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  • #303441

    @ speaking truth,

    thanks for the welcome. Question though, how is it that you conclude that DocHoliday is a 'new believer' as opposed to one who has been in the faith for some years but unfortunately has been exposed for the most part to ministry and doctrine that, whilst well-meaning and good intentioned, is flawed and misleading?

    Seekingtruth has given me cause to reflect further on your post and I want to repeat that I do believe your questions are honest and sincere. Would you be willing to share with me further about your journey with the Lord/your personal testimony thus far? It can but need not be in this forum if you prefer a less public place. I believe your email information remains private if you email me directly.
    My submission June 16th response to your questions was intended to be forthright and provocative but I' hopeful that it has been so in an entirely inspiring and helpful manner. God bless you and I look forward to hearing from you.

    Here's a bit more about my own personal journey with the Lord to give you all some better sense of my spiritual journey thus far. I came to saving knowledge in Christ around age 17. I was an active member in a local Pentecostal church for about 15 years over which time I learnt a whole lot about busy-ness 'for' and 'in the name of the Lord' and relatively very little about BEING in the Lord. I'm quite certain that influences a lot of my concern for other disciples of of our Lord; even if not always well expressed, to see them grounded in sound doctrine and BEING/Be-coming Christlike.

    Presently I'm fellowshipping in both a house church setting and a more formal/organized institutional type of gathering with fellow believers. I'm earnestly seeking in either format to simply be a joint of supply of what my years of learning from and loving the Lord have made me. I have every confidence that those with whom I gather will be doing the same for and to me; which is – being joints of supply into my life and spirit of what their years of learning and loving the Lord has made and is making them.

    Indeed what a blessed thing for us all if it is Christ Himself in spirit and in truth that we are generously and lovingly supplying and lavishing upon one another! Oh but what a blight, a curse if we are suppliers of the leaven of the scribes and pharisees. May the Lord Himself preserve us all from such a blighted and blind existence. Such an existence is all too often in evidence today among many professing believers and we do well today to bear in mind our Lord's own words of warning and caution:

    “The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light.

    But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the very light in you [your [r]conscience] is darkened, how dense is that darkness!” (Mathew 6:22-23 The Amplified Bible).

    May the Father give us all an increasingly more accurate and clearer comprehension of Christ Himself in and through who we all become joints of supply to each other of His love, patience, grace and every good gift. :D


    Hi DocHolliday. Your question/s seems honest and sincere enough but misguided. At least you readily admit that much of your views, understanding and comprehension of spiritual realities at present are in your own words “theories” that “run wild in your head”. I would want to encourage you to become an earnest seeker after an inward witness from the Lord Jesus Christ in your heart as to what He wants to reveal to you of Himself as your Light and Life.

    The Truth is a Person: the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, in whom all those He is forming and making into His likeness as His disciples; redeemed ones, born again ones, brethren, are assured of light for their path in this pilgrimage through time into eternal life.

    Knowing God in a loving, living and truly spiritually alive manner is something only the Lord Jesus Christ Himself brings us into. Certainly listening to preaching can be very useful in aiding our coming to know God in this manner. But there is so much preaching today that only amounts to academic, mental, even sensual exercises between the speaker/preacher and the hearers that it is quite sad.

    God is a spirit (John 4: 24) a spiritual Being and We do not come to know the Truth through academic/mental exercises in the first instance nor the last. The people in our lives; family, friends, work mates, etc are not just persons we know of in an academic, theoretical manner. The same goes for God.Until we know Him intimately for ourselves all 'preaching' we listen to is academic. The Holy Spirit is the life-giving and quickening Spirit of Truth who brings/guides believers into all Truth. In reality that means we are brought into more intimate, personal, experimental and experiential knowing of Jesus Christ who is the Truth incarnate/embodied in humanity. If you are prepared and willing to go beyond loving “listening to preaching” and pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Himself He will definitely reveal Himself to you. I can assure you based on the Lord's own promise to all who earnestly seek Him, that you will receive Him all the essential daily Light that you need for your path.

    I'm sorry to have to say this but your questions expose a preoccupation with non-essentials. I pray you will receive this admonition is the spirit of concern and goodwill for your spiritual well-being in which it is truly intended.


    Greetings all. I'm new to this forum and look forward to great Fellowship and mutual edification as we get to know each other a little better.

    I am asking you all to join with me in prayer for a sister-in-law who is also a fellow believer. The doctors recently found cancerous cells related to an infection on her tongue. Its all very serious because she went for examinations just this Wednesday past (June 13th) and they are saying they need to operate immediately (this coming Monday June 18). According to her mom its expected that the surgery to remove the cancerous cells will cover a wider area… throat, nasal passages etc.

    I'm not entirely clear on all the details at this time but trust what I'm sharing here is sufficient to guide your prayers for this sister (Michelle B is her name) and her family. I also welcome your prayer support for my wife Natalie (her sister) and I. As we all face this giant and believe God for its miraculous slaying through the power of His might in Jesus Christ our Lord!! Glory to Our God and Father in Him!

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