Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Hey Mike. Saying that the days can vary in length means that it could be shorter or longer. Today was longer apparently. Oh, you point out that you did your homework. So what? You googled it and saw that in 1 minute. Your point doesn’t prove the flat earth or debunk the globe earth does it? Exactly how? Whereas, my points debunk the flat earth and prove the globe. Further, it doesn’t prove that the creation days were 24 hours long. A day to God is not like a day for you. Accept it or reject it. Your choice. You say the sun was created on the fourth day, but the first 3 days were 24 hours each? Lol. Thanks for the laughs. How many times must I defeat you? this is too easy. I think it is time for you to contact the most intelligent Flat Earther and have him debate me instead? Wisdom is knowing when you have been defeated.


    Proclaimer: Hi Mike.

    Since you have created a new topic of debate to replace this one, should I merge this into the Conspiracy Theory topic. What do you think? Actually, the Flat earth topic would be a better option. I may do that. but feel free to put your point of view forward.

    Do what you want.  I don’t post in the Flat Earth thread anymore because of the charade you made of what began as a great thread where decent people were sharing information respectably.  Now it’s just a place where you post an occasional YouTube video about things you don’t even understand and say, “Ha ha, I win!” – but never want to pick out any one thing in the video and discuss it in your own words.


    Incorrect Mike.

    You posted in that thread in the last week or so because I have moved the conversation over there.


    Incorrect Mike.

    I have posted arguments from my own words that disprove the flat earth and prove the globe. Posting videos from others will never negate that. I do both. These videos are just the final nails in the coffin.

    Mike, if you cared about the truth, then you would at least disprove the claims made in these videos. But you are obviously happy to live the delusion. Personally, I would totally rethink my position if I were a flat earther and watched any one of those videos. Because the truth matters to me. I know that no lie is of God and God is more important to me than any personal view I might hold. And these videos offer irrefutable proof that the earth is not flat.



    Hi Proclaimer, thanks for your patience in replying my post. Yes each one of us is having some personal experiences in spirituality similar to what you had experienced regarding the so called heaven and hell. In fact those are all purely based on personal understanding of the spirituality and religious environment in our lives. But they can not be proved in the public debates as they are individual in nature. I too had number of spiritual experiences in my Christian life since my school days like healing of the sick and casting the evil spirits but sadly I can not prove them in the public.

    Absolutely correct gadam.

    Our experiences are not proof or scientific proof for others. They are personal proofs and that is what faith is. If one does not believe, then they need to get faith which includes personal proof.

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    The search for God and truth is personal. Once you have experience, you then have a testimony.


    Proclaimer. …..I agree with you and Adam, true Faith comes from the proof given by personal experiences,  “evidence” that God the Father gives you yourself personally.   Those who have not “proven” the existence of a real God, have “suppositions”,  told to them by others, which may be true or may not be.  True Faith is produced by personal experiences with the Father,  yourself.  That why it says “have you Faith?, have it unto yourself”, and again “God gives unto all a “measure” of Faith”,  some more then others. The Father knows how much he has given to each of us,  each of us will be judged by how much we have been given and held on to. “To hum much is given much is required , to hum little is given little is required”. Remember the parable of the “unjust Judge”.  

    Peace and love to you and yours Proclaimer and Adam……….gene


    Hi Proclaimer


    Among other things, you said to Mike: “You say the sun was created on the fourth day, but the first 3 days were 24 hours each? Lol. Thanks for the laughs.” 

    Do you believe or not that God created the lights on the fourth day according to Genesis 1:14 to 19?
    thank you for the answer.



    They were placed in the vault on the fourth day. They were visible in the sky on the fourth day. Way before the fourth day, God created the heavens and the earth.


    Agreed gene.


    They were placed in the vault on the fourth day. They were visible in the sky on the fourth day. Way before the fourth day, God created the heavens and the earth. 

    Hi Proclaimer

    According to you, God would have created the luminaries from the first day, He would have put them aside until the fourth day to put them in the firmament…(am I wrong?)

    I don’t believe that.
    I’ll tell you what I believe.(in short)

    At the beginning

    GOD created the heavens and the formless and empty earth:
    there is water, a ball I believe, inside there is earth like a pit in an olive or an apricot, and it turns counterclockwise…
    Regarding the sky, it does not really exist on the first day…

    So let’s see what the text says

    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    It is not written that God does all this on the first day but “in the beginning”
    I think we can include in the term “in the beginning” the first 2 days “of creation, (v.8) and even up to v.13 for good measure.
    And so in verse 13, we have the heavens (firmament) and the earth with the plants, but not the lights, nor the animals …. nor the man.
    And so, I see this as the beginning…still to come the fourth day until the sixth and of course the apotheosis, the day of consecration, of rejoicings, of memories: the seventh day.
    I leave you alone for the length of the days. Everything comes in its time as the sage tells us.
    This is in brief my vision on the beginning of the creation of the heavens and the earth….
    It’s Spring coming to us and you fall, each in turn….🌍🌏

    God bless


    According to you, God would have created the luminaries from the first day, He would have put them aside until the fourth day to put them in the firmament…(am I wrong?)

    God created the heavens and the earth. We know this because on Day 1, God’s Spirit is hovering over a watery planet. And prior, we are told that he created the heavens and earth (in that order).

    So, the planet is not suitable for life on earth at the beginning of day one. As God’s days progress, he separates the land from the sea and then the luminaries appear / placed in the sky / vault. This is one way to read the text and it doesn’t violate science and observation either. In fact it confirms it.

    Scientists believe that the atmosphere was choked up with gases from massive ancient volcanism which is clearly evident in the geological record. As the earth settled, the atmosphere eventually cleared from these poisonous gases allowing a view of the luminaries. This change in atmosphere allowed life exist on earth which agrees with the Genesis account which tells us three things.

    1. God created the heavens and the earth;
    2. Then God terraformed the earth to make it suitable for life.
    3. He then created and placed life on the planet.

    Other options for interpreting Genesis that doesn’t violate science is that Genesis is metaphorical like much of scripture. For example, Jesus is coming back to earth with a sword coming from his mouth. This is obviously not literal.

    Another option that works is looking at the universe and earth like we look at a virtual world that we create. As a creator of a virtual world, we can create the objects in any order we like. Then we eventually boot up the world from essentially nothing and into something working and logical. We can program in that certain objects rely on others such as the earth needing the sun, but they can be created in any order.

    I am open minded about what Genesis is saying. But some Christians insist on 6 or 7 x 24 hour days with the sun created on the fourth day, and the previous 3 days being 24 hours despite the sun not being created yet and despite that a day is mentioned along with a night in other scriptures meaning less than 24 hours. Then they teach that this is the only interpretation in the Bible and intelligent people who are looking for God and reading the Bible are convinced that the Bible must be incorrect. When they question it, they then find that some of these fine specimens that act like teachers also believe that the earth is flat at which point they laugh and leave. Such people lay stumbling blocks to people’s salvation.

    Jesus said to His disciples, “It is inevitable that stumbling blocks will come, but woe to the one through whom they come!


    Flat Earth logic is illogical

    The first example is not flat earthism, but it is about as silly a statement that you get with their arguments.

    The portal where the moon comes to rest and where it rises

    Flat Earthers often take illusions as literal truth. Obviously that can be idiotic as this photo demonstrates.


    The ice wall that hems in the world’s oceans on the flat disc

    The ice wall exists of course, but I guess flat earthers would believe that the end of the disc is over there on the horizon. If only the plane flew over there and took a photo. Then again, it might have hit the dome. Maybe that is why we never see aerial footage of the edge? Lol.


    Following the rays shows a close sun

    If only the photographer had a drone. He could have taken a shot of the sun close up. Missed opportunity. Lol.





    The Flat Earth conspiracy theory debunks itself


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    Hi flat boys.

    Take a look at the universe that God created.

    For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

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