Christians remaining silent

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 25 2012,01:21)

    Quote (TimothyVI @ Aug. 24 2012,21:55)
    That is just silly seekingtruth.

    Pointing out that someone is continually lying does not make the person pointing it out a liar. Pointing out that someone continuallly uses platitudes is not a platitude in itself.


    Hi Tim,

    Are you suggesting a platitude is a lie?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    Agreed. Just by the findings of the genetics God has become such. The word God and DNA should be compatiable at this time in life, now what some have wailed against for so long i.e. genetics, evloution are now saying it explains everything now because some great teaching has come about that combines creation and evolution to be the same.

    Bound to come sometime, the he begot he, and he begot he, too bad these ones did not have a Jewish scholar teaching them.

    Platitude is for the religious sect, especially for those that repeat the same prayer over and over.

    I am most assured all the gods are happy at this point and time because they have humanity at each other throats. Surely if one was to believe in God of sort they would be knowledgable enough to know when a real one showed up, not the play toy Gods man has made.

    God has become a material object to most that believe it seems more the platitude is now……….THE BIBLE SAYS…………now what individual with wisdom and knowledge is not going to question some things. How can an individual completely with their whole heart take what the bible says is all true, amazing to me.  

    The words used by those that proclaim God Jesus or the most popular Jesus God, is now even to the such point that there is no pause comma or capitalization that can seperate the two, so is life all language will change a bit as do religions.

    Each speak of platitude when in all fairness, platitude does not exsist anymore. The culture change, the technology society in general has taken what was once considered platitude and has made it a common.

    And people work on your communication skills. Re read Tims post. Most are on such a defense and ready to pounce on another like prey they don't take the time to pay mind to what another is saying, and the post was brief that is what is even more terrifying.



    Agreed. Just by the findings of the genetics God has become such. The word God and DNA should be compatiable at this time in life, now what some have wailed against for so long i.e. genetics, evloution are now saying it explains everything now because some great teaching has come about that combines creation and evolution to be the same

    but DNA is only the beginning of the discovery not the end

    Ed J

    Quote (TimothyVI @ Aug. 25 2012,07:58)

    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 25 2012,01:21)

    Quote (TimothyVI @ Aug. 24 2012,21:55)
    That is just silly seekingtruth.

    Pointing out that someone is continually lying does not make the person pointing it out a liar. Pointing out that someone continuallly uses platitudes is not a platitude in itself.


    Hi Tim,

    Are you suggesting a platitude is a lie?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Sorry Tim,

    I guess I misunderstood your original post. :(

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi Ed,
    No harm.
    You asked and I answered. :)



    Quote (seekingtruth @ Aug. 25 2012,01:20)
    Where was my “platitude” in the above discussion?

    “Governing” the animal kingdom.

    Sounds impressive.

    Can't actually mean anything, can it?



    Quote (seekingtruth @ Aug. 25 2012,03:37)

    Quote (TimothyVI @ Aug. 24 2012,18:55)
    Pointing out that someone continuallly uses platitudes is not a platitude in itself.

    It can be if it becomes an expected (tired, stale) response.


    From the Holy Wikipedia on platitude: “A platitude is a trite, meaningless, biased, or prosaic statement, often presented as if it were significant and original.”

    As Tim has pointed out, it's not trite or meaningless to identify platitudes, and there was no intent to make it sound particularly profound, significant or original. Indeed I am far from the first person to point out that christians use platitudes in just about every phrase, and we could argue about the significance of their identification.

    It seems more and more to me that religions like christianity are memes, a set of ideas and behaviours that are transmitted from person to person within a culture. The method of infection seems to be to exploit the strengths and weaknesses of the human brain, for example our pattern-seeking behaviour, our poor grasp of probability and our “sense of the numinous”.

    The means of transmission is the use of platitudes in language. “You must receive the Holy Spirit” might be one example. Sounds impressive, but what does it actually mean? When I ask what a holy spirit is I am usually told I won't be able to understand until I “Receive Christ”. When I ask what receiving christ means, I am told that it is the holy spirit living through Jesus. I am warned that I risk some prize of “Eternal live”. When I ask how anyone could possibly understand or make that promise I am told in some manner or another that I am asking too many questions…

    …at which point I think there is a thing known as “Dusting off one's shoes”. Those who are not susceptible to meme transfer by platitude are brushed aside.

    I understand the same thing happens with Nigerian internet scams. The poor spelling is intentional: it puts off people who are intelligent enough to spot the scam so the scammers don't waste time on those who will be “difficult”.

    If you can tell me what these words actually mean, then they might not be platitudes anymore: eternal, god, christ, infinite being, holy spirit, sin or salvation: but I think these are examples of the meaningless language that transmits the christian meme.

    If you can't communicate their meaning to me then I think I have made my case reasonably well. After all, it's not as if there is any unambiguous evidence for anyone's god claims. Religions like christianity are memes (or memeplexes – groups of memes that work together) transmitted by specialist platitudes working on the vulnerable human mind.



    A platitude is a trite, meaningless, biased, or prosaic statement, often presented as if it were significant and original

    When a platitude is repeated does the definition change then?

    Are you suggesting Stuart that you feel left out and discourage because you cannot either understand religion or cannot feel religion? I don't understand what the fuss is about.

    If the subject intrigues you then give it a try. You have had more then enough  people explaining it to you that most assured you can find a starting point.

    It never hurts to explore an area that you do not understand in life.

    Let me know how it goes if you choose to do such.

    Take care Stuart.



    not yet ???


    Quote (princess @ Sep. 23 2012,13:29)

    A platitude is a trite, meaningless, biased, or prosaic statement, often presented as if it were significant and original

    When a platitude is repeated does the definition change then?

    Are you suggesting Stuart that you feel left out and discourage because you cannot either understand religion or cannot feel religion? I don't understand what the fuss is about.

    If the subject intrigues you then give it a try. You have had more then enough  people explaining it to you that most assured you can find a starting point.

    It never hurts to explore an area that you do not understand in life.

    Let me know how it goes if you choose to do such.

    Take care Stuart.

    You've stumbled upon the point without saying it outright. I have indeed had plenty of discussion with christians on topics that include the christians' use of these terms like christ and salvation, and yet still I have no idea what any of them actually mean. Wouldn't you think a half-intelligent person could have developed a semantic sense of all that by now? I promise you that I haven't. My direct questions about this have been almost universally evaded, and the genuine attempts to explain end in me watching a tongue-tied and frustrated christian fail entirely to make any of it actually make sense.

    You might suggest I am just being mindlessly contrarian and refusing to acknowledge the obvious. You would have to take my word that despite all that discussion I still have absolutely no clue what is meant by the words I listed.

    So, given the effort I have made to understand the world of the christian, and having been very careful to avoid misrepresenting the views of any christian, I am concluding that actually christians don't really know what the words mean either.

    It seems clearer and clearer to me that christianity like many other cults is a meme (a cultural idea or set of ideas transmitted from person to person) that is highly contagious and well adapted to exploit the known weaknesses of the human brain. The means of transmission is the platitude.

    You might have noticed a tendency in some people to go along with a group conversation and pick up the words being used and the apparent context for each, then pretend to use the words as if they know what they are talking about. It seems to me that is exactly how christianity is transmitted.

    So, what exactly might you be suggesting I “try” next? Should I leave my critical faculty at the door next time? Should I suspend my requests for properly compiled explanations? Is this a religion satisfied with not telling people anything of substance at all? It certainly looks that way to me.



    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 13 2012,05:39)

    Quote (princess @ Sep. 23 2012,13:29)

    A platitude is a trite, meaningless, biased, or prosaic statement, often presented as if it were significant and original

    When a platitude is repeated does the definition change then?

    Are you suggesting Stuart that you feel left out and discourage because you cannot either understand religion or cannot feel religion? I don't understand what the fuss is about.

    If the subject intrigues you then give it a try. You have had more then enough  people explaining it to you that most assured you can find a starting point.

    It never hurts to explore an area that you do not understand in life.

    Let me know how it goes if you choose to do such.

    Take care Stuart.

    You've stumbled upon the point without saying it outright.  I have indeed had plenty of discussion with christians on topics that include the christians' use of these terms like christ and salvation, and yet still I have no idea what any of them actually mean.  Wouldn't you think a half-intelligent person could have developed a semantic sense of all that by now?  I promise you that I haven't.  My direct questions about this have been almost universally evaded, and the genuine attempts to explain end in me watching a tongue-tied and frustrated christian fail entirely to make any of it actually make sense.

    You might suggest I am just being mindlessly contrarian and refusing to acknowledge the obvious.  You would have to take my word that despite all that discussion I still have absolutely no clue what is meant by the words I listed.

    So, given the effort I have made to understand the world of the christian, and having been very careful to avoid misrepresenting the views of any christian, I am concluding that actually christians don't really know what the words mean either.

    It seems clearer and clearer to me that christianity like many other cults is a meme (a cultural idea or set of ideas transmitted from person to person) that is highly contagious and well adapted to exploit the known weaknesses of the human brain.  The means of transmission is the platitude.

    You might have noticed a tendency in some people to go along with a group conversation and pick up the words being used and the apparent context for each, then pretend to use the words as if they know what they are talking about.  It seems to me that is exactly how christianity is transmitted.  

    So, what exactly might you be suggesting I “try” next?  Should I leave my critical faculty at the door next time?  Should I suspend my requests for properly compiled explanations?  Is this a religion satisfied with not telling people anything of substance at all?  It certainly looks that way to me.



    So, what exactly might you be suggesting I “try” next? Should I leave my critical faculty at the door next time? Should I suspend my requests for properly compiled explanations? Is this a religion satisfied with not telling people anything of substance at all? It certainly looks that way to me.


    stu,this is a question and so right ,that I really give you respect for it ,so i will try to give you what I know of the true process of God;

    it is not religion that brings you to God ,it is the message that they preach ,but they preach it for their own interest ,

    this does not matter,the message would be the same if it would be said from a real friendly person,

    so what is more important to you or should ,is what that message does to your heart and soul,if your inside says this is true or does it say this is not true ,or it is just garbage,

    if you can answer those question ;then you would know were you are standing right now with God not with men or religion

    (the message being creation ,his son,saved from our sin ,hope in everlasting live)

    in any case your answer does not belong to me or any man,but to God ,because he his the savior ,if you believe it or not ,only your actions will be different from the true believer,

    your critical mind could be useful in many ways but it would serve you better if you use it to the service of your creator ,



    A genuine inquirer though does have the right to observe.

    If they are observing… and if what they are seeing is far from what they understand the message to be, then is it any wonder if they walk away disgusted or completely perplexed?

    If Christitinity only represented a small group, and that small group had a wonderment to it, and a truth which people could not deny as to creation; to miracles; and to life, then… there is the light.

    But then you see, more and more people would join them, and before you know it… so would all of the hypocrates.

    (Thus you have modern christianity today)

    Hope that is making sense.


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 13 2012,13:18)

    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 13 2012,05:39)

    Quote (princess @ Sep. 23 2012,13:29)

    A platitude is a trite, meaningless, biased, or prosaic statement, often presented as if it were significant and original

    When a platitude is repeated does the definition change then?

    Are you suggesting Stuart that you feel left out and discourage because you cannot either understand religion or cannot feel religion? I don't understand what the fuss is about.

    If the subject intrigues you then give it a try. You have had more then enough  people explaining it to you that most assured you can find a starting point.

    It never hurts to explore an area that you do not understand in life.

    Let me know how it goes if you choose to do such.

    Take care Stuart.

    You've stumbled upon the point without saying it outright.  I have indeed had plenty of discussion with christians on topics that include the christians' use of these terms like christ and salvation, and yet still I have no idea what any of them actually mean.  Wouldn't you think a half-intelligent person could have developed a semantic sense of all that by now?  I promise you that I haven't.  My direct questions about this have been almost universally evaded, and the genuine attempts to explain end in me watching a tongue-tied and frustrated christian fail entirely to make any of it actually make sense.

    You might suggest I am just being mindlessly contrarian and refusing to acknowledge the obvious.  You would have to take my word that despite all that discussion I still have absolutely no clue what is meant by the words I listed.

    So, given the effort I have made to understand the world of the christian, and having been very careful to avoid misrepresenting the views of any christian, I am concluding that actually christians don't really know what the words mean either.

    It seems clearer and clearer to me that christianity like many other cults is a meme (a cultural idea or set of ideas transmitted from person to person) that is highly contagious and well adapted to exploit the known weaknesses of the human brain.  The means of transmission is the platitude.

    You might have noticed a tendency in some people to go along with a group conversation and pick up the words being used and the apparent context for each, then pretend to use the words as if they know what they are talking about.  It seems to me that is exactly how christianity is transmitted.  

    So, what exactly might you be suggesting I “try” next?  Should I leave my critical faculty at the door next time?  Should I suspend my requests for properly compiled explanations?  Is this a religion satisfied with not telling people anything of substance at all?  It certainly looks that way to me.



    So, what exactly might you be suggesting I “try” next?  Should I leave my critical faculty at the door next time?  Should I suspend my requests for properly compiled explanations?  Is this a religion satisfied with not telling people anything of substance at all?  It certainly looks that way to me.


    stu,this is a question and so right ,that I really give you respect for it ,so i will try to give you what I know of the true process of God;

    it is not religion that brings you to God ,it is the message that they preach ,but they preach it for their own interest ,

    this does not matter,the message would be the same if it would be said from a real friendly person,

    so what is more important to you or should ,is what that message does to your heart and soul,if your inside says this is true or does it say this is not true ,or it is just garbage,

    if you can answer those question ;then you would know were you are standing right now with God not with men or religion

    (the message being creation ,his son,saved from our sin ,hope in everlasting live)

    in any case your answer does not belong to me or any man,but to God ,because he his the savior ,if you believe it or not ,only your actions will be different from the true believer,

    your critical mind could be useful in many ways but it would serve you better if you use it to the service of your creator ,


    My “heart” says that accepting a human sacrifice as a way to rid myself of my wrongdoing is an abomination. It also tells me that believing nonsense like virgin birth and walking again after being sacrificed is a denial of the achievements of my species that have allowed me to be able to think of such things in the first place.

    And, in fact, I also know that the heart isn't a seat of understanding. It is in my brain that these things are considered, including the emotional aspects of the thinking that you call the “heart”.

    To hope for everlasting life is to hope to abandon the meaning a final death gives to a life. It is also a pitiful example of wishful thinking. I'd rather think on things that are probably true, not things I just wish were true, and as I implied, I don't even wish an everlasting life was true. I hope it isn't, for your sake.

    You've got to be so careful what you wish for. Have you really thought about it in detail?



    Quote (2besee @ Oct. 13 2012,17:36)
    A genuine inquirer though does have the right to observe.

    If they are observing… and if what they are seeing is far from what they understand the message to be, then is it any wonder if they walk away disgusted or completely perplexed?

    If Christitinity only represented a small group, and that small group had a wonderment to it, and a truth which people could not deny as to creation; to miracles; and to life, then… there is the light.

    But then you see, more and more people would join them, and before you know it… so would all of the hypocrates.

    (Thus you have modern christianity today)

    Hope that is making sense.

    But this “truth” is easily denied on the grounds that it is so obviously ridiculous.

    That might be a reason that some have left it. But not all members of our African ape species can see how vulnerable their minds are to the seduction of believing nonsense.



    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 14 2012,06:05)

    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 13 2012,13:18)

    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 13 2012,05:39)

    Quote (princess @ Sep. 23 2012,13:29)

    A platitude is a trite, meaningless, biased, or prosaic statement, often presented as if it were significant and original

    When a platitude is repeated does the definition change then?

    Are you suggesting Stuart that you feel left out and discourage because you cannot either understand religion or cannot feel religion? I don't understand what the fuss is about.

    If the subject intrigues you then give it a try. You have had more then enough  people explaining it to you that most assured you can find a starting point.

    It never hurts to explore an area that you do not understand in life.

    Let me know how it goes if you choose to do such.

    Take care Stuart.

    You've stumbled upon the point without saying it outright.  I have indeed had plenty of discussion with christians on topics that include the christians' use of these terms like christ and salvation, and yet still I have no idea what any of them actually mean.  Wouldn't you think a half-intelligent person could have developed a semantic sense of all that by now?  I promise you that I haven't.  My direct questions about this have been almost universally evaded, and the genuine attempts to explain end in me watching a tongue-tied and frustrated christian fail entirely to make any of it actually make sense.

    You might suggest I am just being mindlessly contrarian and refusing to acknowledge the obvious.  You would have to take my word that despite all that discussion I still have absolutely no clue what is meant by the words I listed.

    So, given the effort I have made to understand the world of the christian, and having been very careful to avoid misrepresenting the views of any christian, I am concluding that actually christians don't really know what the words mean either.

    It seems clearer and clearer to me that christianity like many other cults is a meme (a cultural idea or set of ideas transmitted from person to person) that is highly contagious and well adapted to exploit the known weaknesses of the human brain.  The means of transmission is the platitude.

    You might have noticed a tendency in some people to go along with a group conversation and pick up the words being used and the apparent context for each, then pretend to use the words as if they know what they are talking about.  It seems to me that is exactly how christianity is transmitted.  

    So, what exactly might you be suggesting I “try” next?  Should I leave my critical faculty at the door next time?  Should I suspend my requests for properly compiled explanations?  Is this a religion satisfied with not telling people anything of substance at all?  It certainly looks that way to me.



    So, what exactly might you be suggesting I “try” next?  Should I leave my critical faculty at the door next time?  Should I suspend my requests for properly compiled explanations?  Is this a religion satisfied with not telling people anything of substance at all?  It certainly looks that way to me.


    stu,this is a question and so right ,that I really give you respect for it ,so i will try to give you what I know of the true process of God;

    it is not religion that brings you to God ,it is the message that they preach ,but they preach it for their own interest ,

    this does not matter,the message would be the same if it would be said from a real friendly person,

    so what is more important to you or should ,is what that message does to your heart and soul,if your inside says this is true or does it say this is not true ,or it is just garbage,

    if you can answer those question ;then you would know were you are standing right now with God not with men or religion

    (the message being creation ,his son,saved from our sin ,hope in everlasting live)

    in any case your answer does not belong to me or any man,but to God ,because he his the savior ,if you believe it or not ,only your actions will be different from the true believer,

    your critical mind could be useful in many ways but it would serve you better if you use it to the service of your creator ,


    My “heart” says that accepting a human sacrifice as a way to rid myself of my wrongdoing is an abomination.  It also tells me that believing nonsense like virgin birth and walking again after being sacrificed is a denial of the achievements of my species that have allowed me to be able to think of such things in the first place.

    And, in fact, I also know that the heart isn't a seat of understanding.  It is in my brain that these things are considered, including the emotional aspects of the thinking that you call the “heart”.

    To hope for everlasting life is to hope to abandon the meaning a final death gives to a life.  It is also a pitiful example of wishful thinking.  I'd rather think on things that are probably true, not things I just wish were true, and as I implied, I don't even wish an everlasting life was true.  I hope it isn't, for your sake.

    You've got to be so careful what you wish for.  Have you really thought about it in detail?



    Have you really thought about it in detail?

    YES I did for a long time ,but to me when I was small ,I have looked to the sky and saw all those stars and planet I was amazed later in school they showed me pictures of all they knew that was there ,I found it even more amazing ,and found myself very humbled by it ,later when I start to read the bible ,I start to understand that all things just do not appear like by magic ,this was to big and to amazing to fully understand ,and that a intelligence has to be behind it ,if not then there would be no way that men will ever be able to understand it WHO CAN UNDERSTAND KAYOS ??? no one

    this is well known to scientist ,and so this has shown me the way to God my creator and creator of all things ,
    and their reasons to be .

    what the mind can understand is one thing what the heart can understand is an
    other.this is not rocket science.but true


    It is ironic that you say, “I start to understand that all things just do not appear like by magic” and then conclude that God made them by magic.



    Quote (TimothyVI @ Oct. 14 2012,08:20)
    It is ironic that you say, “I start to understand that all things just do not appear like by magic” and then conclude that God made them by magic.



    were did I ever said that God made all thing as per MAGIC,???

    this would against my own believe ,see what it says;

    Pr 8:22 “The LORD brought me forth as the first of his works,
    before his deeds of old;
    Pr 8:23 I was appointed from eternity,
    from the beginning, before the world began.
    Pr 8:24 When there were no oceans, I was given birth,
    when there were no springs abounding with water;
    Pr 8:25 before the mountains were settled in place,
    before the hills, I was given birth,
    Pr 8:26 before he made the earth or its fields
    or any of the dust of the world.
    Pr 8:27 I was there when he set the heavens in place,
    when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep,
    Pr 8:28 when he established the clouds above
    and fixed securely the fountains of the deep,
    Pr 8:29 when he gave the sea its boundary
    so the waters would not overstep his command,
    and when he marked out the foundations of the earth.
    Pr 8:30 Then I was the craftsman at his side.
    I was filled with delight day after day,
    rejoicing always in his presence,
    Pr 8:31 rejoicing in his whole world
    and delighting in mankind.

    Pr 8:32 “Now then, my sons, listen to me;
    blessed are those who keep my ways.
    Pr 8:33 Listen to my instruction and be wise;
    do not ignore it.
    Pr 8:34 Blessed is the man who listens to me,
    watching daily at my doors,
    waiting at my doorway.
    Pr 8:35 For whoever finds me finds life
    and receives favor from the LORD.
    Pr 8:36 But whoever fails to find me harms himself;
    all who hate me love death.”

    this is talking about Christ ;but let see what it says ;

    in creation God plan and make things in a orderly way,

    like the establishment of the foundation of the earth,then what next and next and so on ….NO MAGIC THERE


    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 14 2012,01:12)
    But this “truth” is easily denied on the grounds that it is so obviously ridiculous.

    What is so “Obviously Ridiculous”??


    Quote (2besee @ Oct. 15 2012,19:55)

    Quote (Stu @ Oct. 14 2012,01:12)
    But this “truth” is easily denied on the grounds that it is so obviously ridiculous.

    What is so “Obviously Ridiculous”??

    Give me five central tenets of christianity, as you understand it.



    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 14 2012,03:40)

    Quote (TimothyVI @ Oct. 14 2012,08:20)
    It is ironic that you say, “I start to understand that all things just do not appear like by magic” and then conclude that God made them by magic.



    were did I ever said that God made all thing as per MAGIC,???

    In your previous post you gave us this:

    …later when I start to read the bible ,I start to understand that all things just do not appear like by magic

    So how do things appear then? Where is your explanation for the appearance of things?

    this was to big and to amazing to fully understand ,and that a intelligence has to be behind it

    So now your understanding somehow stops, and you interpret your amazement as evidence that something is impossible, and that there is some intelligence involved. Why is amazement evidence that something is impossible? What is your explanation for what the intelligence is, and what it actually did?

    if not then there would be no way that men will ever be able to understand it WHO CAN UNDERSTAND KAYOS ??? no one

    OK, so not even an intelligence can understand it?

    this is well known to scientist ,and so this has shown me the way to God my creator and creator of all things ,
    and their reasons to be .

    So now there ARE intelligent people that can understand it?

    It looks to me like Tim's use of the word magic is completely appropriate. You either do or don't think scientists understand this, but you don't and no one can. And you seem to think the use of a three-letter word saves you from having to come up with an alternative explanation. “God” isn't an explanation for anything. It's a placefiller for actually knowing something.

    what the mind can understand is one thing what the heart can understand is another.this is not rocket science.but true

    It's drunken ranting, in my opinion.


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