• Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: I don’t celebrate “Easter”…I celebrate the “PASSOVER”, by remembering the sacrifice of the Lamb of God, that he offered up for the forgiveness of our sins. Not that Jesus’ sacrifice itself forgives our sins.

    Me: You do realize what you said is contradictory? Either the “lamb of God” was offered for the forgiveness of sin or it wasn…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    The only thing in my last post that really matters are the last six questions that have been asked.

    What you wrote doesn’t align with what gospels say.

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Happy Easter!

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    To ALL, specifically Gene,

    You: Nowhere in scripture does it say he “rose” on Sunday morning. You force the text to say that by changing the word tense, and leaving out the rest of the sentence.

    Me: REALLY!!! I’m “forcing” this “tense change.” No, I can read! Can you? Everyone of these translations states Jesus “rose” early on the first day of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth

    That test post went thru, but my reply to Gene I receive a message that my response was “a potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site”

    So much for being a place to freely express one’s thoughts. All done! Good luck to all and enjoy your religion.

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Wow! You can’t even defend what you believe! You remind me of a Jehovah’s Witness repeating what you have been told to say and anything beyond that, you’re lost. You can’t explain Isa 53 since all you know are a few verses you have been told mean the Jesus. You cited Ps 22:16, but are unable to explain the context of the chapter. I laugh…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You can explain it away all you want, but the words written are the words written and you cannot change them. Luke claimed the lineage to Jesus came thru David’s son Nathan and not thru David’s son Solomon. That alone throws Luke’s account into the trash because Heli is a descendant of Nathan AND it was God who told David HE was estab…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You quote Ps 22:16 as “proof” to who the “our” is in Isa 53:1 and the “message” no one would believe?!?! That makes zero sense! Or were you just spouting off verses again without explanation?

    How exactly does Isa 53:5 explain the pronoun in verse one?

    You then quote Zech 13:6; recommend you read verses 1-5 to put 6 into perspective…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: “I meant to say was he was resurrected Saturday evening at sunset”

    Me: I’m sorry your statement really ticks me off as you doubled down on the 3:00pm time frame, insisting that is when Jesus was raised up; and you now “meant to say” it was really “at sunset”?!?!?!?? In all the places I have traveled around the world 3:00pm and su…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: “when there were no sons to preserve the inheritance, the husband (son-in-law) would become the son upon marriage to keep up the family name.”

    Me: I haven’t found this verse that says when marrying the daughter of a son less man the man being married becomes the “son” of that man. The only thing I found was when a man only has…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Who do you think the “our” is in verse one and what message are they speaking that is so unbelievable? Who is speaking here? Please don’t stop at one verse, explain them all and what’s happening. Singling out a few verses and saying it’s Jesus is nonsensical and proves nothing but cherry picking, place all the verses in context and expla…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    What an intellectual response to questions asked in post# 946186. You really don’t know how to respond; except with what you have been told to believe and even then your grasping at thin air, you believe something you can’t explain.

    Still need to know who is speaking where in this dialog and what pronouns reference who. Lead me; bri…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Since Jodi’s post is “most excellent” (Bill, Ted is that you?!?!)

    Maybe you can tell me what it means to be “circumcised of the heart” and why in Ezek 44:9 Thus says the Lord Yahweh: “Every foreigner uncircumcised of heart and uncircumcised of flesh shall not come into my sanctuary—not any of the foreigners who are in the midst of the Isr…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    King James Bible

    Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils.

    Let’s analyze this wording, it won’t take much because all you need is a child like level of understanding to comprehend what is written. It says “when Jesus was risen”; when was Jesus r…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Why are you making this so complicated?!!? Because you can’t admit error?

    First, it explicitly says “rose early on the first day” and therefore CANNOT be at 3:00pm on the last day. The Jewish day ends and begins at sunset and traditionally today 6:00pm is used, so early on the first day would would put the time of Jesus’ resurre…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: DT, that pure CHERRY PICKING, also, what about CONTEXT?

    Me: That is a statement of pure desperation! You are utterly clueless on how to respond.

    Are you saying the Jewish people don’t associate their tribal lineage to their paternal side? What does verse 2 say, a child could comprehend it. How many women are listed in Jesus’ lin…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You can say Isa 53 is the “proof” Jesus paid for mankind’s sins and in doing so we have “salvation” all you want; but can you explain what’s happening in the chapter verse by verse? Who is speaking where in Isa 52:13-53:12? Can you explain verse 10 and how it relates to Jesus? “And the Lord wished to crush him, He made him ill; if his s…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    You: Jesus actually rose around 3:00 pm SATURDAY AFTERNOON. He did not raise Sunday morning. That is simply another false modern religious assumption.

    Me: Not really an assumption when Mark 16:9 says “Now when Jesus was risen early the first day of the week” So Mark’s account is another lie I can put down for why the NT is not God’s…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Are you kidding me!! Did Moses ever claim to be the “Son of God”? He was a prophet to the people of Israel. God used Moses to “lead” the people of Israel and was not a conduit for “salvation” (the people were “delivered” out of Egypt, “saved” wouldn’t be the correct word choice); in fact Moses tried to take the sins of the people on hims…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of DesireTruth


    Where do I begin with this butchering of God’s word?

    You have NEVER answered the important question of who is speaking where in Isa 52:13-53:12. Jonah isn’t a prophecy about Jesus; he was a prophet to the city of Nineveh. Jesus only made a correlation to Jonah “as Jonah…so will…for three days and three nights”; except Jesus was cru…[Read more]

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