Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #933184

    Proclaimer……..Satan is using deluded people to try to throw this site off it’s main objective,  we should be consentrating on what Jesus told the deciples to preach, about the “kingdom of God” and “HIS” (God’s)  rightiousness.   Get back on track brother.  The work in the vinyard must be the same work the other true workers are doing, we have entered into their work, with them. 

    Don’t let Satan’s minsters, which are many, decieve us, by introducing carnel worthless things that distract this site from it’s true purpose.  Let’s get back to the Gospel message of Jesus and his deciples, which is the message about our forgiveness and the comming KINGDOM OF GOD.

    Peace and love to you and yours……….gene

    Danny Dabbs


    We are NOT Satan’s ministers.
    All you can do is to insult us.

    Danny Dabbs

    @t8 @genebalthrop

    You are defending these liars:


    Danny Dabbs


    Thanks Danny. How goes your investigation? Hopefully you’re learning so many things about reality that simply don’t fit into the heliocentric model. I know I sure did. But mostly, I learned to think logically (and scripturally) about EVERY claim made by “the powers that be”.

    I am learning a great deal.
    Yeah, the heliocentric model is just a freemasonic lie.


    Peddling lies

    Gene is correct because lies are from the evil one. From this discussion, I want to produce a writing to expose this lie and highlight why flat earth is a cult. In particular I want to disprove the claims that the bible teaches a flat earth. It might help some people out as some dishonest and foolish people try to put the scriptures into disrepute with this. And in doing so, lay a stumbling block for some people’s salvation.

    The mission of this website is to test all things using scripture and FE was thoroughly tested and debunked. Of course to most, this is not a surprising outcome at all as the vast majority of Believers do not subscribe to the FE.

    FEs are in truth a tiny group of people who are both Athiest and so-called Christian as well as adherents from other religions. They take onboard anything that remotely could be used as evidence even interpreting scripture in the wrong context.

    The common factor with those caught up in this lie is not religion but scientific illiteracy coupled with dark ages superstition. And they mistake rebuke and correction as persecution. They complain about not getting respect, but the reason for that is as follows:

    Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.


    5 Times FEs Saw Too Far – Debunked!

    FEs love to show proof that their cameras can see too far if earth was a globe. In fact, @mikeboll64 engaged in this in the early part of this discussion.

    Of course after spending much time debating Mike on this, he lost. Then Dazza the Cameraman debated Mike and brought up many of the same points I made but did it independently. You would think Mike would have learned from this, but no, the delusion is strong with this one.

    And here is Mike being debunked in 30 seconds on another subject related to FE.

    DEBUNK STATUS: Debunked.



    The Cavendish Experiment

    Perhaps beyond the comprehension or honesty of many flat earthers, but here it is anyway.


    Another celeb sees the curve

    Just like Captain Kirk (Mr Shatner), James May also sees the curve.

    Could he be a shapeshifting alien too? 🤣🤣🤣


    Flat Earth School

    Enjoy this science lesson.


    “These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens”

    In fact the above statement is the title statement of the second creation account recorded by the Yahwist writer in the book of Genesis 2nd chapter which clearly mentioned the God’s name as ‘Yahweh’ whereas the first creation account recorded by the Priestly writer did not mention God’s name but only used ‘Elohim’. The Priestly writer gave importance to the Seventh Day of rest by the end of his creation account. So the six days of creation are of Hebrew normal days which have both evenings and mornings. The same was confirmed in the Exodus and other later books.

    The above was my post on Page no 256 which you have not seen by mistake shows my argument on how the ancient Biblical writers differ in their narrations in the creation stories which were recorded in our Bible. Let us be honest in finding the truth in these ancient writings.


    Did the sun stop?

    Sun STOPS moving: Isaiah 60:20, Job 9:7, Joshua 10:12–14, Habakkuk 3:11

    What does the sun do?

    It shines light.

    What happens when the sun stops?

    It stops shining light. Maybe an eclipse.

    ‘Joshua stopped the sun’ 3,224 years ago today, scientists say
    Researchers claim epic Biblical story is earliest account of annular eclipse that occurred on October 30, 1207 BCE; also helps pinpoint reigns of Pharaohs Ramesses and Merneptah



    Sun moves BACKWARDS: 2 Kings 20:8–11

    It doesn’t say time or the sun went backward. I don’t know how the shadows on the sundial appeared in reverse for a time, but suffice to say there are easier ways to achieve this than making the sun go backwards. Try and think before you speak gadam. Or think before you copy and paste. Lol.


    Hi Gadam

    The Priestly writer gave importance to the Seventh Day of rest by the end of his creation account. So the six days of creation are of Hebrew normal days which have both evenings and mornings. The same was confirmed in the Exodus and other later books.” 


    Danny Dabbs


    Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him.

    You are calling us fools?
    Thanks for your hate – your insults do not affect me.


    If you teach the earth is flat, then obviously something is awry. And of course the reaction people have to something foolish is not to treat it as an intelligent concept. No, it is to laugh. And scripture makes it clear that if you treat foolishness with respect, then to some degree, you become a party to it. In the case of flat earth, it gives the false impression that there are two theories vying for prominence, when in reality you are elevating foolishness to a height it doesn’t deserve and this can deceive people.


    And @dannyd, I have noticed you have not even attempted to debunk any of the hundreds of posts here that disprove the flat earth and prove the globe. If you just ignore these proofs, then you are not a truth seeker. And if not a seeker, then the truth will not come to you. A person seeking truth not only asks questions, but tests the answers to see if they are so.


    To all

    The globular or flat earth is not a part of the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, BUT A DISTRACTION THAT CREATES ENDLESS POTTERY.
    It is a simple STATEMENT.

    Tell me, does this topic tend to promote true Christian fellowship?
    Does this advance you in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?




    The globular or flat earth is not a part of the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST, BUT A DISTRACTION THAT CREATES ENDLESS POTTERY.
    It is a simple STATEMENT.

    Tell me, does this topic tend to promote true Christian fellowship?
    Does this advance you in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

    Agreed. The fruit is to put the scriptures into disrepute and to divide over a foolish doctrine.

    And I believe that false teaching has to be called out. If people claim the bible teaches flat earth and we do not challenge that, then people will notice that and it may put scripture into disrepute for some by laying a stumbling block. I find that the problem today is many do not want conflict, so they let evil happen. And the fruit of not challenging this false teaching is some will think the scriptures are just ancient myths, thus there is no YHWH nor salvation. This is the ultimate fruit of their actions.

    To date, no one has shown a bible verse that teaches a flat earth. So that needs to be made clear. It’s about bring all things under the feet of Christ.

    Truth can divide people, but you never sacrifice truth for a worldly version of peace. If people get cut from the sword of truth, then they need to learn to not mishandle it. Look at Jesus. He never tolerated liars and false teachers.


    Night skies at the equator prove that the earth is round and spinning

    Here is a panoramic view of star trails formed by the Earth’s rotation during this long exposure image.

    From the photographer: “The north is on the left and south is at right. Obtained from the Equator (2° N), near Lake Turkana, northern Kenya.”



    Polaris shows the earth is not flat

    At the North Pole, Polaris is straight up, at latitude 50 degrees its angular height above the horizon is 50 degrees, and at the equator it is always on the horizon (if not obscured by hills of course). This is very easy to explain if Earth is a sphere.

    What about a flat Earth? Let us assume that Polaris is located a few thousand miles above the North pole. Then there is no way that Polaris can be on the horizon if observed from the equator.

    And what if Polaris is very far away (as it really is)? Then it would be straight up everywhere on a flat Earth which is not what we observe.


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