• Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    Those aren’t proofs, they’re doctrines and I have thrown out doctrine in favor of scriptural truth. If doctrine cannot be confirmed by scripture, it’s man made in my eyes. Now I asked to find a preexistent Jesus in the old testament, not the new…begin!

    Riddle me this, what is “christianity” truly based on? If you say “love”, before…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    Now find the preexisting Jesus in the old testament…GO!

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Carmel,

    You referenced Isa 43 and say it points to Jesus, the “New Jerusalem”, and the captive human race; this is false. Please read the entire chapter starting in verse 1. What does “anointed one” mean and who is this “anointed one” mentioned? “Anointed one” in Hebrew is “mashiach” and the Greek translates it to “messiah.” So who i…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Carmel,

    This is stunning to me, this is the second time you have sited Isa 9:6; did you read what I wrote about that and how it isn’t a reference to Jesus? If you read the chapter beginning in verse 1, how exactly can you come to the conclusion that it’s reference to Jesus? Better yet start in chapter 7 and read to the end of 9 to put the ent…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Carmel,


    Jesus is superior to the Almighty God!?!?!!? What heresy to you believe?!?!? No wonder you won’t state your faith!


  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Danny,

    When are you planning on answering my question? Everyone demands I answer theirs, but mine are ignored or evaded.

    For giggles let’s say Isa 53 is a reference to Jesus, scripture is suppose to “confirm itself”; what is the confirming verse that states the Messiah was to die for the sins of mankind? We are so confident we are correct,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Proclaimer,

    Did you even read the proceeding chapters beginning in chapter 41? If you haven’t, all you are doing is peddling the lies of the church, cherry picking “truth.” Who’s speaking in verse 1? Then to call me a denier of the Son of God because I say chapter 53 isn’t a reference to Jesus; if Jesus is in 53, he is also in 41(chosen and n…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    Why do you keep avoiding the question?!? You keep repeating Jesus had to died for our sins and Paul states “according to scripture” (written in the old testament); yet I haven’t found the verse that states the Messiah was to die for the sins of mankind. This creates a HUGE problem for “christianity” if the verse doesn’t exist, this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Danny,

    You: Shame on YOU for rejecting Isaiah 53 as a messianic prophecy.

    Me: You’re kidding right!??!? I just about spit my drink all over my screen laughing! I will point you to Page 1207 Post #943444 and read the brief explanation of why I can’t accept Isa 53 as speaking of Jesus. Then I would challenge you to verify it for yourself. Don…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    You’re avoiding the questions by deflecting to Abraham, using his scenario, and relating it to Jesus. This is what the church has been telling people as long as I can remember. The only place this is referenced in the new testament is in Hebrews – a book whose author is unknown, reads similar to a homily, and is highly contentious among…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    Have you found where it states in the old testament the Messiah was to die for our sins? As Paul states this is “according to scripture.” Still haven’t found it…

    Which brings me to another question, when did God ever require a human sacrifice? The pagans did this…oh wait Jesus did this of his own accord, but it’s still a human…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Danny,

    Apparently you cannot answer the question and sounds like you are running away. The question is extremely important; if the source is from God, there can be zero debate over what is being said. Yet, what has been going on for the last 1700 years; arguing over what the “new testament” says, this doesn’t raise any alarms for you? Why does…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Danny,

    Honestly, don’t really care what bible anyone uses, there are issues in all of them; I access at least 60 different ones when I study, including the KJ.  That wasn’t the main point I was speaking on.

    The new testament is God’s “inspired Word”, so there should be ZERO confusion to what is written and should be easily understood by all.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    You seriously need to run from your religion and search for real truth, your faith has been lying to you! The archangel Michael is NOT Jesus, this is a lie! You have yet to provide any real proof to this belief, you have provided zero scriptures that emphatically state this, all you have provided is your religious opinion.

    You site Isa…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    Those two verses are all you have for proof for a “preexisting Jesus”? Not sounding like a solid belief. I won’t rehash Prov 30 as we have been over it and you reject what scripture says in favor of your religious understanding.

    This statement I find humorous,

    You: “The important thing is that we had this more advanced knowledge in du…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    Since you believe Jesus preexisted in heaven (no “new testament” in the first century) and the only verses ever used to support the claim are out of the “new testament”; please site old testament verses that support this claim.

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Danny,

    You haven’t explained why there is no agreement in what the new testament says, why every religion seems to have their own interpretation or understanding and will argue how their understanding is correct and your interpretation is wrong. I would call this confusion and my God is not a God of confusion, he is a God of order.

    You ask i…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Berean,

    Still waiting for what it means to come “down from heaven”; not looking for pointy fingers and more verses. Explain it and make sure you are explaining it from a Hebraic perspective.

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Gene,

    What I have realized when speaking out about the deceptive doctrines of the church, I am (we are) “fighting” over 1700 years of indoctrination. When a lie is told long enough, it becomes truth and is almost impossible to change the longer the lie is allowed. So the change must happen at the individual level. Unfortunately, once you see…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    @ Danny,

    Because I reject Isa 9:6 and Isa 53 as referring to Jesus you make the jump that I don’t believe Jesus is the Messiah?!?!

    Since I can’t get Berean to answer my question of what the verses before and after are talking about in Isa 9:6-7, can you tell me without looking them up? My guess is no; but I bet you can recite those two ver…[Read more]

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