Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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    Why are my picture uploads always so small? They are not small on my computer.

    When you add your pics via Add Media, you have a choice of what size you want them to be. The default is medium, but you can choose large and full size. Large is around 1000px wide, if indeed the file was not smaller than that to start with. Full size can take too long to download if it is 2000px+.


    Neil Armstrong was the first man to step on the moon. They accomplished this in a space craft with less computing power than the first Nintendo video game console

    Computers were used for number crunching,  for critical guidance and navigation calculations. Crews also carried slide rules for more routine calculations. So the computing power didn’t need to be powerful because they weren’t using fancy graphics or VR.  If the Apollo 13 movie was accurate, NASA workers ran calculations on paper after the problems with the mission and things broke down.


    Has anyone offered an explanation as to how a pressurized atmosphere can adjoin a vacuum and not be equalized?

    If the moon has enough gravitational pull to move ocean water on the surface of the earth then why would it not also pull atmosphere away?



    @Lightenup, all goods then. It’s somewhere in the beginning of this thread, but I did read it 🙂


    Gene: Miia, sorry sis, forgive me, i was meaning that to Mike, not you,

    Okay then, Gene.


    Good question. A quick google showed me this:

    the vacuum of space does not exert any force on the atmosphere at all. It does not “suck” the air. We associate the word “suck” with “vacuums” but it’s a misnomer. That’s not what vacuums do.

    Consider an example where we’ve pumped all of the air out of some box and created a vacuum inside of it. Let’s say we’re on Earth, at sea level, and we poke a hole in the box. What will happen?

    Air will rush into the box and fill it. Okay. But why did it do that? Was it because the vacuum sucked the air into the box? No.

    What’s actually happening there is that the air pressure around the box is forcing air into the space with no pressure. The air that fills the box is being pushed by air pressure into the empty space.

    Vacuums never “suck” air. What they do is present an empty space and then air pressure forces the air into the vacuum.

    Air pressure is not uniform throughout the atmosphere. The lower the altitude, the higher the air pressure; thus, as you move higher, the air pressure decreases. In fact, at the upper limits of the atmosphere, the air pressure reduces to basically nil.

    And since there’s no real air pressure to speak of up there, then there is no force pushing the air into the empty space.

    Of course I can neither prove this or disprove this. That would take time and resources. But it sounds logical on the outset.


    Admin: When you add your pics via Add Media, you have a choice of what size you want them to be. The default is medium, but you can choose large and full size. Large is around 1000px wide, if indeed the file was not smaller than that to start with. Full size can take too long to download if it is 2000px+.

    I see thank you Admin.


    God is true and we have perspective at best

    Either the earth moves, or it is fixed and stationary – like the Bible clearly says, and like every experiment designed to show it’s movement has confirmed. It’s not a matter of where you’re looking at it. It either spins 1000+ miles per hour at the equator, while orbiting the sun at 66,600 thousand miles per hour, while hurtling through space along with the sun at 600,000 miles per hour… or it doesn’t.The bottom line is that there has NEVER been an experiment that showed the earth in motion, while there have been many different ones showing the earth at rest.

    Modern physics contend that physical reality is based on perspective. Speed for example changes things drastically. It not only changes your view, but time itself. It changes your NOW moment in relation to other people’s NOW moment.

    I remember taking a car ferry between two islands. I parked my car inside the ferry, but all of a sudden the car started moving backward, so I applied the brakes but the car kept moving. I freaked out and was resigned to the fact that my car would ram the one behind me as pumping the breaks did nothing. But the car didn’t ram the one parked behind me and that seemed odd and then I realised the truth. The massive truck next to me was moving forward slowly as it was parking up. From my perspective I was going backward. From the perspective of the truck driver, I was going backward in relation to him. From a stationary observer on that boat, the truck was moving forward because he could see the other objects as stationary. That is, the truck was moving because the chances that everything else was moving was unlikely, and the sides of the boat gave an extra perspective that indeed the truck was moving. So it is all about perspective from the observer, and the famous and perplexing Double Slit Experiment in physics even alludes to observation being of primary importance before anything becomes even physical.

    There is not one size fits all here, except I believe that the ultimate true perspective is God’s perspective because he is the only one not moving or travelling or changing. Just think about the following for example. What is the pitch of a police car siren as it drives past you. Of course it changes because as it approaches you it gets higher as the front of the wavelength push forward and thus lessen their distance between each wave, thereby changing the pitch. And the opposite effect as it moves away from you. I guess you could say the moment it reaches you is the real pitch and everything else is altered by movement, but only movement from your perspective because another observer nearby gets a slightly different version of that reality. They hear the pitch go up and down at a slightly different time to me because they are in a slightly different location. Further if he is travelling himself and I am not, then it is even different again because we have to add in his movement into the equation. So what is the truth? All of it is. Perspectives change is the truth.

    Now if I walk down the street, the Earth I walk on is essentially flat with contours. So does that mean the Flat Earth is true? Maybe. But if we travel into space and escape the confines of our planet, then we see a huge sphere shape. So which is true? Both. Again, it is all about perspective and perspective changes. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So if I find a certain woman attractive, that may not be true for others. See that. Is she attractive? To some yes, to others, not so much.

    Now, if we travelled toward light speed, time would slow down, and if I reached light speed, everything would be frozen in time. If I travelled faster than light, then I go back in time. Do you want proof? Here it is.

    Imagine as Einstein did that you are in Vienna and travelling down a street on a tram and you are travelling away from a clock. Imagine the hands on the clock say 12 o’clock. What would happen if you travelled away from the clock at light speed. The clock would be stuck on 12 o’clock because you are always seeing and experiencing the light that records 12 o’clock. If you travelled faster than light, you would catch up to older emitted light and thus you would start to see 5 to 12, 10 to 12 etc as you speed up further. What if you were travelling 90% at the speed of light, then time would slow down until you reached light speed at which time it stops. Remember our experience of reality is waves or frequencies that enter our senses and are converted into electromagnetic waves which our brain uses to give us a picture of reality. Is that light you are seeing? Then how is it your brain resides in pure darkness and you see light?

    Reality is subjective. The Earth is flat from one perspective, a circle from another, a sphere from another, and travelling faster than light, then the Earth is going back in time. If I pull out a microscope it is a bunch of atoms and if I look at the galaxy, it is but an atom. If I went beyond the physical would I see code that renders the Earth would it be like the Matrix, a logical program written by an intelligence beyond anything we can imagine. So what is the true perspective then and the true reality? God is. He doesn’t travel, alter, or change. He is eternal. What he sees is the truth. What we see is a perspective of that truth at best.


    This whole topic is fascinating.

    Mike: Is the account of the Tower of Babel in the Bible real history? What say you all?




    D4T:  You brought up the “time line” of Genesis. I simply asked if it was a discrepancy of thousands or billions of years. Still waiting for the answer.

    Nick:  Your guess is as good as mine.

    Some had children early but others later.

    Perhaps some saw their great, great, great …..grandchildren.

    Nick, D4T is asking if there is room in the scriptures – not for a few years or decades here and there – but for the 4.5 billion years scientism tells us has elapsed since the earth formed.


    D4T:  Ok, this is the ISS, and this is the ISS in a vacuum, any questions?

    I’ve got one… How could the ISS possibly withstand the exponentially greater vacuum of space, when the far lesser vacuum created by men was able to crush a heavy steel railway tanker car like it was one of those packing bubbles we all love to pop?  Or for that matter, how did this piece of crap made of tin foil, construction paper and scotch tape withstand, not only this incredible vacuum, but temperature fluctuations between 250F and -250F? Gene, would you feel safe taking this baby to the very bottom of the deepest trench in the ocean?  Because to take it to the moon required hundreds of times more pressure and leak resistance.

    And where the heck is the crater from the 10,000 pound thrust engine they had to fire to land this thing?  Or the moon dust that should have blew up everywhere and completely covered the gold foil on the feet?  And why in the world is the distant horizon of the moon barely an inch farther away than the shadow of the lander?  Curiouser and curiouser, right Nick?


    Gene:  T8….when a person tries to disprove what not only i , but thousands if not millions have proved before, and then tries to convence us that all that proof is a lie…

    There is no proof of a ball earth, Gene.  That’s the whole point.  Millions of us learned of a dude named Eratosthenes (circa 200 BC) from Carl Sagan on his series Cosmos in 1980.  Carl told us how Eratosthenes proved, not only the shape of the earth, but its circumference and its distance from the sun – all from two shadows.  Millions were duped into believing this nonsense, and now arrogantly tell flat earth researchers that intelligent people have known the earth was a ball for over 2000 years.  But what Sagan told us was a flat out lie, Gene.  And Neil DeGrasse Tyson has recently exposed this lie that his mentor, Sagan, told millions of people decades ago.  He does it in a very deceptive way, but he does it nonetheless.  I just made a video about this travesty of science.  It’s 4 minutes, but you might learn something…

    Gene: Thats like another person i know, who say the vapor trails jet engines give of in high flight are not really vapor trails, they are chimical trails, because our government is trying to control the populations by killing us off with alumium oxcide, so those arn’t vapor trails but aluminum oxide trails never mind no one has yet died from alumium oxide yet in the senenty years of those trails. Another conspiracy theory, there is no end to this type of garabge. They play on the simple and superstious people, sending them down endless rabit holes.

    You should have listened to that other person, Gene, because they were telling you the truth.  In fact, now that the government can no longer hide what they’re doing to our skies because too many people can see it with their own eyes, they have admitted it.  Here’s just one article, but you can Google “chemtrails admitted” and find a bunch of articles and videos.


    Here’s a good 15 minute video to get you pointed in the right direction.


    Gene: I would sujest to Mike he by a ticket next year for a ride to outerspace on the new space modules being “now” built for personal flights to outer space. I wounder how these flat earth people wil get around that…

    Don’t hold your breath, Gene.  They’ve been promising this for decades… and it never happens.  In fact, just 7 days ago, NASA scrapped a moon mission they had been supposedly working on for the last few years.





     miia:  Hi Mike I’m still here and reading when able, just been so busy. I’ll have a proper read… as soon as i get some time, which might be this afternoon.

    Yeah, I shouldn’t have said that about you, but I couldn’t resist the play on words: miia is mia.  🙂  I’m glad you’re still interested in the topic.


    Gene:  DO THE MATH, APPLY IT TO OUR EARTH, WORKS OUT PERFECTLY FROM A RADIUS POINT OR A TANGENT POINT, Simple math proves the flat earth therioies is not true…

    The math is one of the undeniable things that proves the earth is not a ball 25,000 miles in circumference, Gene.  But I guess someone who thinks 8 inches is equal to 24 inches wouldn’t understand that.  Remember that your math has a 24 inch drop in the first mile, while everyone else’s math has only an 8 inch drop in the first mile.  Yet you insist that you’re just calculating it a different way to arrive at the same result.  But Gene, 24 inches will never be equal to 8 inches, so you need to rethink it.


    Ed:  Good seeing you back Mike. I try to
    keep posts small so people will read them

    Hey Ed, so have you been following this thread?  If not, why not?  And if so, have you learned anything yet to make you at least question some of the things we’ve been told?


    miia:  here’s a video I want to watch later

    Yeah, Celebrate Truth is Robbie Davidson’s channel.  He’s the guy who organized the first international flat earth convention that was held in Raleigh N.C. last year.  The one this year is coming up in Denver, Co.  And they just had the UK one last week.  Flat earth is growing in leaps and bounds, and there are millions of us out there.  And you must consider:  Did millions of otherwise rational people just up and decide one day that they would enjoy being laughed at and called “flattard” and worse names by everyone in their lives?  Or did they think it was nonsense until they actually looked into it, and then made a rational decision that the observational evidence supports a flat, stationary earth?

    There are so many news articles these days written by people wondering what the heck is going on… why the big surge in flat earthers?  It’s because everyone who looks into it trying to disprove it ends up becoming a flat earther.


    Ed: Hi Mike,

    Funny how when you looked into my research objectively,
    YOU found that “God’s” was in the AKJV Bible 26 times:

    Same as the Gematria value of “God” in English and “YHVH” in Hebrew.

    I don’t remember that, but there are a lot of flat earthers who use gematria to determine all kinds of things.  You might like Crrow777 or martyleeds33.  I used to be subscribed to Crow’s channel, but the numbers are just too much for me.  It’s like they’re talking about some cat named Frank, and it’s pointed out that he died in 1913 or whatever.  And there goes Crow, off on a tangent about how him dying in 1913 somehow plays into some occultist plan or something.  🙂  And when the numbers don’t add up to what they want, they switch systems to make them add up.  Watch a Marty Leeds video, and see how many times he changes the gematria system he’s using so the numbers make the point he wants them to make.

    Do I believe Satan uses numerology?  Yep.  Do I believe we can just pick and choose words and numbering systems to make a phrase add up to some hidden meaning?  Nope.


    D4T:  That’s funny Mike, I just attempted to link to this video, which I really liked, but the iPad had a glitch and the post was lost. But you came and saved the day! Well done on the vid! I even went and watched the full length video and a pretty bad attempt from a debunker. That wasn’t very convincing to say the least. It really just confirmed some of the facts! Oh well, people gotta do what they’re gonna do.


    Keep ’em coming!

    That’s the plan, bro!  🙂  I saw where you posted a few of the 200 proofs by Eric Dubay.  I think I’d like to go through the best of them one at a time here, and see if anyone has a response to any of them.  But miia said she was going to read it, and I hope she does, since you sending that to me is what got me looking into flat earth in the first place.


    T8:  But but but, what about the sun. It is so bright that surely with a telescope you should be able to track it beyond the horizon and to the otherside of its orbit around the disc right? … From New Zealand you should be able to see the sun from Alaska right? Why don’t FEs try that out and prove it to themselves?

    How bright, exactly, is the sun?  You’re imagining a nuclear furnace a million times bigger than the earth, 93 million miles away.  We’re imagining a small heat lamp a few hundred miles up in the sky… not too far above the clouds.  And as with the clouds, the combination of perspective, air particulates and distance would prohibit us from seeing the sun on the other side of the disk.

    Hey T8, I can sense that your mind is reeling, trying to come up with valid reasons that the earth must be the ball we’ve been told.  But why not stop for a minute and consider the things we’ve already shown you?  For example, can we see that mountain 163 miles away in that last video I posted?  Yes.  Would we be able to see it if the earth was a ball 25,000 miles in circumference?  No way.

    So instead of offering us a bunch of experiments we can do, why not actually comment on the ones we’ve already done and showed you?  I mean, “Well, the math could be wrong” is not a very good argument for why we clearly see things that should be hidden behind earth’s curvature.  The math is every bit as correct as pi.  If you think there is a chance the value of pi could be something other than 3.14, let’s hear about it.  But if you’re convinced 3.14 is the value of pi, then it is the same exact thing with the 8 inches per mile squared.  Pi will work every time for determining the area or circumference of a circle.  Likewise, the Pythagorean Theorem will work every time for determining the drop of the circumference of any given circle.

    I guess I’m waiting to hear you say, “You know what, Mike?  You’re right that according to a ball 25,000 miles in circumference, there’s no way we should be able to see object X – yet we clearly can see it.  There’s definitely something to this.”


    T8:  Mike, I am going to chalk one up for the Spherical Earth with this one simply because the same phenomena is observed in both poles, while the Flat Earth has one North Pole and no South Pole, thus two completely different places and yet the same phenomena. In other words, the Globe Earth has a simple answer, while the Flat Earth needs a complicated one.

    In the flat earth model, the south pole is the entire circumference.  That this kind of magnetic quality exists is verified by the existence of ring magnets (like in speakers), which also have a north pole at their center, with the south pole being the entire outer ring.  In the flat earth model, we don’t discount electric and magnetic activity as causes of many phenomena we witness.  And remember that anyone on the flat earth looking south is looking towards the outer ring.  So you looking south and seeing the auroras doesn’t mean it’s a ball.  It just means the auroras are south (towards the outer circumference) from where you are.

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