does your interpretation of Genesis have God constantly creating things that already exist?


    Mike……please show where i or proclaimer, said that.,  but the fact is, God is changing humans  by giving them the “SPIRIT of TRUTH”,  just as it says he is, …..“for God works “in” us both to “will” and do of his good pleasure”.

    In fact that is why i know you don’t have the,  Spirit (cognicity) of truth”, abiding “in” you because you can’t even precieve the simply fact that the earth is a sphere, not a flat rock floating around in space. You deny hundreds of thousands of things that prove that our earth is a round sphere traveling in space, even though we have at our desposal 24/7 the  ISS, SHOWING US PICTURES OF IT EVERY DAY. 

    WHEN a person is that blind, that they can’t comprehend all the proofs given them,  about this subject,  how can they possible understand the scriptures.  FACE IT MIKE, if you can’t come to terms with simple things,  how are we to think you can with our scriptures?  SAD.

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike……….gene


    Danny Dabbs


    Proclaimer, it’s sad that you can’t understand simple basic things like “up” and “down”.
    It beats me how you managed to pass elementary school.
    If this offends you, then know this when truth offends, you need to change.

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