Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Flat Earthers can’t explain it

    Another truth bomb that blows up their world view.

    Did you know : In the northern hemisphere, if we look at the sky to the north, we can observe stars rotate counter-clockwise around a point. (North Celestial Pole) This axis of rotation is not visible for observers in the southern hemisphere.

    Did you also know that in the southern hemisphere, if we look at the sky to the south, we can observe stars rotate in the opposite direction (around the South Celestial Pole). Conversely, this axis of rotation is not visible for observers in the northern hemisphere.


    Another globe proof brought to you by people who can reason.


    Now that your theory that clouds are the waters ABOVE the firmament/heaven/expanse/sky has been debunked, what is your new explanation for these waters above?

    In your worldview, what could the waters above the sun, moon, stars and heaven itself possibly be?


    Mike….. The other site that stoped your stupidity was right in doing what they do,  there is no point in debating with stupidity!  You have not adimited to one thing that Proclaimer and I, and the rest of the world could present to you, as fact.  So just swim alone in your land of “deluisions”,  and we will all see where that get you in the end.  We will simply believe what is avalible 24/7 for all the “intelligent” world to see.  The “flat earth” BS, is for the  “weak”and “suspicious” minded , iditos, Who believe in all kinds of “conspiracies”  out there. 

    Whats sad about this is how easily people like you can be led around with this stupid nonsense. What this also shows is your lack of the “cognisity”,  of what is true, and therefore, what is not true, The (Sprit of truth)  seems to be lacking in you Mike,   That is Sad! 

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike……….gene


    Mike, clouds are water and are above the waters that are beneath the expanse. The waters beneath the expanse is the last thing mentioned in the verse. Even in your flat earth model, the clouds are not above your glass dome are they? What do you mean debunked. Unfortunately, Gene is correct. You are being stupid.

    I think the best thing you can do right now is humble yourself and admit you were wrong, or bring back the sun.


    Gene:  Mike….. The other site that stoped your stupidity was right in doing what they do…

    So you’re okay with censorship of free speech?  I wonder how you’ll feel when social media censors all talk about God and the Bible because to them, it is right to “stop your stupidity” for believing in a magical sky daddy, his magical son who now lives in a magical fairy tale place called heaven, and a lying book written by stupid goat herders a long time ago.

    Will that also be okay, Gene?  Is it okay to prohibit open dialogue about things YOU personally think are stupid, just because you have the power to do so?

    I’d really like an HONEST answer to that question.  Thanks.

    Oh, and also an answer to what the waters ABOVE heaven/sky are.  Thanks.


    Proclaimer:  Mike, clouds are water and are above the waters that are beneath the expanse.

    Are you honestly still not getting this?  Or are you just pretending you can’t grasp this easy concept because your pride won’t let you acknowledge that you were wrong?

    Here is the passage using your own preferred terminology once again…

    Genesis 1… 6And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters, to separate the waters from the waters.” 7So God made the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse and the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so. 8God called the expanse “sky.”

    Can you see that the “waters above” are above the “expanse” itself?

    On the other hand, the sun, moon and stars are IN the “expanse”.

    The luminaries are all IN the very same “expanse” that the waters are ABOVE.

    Your cloud theory has been scripturally debunked.  Please be honest and honorable enough to admit that openly.  Thanks.

    Proclaimer:  Even in your flat earth model, the clouds are not above your glass dome are they? 

    Of course not.  So it’s undeniably clear that clouds can’t possibly be the “waters above the expanse/firmament/heaven/sky”, as you have been repeatedly claiming for months, right?

    All that’s left now is for you to openly acknowledge your mistake, and retract your cloud theory.  Thanks.


    Of course not. So it’s undeniably clear that clouds can’t possibly be the “waters above the expanse/firmament/heaven/sky”, as you have been repeatedly claiming for months, right?

    So where’s the mention of the clouds. Why did that water not get a mention? Seems weird since it’s talking about water and clouds are actually the same water below, just in a different state and above the waters below the firmament. You have heard of the water cycle right? It’s the same water, but divided with an expanse in between.

    BTW, did you bring back the sun?


    So you’re okay with censorship of free speech?  I wonder how you’ll feel when social media censors all talk about God and the Bible because to them, it is right to “stop your stupidity” for believing in a magical sky daddy, his magical son who now lives in a magical fairy tale place called heaven, and a lying book written by stupid goat herders a long time ago.

    I feel like you are aiding this Mike. Turning the bible into a myth when you can read scripture and look at cosmology and see the harmony. All your doing is putting the  scriptures into disrepute and forcing censorship on our faith because of your stupidity. You are letting the team down. I also question if you are even on the team. You know the children of God by their fruit after all and the fruit I can see doesn’t look lovely, truthful, or unifying to me. I think you’ve lost the plot Mike. Perhaps even lost your mind.


    Genesis 1… 6And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters, to separate the waters from the waters.” 7So God made the expanse and separated the waters that were under the expanse and the waters that were above the expanse. And it was so. 8God called the expanse “sky.”

    Mike. Genesis 1:6 is telling us that God needed to separate the waters with a space between the watery surface of the planet and the other water above that.

    Genesis 1:7 is simply telling us that God created this space between the waters on the surface of the earth and the waters up in the heavens which are thought to be the clouds.

    If the clouds are not being referrenced here, then you believe that the flat disc was submerged in a single giant swimming pool that reached up to heaven, meaning that there were no waters, rather just one big liquid pool of water.

    Yet scripture tells us before this space is created, that there were waters. That is plural. That fits with the sea and clouds, but not your large swimming pool single water theory. Further, we see before that God’s Spirit was hovering over the surface of the deep. But you must believe that just below Heaven where God dwells was the water and he was hovering at that altitude, just below heaven itself.


    You can’t bring back the sun

    As you can see from the video below, you can’t bring the sun back once it has gone over the curve. Although I guess in unusual circumstances with refraction, it might be possible on rare occasions. I do not know for sure about that. That said, if the earth was flat you could easily bring back the sun if it is not obscured by clouds. This alone proves the earth is not flat. If it was, you could bring back the sun and it wouldn’t be hard. And surely reasonable people would have noticed this by now and questioned the shape of our planet. But this is not the case. Why? Because the earth is not flat.


    Project Bring Back The Sun

    Mike, can you tell me where you are with this? Are you actively searching for such a video? Are you loking for the nearest flat plain to do this yourself? The latter would be good.

    You have the camera equipment. Perhaps livestream it? If so, could you post the details of the livestream here? Imagine how many hits your video will get when you bring back the sun? Surely if you believe the earth is flat, you will be organising this project as I speak. After all this is an easy experiment which will debunk your flat earth completely. Or are you scared of the result?


    Mike, if you are not trying to bring back the sun, it means you do not believe it is possible because the earth is probably not flat. If this is the case, then you are lying to yourself.


    Mike……only an idiot would not know that the waters of this earth are indeed seperated from the waters (clouds) of the sky.  What do you call that stuff we all call rain, is if not water that is released from the could above the earth?   Yes Mike that is “really” water comming down, from the  the coulds in the sky, and they are seperated FROM THE WATERS BELOW ON THE EARTH. Common sense 101?

    Mike why not just take one thing that we all can easely see, like the ISS,  that anyone with a set of benoclours or a small tellescope can see for themselves, ever day if they want too, and see what it is tranmitting to us, EVERY SINGLE SECOND, AS IT TRAVELS AROUND THIS EARTH. 

    Why not just prove to us that it does not “actually exist”. That what everone, can see for themselves anytime they want to,  isn’t “really” there,   Before you go deverting  from the truth,  all over the place, adding more stupitidy to stupidity .  If you believe it’s not there then “PROVE IT”.  IN fact you haven’t disproved any of the actual points we have brought out,  that i have ever seem in this whole worthless “flat earth” topic . 

    As far as sensorship goes,  heres what Jesus said (not me)…….“but i say unto you; that “every” idle word that men shall speak, they shall give acount therof, in the day of judgement”.  “For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemmed.” 

    As far as “free speach” goes,  i believe everyone of us should be held “ACCOUNTABLE” for every word we say, including me.  The sooner that accountablity is brought into judgement the better.  If a media site is allowed by law to exist, it should censor and be held accountable for it’s content, as well as those who express their words on it ought to be also.  

    There should be allowed  very large liability suites and granted , to those who are damaged by “false” statements,  espically by leaders and the media.  The “free speech law”,  is used to remove responsiblity for false accusations, and lies,  by the media and others.   We should all be held accountable for what we say and do. IMO. 

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike…….gene




    Danny Dabbs


    Yes sir! Eric Dubay took many of his 200 proofs from this book and another one that I can’t remember the name of right now.

    The other book is “Earth Not a Globe!” by Samuel Rowbotham

    Did you know they were still teaching flat earth in public schools in the 1900’s – and some countries still do? This spinning ball story has only taken hold in the last 100 years. They present it as if it has been scientific fact for thousands of years. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    No, I didn’t know that.

    There is a YouTube channel called Globebusters that I would recommend. It’s a 3 hour live show most Sundays. I just listen to it on Mondays – at 1.5 speed – as I’m driving around for work. Give it a listen sometime. I just listened to this very good one from a month ago…

    Thanks for the video link. Anyway, I’m already convinced that the earth is flat.

    Danny Dabbs

    @t8 @genebalthrop

    Hi Proclaimer and Gene,

    I will give you the argument which totally destroys the globe lie.
    I said it many times. Let me repeat it one last time:
    The idea that people are standing, ships are sailing and planes are flying upside down on certain parts of Earth while others tilted at 90 degrees and all other impossible angles is complete absurdity.

    It’s that simple.
    I wonder why I was so blind.
    God given common sense has won!


    Would a donut earth work for you dabbs?

    It’s that simple.

    Too simple dabbs. Too simple.

    Maybe try something  a little more complex.

    But you would still slide off right?



    Einstein, Gravity and Relativity. Three of your worst nightmares, all in one superb experiment, Einstein passes his stiffest test yet with flying colours! Don’t cry too much guys.


    Flat earthism will never be anything more than a lunatic fringe conspiracy belief held by gullible people who don’t understand the physics they mistakenly believe their conmen are debunking.




    And you can head north south east or west and hit Antarctica. Weird how everyone goes south only. Lol. Flat Earth is at least entertaining.


    Proclaimer, I was set to have tomorrow (Friday in AZ) off, and I was going to give you my presentation.  Unfortunately, I have to work after all, so the presentation will have to wait until either Saturday or Sunday.

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