Did Jesus Christ exist before his birth on Earth?

Baby Jesus

It seems that most who call themselves Christian belong to one of two camps. Jesus is either God or a mere created man. This debate has been raging since the days of Athanasius of Alexandria and Arius.

What the does the Bible say? Well it is quite clear on who Jesus is and his origin. Let’s take a look at what is written.

Scripture says the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and when Jesus returns, his name is called ‘The Word of God’.  (John 1 & Revelation 19:13)

It says that God created all things through THE WORD and nothing was created without him. (John 1:3)

It says that the universe was created through THE SON and he is before all things. (Colossians 1:15-17)

It says that all things were created through JESUS CHRIST. (Hebrews 2:9)

This is what the Bible says about Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, the one named: ‘The Word of God’ who was with God in the beginning.

He emptied himself, took upon himself our nature, was obedient to his God and our God, died for our sins as it is written, and is now in the glory he had with the Father before the cosmos.

Jesus is not God in the flesh, rather the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us. He was with God in the beginning. He was the first to be with God.

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    Hi Berean,

    It is the Spirit of anointing that made the man Jesus different to us.

    But by seeking the same anointing, following the instructions of God, given through Peter at Pentecost, we can be useful members of Christs body.

    That is our hope


    Hi Berean,

    So easy to grab a hold of this free gift of God= repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus has fulfilled the requirements of the law for those in him. They inherit eternal life in him.

    they have already passed over from death to life.

    Too easy for some.



    You: “Because his relationship with God the Father is the exact same “way” we must approach and live with the God the Father. He showed us all “HOW” to have the right relationship with the Father, and it is the exact same as his is and was, a complete “Faith” And “LOVE”, Based relationship, even to the point of death if required .

    Me: This still doesn’t explained why I need Jesus if I can go directly to God? Follow Jesus as an example, sure; but, why do I need a middleman to get to God? What changed between the OT and NT?

    Also, it seems you are avoiding Mark 4:12; if you aren’t going to answer my questions, my time is being wasted and time right now is precious. Either answer them or be straight, and tell me you are not going to. This way we can end the conversation and you can continue down your path and I can continue down mine. This will leave you open to arguing about the NT (God’s inspired word) for the next 20 years and get nowhere, just like the last 20. I came here to learn and to give my thoughts, NOT to have someone’s interpretation of their religion beat into me.



    “Judging the son of man for perceived unfairness”

    There is no “perceived unfairness”, I am reading what is written and call it deception. Please tell me how it’s justified to prevent his fellow brothers and sisters from hearing the truth and turning back to God to be forgiven. Please explain the “spirituality” of what Jesus said?

    In the Isaiah passage this is confiscated from, Isaiah was commission to tell the people the truth and it was God who closed their ears and eyes; BUT, Isaiah was to tell them the TRUTH!!!!!! Other prophets in the OT told the people the truth to turn them back to God and it was the people’s choice to either listen or not. Jesus didn’t even give them that option; he said he spoke in parables so they wouldn’t understand, wouldn’t return to God, and wouldn’t be forgiven. This is what you need to explain, because it doesn’t match! Then to hide behind Jesus was simply speaking what God told him IS contradictory to what God did in the OT; did our unchanging God, change?

    What is interesting about this passage is God tells Isaiah the ears and eyes of the people are going to be “closed off” for a period of time. Isa 6:11 “Until the cities lie wasted without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land is ruined and a waste, 12 and Yahweh sends the people far away, and the abandonment is great in the midst of the land. 13 And even if only a tenth part remain, again she will be destroyed like a terebinth or like an oak, which although felled, a tree stump remains in them. The seed of holiness will be her tree stump.” So Jesus using this passage doesn’t make sense because it was meant for the Jewish nation in Isaiah’s time.

    Context matters, right? Not for you, you have your Jesus, so you can ignore what the OT says. Studying for you apparently is an enemy and not a friend. Of course I don’t expect an answer, but have to post it so the world can see you can’t answer questions.


    Hi DT,

    Our God is beholden to no man. He is sovereign.
    What He decrees happens despite the protesting opinions of mere men.

    What about your god?



    Hi DT,

    Then the Lord said to Job;

    “Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty?

    Let him who reproves God answer it”

    then Job answered the Lord and said

    ”Behold I am insignificant ; what can I reply to you?

    I lay my hand on my mouth. Once I have spoken, and I will not answer; even twice,

    and I will add nothing more”

    Job learned to fear God but you bravely , foolishly, question His ways?


    Hi DT,

    “No lie was found in his mouth”

    But you can accuse the Son of God of deception?



    Did I miss your explanation of Mark 4:12? Wait, you didn’t give one…my bad.


    Have another verse that needs an explanation and why I would need the Jesus.

    Isa 55:7 “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”

    So is God saying HE will have mercy on the wicked and unrighteous when they turn from their ways and return to HIM and in doing so HE will “ABUNDANTLY” forgive. Seems I can go directly to God and skip the middleman.



    Hi DT,

    To you has been given the mystery of the kingdom of God.

    The mystery of the kingdom of God is the Holy Spirit which unlocks spiritual mysteries for those who share that blessing.

    Those who do not share the blessing are blind to the message.

    Not fair you say?


    Hi DT,

    “When all the people and the tax collectors heard this they acknowledged God’s justice, having been baptised with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for themselves, not having been baptised by John” Lk7.29

    Folks do not know the deep wisdom of God


    Hi DT,

    You mock the Son of God out of bitter ignorance.

    Is 55 was foretelling to the Jews of the forgiveness available to all in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

    But you have no interest in partaking of this free offer?



    Hi DT,

    Yeshua yet lives!

    The anointed man has been raised back to life.

    The Spirit given him at the Jordan has been continually  shared with people ever since around the globe.

    He yet lives in those people! You have possibly met him.


    Hi DT,

    God knows what scripture means.
    He wrote it by His Spirit in His anointed prophets.

    He never promised that it would meet the standards that men apply to it.

    Get over it.



    You: “You mock the Son of God out of bitter ignorance.”

    Me: Mocking is your term, I’m asking questions, questions to difficult for you to answer so you resort to childish antics.

    You: “Is 55 was foretelling to the Jews of the forgiveness available to all in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.”

    Me: Without any explanation as to why you suppose this, renders your words as here-say and therefore null. It is God who forgives abundantly AND it isn’t through anyone God said HE would forgive, just that HE would when you the individual turn from your sin. Because you have offered zero explanation one can only presume you are speaking of the phrase “Holy one of Israel” in the previous verse and attributing it to Jesus; EXCEPT, the only place “Holy one of Israel” is mentioned is in the OT and is ALWAYS a direct reference to God. So why would this reference be any different in Isaiah, because the conjunction “and” is used?

    Do you see the importance of explaining why you believe what you believe?


    Desire Truth I see what you are saying, and yes it is when a person turned from his wicked ways and turns to God himself, he is forgiven, and I do agree with that statement.  Thinking that Jesus life saves from our sin is false if ties in that way,  But if view in this way it works, that is that Jesus lived in a right ‘way” with God the Father, he was a perfected human being, perfected by the Spirit of the Living God. As I have said before his life did not “PAY” for our sins , but “demonstrated” to us all “HOW” to have a right relationship with God the Father.   No scripture Jesus ever said, says that he himself pays for our sin and iniquities, no he said we must repent of our sins and iniquities and God the would forgives us.  But Jesus did say this, ….all manor of sin shall be forgiven man, except for the sin of “blasphemy ” against the Spirit, that shall not be forgiven man in this life or the life to come”.  

    Jesus also said……..> “No man”, Can come”, to me except the Father draw Him.”

    So if you can’t except Jesus and what he said, then perhaps you simply are not drawn to him buy God the Father.   I am not saying by rejecting Christianity’s “false image ” presented by them of him is wrong . I also reject that.

    peace and love to you and yours Desire Truth……….gene


    Desire Truth I see what you are saying, and yes it is when a person turned from his wicked ways and turns to God himself, he is forgiven, and I do agree with that statement.  Thinking that Jesus life saves from our sin is false if ties in that way,  But if view in this way it works, that is that Jesus lived in a right ‘way” with God the Father, he was a perfected human being, perfected by the Spirit of the Living God. As I have said before his life did not “PAY” for our sins , but “demonstrated” to us all “HOW” to have a right relationship with God the Father.   No scripture Jesus ever said, says that he himself pays for our sin and iniquities, no he said we must repent of our sins and iniquities and God the would forgives us.  But Jesus did say this, ….all manor of sin shall be forgiven man, except for the sin of “blasphemy ” against the Spirit, that shall not be forgiven man in this life or the life to come”.  

    Jesus also said……..> “No man”, Can come”, to me except the Father draw Him.”

    So if you can’t except Jesus and what he said, then perhaps you simply are not drawn to him buy God the Father.   I am not saying by rejecting Christianity’s “false image ” presented by them of him is wrong . I also reject that.

    peace and love to you and yours Desire Truth……….gene


    Why did the angel say to
    The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that 👉 holy thing 👈which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

    Only God is Holy and His Son.
    Be holy as your heavenly Father is holy.


    Good Morning DesireTruth,

    Yes, we read of repentance and God’s forgiveness in the OT unto Israelites. God warned them that He brings blessing to those who obey His laws and cursing to those who do not. We also read of atonement and sin offerings with the sacrifice of a bull or a goat. Blessings yes to those who obeyed and mercy unto those who repent, but not eternal life, God gives that gift through Jesus Christ.

    We are given that sin equals death and that the Spirit is life because of righteousness and that the fruits of the Spirit are in all goodness, righteousness and truth. We are given by Ezekiel that God promised to give man a new heart and put His Spirit within, causing man to walk in all of God’s ways, where therein there would be no more sin and thus no more death. If God promised before the world began eternal life unto man, such would in fact be a promise of His Spirit to the cause of walking in all his ways. Paul teaches that the law served to prove man’s weakness, no man was able to keep the law perfectly, it was a tutor bringing us to believe in Christ and the image of Christ for us to believe in, is one who has God’s Spirit in him to which causes him to obey God’s every command.  Jesus said he could do nothing of himself, same for all of mankind, our righteousness can only come through God’s Spirit living within us. Through Christ we have faith in and praise to God, for we believe that God has  promised us to be made like him.

    That’s all I have time to say right now.



    Hi Berean,

    The promise was made to Mary before the conception of Yeshua.

    The fulfilment of that promise was when the Word was made flesh at the Jordan when the Father said

    ”This is My Son in whom I am well pleased”

    And for us

    “Because you are sons God has sent forth THE SPIRIT OF THE SON into our hearts crying Abba, Father!…”

    Gal 4.6

    look beyond flesh and see the Spirit.

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