Does 1 John 5:20 call Jesus the true God?

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    Quote (carmel @ April 02 2012,00:20)

    Did you reflect on Jesus words regardng John the baptist,which is a clear indication that John is Michael the Archangel??

    Peace and Love in Jesus


    Hi Charles,

    I have never made any connection between Michael and John while reading scripture.

    What connection have you found?


    Hi MB,
    The Son of God is not his God
    The Sons of God are led by God's Spirit.
    They have been reborn from above through Christ Jesus.
    The reborn sons do not become God by this union but are aligned with him.

    Ed J

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 03 2012,10:11)

    Quote (Ed J @ April 01 2012,20:55)
    Hi Mike,

    What does   “in the form of God”   mean to YOU?

    Hi Ed,

    It means to me that Jesus was existing as a spirit being like his God.

    Hi Mike,

    Do you believe “Angels” also exist “in the form of God” too?    
    …is this specifically what you believe that verse to mean?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Absolutely Ed. Although Paul doesn't say it, I believe it means that Jesus was existing in the form of God AND HIS OTHER SPIRIT SONS.



    Hit me up when you're ready to answer the actual question(s) I asked, okay? Because your last post has nothing to do with what I asked you.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 03 2012,12:53)
    'He who believes in me, does not believe in me but in Him who sent me. He who sees me sees the One who sent me”
    For I did not speak on my own initiative, but the Father Himself Who sent me has given me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak”

    The servant Spirit


    Jn 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.


    Hi T,
    Yes your traditional theology is of darkness.
    Truth can dispel it if you will disobey your masters and open your eyes.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 03 2012,10:12)

    Quote (jammin @ April 02 2012,09:38)
    luke 2.21 is true.

    but your interpretation is wrong

    What about Phil 2:5-7?  Paul says it was JESUS who was in the form of God before being made in human likeness.

    What say you?

    Hi MB,
    Do you mean CHRIST Jesus?
    Please be accurate


    Quote (jammin @ April 02 2012,12:31)
    btw, that is not the topic here. i just answered your question.

    you can continue this in the john 1.1 thread.

    this topic has been answered and it clearly says that Christ is the true GOD!
    the father is called the true GOD
    the son is also called the true GOD



    Point it out.

    Quote the exact actual words.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 03 2012,10:14)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 02 2012,12:53)
    For I did not speak on my own initiative, but the Father Himself Who sent me has given me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak”

    The servant Spirit

    So the spirit of christ is a son of God, Nick?  You say that this spirit was actually God in the beginning.  When and how did what was God become not God anymore, but God's son?

    Hi MB,
    you are confused.The Son of God is an anointed man.
    Sonship is by sharing the Holy Spirit with God.
    That is how God begets his sons.

    The Word was with God and was God.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 03 2012,19:27)
    Hi T,
    Yes your traditional theology is of darkness.
    Truth can dispel it if you will disobey your masters and open your eyes.


    that is not my scripture quote talks about ;it is about LIGHT


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 03 2012,11:06)
    Absolutely Ed.  Although Paul doesn't say it, I believe it means that Jesus was existing in the form of God AND HIS OTHER SPIRIT SONS.

    Hi MB,
    You mean CHRIST Jesus.
    Still stuck in the flesh?


    Quote (david @ April 03 2012,12:31)

    Quote (jammin @ April 02 2012,12:31)
    btw, that is not the topic here. i just answered your question.

    you can continue this in the john 1.1 thread.

    this topic has been answered and it clearly says that Christ is the true GOD!
    the father is called the true GOD
    the son is also called the true GOD



    Point it out.

    Quote the exact actual words.

    are you blind? LOL

    i already posted the verse but you are not accpting it
    1 john 5
    20We know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we know the real God. We are in the one who is real, his Son Jesus Christ. This Jesus Christ is the real God and eternal life.

    you do not accpt the version bec it is not supporting your doctrine.

    make your own version LOL


    Hi Jammin,
    So who is sitting at the Right hand of God?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ April 03 2012,10:12)

    Quote (jammin @ April 02 2012,09:38)
    luke 2.21 is true.

    but your interpretation is wrong

    What about Phil 2:5-7?  Paul says it was JESUS who was in the form of God before being made in human likeness.

    What say you?

    yes it is true.

    bec Jesus is the Christ. but the name JESUS was given to him on the 8th day.


    Yes Jammin,
    The human vessel was named on the 8th day.
    Made one with the Word at the Jordan


    Jammin, I just noticed that you did answer my question. You said:

    “here is your question
    “And we know that the Son of God [Jesus] has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true[?]; and we are in him who is true[?], in his Son Jesus Christ. He [?] is the true God and eternal life.”

    this is my answer

    1.GOD should not put a ? on that part bec it is very clear that it refers to the son.
    it says, we are in him who is true, IN HIS SON JESUS CHRIST

    3. the last part of the sentence refers to JESUS.”

    So, your understanding is this:

    “And we know that the Son of God [JESUS] has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true[GOD]; and we are in him who is true[JESUS], in his Son Jesus Christ. He [JESUS] is the true God and eternal life.”

    The “He” that I underlined (hou′tos′), it does not necessarily refer to the immediately preceding subject (“Jesus Christ”).


    At 2 John 7, the same apostle and penman of the first letter wrote: “Many deceivers have gone forth into the world, persons not confessing Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This [hou′tos′] is the deceiver and the antichrist.”

    Is it referring to Jesus as the deceiver and antichrist, since he was the subject immediately preceding? No.

    Another example:
    “Andrew the brother of Simon Peter was one of the two that heard what John said and followed Jesus. First this one [hou′tos] found his own brother, Simon.” (John 1:40, 41)

    It is evident that “this one” refers, not to the last person mentioned, but to Andrew.

    Another example: At 1 John 2:22, the apostle uses the same pronoun in a similar way.

    So, just because Jesus Christ was the subject immediately preceding “houtos” does not in itself mean that that is what is referred to by 'houtos' (this/he/etc)

    Which is why this IS NOT CONCRETE PROOF of anything. The very writer of this verse used “houtos” several times in that way. Might he be doing the same in this verse? Looking only at this verse, there is no way to know. And hence, this verse, in itself, proves nothing.




    2 john 7 clearly says that it refers to the enemy of christ.

    7 Many false teachers are in the world now. They refuse to say that Jesus Christ came to earth and became a man. Anyone who refuses to accept this fact is a false teacher and the enemy of Christ.

    also in john 1.40-41.
    it refers to andrew and no doubt about it
    John 1:40-41

    40 These men followed Jesus after they had heard about him from John. One of them was Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter. 41 The first thing Andrew did was to go and find his brother Simon. Andrew said to him, “We have found the Messiah.”

    1  john 2.22 refers to the enemy of Christ
    22 So who is the liar? It is the one who says Jesus is not the Messiah. Whoever says that is the enemy of Christ—the one who does not believe in the Father or in his Son.

    now in 1 john 5.20
    the verse talks about the true GOD>
    the father is called the true GOD
    the son is also called the true GOD.

    if the son has the form of GOD, he IS GOD! TRULY GOD!

    they have the same nature.

    you and your father have the same nature, MAN>
    you are truly MAN!

    read your bible well .


    Hi Jammin,
    Indeed Jesus is the Christ.
    But he was born in Bethlehem and named later.

    Do you think this man was in heaven first?


    Christ the son of GOD was with GOD in the beginning.

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