Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #933611

    Proclaimer: Look at dabbs… Mike deceived him.

    How so?  I merely pointed him to the same webpage that I pointed everyone to at the beginning of this thread… the very same page Dig4Truth pointed me to 5 years ago. The difference is that Danny, D4T and I  actually read it, while the rest of you scoffed it off because “you already know better”.

    Proclaimer:  I’m hoping to copy and paste much of the content here into a writing… Then the job is done.

    I’m hoping that you’ll unmerge my massively successful thread from your pitiful thread that only had four interactions.  You have basically stolen my intellectual property, Proclaimer.  Please give it back.


    Berean:  I will try to be clearer for everyone in the future, because we must have a sanctified language.

    Not at all, dude.  I had just never heard it that way before.  I’ve heard of “splitting hairs” since I was a child, and know exactly what that means.  I just had never heard your version before. 👍🙂


    Berean: Hi Danny Dabbs


    You mean like when Jesus said that Satan took him to the top of a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world?  Impossible on a ball.

    Or like when Jesus said that all eyes will see him return on the clouds?  Impossible on a ball.

    Or like when Jesus said…

    Proverbs 8…  27I was there when He established the heavens, when He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep, 28when He established the clouds above, when the fountains of the deep gushed forth, 29when He set a boundary for the sea, so that the waters would not surpass His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth.

    Are these the kinds of Jesus statements you’re looking for?

    Keep in mind, Berean, that EVERYONE knew the earth was flat with a dome over it in Jesus’ day.  It’s not like anyone was questioning it to the point that Jesus would have to say, “By the way, it’s flat.”  Everyone already knew that.  But we can also know that because the things Jesus did say above.  Besides, just read Genesis again.  What kind of world did God Himself describe to us?



    Gene:  Danny Dabbs……..the flat earth is a “LIE”,  a big LIE brother.  But i think we have all had about enough of it by now.

    It’s the earth that God, Jesus, and the entire Bible describes.  But Gene, nobody is forcing you to be a part of this thread or discussion, right?  So if YOU don’t like this topic, then don’t be involved in it.  Simple, right?  Why do you think YOU should be able to dictate what WE talk about?  🤔


    The red box is Proclaimer’s ENTIRE “Challenging the Flat Earth” thread that he started in 2011.  It consisted of 6 posts – 3 of which came from him.  The blue box is the Opening Post of my own “Flat Earth?” thread in 2018… which has so far gone on for 4 years, 269 pages, and 5366 posts.

    Screenshot (432)

    But Proclaimer – without even a word to me – just took it upon himself to MERGE my successful thread into his thread.  Now the Topics page of the site looks like this…

    Screenshot (431)


    So my successful thread with 24 different commenters and 5366 individual posts has BECOME his pitiful thread with 3 commenters and 6 individual posts.

    Now it’s not like I make any money from the posts.  And it’s not like I’m seeking fame on a site with 6 or 7 active users.  But this is simply dishonest.  He has basically stolen my thread and made it his own.

    Whether or not you agree with me about the shape of the earth, please at least do the decent thing and let Proclaimer know that this behavior is not honest or Christian.  Please tell him that he should unmerge the threads so that MY thread remains separate from his thread.  Thanks.


    I’m hoping that you’ll unmerge my massively successful thread from your pitiful thread that only had four interactions.  You have basically stolen my intellectual property, Proclaimer.  Please give it back.

    Lol. Did you think I was going to quote you? This is going to be a serious writing, not a Big Foot or Shapeshifter type investigation. It will argue that no flat earther can use the bible to support their view. This will be the most important part.

    Then, it will list scientific questions and the answers will be copied from my own posts. At most it will state things like ‘flat earthers claim this’, ‘flat earthers say the answer is that, but here is why they are wrong’, etc

    No need to worry Mike. I will summarize the flat earth doctrines here in a fair manner. I don’t have to be dishonest because FE arguments and understanding  debunks itself and I also believe in honesty.

    I hope you will enjoy it when it is published. And you will be free to critique it. Finally, I will do my best to get it to rank well in Google. Yes  the website is back in Google.


    But Proclaimer – without even a word to me – just took it upon himself to MERGE my successful thread into his thread.  Now the Topics page of the site looks like this…

    I’ve been doing this with all topics as I have the tools to do this now. It solves the ‘multiple topics discussing the same subject’ problem. Of course, it preserves the dates, so older posts will come first. You will notice for example that there is one Trinity topic now. And it matters not to me who started a topic. Whether it is me or not doesn’t matter to me. What matters is the content and the truth that emerges from challenging doctrines.


    One more thing. The title is this because Google demotes the term ‘flat earth’. By putting it this way  I’m hoping Google promotes it. You will notice that the title doesn’t give an advantage to either side of the argument. It is neutral.

    Also note that this title appears on all pages in the site because it is usually mentioned in the Recent Posts widget in the right hand sidebar. So not smart to demote the whole site.

    The only motive is to rank well in Google to let more people read the topic and all the pages here. And there are other topics that I have changed or need to change to be more Google friendly. It kinda sucks  but that is reality.


    I will be merging more similar topics together and may in some cases change the title for better SEO now that the site is back in Google.

    I’m hoping to get new members of a caliber that this site had in the past. Reading through some old discussions  it is clear that the quality of posts was much better then. It seems nowadays that people are using repetition rather than making good arguments.


    Wandering Stars

    So the flat earth narrative usually says that stars rotate in a circle around the North pole, as if attached to a rotating dome. So what do flat earthers believe the planets are (historically called ‘wandering stars’ since they move differently than the stars)? In particular, what do flat earthers think their retrograde motion (where planets appear to reverse their path and sometimes form an elliptical loop in the sky) tells us?

    Of course in the heliocentric model, planets have a simple elliptical orbit around the sun. But the flat earth model has their paths like this.

    Finally, what is the chances that a model is wrong when it simplifies everything, answers everything, and can predict with 100% accuracy eclipses and the like?



    FEs, Mormons, Young Earth Creationists are all a bit silly don’t you think?



    A message from a concerned globe believer

    Why is it that in the year 2022, we have a vast wealth of pictures videos of our planet and space in hi def, and the flat earth folk don’t have anything other than a flattened out globe that they stole from the UN flag that looks like they scrawled it in crayon? You have all the technology in the world at your fingertips technology that can easily show a flat earth(if it existed) yet here you are, with nothing.


    The Local Sun Theory debunked!

    1. Pilots would need to train to not hit the sun.
    2. A local sun would only light up a small area, not half the world.
    3. The reason for corpuscula rays is perspective and refraction. Train tracks are parallel, but they look like they converge in the distance. See the last photo in this post for another example of this.














    So my successful thread with 24 different commenters and 5366 individual posts has BECOME his pitiful thread with 3 commenters and 6 individual posts.

    Now it’s not like I make any money from the posts. And it’s not like I’m seeking fame on a site with 6 or 7 active users. But this is simply dishonest. He has basically stolen my thread and made it his own.

    Good news for you Mike. I have deleted all preceding posts as they were just small talk anyway. I didn’t want to split the topic up because it takes a long time to process and often leads to the server timing out part way through and then I have lots of work on my hands putting the posts that ended up in Drafts back again.

    Also, T8 honestly doesn’t care if he starts a topic or not and one about the Flat Earth, he almost prefers that someone else start that topic. He only cares that the truth wins the debate.

    So Mike, your fame is restored and everyone knows you created this successful topic. Carry on as before.

    BTW, feel free to offer a new title for the topic. It has to be SEO friendly and it cannot start with Flat Earth as it will demote the website in Google. What about this for a title: “Challenging the shape of our planet?”.


    I will be merging more similar topics together and may in some cases change the title for better SEO now that the site is back in Google.

    I’m hoping to get new members of a caliber that this site had in the past. Reading through some old discussions  it is clea.r that the quality of posts was much better then. It seems nowadays that people are using repetition. rather than making good arguments.

    ADMINISTRATION………GOOD, this flat earth thing is dragging down the site brother.  Yes the quality of our descussions were much better then.

    Glad to hear this comming from you.

    Peace and love to you and yours………..gene


    Another reason why a working Flat Earth map is IMPOSSIBLE.

    Let’s imagine, just for a moment, that we have a realistic map representing a Flat Earth. One that has, if nothing else, the distance between the Poles and the size of the countries correct.

    Distance Pole to Pole = 12,700km which gives your FE map a diameter of 25,400km
    That diameter would give the Ice wall perimeter a length of 80,000km

    There simply wouldn’t be enough military ships in the world to guard that border – so pop goes another FE balloon.

    That circumference would mean the FE map would have a total area of 506,707,479sqkm.
    That’s 380,030,609sqkm, or FOUR TIMES greater than we have now and impossible for FEs to explain.

    As a side note. Look at the distance between NZ and South America. It’s a joke. NZ to California is about the same distance (slightly longer) than NZ to Chile. But look how wrong this map is.


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