Does Hell last forever?

Hell Fire

Q: Does Hell last forever?

A: Whether they believe it or not, most people think Hell is a place of eternal punishment where sinners are thrown into a fire that never ceases to burn. Thus the wicked suffer excruciating pain for all eternity. But is this really what the Bible teaches? Would a loving God make people suffer eternally for sins they committed in their 100, 60, 40 years of life? Certainly the Bible states that hell is real, but hell is not what most believers and unbelievers have been led to believe. In this writing we are going to look at scriptures that dispel this idea of hell and show what it really is.

Is Hell eternal?

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  • #792823

    Hi Andrew,

    Indeed many are waiting in their graves for the voice of the Son of God to raise them from sleep.

    They will sit and sup with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob  at the wedding feast of the Lamb.


    Hi Andrew,


    No God was at work to will and to do in those faithful servants.


    So just where are Abraham,Issac,Jacob,Enoch,Moses and Elijah now? in what way are they alive? how was it that Moses and Elijah met Christ on the mount of transfiguration if they weren’t alive spiritually?


    Hi Andrew,

    When Jesus returns he will rule ON EARTH for 1000 years [Rev20]

    with his faithful and productive servants ruling and judging with him[lk19].


    To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord says St.Paul in Philippians.This he says realizing he will die  before the physical resurrection which he once thought might happen in his lifetime.


    So where are those Hebrew saints?if they are just dust and ashes then how did they appear and talk to Christ? was it just a hallucination?


    Nick,you can’t answer these questions so you interject with a different subject like a fleshly millenium? good answer!


    amen Andrew. fleshly millennium exactly. not much different to what we have today!


    Nick are you one of those fundamentalists who say 60% of the bible applies to the millenium? wow what a good dodge to leave everything unexplained while at the same time claiming to know it all.


    Hi Andrew,

    We are already seated with Christ Jesus in the heavenlies. [col3.1f]


    The men of old appeared with Jesus on the mountain awakened from their slumber.

    Abraham rejoiced to see the day of Jesus Christ.


    But nothing in scripture says they were in heaven at any time.



    Hi Andrew,

    Fleshly millenium?

    The saints will be garbed from above in heavenly bodies – alike to the angels.


    Hi Andrew,

    God is the God of the living.

    All those blessed with the eternal living Spirit of God cannot ‘die’.


    Some standing with Jesus were in this category when he mentioned it


    So we are already even now seated with Christ in the heavens? so surely we will still be there upon our deaths as St.Paul expected and Jesus prayed we would so we could see his glory.

    If those blessed with the eternal spirit cannot die,then as Paul says they will be clothed with immortality upon death.



    Hi Andre,

    It speaks of the unity we have in the Spirit of Christ.

    We share in that Spirit with the Father and the Son.


    Those alive in the Spirit sleep at death.

    They are clothed when they awake at his return.


    But St.Paul says in an emphatic sense in 2 Cor 5:8 that we are confident and willing rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

    Paul expected to be with Jesus upon his absence from his physical body which is a house not made with physical hands but is eternal in the heavens with God.


    Hi Andrew,

    There is no doubt that Jesus is in heaven.

    When we die time ceases for us as we sleep in the earth [1 thess 4 13f]

    The next thing we will be aware of is being raised in a new body and taken up to be with the lord in the air.[1cor 15]


    So Paul anticipates that moment



    Hi Andrew,

    Mt 16.28

    “Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom”


    This is speaking of life in the eternal Spirit.


    Hi Andrew,

    Paul the tentmaker speaks of his body as a house or a tent.

    Likewise the new house is the new body.


    Hi Andrew,

    At the end of revelation there is a new heavens and a new earth.

    God comes down to the new earth and tabernacles with men on earth.[rev 21]


    The myth of life in heaven for mankind is a very popular one.


    Oh sure I know this myth is popular since I grew up with it,but this myth is taught in the bible too.

    And you say Matt 16:28 is speaking of life in the eternal spirit,but taken literally is saying those people to whom Jesus was speaking would not die before the physical kingdom would come.You stand things on their head and twist them to make them fit whatever you want.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Admin.
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