Man begats man, God begats …?

Is Jesus God himself because he came from the Father and has the same nature?

We know that God’s nature is divine.

For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

We also know that there is only one God and He is the Father. God is a HE, not THEM as the doctrine of the Trinity suggests. Let me explain.

Let’s look at this from a different perspective. Adam was the first man right? But did you know that the word for ‘man’ in Genesis is ‘adam’?

Technically speaking then, Eve is ‘adam’ but not ‘Adam’. It is written that God created man (adam) male and female. This means she is part of mankind, but is not Adam who was the first man. There is only one Adam. Well there are actually two now because Jesus became the new / second / final Adam.

So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

Back to divine nature now. Does having divine nature make you God? The answer is no if you look at the next scripture.

Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

Notice how we who are born from God have his nature, but we are obviously not God and never will be. Jesus said the following:

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent,”

Jesus acknowledges here indirectly that he is not the one true God. But we do know for sure that he is the son of that one true God though. Notice how he said that this truth is eternal life. It seems imperative then that we believe what he says if those words were eternal life. Further he said the following:

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

So if we listen to Jesus, then we believe that he is the son of the one true God and not the one true God himself.


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  • #868401

    Gene, you need to hear what I said. It is the consequences of your doctrine if it were true.

    Thankfully it is not true and I am betting deep down you wouldn’t want those scenarios to be true either.

    Try to think about things Gene rather than being a stubborn mule. Ask God for revelation. Read scriptures. It will change your mind.


    Proclaimer. …..Good advice you should take it, I already have many times proven what I am saying is right,  I realize it is not what “the many” say, about who Jesus was and is,  but it is what “the few” say,  and I am OK with that. 

    Jodi and I are two witiness who have bore witness , to “the truth” here,  it’s not our fault you people are unable to recieve it. Now is it? 

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene


    Danny Dabbs


    Just to respond to your falsehood about John 20:28.
    You said the greek grammatical structure is not referring to only one person. Really?
    In Psalm 35:23 (Septuagint), the same Greek grammatical structure is used as in John 20:28.
    Psalm 35:23 ho theos mou kai ho kurios mou. My God and my Lord.
    John 20:28 ho kurios mou kai ho theos mou. My Lord and my God.
    The Psalmist David says, “Awake, O Lord, and attend to my judgment, even to my cause, my God and my Lord.”
    David was addressing only one person.
    Since the Greek grammatical structure in John 20:28 is the same, Thomas is clearly referring to Jesus as God.
    t8 is wrong. The Bible is right in calling Jesus Christ: Lord and God!
    So t8, do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and God?


    Proclaimer. …..Good advice you should take it, I already have many times proven what I am saying is right, I realize it is not what “the many” say, about who Jesus was and is, but it is what “the few” say, and I am OK with that.

    Your so lucky that your captivated will makes you one of a few people on Earth with the truth.

    No need for the Spirit to lead us. Captivated wills lead all instead apparently And we will all be judged despite it not being anyone’s fault.

    Oh well.



    The Psalmist David says, “Awake, O Lord, and attend to my judgment, even to my cause, my God and my Lord.”
    David was addressing only one person.

    Who was that one person he was addressing?

    Ed J

    What is the Sword of the Spirit then?

    The Word


    What is the sword that comes out of the rider on the white horse’s mouth?



    Out of his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations; he will rule them with an iron rod; and he will tread the winepress of the fiery wrath of Almighty God (Rev. 19:15)

    Danny Dabbs


    David was praying to his God Yahweh!





    Okay. So which person is Yahweh?



    The Word of God (Logos) has the word of God (logos) coming from his mouth?

    The Truth has truth on his lips.

    The Life gives eternal life.

    The Light of the World makes us lights of the world.

    So what is the point.

    Again, it is identity vs nature. Know the difference and all these crazy doctrines about God will disappear.

    Persons are names after attributes they have. It’s common sense really.

    The Word was WITH God in the beginning. God made all things through the Word. God made all things through the Son.

    The Son and the Word of God are the same person. Read Revelations.

    Ed J

    Hi Proclaimer,

    The HolySpirit’s name is “The Word”

    Q. What is the Sword of the Spirit then?

    A. The Word


    What is the sword that comes out of the rider on the white horse’s mouth?

    Please don’t dodge



    Read the first paragraph of my above post. And remove the question mark. I believe the Word of God speaks God’s word.




    And HE    (JESUS CHRIST)

    was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood:

    and his name is called

    The Word of God.




    Proclaimer. ….the word of God “is” THE “SPIRIT” OF GOD. go to the letters Jesus spoke to the seven churches of God in Revelations.  What does it say after Jesus spoke,  “Hear what the “SPIRIT” says unto the Churches.  Because Jesus spoke those  words, does not make him the words spoken? THE SAME THING APPLIES TO WHAT EDJ and I by the way are saying.  JESUS HIMSELF SPEAKS THE WORDS OF GOD TO US,  BUT HE HIMSELF IS NOT THOSE WORDS , GOD THE FATHER WHO IS SPIRIT IS THE SOURCE OF THOSE WORDS. NOT JESUS!  John 1 is not saying Jesus is the word of God, God himself is, and it doesn’t matter who he speaks them through, it’s still God the Fathers word being spoken  and no one else’s?  

    peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene 

    Ed J

    Hi Proclaimer,

    The HolySpirit’s name is “The Word”

    Q. What is the Sword of the Spirit then?

    A. The Word


    What is the sword that comes out of the rider on the white horse’s mouth?

    I believe the Word of God speaks God’s word.

    Then your answer is: “The Word” is the sword
    that comes out of the rider of the white horse’s mouth; correct?

    Danny Dabbs


    Okay. So which person is Yahweh?


    Yahweh is the Father of Jesus Christ!
    I never denied that.


    No excuses Gene and EdJ

    What does it say after Jesus spoke, “Hear what the “SPIRIT” says unto the Churches. Because Jesus spoke those words, does not make him the words spoken? THE SAME THING APPLIES TO WHAT EDJ and I by the way are saying.

    Exactly. Now you are getting it I think.

    He is the Word of God. He speaks the words of God, thus why he is called The Word of God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were created through him.

    He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men.

    And in case you want to switch the person for the attribute (Gene & EdJ), we are also taught that all things were created through the Son of God who is Jesus.

    The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities. All things were created through Him and for Him.

    And in case you want to deny that Jesus Christ was the Son of God that God created all things through then you have this verse as a third witness that puts to bed all your protests.

    yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we exist. And there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we exist.

    Remember this Gene and EdJ,

    He was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him.

    No excuses fellas.


    Proclaimer. …..if Jesus himself was the word of God himself,  he would not tell us to hear what the SPIRIT was saying.  Where do you get the idea that Jesus himself is the Spirit, being mentioned there?  What you are not getting is the Spirit “of God”,  was speaking through the “man” Jesus. just like HE,  (God) spoke through the prophets. The prophets weren’t “themselves” the word of God, but according to your logic they would have had to be, after all they spoke his words to us. 

    AS FAR AS THE REST OF what you said we’ve all been through  that many times before , the word in the GREEK  (dia) carries the meaning of “for the sake of, or reason or purpose of” , anyone with a Strongs or Greek linear dictionary can prove it for themselves. You have just adopted the tritarian translations , to try to prove a “PREEXISTING” CHRISTOLOGY.   You do the same as they do, force texts to say what in fact it does not “specifically” , say so you add thoughts to the texts. 

    Jesus is not God the Fathers words, never was and never will be,  even through he does speak those ““SPRITUAL WORDS OF GOD THE FATHER to us. 

    That is exactly why Jesus said, after he spoke those words to the Churches “hear what “THE SPIRIT SAY” to the Churches.”  It was the “Spirit” ,  of God,  the Father speaking through him, but it was not him nor his “own” words. No more then if God would have said it through any other prophet. It was God’s words and God’s  alone .  God and his words are one and the same thing  , just as you and yours words are.

    The book of Revelations says,  that God the Father gave Jesus those things to tell the churches.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene

    Ed J


    What is the sword that comes out of the rider on the white horse’s mouth?

    I believe the Word of God speaks God’s word.

    Then your answer is: “The Word” is the sword
    that comes out of the rider of the white horse’s mouth; correct?

    “Yes” ?
    “No” ?

    Which is it?


    Proclaimer. …..if Jesus himself was the word of God himself, he would not tell us to hear what the SPIRIT was saying.


    Why would the Word of God himself be the only being that speaks truth. Angels, humans, and God himself speak truth directly to people. It’s there in scripture.

    The Spirit of God leads us and speaks to us. God spoke to humans when he declared his beloved Son. Gabriel spoke to the prophets. Paul, Peter, John, James spoke to Believers.

    All truth comes from God. God himself speaks mostly through his Spirit. Jesus Christ as the Word of God speaks to us. His words are God’s words. We also hear from teachers and prophets who are men. Some men hear from angels.

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