Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #933376

    Yes, but persisting in wanting to convince people that the earth is not flat, but a globe, is counterproductive. Especially since your arguments on Genesis 1 are not sufficiently convincing, it must be said.


    I disagree because conversations like this get turned into writings that help others out who are struggling with false doctrine. Heaven Net has helped out many from believing in false doctrines as many have testified via emails and PMs.

    Further, I am not trying to convince Mike or Danny. I’m simply debunking their arguments for thr benefit of readers.

    And I like to do a thorough job in debunking every false argument that claims to be the truth.

    IMO  the biggest struggle the body of Christ has is false doctrines and cults / denominations. It’s a bad look from the perspective of those who are seeking truth. I for one refused to accept the gospel when I was an Atheist because I saw so much obvious false and conflicting teachings that I reasoned that Christians couldn’t be right.

    The best way to dispel darkness is with light. Ignoring the problem helps lies to spread.


    Anarchy as Flat Earth dome halts ascent during the rapture


    This is the sort of ridicule Flat Earthers who claim to be Christians enable amongst the Atheist community. The fruit is bad.


    The Flat Earth is debunked with this one point alone


    Of course FEs with ignore this because what matters is listening only to things that might support their view and ignore the rest.


    This is the slight of hand you come to expect with FE teachers


    Danny Dabbs


    The idea that people are standing, ships are sailing and planes are flying upside down on certain parts of Earth while others tilted at 90 degrees and all other impossible angles is complete absurdity.

    Stop spreading the Globe lie!
    You will be held accountable for souls that are lost because of your lie.



    Stop spreading the Globe lie!
    You will be held accountable for souls that are lost because of your lie. 


    As a child of God, this should not be the MAIN topic. But RATHER THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST.

    Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.(Rev.14:12)

    God bless



    @mikeboll64 deceived @dannyd.

    An honest but mistaken man, once shown the truth, either ceases to be mistaken or ceases to be honest.


    The Earth is round. It may seem like an obvious fact that we’ve understood since primary school, but for a body of “Flat Earthers,” the concept of a globe-shaped Earth is paramount to what they claim is the biggest conspiracy theory ever to exist. Their science is laughable, their evidence baseless and their claims prone to falling flat, but that hasn’t stopped Flat Earthers from devoting a lot of effort to a cause that lacks dimension.
    – Author unknown


    Time Zones debunk the Flat Earth

    Danny Dabbs


    As a child of God, this should not be the MAIN topic. But RATHER THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST.

    Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.(Rev.14:12)

    I agree with you, Berean.
    The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most important thing there is.

    God bless


    Gene:  Mike….. The earth is going around the sun at a speed of 67,000 miles an hour. 

    It’s actually 66,600 mph, Gene.  How do you like that “666” number?  But that’s just the earth’s movement around the sun.  It’s also spinning at 1000 mph.  Then our entire solar system is orbiting the Milky Way galactic center at 447,000 mph.  And then the Milky Way Galaxy itself is hurtling through space at breakneck speeds.

    Gene:  That is the exact speed it takes for it to keep from being drawn into the sun.  Anything faster would cause us to leave the orbit around the sun, anything less would cause us to be drawn into the sun.

    Because of the “mass” of the earth,  to the “mass” of the sun it requires our earth to travel at that (EXACT) speed.  Comon sense 101. Newton proven right again!

    It started off as a nice story when Copernicus created his model of perfectly circular orbits.  But then what happened?  His model didn’t match what we could see in the sky with our own eyes.  So then Keppler had to come to the rescue with his nonsensical idea of elliptical orbits – which asserts that planets speed up and slow down during different phases of their orbit, and that they are sometimes much farther away and sometimes much closer to the body they are orbiting.  Now think about that for a minute, Gene.

    We’re told that the orbiting body picks up speed as it approaches its closest proximity to the body it orbits, and then “slingshots” around that body and slowly loses speed as it moves towards its farthest proximity.

    Question:  If gravity is sufficient to hold the orbiting body during the beginning of its “slingshot” – then why wouldn’t it hold the body at the end of it?  Understand?  Maybe an illustration will help…


    The blue circle is the body being orbited.  The green arrows show the orbiting body picking up speed as it approaches its closest point to the blue body.  The red arrows show it decreasing speed as it moves farther away from the blue body.

    Now look at the purple line to the very left.  My question is:  If the gravitational attraction at that particular speed is enough to hold the orbiting body to it, and “slingshot” the orbiting body around the blue body, then why wouldn’t that same gravitational attraction be able to continue to hold the orbiting body to the blue body as it comes around the bottom of the turn (slingshot), where I put the big “X”?

    If the purple line to the left represents the rubber band in your analogy, then that same length of rubber band would also hold the orbiting body at the same distance as it came around the bottom of the blue body.  The orbiting body would then follow the path indicated by the other purple lines and become a perfectly circular orbit – instead of “breaking the rubber band” to continue along the yellow orbit path… especially considering that it is slowing down at that point, which would increase the gravitational pull. The orbiting body would assume the light blue orbit – not continue with the yellow one.

    Can you refute what I’ve just showed you, Gene?

    Gene:  The earth is tilted off it’s axis, just enough to cause our seasons,  which continues ever year for 365 days, and starts over again EACH YEAR…

    What is the earth’s tilt?

    Screenshot (420)

    23.4 degrees?  So then the earth is 66.6 degrees off from a perfect 90 degree right angle?  There’s that “666” number again.  Hmm…

    As for the seasons… would it shock you to know that the earth is 3 million miles farther from the sun while we’re having summer in the north – and 3 million miles closer when we’re having our winter?

    Screenshot (425)

    How could that even be, Gene?  Would being 3 million miles CLOSER to the heat source make things hotter, or colder?

    And finally, you have parroted your sources correctly in that orbits require a perfectly matched mass of the orbiting body, the body it orbits, and the speed at which it orbits.  But would it surprise you to know that the sun loses 5.5 million TONS of its mass every SECOND?

    Screenshot (426)

    The means the sun has lost 78300000000000000000000000 TONS of mass in the 4.5 billion years the sun and earth have existed as part of a solar system.  You said…

    Gene:  Because of the “mass” of the earth,  to the “mass” of the sun it requires our earth to travel at that (EXACT) speed.  Comon sense 101. 

    Do you now see how the facts that you parroted don’t align with other claims made by your own model?  Can a body that loses 174 TRILLION TONS of mass every single year still have the exact mass to keep the same body in orbit at the “EXACT speed” for billions of years, Gene?

    I can do this all day long, Gene… but it’s very time consuming.  I simply don’t have the time to keep refuting every single post you make or meme and video Proclaimer posts.  I CAN do it… but I don’t have the time, nor the desire to keep casting my pearls before swine who don’t even bother to respond to my rebuttals or address MY points and questions.


    But I’ve just disproven THREE of them in this one single post, Gene.  Of course I’ll get nothing but crickets from you… until enough time passes and you show back up parroting the SAME EXACT CRAP I just refuted.

    So please forgive me for ignoring the vast majority of your posts.  You don’t want an honest discussion, Gene.  You just want to parrot crap you’ve been told (crap that you couldn’t possibly prove) and then run away.  So just keep believing in the ANTI-SCRIPTURAL world that you do now, and “proving” it by saying you saw it on TV.

    I’m here for people who are interested in seriously looking into the concept of a Biblical earth – not parrots like you and Proclaimer.


    Gene, I’ve posted these questions numerous times.  Why do you suppose that you, Proclaimer and Carmel haven’t answered them?


    Joshua 6:2-15… Then Yahweh said to Joshua… March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days…  On the seventh day, march around the city seven times… 


    Exodus 20:9-11… Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to Yahweh your God. On it you shall not do any work…


    Exodus 20:11…  For in six days Yahweh made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. 



    Gene, they are simple Yes or No questions.  You could answer them in 15 seconds.  So why don’t you?  Why doesn’t Proclaimer?  Or Carmel?

    We all know the answer, don’t we? 😉

    So do me a favor and don’t say a thing to me on this thread until YOU are willing to answer and discuss these three simple questions, okay?


    Mike: Understand?  If they moved even a micrometer towards the larger orbs because of gravity, then they would CONTINUE that movement until they touched the larger orbs, right?  In which case there would be no need for the mirror and scale since we would all SEE with our own eyes that the smaller balls began moving towards the larger ones… and kept on moving until they made contact.

    Proclaimer:  Not quite and it would take a while. Eventually, it would find equilibrium like the sun and earth. They wouldn’t touch. It’s not a black hole. Remember, the small ball has its own gravity, so it would eventually push against the big ball and both would settle.

    What the freak?  Do you see what I’m up against, Gene?  The guy who constantly claims that I don’t know science apparently believes that the gravity between two bodies of mass has a point of equilibrium where its attractive force is nullified by its repelling force!

    Gene, maybe you could explain to Mr. Science that the “equilibrium” between the sun and the earth requires the exact mass of both bodies AND the exact SPEED at which one orbits the other.  Thanks.

    Proclaimer, gravity is solely an ATTRACTIVE force.  There is no point of equilibrium.  The two stationary bodies in that video would have moved closer and closer together until they collided with each other.  They wouldn’t get to a certain distance away from each other and then stop there because of some “anti-gravity repelling force”.

    The video you presented as “proof” of gravity was nonsense.  I exposed it as such.  And now you’ve exposed yourself as not quite up to the task of intelligently discussing these things.

    So should I waste more of my time exposing your “Cavendish Experiment” video?  What could I possibly hope to gain by doing that?  Is there a chance that you’ll come around and acknowledge that I’ve made a good argument, like you did for your first “gravity proof” video?  Oh that’s right, you DIDN’T do that, did you?


    Proclaimer: Yes @genebalthrop

    Mike is delusional.

    Says the guy who just made this argument…

    Proclaimer:  There is also the fact that the small ball is attached to a rod in this device, so it would eventually reach a point of maximum closeness because of that.

    Really?  Um… if the thread (not rod) to which the small ball is attached can affect its movement, then how the heck is it a valid scientific experiment to prove or disprove gravity?  “Hey guys, I just disproved gravity by attaching the small ball to an apparatus that won’t LET it move towards the big ball!”

    I truly hope that the day will come that you try using your God-given common sense and start doing some logical thinking of your own – instead of just posting memes and videos that make claims you don’t even understand.

    Proclaimer:  Scripturally speaking, his no1 verse worked for the globe better than it did for the flat earth…

    Proclaimer’s “debunk” of Isaiah saying God looks down on the CIRCLE of the earth is that a ball “can look like a circle”.  Proclaimer purposely forgets that there are two different Hebrew words for “ball” and “circle”… and that Isaiah uses both of them in the Bible.

    In other words, if Isaiah wanted to say God looked down on the BALL of the earth, he could have.  But Isaiah said circle, not ball.

    Proclaimer:  And he hasn’t got the guts to put forward a new verse, because he knows he has no verse at all. Despite that, it doesn’t stop him from pretending that the bible supports his view. Peddling lies is a sin. 

    Hey Proclaimer… tell us again what the floodgates of heaven are, that God opened to let the waters above heaven flood the earth, and then closed after 40 days and nights of rain.  😉


    Proclaimer:  Sorry Mike, lets talk about reality. You have not responded to 90 something % of arguments against the flat earth made in this topic, whereas I have answered most of your concerns. You then try and paint the false picture that the roles are reversed.

    Are we talking about the thread that I started over 4 years ago, contributed to for a year, and then left for 3 years because you turned it into a juvenile playground?  The thread I only came back to about a month ago because of Danny?  Are you suggesting that you have 3 years of arguments that I didn’t respond to when I was absent from the thread, and wasn’t even speaking to you for a year of that time?  😂

    Or are you talking about just the last month, during which you’ve posted 5-10 memes and videos a day with little notes saying, “How do you explain this, Mike?” – as if you can copy and paste some nonsense, and then I have to spend hours trying to educate you about every meme and video that takes you only two seconds to post? 🤣

    Get real.

    Btw, @admin , unmerge MY thread from the one you merged it with.  This is not YOUR thread that garnered 5 single-sentence responses.  This is MY 265 page thread – not YOUR third of a page thread.

    Unmerge it and put it back as my “Flat Earth?” thread.  Do it now.


    Mike:  Proclaimer, please state this belief of yours for the record:

    “Mike, when the Bible says that God MADE the sun, moon and stars and PLACED them in the firmament which He named “heaven” on Day 4, those words actually mean that the sun, moon, and stars already existed and were already in their places, and that the hazy/polluted atmosphere just happened to clear up enough via natural means that, had someone existed on earth at that time, they would have been able to SEE them for the first time.  THAT’S what those scriptural words actually mean, Mike.”


    Proclaimer:  The firmament is the sky Mike.

    Let me stop you right there, because you’ve gone off the rails with your very first statement.

    Genesis 1… 6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

    Can you see that God named the firmament “HEAVEN” – not “the sky”?  Can you see that the firmament supports waters that are above it?  What exactly are the waters above “the sky” that are being supported by the sky?

    Proclaimer, your very first statement contradicts the Bible.

    Proclaimer:  And the scriptures say that they were placed or set in the firmament on day 4. So the lights could be seen in the sky to mark times and seasons. And obviously, for day and night too as already mentioned back in day 1.

    Let me stop you again…

    1.  You left out the word MADE, Proclaimer.  Scripture says God MADE the lights and PLACED them in the firmament – which He named “HEAVEN”.  Please try again including the word MADE.  Thanks.

    2.  Where exactly WERE these lights before God PLACED them in the firmament?  Do you see that this is an ACTION that God performed… PLACING them in the firmament?  If the firmament is “the sky”, then where did the lights used to be before God PLACED them in “the sky”?  Do you see how this doesn’t fit with your claim that the lights were already in the sky, but the sky was too polluted for them to be seen from the earth?  An atmosphere clearing off is not equivalent – by any stretch of the imagination – to God PLACING lights IN the firmament… even IF you believe “heaven that supports waters above it” is “the sky”.  Please directly address this discrepancy between your words and the Biblical words.  Thanks.

    3.  The Bible says the sun GOVERNS the day, and the moon GOVERNS the night.  Day and night were already happening.  The sun and moon weren’t the CAUSE of day and night, but were placed in the firmament to GOVERN the day and the night.

    Proclaimer:  Now to day 1. It says that the heavens and earth were created before the conclusion of day 1.

    No it doesn’t.  And you’ve already agreed that Gen 1:1 could be an introductory statement like the one in Gen 2:4, right?  So going forward, let’s ASSUME that it IS the introductory statement that you agree it could be, okay?

    Proclaimer:  Further,  it says the earth was formless and void and there was darkness on the surface.

    Yes… and what does that mean?  The earth had NO form.  It was not a ball.  It was not any shape at all, because it had yet to be formed into what it is now.  And void means non-existent…

    Screenshot (427)

    So earth that has no form and is void is earth that doesn’t yet exist.  Btw, there was darkness on THE FACE OF THE DEEP, the WATERS.  You left that last part out and made it sound as if there was darkness over the surface of the earth.  But that’s not what the scripture says.

    So Proclaimer, how do you align your view of a ball earth already being created in Gen 1:1 with the fact that earth HAD NO FORM and was NON-EXISTENT in Gen 1:2?

    Proclaimer:  The first thing to happen (prior to day 1 concluding) was the presence of light which divided the day and night. Ask anyone what light exists that created day and night. Ask a 3 year old. Ask a scientist. Even ask a flat earther what that could be. If you were asked that question on a game show for 1 million dollars you would also admit it.

    Sorry dude, your personal opinion that the sun is necessary for there to be light/day is irrelevant – especially when we’re told in scripture that the sun and light are two different things (Ps 74:16… “thou hast prepared the light and the sun”) and that there can be “day” without the sun (Rev 21:25, 22:5).  Oh, and also the fact that the scriptures clearly tell us God created light on Day 1, and the sun on Day 4!

    Okay champ… you’ve got your work cut out for you.  Get to it.  Address my death-blow rebuttals to the anti-Biblical creation account that you’ve concocted in your head.  Godspeed.


    Proclaimer: William Shatner either saw the curve or he is getting paid or blackmailed to say it.

    I say he saw it. Mike says that he is telling lies.

    Fact: Mike accuses many (directly or indirectly) of telling lies.

    You have borne false witness against me.  Please repent, apologize, and ask for forgiveness.

    Let’s you and I END this BS right here and now, shall we?

    Millions of people swear they’ve seen earth curve from airplanes (7 miles up).  Neil DeGrasse Tyson says that you can’t see earth curve even from 65 miles up (where Shatner allegedly was).  Wally Sparks, who also went on the Virgin Galactic flight, said her biggest disappointment was that they didn’t get high enough for her to see the curve of the earth.

    So Proclaimer, are the millions who have “seen the curve” from an airplane all liars – since it’s a FACT that even IF we lived on the ball they tell us we do, we wouldn’t be able to see curvature from even 10 times as high as airplanes fly?  Or could their minds be playing tricks on them, and allowing them to “see” the thing that they’ve had indoctrinated into their brains since they were young children?  Could the curved airplane windows have something to do with it?

    And how about Shatner?  How could HE see the curve when Wally couldn’t?  Does it mean that Shatner is LYING?  Or could it be that he truly thinks he saw it because he believes he was “supposed to” see it?

    So you need to stop claiming that I’m calling people liars.  Even a clown who thinks that gravity is part attractive and part repellant should be able to grasp the fact that if we couldn’t see curvature from 65 miles up, NOBODY has ever seen it from 7 miles up, right?  Is your acknowledgement of this fact equivalent to you “indirectly” calling these millions of people LIARS?  Yes or No?

    And if not, then STOP saying that crap about me, and apologize for all the times you’ve said it already.


    Adam: The problem is not with FE alone brother, the original problem is very well found stationary in the ancient Biblical texts….

    Earth is fixed and immovable:

    It’s true that the Bible (and all ancient cosmologies) depict a flat and stationary earth with a protective dome in which the sun, moon, and stars move.  It’s not true that it is a “problem” as you’ve described it.  It is the truth, and your personal belief that you live on a spinning water ball that has never been proven doesn’t alter this truth in any way.

    Thanks for the scriptural support on this matter, though.  And I will echo Proclaimer’s point (as I have many times to you in the past) that it is much better in a DISCUSSION forum for a person to DISCUSS things in his own words, and not just keep copying and pasting novels of information.



    Danny:  I am learning a great deal.
    Yeah, the heliocentric model is just a freemasonic lie.

    Yep, they’re all linked, Danny.  Freemasonry, heliocentric (sun worship) model, big bang, billions of years, evolution, 9-11, JFK assassination, the moon landing, alien invasion, and so much more.

    These are all irons that Satan has in the fire to lead people from true worship of the true God.  If he can’t rope someone in with one of them, he’ll rope them in with another.  But they are all of the devil.

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