A message from a physicist and a message from a flat earther


I am a physicist and it comes naturally to me that all planets are spheres mainly because of gravity.

The gravity of a planet is directly proportional to the planet’s mass and inversely proportional to the planet’s radius.

Gravity can be calculated 6.67*10^-11(planet mass/planet radius^2).

This also means that, according to Newton, the earth’s rotation does not have a particularly large effect on gravity.

The sun has the greatest gravitational force in our solar system, approx. 247N/kg or 247 m/s^2, which means that if you fall one meter on the sun, you will hit the “ground” with a speed of 247 m/s. Similarly, 1 kg on the Sun will be 247N, while on Earth 1 kg will only be 9.81N.

We have formulas to calculate the curvature of the earth, and these are very accurate.

Why do some people think the earth is flat? When all scientific findings indicate that all planets are spheres?
All scientific sources on the shape of the plates are available to anyone. Flat earth documentation is not available, logically enough because it doesn’t exist. As a physicist, I must be able to explain observations and natural phenomena through mathematics and scientific models. This is exactly what makes physics so exciting!

A model must be able to explain all phenomena and observations, you can do that on a sphere. On a flat earth it is not possible, so above all one does not use false values.

The globe rotates 360 degrees/24 hours. Our solar system is moving at 600,000m/s towards the center of the Milky Way where there is a gigantic hole with an enormous gravitational force. Since the acceleration is constant, we do not  notice any of this, so Newton’s second law is fulfilled.

If, on the other hand, the earth’s rotation increased or decreased, we would notice it because Newton’s second law will no longer be fulfilled.

I love my subject and am happy to answer questions, but do not respond to sarcasm.

– Physicist

Flat Earther

The earth is flat because I rolled a marble on a table and it disappeared bottom up. Although when I moved my head up a little to be level with the table, it didn’t do that for some reason.

I brought a small boat back into view that was too small to see, although I can’t bring the sun back for some reason.

The bible teaches the world is flat, although I cannot find one verse that teaches this.

The flat earth map is accurate and explains observation, although it doubles and triples distances in the southern hemisphere for some reason. But the southern hemisphere kind of doesn’t matter.

The globe earth conspiracy means millions are in on the secret, yet not one person has leaked the truth despite the anonymity of Wikileaks etc for some strange reason,

The flat earth is hidden from the populace because it proves that God exists. Although the scientific view proves an eternal God because the cosmos is so finely tuned for our existence, that the odds of it being random are greater than 1 in a number bigger than all the atoms of the universe. Further it does demonstrate the eternal nature of God, but it is just too big to give God the glory if you have a simple mind. The pizza model and dome on top which BTW to keeps the pizza warm and contained makes it easier to see that there is a God, although not a very impressive one.

– Flat Earther

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    Ed:  Hi Mike,

    I have seen a lot of this before, it is compelling. Like
    the airplane flights in the southern hemisphere. And sunspots
    on clouds. And the sun coming at different angles through the clouds

    …and the six mile canal experiment… ect.

    Good man.  FECore just finished a successful 40 Km laser test, and will be posting the video soon.  They’ve already posted 100 pages of scientific gibberish to make it an official peer reviewed type experiment. They’ve dotted all the i’s and crossed all the t’s – just so they don’t have to put up with any crap from detractors.  I’ll post the video here when they finish editing it.




    T8: Just call it a planet and it should go away. It has an inferiority complex.

    That is flippin’ hilarious!  Good one.  😀


    Anthony:  Hi Mike      God is good Mike ,I think you really need to grow up God brings us to full grown sons  you really can’t believe the earth is flat.. Mike I’m not here to debate with you I don’t really thinks God would want me to waste my time with this kind of non scents ,no read proverbs and the book of John God bless you . The Spirit of God will lead you to knowing the earth is round Good luck  bye.

    Gene:  Anthony. …Well put brother.

    Kathi, I’m having a bit of deja vu here.  🙂

    Anthony, condemnation without investigation is the epitome of indoctrination.

    Gene, were you able to figure out that 24 inches is not the same as 8 inches yet?  Or are you still working out the mathematics of it?



    T8, I’ll see your top 10 video, and raise you a much better one that makes minced meat out of yours…

    As for the one point you brought up, nobody has EVER observed something behind a curved object being brought back over the object via refraction, atmospheric lensing, or any other mechanism.  And just so you know, when light refracts, it angles towards the denser medium.  To bring a distant object up over the imaginary curved horizon of the ball earth, the light would have to be bending away from the denser and towards the less dense.  That simply never happens.

    But right now we’re on Eratosthenes.  After you answer the one simple question I asked about his experiment, we’re going to deal with this 8 inches per mile squared formula until you either acknowledge it as the fact every mathematician in the world knows it is, or come up with a legitimate reason to question it – which we will then discuss.  We’re going back to the drawing board, baby.  And we ain’t leaving until we get some closure on these things I’ve presented.  🙂



    miia and D4T, I’ve been reading all your posts, and loving them.  I just haven’t had the time to respond.  But keep them coming.


    I will see your video and raise you another, Mike.

    This one has satisfying answers in it to some of the questions you have asked here.


    Hi all I have had a computer glitch and had to reset (twice). So have been absent most of this week, apologies.



    Can people in the 21st century really think the Earth is a flat disk, and not a sphere? When I see their claims I have to wonder if it’s an elaborate hoax,I was thinking of writing up a definitive post debunking this silliness, but decided I have better things to do, like clipping my toenails. It’s like trying to disprove solipsism; why bother? I don’t see this as being a particularly infectious bit of antiscience,Maybe someday if I’m particularly bored — like say locked in a room with just water, bagels, and an internet-connected computer — I’ll write something up. It would be a fun mental exercise, but not terribly useful against the Flat Earthers. If someone showed them my page, they’d probably just deny the existence of the internet. God bless maybe I’ll understad in the sweet bye and bye…


    Anthony…..right on brother, FE peolpe are those who are ignorant of apsolute established truths, proven over and over for 2000 years, they choose to believe lies, rather then the proven truths, it really is amazing is it not?

    Anyway glad there are some who can acknowledge the truth when they see it here.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene



    Start with doubt and add in fear of deception. A pinch of conspiracy theory and a drop of rebellion. Mix all together with personal observation and self will and half bake it till it does not seem ludicrous any more. Serve it to likeminded friends.



    Nick,,,,,Yea, that is a recipe that causes so many of these wack jobs. Many don’t know the truth when it’s right in front them. They still would rather believe a lie. They simply will not admit, pride of life prevents them from admitting they are dead wrong, i even believe if they were given a space ship ride complete around the earth, they still wouldn’t believe the earth is round. It’s hard for me to believe a person with the Spirit of truth in them could simply sluf off so great amount of evidence, an turn to these conspiracy theorest wacks.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……gene


    Gene, I believe that to a person can have a distorted view of something and still be a spirit filled believer. But I would argue that the believer would be moving forward in truth, not backwards, although we do have to allow for stumbling from time to time. But overall, believers make progress when they are being led by the Spirit. Further, believing the Earth is flat is not a salvation issue, but at worse is deception if it is wrong. It should make us look at ourselves to see where we may be going wrong more so than trying to change another person. That said, if some Christians say that this is a Bible vs Science issue and if these Christians are wrong, then that is a sure way to make people distrust the Bible which could even affect the salvation of some souls.


    but decided I have better things to do, like clipping my toenails.

    Yes that is important. Growing claws gives ammunition for those that believe in Evolution.



    Sorry  T8. Won’t happen again sorry Mike won’t happen again k k Anthony

    • Shouldn’t have done that shouldn’t have got rude and disrespectful, again sorry t8 and Mike and everyone

    Mike:  Are they suggesting that a flower doesn’t actually exist unless someone happens to be looking at it?

    T8:  When you are not observing protons or electrons, they are waves. When you observe, they are particles or real pixels. 

    How do we test that claim scientifically?


    D4T:  But t8, mathematics says that a sphere with a circumference of our earth would curve at 8″ per mile squared.

    Yes it certainly does.  Gene and T8 have questioned this well established formula that every scientist and mathematician in the world accepts – just like they all accept 3.14 as the value of pi.  Gene is standing firm with his own math of 2 feet per mile period – apparently oblivious that his formula can only ever make a constantly decreasing slanted line.  T8 must be coming around, however, because I see he has moved on to the “refraction” argument.

    But this is great, D, because one wouldn’t question the math or appeal to refraction unless that one was coming to terms with the observational evidence that we can indeed see objects that are much farther away than we could if the earth were a ball.  So it seems we are making progress – even if they don’t yet realize it.  It is a lot to swallow all at once… especially after so many years of such heavy indoctrination and constant propaganda.  Baby steps work for me.  🙂


    Mike…it ok to question things, i am not against that, but when there is a hugh overwhelming body of evidence we should lean toward that body of truth, IMO,


    Peace and love to you all and yours. ……gene


    T8:  It isn’t hard t understand that everything on Earth is attracted to the centre of the Earth while a big object like the moon passing close would cause a disturbance or tug a bit harder than when it is further away.

    Wouldn’t that same tug continually pull the moon ever closer, while also disturbing the orbit of the earth around the sun?  If not, why not?  And while we’re at it, your case was more easily made with Copernicus’ circular orbits… but they didn’t match what we actually observe in the sky.  So then came Newton’s elliptical orbits to account for these discrepancies.  But if the earth is orbiting the sun in an ellipsis with a difference of 3.1 million miles depending on the time of year, why does it continue to orbit?  If the gravity of the sun is such that it holds the earth at bay from 91.4 million miles, then when the sun gets to its farthest point away (94.5 million miles), how can the same amount of gravity keep hold of it?  Shouldn’t it just shoot on out into space?

    Conversely, if the gravity of the sun is sufficient for orbit at 94.5 million miles, then when the earth returns to its closest point (91.4 million miles), why wouldn’t the gravity of the sun pull the earth into it?  Or at least start messing with its orbital path?

    See, these are the kinds of things we’re asked to blindly believe – despite them making no sense whatsoever.

    T8:  An elephant has more mass than I do, so when it jumps of a three foot platform, gravity influences it more than if I jumped off that same platform.

    Or, heavier things fall through a less dense medium with more force than lighter things.  Newton’s theory of gravity says that – for some unknown reason – masses attract each other.  There are formulas for figuring out how much gravitational pull there would be for a certain mass at a certain distance from the other mass, but the bottom line is that all objects of mass attract each other via this force.  So what then of helium?  It has mass, but the earth’s gravity has no effect on it.  How can that be?

    Once you start tugging at the loose strings, the entire sweater gets pulled apart.  It is a house of cards, man.  Now to be sure, there will be men using words we can’t understand telling you there is this explanation or that reason – but those unsubstantiated claims are the only thing keeping the house of cards standing.  Well, that and the willingness of gullible people – many of them God-fearing Christians – to believe those things.

    Take the age of the earth, for just one example.  Do you know how many Christians believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old?  At least half, and I’d say an overwhelming majority of them.  Of course that’s not counting the millions who have dropped from the faith because they logically deduced that if the 4.5 billion years was correct, the Bible couldn’t be.  I get the feeling you still believe in those deep ages they pulled out of their butts, like so many Christians who keep trying to force-fit the ever-changing claims of godless men into the scriptures.  But what did God Almighty say about it?

    Exodus 20:9-11

    Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God. On it you shall not do any work… For in six days Jehovah made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and ALL that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day.

    There was no heaven and no earth until day one, when God created them.  A mere 5 days later He created Adam and Eve.  No time for billions of years, big bang, or amoeba-to-man evolution.  I have learned to trust God’s word no matter what the secularists say about this or that – because there exists no greater authority.  And God’s word says that Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still in the sky, and they did just that.  God’s word says that both the earth and the heaven rests on pillars.  God’s word says there exists a firmament separating the waters above from the waters below, and that there are lights running on appointed circuits in this firmament to designate days, months, and seasons.  I believe all those things, because God’s word says them.


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