The Flat Earth Experience

An eternal circle’s circumference is a straight line. So a really big circle looks like a straight line too. While the Earth looks flat from our perspective, it is written that knowledge shall increase and we now know that the universe God created displays his eternal nature and is held together and works because of his laws. Read more

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  • #938639
    Danny Dabbs


    Hi Mike,

    Before I finally go, (this time it’s really final),
    I want to thank you for all your efforts in this thread.
    It’s a shame that Pretender wants to silence you.
    This guy simply can’t stand the truth. Period.
    He calls me a dishonest low IQ person but he is the one who believes
    in this foolishness:


    Anyway, God bless you and your loved ones.

    Your Brother in Christ Jesus, Danny.


    Nice picture you leave us with dabbs. It says a thousand words. Lol.

    And I like the way you said I was a Freemason based on my avatar. Lol.

    A world class detective you are. Lol.

    Anyway, the easiest way to silence a person is to delete their posts and topics. But Mike’s posts are not being removed. His early stuff was pretty good

    It is not about silencing anyone, rather it’s about keeping the integrity of the website and not turning this platform into a flat earth platform. It is really suppose to be about God  Jesus, heaven, salvation etc. In other worlds, the Kingdom of God. Not flat earth, hollow earth, aliens, moon landings, etc.

    There is a clause in the rules about flooding a forum. This is when forums get hijacked by a particular view and posted over and over. People have been banned in the past for that.

    Besides the topic has been discussed to death and most if not all points debunked and we know Mike will never stop despite the proof and evidence given him.

    If you are wondering what this is about, the Admin has told Mike that he is likely to have his posting rights removed.



    I never said it did.  So now tell us what a gyro DOES do on an airplane. (Hint:  Does it let the pilot know when he is flying LEVEL?)


    Danny: Hi Mike,

    Before I finally go, (this time it’s really final),
    I want to thank you for all your efforts in this thread.
    It’s a shame that Pretender wants to silence you.
    This guy simply can’t stand the truth. Period.
    He calls me a dishonest low IQ person but he is the one who believes
    in this foolishness:

    Anyway, God bless you and your loved ones.

    Your Brother in Christ Jesus, Danny.

    Thanks Danny!

    In Pretender’s warped mind, a person thinking for themselves about some very silly and irrational things we’ve grown up believing simply because they were told to us is a low IQ person… while a person who is able to Google: “A flat earther said this… How do I answer him?” and then copy and paste an answer that he can’t even come close to understanding – let alone verifying – is a high IQ person. 😵🤣

    But I’m done with him too.  I didn’t have anything to do with him for two years because of his dishonesty, and only engaged with him again when he began to flat out LIE about the Bible.

    Of course, he was too much of a coward to actually DISCUSS these Biblical matters like an honest man (just like when I walked away from his nonsense 2 years ago), and it seems clear to me that he will never change.

    I will never speak to him again.

    I pray that God bring you and yours blessing after blessing, brother.  Take care.


    while a person who is able to Google: “A flat earther said this… How do I answer him?” and then copy and paste an answer that he can’t even come close to understanding – let alone verifying – is a high IQ person

    But I’m done with him too.  I didn’t have anything to do with him for two years because of his dishonesty, and only engaged with him again when he began to flat out LIE about the Bible.

    What dishonesty? Was this before you pulled the flat earth, lizard blinking, cold moon light conspiracy theory here?

    Are you talking about how I made changes the website by moving it to a new platform to future proof it for mobile? I remember you griping about that and also when I displayed some ads on the website to try and cover hosting costs. The old platform was good, but only for desktops and I knew the future was mobile. Yes, the new platform had some growth pains when I implemented it, but they were ironed out and time has proven that I made a good choice. Besides, just because I didn’t consult you about that, doesn’t make me dishonest.

    Honestly Mike, you are a timewaster and one of the most delusional people I have ever seen on the internet. You waste the time that God gives to others and yourself. I don’t ever remember being dishonest with you or anyone here. I just wish you were honest with yourself. You have been given the proof and evidence, but you prefer to believe the lies and ignore the truth. How could you do that if you have the Spirit of God?

    As for the accusation that I simply just googled everything. Well yes, I googled a lot. It is called research and Google is a good tool to find information. But I crafted that information myself and also drew upon what I already knew. But I guess all that time I put into this was not enough for you because you have a huge sense of entitlement. Between my timely crafted posts, I sent you ready made memes that while cheap on time, made really good points. So I think you also need to work on this sense of entitlement that you have because I was just being efficient.

    Do you think you can just publish your BS for free over other people’s hard work and then get offended when you are asked to leave. That is level one entitlement dude. Perhaps you are the male version of a Karen? Lol.

    My advice to you is repent and find out what God wants you to do. That is if you have any truth left in your heart.

    All the best for your future, but may I remind you that repentance means you will not incur the cost of sin to God.

    For now, I’ll give you a chance to reply to this before Admin pulls the plug.


    I never said it did.  So now tell us what a gyro DOES do on an airplane. (Hint:  Does it let the pilot know when he is flying LEVEL?)

    You do not understand how aircrafts fly. You think that it should fly out into space if the earth was a globe. Lol.

    There is plenty of information that could help you. But I guess you think they were all written by shapeshifters and cannot be trusted. Lolx2.


    Mike…..NO IT DOSENT., THE ALTIMETER DOES, the “Altimeter”  gives the pilot the distance he is above sea level.  It has nothing  to do with the Gyroscope. A gryoscope is used for stability of a plane and boats also, it has nothing to do with seting the  the hight or directing of any thing , it just mai tains it after it is set, by resisting changes. The altimeter is used to set the hight a plane is flying at , and is expressed in feet above sea level.

    Simple as that. IF YOU SET YOUR DRONE TO FLY AT 10 FEET ABOVE THE EARTH IT WILL FOLLOW THAT HIGHT ALL AROND THIS GLOBE WE CALL EARTH  AND MAINTAIN THAT EXACT LEVEL YOU SET IT AT ALSO.  Something that is below it the setting it will fly over , something that is above  it , it will crash into, unless you readjust it to another higher level, just the simple. If you set it to fly “tangent” to the earth it will eventually fly off this earth into space.

    Sorry Mike your,  BS, drawing of a drone dosent work, much like your “FLAT EARTH” BS. 

    Peace and love to you and yours Mike……….gene




    If we are moving so fast, why is the North Star pretty much stationary?

    I don’t think this question was addressed, perhaps not even asked. But here is the answer. I was meant to post this some weeks back.


    Here’s some memes I never got around to posting




    That wraps up the show I hope.

    Timely, as America heads back to the moon, (around the moon this time).

    A new blue marble shot




    Mike:  I never said it did.  So now tell us what a gyro DOES do on an airplane.

    (Hint:  Does it let the pilot know when he is flying LEVEL?)



    Gene, take a look at who wrote this answer.  Commercial airline pilot, right?

    Screenshot (487)


    Gene, please tell us what that gyro-controlled instrument called the Attitude Indicator actually DOES for the pilot.

    (Hint:  Does it let the pilot know when he is flying LEVEL?)


    I’m curious as to what this site will be like if Pretender bans me for using the Bible to expose his lies and cowardice.  According to the past few months, if I’m gone, a typical day here will consist of…

    1.  Berean posts an inspirational daily devotion.

    2.  I Saw It On TV will spit some poison at Berean about SDA.

    3.  Pretender will join in with some disrespectful juvenile tripe like, “Yeah Gene, SDA people sure are stupid, aren’t they?” 

    And that’s it!  That’s what virtually every day will look like here.  🤣

    And what if Berean decides it’s not worth it anymore to post some spiritually inspiring stuff each day when he knows there will only be two knuckleheads reading it and immediately pissing all over him?

    Then what?  Will Pretender and I Saw It On TV take turns posting nonsensical memes on my thread, patting each other on the back as they do for the “superior intellect” it took them to copy and paste some drivel that they don’t even understand?  😅

    Yeah… Pretender can prove himself a coward by banning the guy who’s been kicking his butt with scriptures for the past year if he wants to.  I’m never talking to him again anyway.  Jodi and I have already agreed to finish our discussion via email – which is no different since we’re the only two people reading it here anyway.

    So Gene, you know the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for?”   You’ve pushed to have me banned, and when it happens this entire site will end up being just you and Pretender blowing smoke up each other’s asses.

    And all for what, Gene?  Because you were too much of a scared little girl to simply have a reasonable, HONEST, and respectable discussion about BIBLICAL things like the raqia?

    Great job, buddy. 😎


    Gene, please tell us what that gyro-controlled instrument called the Attitude Indicator actually DOES for the pilot.

    More time wasting I see.

    Your point about flying into space on a globe if you set the altitude is ridiculous. Altitude is that from the ground directly outward on any part of the globe.

    This platform will be better when you are gone Mike.

    Time is the gift that we have and you are squandering it and trying to squander other people’s gift too with your BS.


    Final rebuke to Mike

    Let me reply to your last post Mike.

    You are a BS artist Mike. A timewaster. A deluded teacher who deludes others. That is the fruit we can all see plain as day.

    You ignore truth and peddle lies and ignore scripture when it is given to you.

    For example, Genesis 1:2 onward assumes that heaven and earth is created. But you magically make it that only the earth is created at Genesis 1:2 and not the heavens or heaven.

    The sooner you can accept that scripture is true, then you will stop your false accusations about me supposedly ignoring scriptures because it is you doing that. You should have just accepted my argument whether you believed it or not, because it doesn’t have any contradiction. But no, you kept asking unrelated questions that ignored my answer and then accused me of avoiding your questions. Your questions missed the mark because you ignored my answers whereby such questions were irrelevant. Such as asking me about the creation of the sun on day whatever. I explained to you what I believe that was saying. But you kept asking because you kept ignoring my answers and you kept time wasting.

    Also, speaking of the sun, you failed to bring back the sun after it appeared too far on the flat earth to see, despite having camera equipment that can bring a small boat back from being too far. This alone would have rang alarm bells for any normal person, but not you because truth was not your main aim here.

    Further, you also just ignore how fast your sun has to travel on your flat pizza world and all the memes I posted, you ignore 95% of them because they clearly debunked you and you ignored all the errors in distances on a flat earth compared to reality, especially the ones in the Southern Hemisphere.

    You simply ignore truth because truth doesn’t matter to you Mike. But Heaven Net is a platform designed to test all things to find truth.

    Then your BS accusation about Berean, also completely misses the mark. I am critical of all denominations and cults that claim to be the true and only church or claim to be the source of truth. Not just SDA. Even denominations I use to belong to myself. Sorry, but I rightly criticise such and challenge people who are cult members to connect with God themselves, think for themselves, and accept the truth of scripture and reality when it is presented to them despite what their organisation might dictate to them. When they do not, I rightly know that I am dealing with a person in a cult like yourself Mike and I will speak to them as a person who needs the Spirit of God, not as a person who loves the truth and gets their answers from God. That will often involve rebuke and correction as you have found out.

    All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,  so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

    I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.


    To whom it may concern, the following are Biblical FACTS…

    1. The word “earth” (erets) in the Bible ALWAYS refers ONLY to dry land. And the EARTH was created on Day 3, when God said, “Let dry land appear…”  There was no earth until that day.

    2. Heaven didn’t exist until Day 2. There didn’t exist any such thing as heaven until that day.

    3.  Heaven is one thing, and the stars that fill it are another thing. And the stars were not created until Day 4.  There did not exist any such thing as the sun, the moon, or the stars until that day.

    4.  There is only ONE raqia. The sun, moon and stars are IN it, and there are waters ABOVE it – and therefore above the sun, moon, and stars that are IN it.

    5. God-inspired Biblical facts don’t care about feelings, intellectual shortcomings, or personal worldview preferences.

    The world IS as God and His inspired writers told us it is. End of story.


    I am glad that you got to post a summary of your view.

    But I am also glad that I can challenge this view and have done so comprehensively in this discussion.

    Maybe you just did not have the understanding or reason to see why your view was not only stone age, but not supported by scripture.

    I wish you the best going forward and pray and hope that you allow God to continue any good work he has started in you.

    It’s actually a liberating feeling knowing that I don’t have to bang my head against a brick wall for a while at least. Lol. Let’s see if another extreme conspiracy theorist takes up the vacuum you will obviously leave here. I really hope not. That would be disappointing. Even if the forum becomes more low key, I am happy. Quality not quantity. Gold and silver, not straw.


    Perclaimer……..well put,  enough is enough , Mike is not a truth seeker, he could careless for truth, and the only people he influences  here are , are people like Berean, and Danny, which i believe are novices reguarding the faith.  Look how Jodi, produces scripture after scripture after scripture ,showing him and that all he can do is to ignore and devert subject matter, which only fustrates her,  because she has to contiually repost what she already has posted .

    The saying is so true , “you can’t catch a rabbit in a bier patch”   Mike is simply a waste of time here and is brining this site down. I REALLY BELIEVE God the Father will not bring People here to listen to his,  BS,  time to “prune the vine”.  You have been more then patient brother. 

    Peace and love to you and yours…………gene


    1. The word “earth” (erets) in the Bible ALWAYS refers ONLY to dry land. And the EARTH was created on Day 3, when God said, “Let dry land appear…”  There was no earth until that day.

    It was me that pointed out to you that earth doesn’t always mean the whole planet because it often refers to earth as land as opposed to water or sea. Further, the earth was without form and was void, but God’s Spirit was hovering over the waters. This was before land appeared. So a watery planet in Genesis 1:1 and the heavens.

    A simple deduction from Genesis that anyone can plainly see.


    In accordance with v.1 of Genesis and Exodus 20:11
    I believe that God created the heavens and the earth and EVERYTHING IN THEM IN SIX DAYS AND THIS IS DONE WITH ORDER AND LOGIC


    2- God separates the WATERS and created the SKY THEN the EARTH IS DRAWN FROM THE WATERS BELOW…..
    v.9 and let the dry land appear:
    2 Peter 3:5 ….and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

    3-God causes the earth to produce greenery and fruit trees….

    4-God created the lights and placed them in the sky (raqyia)

    5- God creates animals that live in water and winged birds.

    6- God creates man and woman.

    7 God finished on the seventh day his work which he had made: and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

    God blessed the seventh day, and he sanctified it, because on that day he rested from all his work which he had created by doing it.

    Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
    [9] Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
    [10] But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
    [11] For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.



    To all

    Mike will not be able to continue his interventions on the thread because he has been banned from the site.
    May God keep you true to the Word of God.

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