Does 1 John 5:20 call Jesus the true God?

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    Hi ED,
    The books are truth.
    Men who do not fear God might judge Him.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 23 2012,20:33)
    Hi MB,
    Of course God anointed Jesus Of Nazareth.[acts 10.38]
    The Nazarene was anointed not the babe from Bethlehem.

    Scripture (in fact, an angel sent from God) says he was BORN the Christ, Nick.

    Your argument is with that angel – not with me.


    Quote (jammin @ April 23 2012,22:38)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 24 2012,10:10)

    The “christ” could have been Moses OR Jesus.

    And the “lord” could have been Jesus (IF the “christ” was Jesus)OR God.

    paul is referring to his LORD and not MOSES! moses is not his LORD!

    Is “God” his Lord, jammin?

    Read my words again.


    Quote (carmel @ April 23 2012,23:55)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 24 2012,10:20)

    Quote (carmel @ April 23 2012,14:46)
    But Jesus was already anointed,HE WAS BORN ANOINTED

    Hi Charles,

    I agree that Jesus was born an anointed one of God, and “the one who was to come into the world”. (John 11:27)  Since Jesus was THE anointed one who was to come into the world, he is often referred to as THE christ.  And he was THE christ they had been waiting for, but he was NOT the only christ of God.

    One of God's other christs was Cyrus.  And like Jesus, Cyrus was also prophesied about before he walked on the face of the earth:

    Isaiah 44:28
    who says of Cyrus, ‘He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, “Let it be rebuilt,” and of the temple, “Let its foundations be laid.”’

    Isaiah 45:1
    “This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut:

    Isaiah 45:13
    I will raise up Cyrus in my righteousness: I will make all his ways straight. He will rebuild my city and set my exiles free, but not for a price or reward, says the LORD Almighty.”

    Charles, do you see the word I bolded in 45:1?  The Hebrew word is “mashiyach” (messiah) – the SAME EXACT word used of Jesus.

    but he was NOT the only christ of God.

    Mike, Again don't compare the anointed with oil through man with Jesus ALREADY ANOINTED BY GOD HIMSELF THERE'S NO COMPARISON AT ALL.

    I just showed you a christ of God named Cyrus, who was also anointed (chosen) by God before he walked the earth. Show me where Cyrus was ever anointed with OIL, Charles. Yet he was still an anointed one (messiah) of God nonetheless, right?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 25 2012,11:34)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 23 2012,20:33)
    Hi MB,
    Of course God anointed Jesus Of Nazareth.[acts 10.38]
    The Nazarene was anointed not the babe from Bethlehem.

    Scripture (in fact, an angel sent from God) says he was BORN the Christ, Nick.

    Your argument is with that angel – not with me.

    Hi MB,
    So you again make scripture argue with scripture?


    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2012,05:09)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 24 2012,20:35)
    Hi Jammin,
    You cannot follow God.

    i follow GOD that is why i believe that the son is God by nature.
    paul said that, an apostle of Christ.

    Actually Paul said that Jesus was existing in the FORM of God before being made into a human being.

    But, it's your story. Tell it how you want to.


    Quote (carmel @ April 24 2012,10:06)
    You here on heaven net especially MIKE,consider Jesus as an ordinary man.

    Really? :)

    Charles, I fight the Trinitarians with my left hand the the non-preexisters with my right.

    Jesus was the Son of God whom God sent into the world to die as His sacrificial Lamb so that our sins could be atoned for.

    He was NEVER “an ordinary man”, nor is he the God he is the Son of. I teach the scriptural Jesus here, while many try hard to make him higher than is taught, and many others try hard to make him lower than is taught.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 24 2012,18:40)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 25 2012,11:34)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 23 2012,20:33)
    Hi MB,
    Of course God anointed Jesus Of Nazareth.[acts 10.38]
    The Nazarene was anointed not the babe from Bethlehem.

    Scripture (in fact, an angel sent from God) says he was BORN the Christ, Nick.

    Your argument is with that angel – not with me.

    Hi MB,
    So you again make scripture argue with scripture?

    I point out that scripture argues with YOU, Nick.  Not with itself.


    Hi MB,
    Then how do you read Acts 10.38?


    I read it as God pouring out Holy Spirit on Jesus when he was baptized by John.

    Just as God poured out Holy Spirit on Saul AFTER he was already an anointed one of God.

    I understand that Peter could have said “anointed with Holy Spirit and power”, or “received the Holy Spirit and power”, or “God poured out His Holy Spirit and power”, or “God gave him the gift of Holy Spirit and power”.

    Any of these would have conveyed the same meaning, but Peter chose to use the word “anointed”.  It doesn't change the fact that Jesus was already born the Christ, nor does it change the fact that Jesus was anointed many other times according to scriptures.

    It was a poetic way for Peter to say the Spirit came upon Jesus in full at his baptism.  (Of course we know that Jesus and John were both led by Spirit before this time, right?)

    Nick, what do you make of Matthew 2:15?   Wasn't this before Jesus was baptized? How is it that God is already calling him “my Son”?


    Hi MB,
    There is no metion of Jesus being led by the Spirit till after the Jordan.[lk4.1]
    We should not assume.

    John was blessed in the womb.

    The one who BECAME the SON and the CHRIST by the anointing was called out of Egypt.

    God sees past present and future in a different way to logic bound greeks.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 24 2012,19:10)
    The one who BECAME the SON and the CHRIST by the anointing was called out of Egypt.

    :D I should have known.

    So the scripture is wrong, because God didn't REALLY call His Son out of Egypt, but someone who would some day BE His Son? Is that it?

    Nick, was the SON OF GOD ever IN Egypt? Or only the “soon to be” Son of God? Which understanding matches the scriptural words – and which one causes us to change the scriptural words to our liking and to our imagination?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 25 2012,19:10)
    Hi MB,
    There is no metion of Jesus being led by the Spirit till after the Jordan.[lk4.1]
    We should not assume.

    John was blessed in the womb.

    The one who BECAME the SON and the CHRIST by the anointing was called out of Egypt.

    God sees past present and future in a different way to logic bound greeks.


    We should not assume ;are you the one speeling those words ???

    you are the greatest ASSUMER OF SCRIPTURES


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 25 2012,11:36)

    Quote (jammin @ April 23 2012,22:38)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 24 2012,10:10)

    The “christ” could have been Moses OR Jesus.

    And the “lord” could have been Jesus (IF the “christ” was Jesus)OR God.

    paul is referring to his LORD and not MOSES! moses is not his LORD!

    Is “God” his Lord, jammin?

    Read my words again.

    read the cotext boy LOL
    he is talking about CHrist, the son GOD who is God by nature.

    he is LORD.


    Quote (Ed J @ April 25 2012,04:35)

    Quote (jammin @ April 24 2012,22:08)

    you dont know the meaning of nature in phil 2.6

    study first boy LOL:D

    Hi Jammin,

    2:5 τουτο γαρ φρονεισθω εν υμιν ο και εν χριστω ιησου
    2:6 ος εν μορφη θεου υπαρχων ουχ αρπαγμον ηγησατο το ειναι ισα θεω

    (Phil 2:5-6) 2:5 This understanding is in you in Christ Jesus:
    2:6 In the form that God exists, think it not robbery to be considered equal.

                   Kinda backs up what 2Peter 1:4 says, huh?

    “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises:
    that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature,
    having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:4)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    hard headed edj

    the term you “might be” partakers in his divine nature is not the same as being in the form of GOD!

    study hard boy LOL


    Hi Jammin,
    So what he WAS defines who he IS??



    Christ is truly GOD


    Hi Jammin,
    So the WAS is not correct in Jn1?


    it is correct. your interpretation is wrong LOL


    Hi Jammin,
    So what does WAS mean to you?

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