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    Sorry I am so late getting back. I have begun to study with the JWs and I find that so much peace is experienced when you can see that every thing taught is supported in the word of GOD. For the last four years I have not been consistently going to any church. Every service I would sit in I would find that so much was wrong it was unbearable. I have pull out my Strongs Concordance and my Hebrew and Greek Lexicon and found no issues that could not be confirmed or assumed from scripture. Most of all I know that they are seeking to please Jehovah God. I have not found this in any other church in the way God says we should seek to please HIM. Not just lipservice but real genuine seeking God's Word. As I said in another place the so called christian churches, that I have experienced have ministries that are more interested in building the membership, the buildings, and their pocketbooks by whatever means possible. I still believe that God's people can be found in various places. Only because I know what God has done for me before I met the JWs but I am wondering more and more if that was because HE was leading me to this peace and right fellowship. I have had so many attacks by the enemy on my life that dont make sense for someone so in to holiness as I am and seeking to know the word of GOD as I have been. I think I have been out of fellowship with GOD as I need to be. I think that you must yield and let God lead you. You have to let go of your preconceived notions that I have found can be more important to us than we know. God was leading me to the JW church before and I could not accept that they believed that Jesus was not God and may be Michael, the Archangel. I have study this extensively now on my own, before I began studying with them. I am studying every criticism that I hear about them. Most are unfounded and the teachings are more biblical than the accusers. I also noticed that people who know nothing of the JWs have an unexplained vehement anger toward them. This continues to amaze me.


    Hi Seeking the Truth
    I agree with you. However, I recently began going to the Jehovah's Witness Church. I am studying with them now. What I know for sure is that you can not make it alone. When we are admonished not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. It is a serious admonishment which we need to heed. Remember the Devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour. Lions look for the sheep (or prey) on the edges of the flock. We need to be closely associated with brethern of like mind. Where ever we may find them. They are indeed sprinkled among the tares. Tares that they trust are as they are. Tares they have trusted, because some are so called pastors, teachers, preachers, fathers, mothers, brothers, and leaders that are well trusted. I trust must be only in God. Christ will return at a time when it will be like the days of Noah and Lot. Only a few, in relationship to the numbers, trusted God, feared Him and obeyed Him. Only a few heeded the warning. Find your brethren and encourage them, in whatever meeting hall that they are in. You cant do your part sitting at home alone. For me, I determined that the JW's were the only group where each member is involved in preaching the gospel. They dont just go to church, shout, PAY THEIR TITHES, and expect the preachers (most interested in increasing their church membership, buildings, and pocket books) to do the good works with THEIR TITHES. Just so they can be blessed financially. And thats the goal today, “Being Blessed Financially”.


    Hello H
    I checked out your church web site. The answers to several questions assumes that God needed evolution to complete the creation of man. How can this, evolution, be taught by a Christian Church? :O


    Nick, can you give me just a few of the dangerously unsound doctrine. I am reading a lot so if you give me some idea which doctrine it will help to me to look closer. Also I am trying to understand the significance of 1914 and I think it is presumptuous to assume that possibly Jesus may have been the Arch Angel Michael. Also they do appear to rationalise and justify what they teach. However, there will be no perfect church but I believe over the years I could see evidence that changes have been made which they have been greatly criticized for instead of praised for realizing that a teaching was wrong and needed to be changed.


    Oxy that is true, through out the bible we see that salvation has never been for the many. “few there be that find it” and “no man can come to me unless the Father that sent me draws him”. We can be drawn by the Lord; but will we surrender our will one will with God's. God does not force us into anything. It was only those that were willing to believe God. With out faith is impossible to please HIM. Those that were not willing and who did not trust (have faith) in the Lord did not see the promised land. Thats the glorious freedom (free will) that we have.


    Thanks David, what you are saying appears to be proved out in observing the churches today. Many of the churches of various names are more social organizations than anything. People who are truly hurting will find no place in those organizations. The mega church is about growth and numbers of members; teaching is geared toward motivational topics to inspire personal acheivement; and the tithe is preached to prosper the church leadership and build more buildings. I understand why most people on this site, if that is so, believe as I do that God has His people everywhere. Jehovah calls us to (2 Cor. 6:15-18) come out of her.. So this would appear to mean that His people is among them. Jehovah's Witnesses do not appear to recognize this. So all of God's people that are coming out of her (false churches) should be sought out by the Witnesses. Prehaps that is what they are doing, trying to get the wheat pulled out safely from among the tares. Well thank you for the help. It more than answers my questions and I have sent my name through the website to have someone from the JW come out and study with me. I have already studied every doctrine and the church thoroughly. Also the fact that so many speak so negatively about the JWs is a reason to believe that they may be right. I have had people vehemently oppose them when I mentioned my study of the JWs and usually what they believe about them is wrong. Just as I believed that they did not believe in Jesus Christ. I confronted two witnesses at my door one time that ask if they could pray with me. It was though God had sent them. I did not know a soul in the church I was going to that I could ask to pray with me. I didnt know what to say. I just told them that I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. They said they did too. I was shocked but I will never forget the pain and hurt I saw in their eyes, I will never forget it. I have had two other incidence which I am coming more and more to understand that God is answering my prayer about placing me in the right church. I agree that we should not forsake assembling ourselves with other believers. I have been a mega church member and there is very little fellowship there. So I have rather not go for the 10 min sermon which takes and hour to file in for and file out afterward.

    However you could answer one more questions. Why do they have to have their own bible translation? I checked every thing from my NKJV bible and original translations to confirm scripture references in the study topics that I found on their site. I found no conflicts in what their bible translation said but this still concerns me. Do you know why they have their own translation?


    Oxy, If that is what God revealed to you then that is a point and rhema word for you in your walk. (As far as my meditating on the past experience) I see from the scriptures a similar event for the children of Israel and the strangers that were with them. God delivered them out of Egypt with a mighty hand. As though he “bore them on eagles wings” and brought them to Himself. The ingathering is where they received the Law and they lived in temporary booths or housing because God's purpose was to bring them into the promised land. They had to become totally dependent upon God during this season. God provided every need and saw that nothing ran out or wore out. This is an experience of dying to self. Surrendering your life and your will to God's Will. (This describes the present experience for each of us) The future is also revealed in the holy days. A time when God people will be kings and priests. Ex. 19:4-6 and I Peter 2:9, but read from vs 4. and Rev. 5:10. Gods purposes have never changed, “A people for Himself”, a people that will be kings and priest and teach all of mankind. That is what Israel would have done, taught all of mankind. God is not a respecter of persons. The Gentiles were grafted in and the same purpose continues. God's purposes will be fulfilled though sin and disobedience may delay the out working.:)


    The FOT or the Feast of Booths, pictures the millennium period. Zech 14:16-19 and it is at this time that all from the nations that came up against Jerusalem that are left will worship the King of Kings and keep the FOT.

    The Holy days that God ordained show the plan of God for mankind. Relating it to the past, present and the future. I believe it is important to know this and understand it because God says that is important. However, as a means to obtained righteousness, a christian should not necessarily try to celebrate the FOT. Rules, laws and days are ways for people to take their focus off of the two commands that sums up all the law, ” To love God with all your mind, heart and soul and your neighbor as yourself.” Keeping days, laws and rules are ways for man to measure the righteousness of others against themselves. I have to preface that by saying I dont believe in keeping the pagan holidays that most observe. I would rather be aware of the feasts of God in their season and meditate on the awesome God that gives us a vision and a hope in everything He ordained.:)


    I was praying and fasting that God would help me understand the teaching on the trinity and reconcile it with what I already knew to be true in my heart which closely matched what the JW's teach. I have been 2 days now studying since I have been temporarily off from work to have a surgery. I had been considering becoming a Jehovah's Witness. Mostly because as I look around I can not find a group that meets that I know will not eventually make me regret being there and hearing the false teaching. I still dont know about the other thing the JW teach. However, I found your website and the article on the trinity and the forum and it was an answer to prayer. I thought I was the only person who felt so strongly about so many deviations from the plain truth. I was wondering why has God made me so– seeing and questioning what prehaps I shouldnt. Then I read T8's forum response. What a blessing. I could have written that myself. The only exception is that I cant stay with any group long because I can not believe the lie when God has so plainly spoke. I resolved to the fact that so many God called had to live a lonely life. I just the gospel, the scriptures, and God's love with everyone who will listen or who seems to need a word. We will know what to do next when the Lord calls because Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, they know me and they follow me.


    I just studied the trinity doctrine in detail. The church today is so much like the woman that rides the beast. I was always dishearted when I would hear a pastor that I thought I trusted preach on the reason the church goes to church on sunday. They would never mention Constantine, or the council of Nicea. It is as if they simply do not know. Recently I heard a minister, who recently passed away, preach that Sunday was instituted at the resurrection of Christ. I am so frustrated because trusted men appear to be satisfied to lie than to just tell the truth. I am not a sabbath keeper, I dont believe that we are under the law. I have studied the word on this conclusively. But I just believe that the truth is the truth. The sabbath was created by God and it has not been done away with, it will be instituted with all the other holy days that picture God's plan. I listened to a very widely known grace teaching minister, I quit because he will preach grace in one breath and preach you back under the tithe law in the next. Is there no faith amoung the ministry? Do these preachers read the bible? Are they purposely deceptive? I am not a theologian, not a trained bible teacher from some seminary but I read the bible and I know what I read is that God the Father is our savior and Jesus Christ is Lord. Jeshua means “Jehovah is salvation” The bible tells me that God's purposes have never changed- He wants a people for Himself, that will be Kings and Priest to the nations. I Peter 2:9; Ex 19:5-6. I have heard ministers shamelessly preach the tithe and tie faithfulness to the tithe to healing, salvation and every benefit that we have freely obtained by the cross (sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his death and his resurrection). I know that the church is the body of Christ and we are hid in Christ from wolves that dont know that they care very little about the body of Christ.

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