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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 11 2011,02:52)This one goes out to Istari:Hey Mike, Georg said “good job.” I think its funny……Peace Irene

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    Pastry replied to the topic in the forum Preexistence 13 years, 2 months ago

    Marty! This is to prove that Jesus didn't exist, before He became a man?Gen 3:20 ¶ And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living. Jesus was a Spirit Being first, and then He became flesh…. like John 1:1-14 shows us. And God created all through Jesus. Jhn 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was…[Read more]

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    Shimmer!  The only Church that called certain men Saints (ST.) is the Catholic Church.  They used to have all kinds of Statues all over the Churches walls…….I would not believe in what He says…..Biography of St. AugustineBiographyWorks By (15)Works About (6) St. Augustine  –  (354-430), Bishop of Hippo and “Doctor of the Church” Accepted by…[Read more]

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    Istari, Istari! All you do is accuse Mike over and over again, yet you give no Scripture to prove why you think God doesn't give it a Body like HE pleases…..Not man…..And I don't think Mike hates Shimmer…..

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    Quote And then to state that you follow no man – but that your husband tells you what you know (You are therefore stating that your husband is NOT A MAN!) is incredibly naive…Isdtari, for your information, after my Husband told me several things it took awhile and then Gods Holy Spirit lets me know….plus he knows a lot of prophecy which He…[Read more]

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    Quote (Istari @ July 09 2011,23:47)Irene,What does 'risen from the dead' or 'raised from the dead' mean to you.What exactly is 'risen' or 'raised' from the dead?Was Lazarus RAISED from the dead?Was the Widows Son raised from the dead?And the Soldier's daughter?For what reason were these miracles performed?And if the Raising of the dead is not…[Read more]

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    Quote (Paladin @ July 09 2011,08:28)Quote (Pastry @ July 07 2011,22:13)Quote (Paladin @ July 07 2011,20:00)Quote (Pastry @ July 07 2011,00:54)Paladin!  You tell me where you said YOU were wrong?As far as when I said I was wrong to Nick, is some time ago, and I am not about to go through all treads to find it….If you don't believe me, God knows,…[Read more]

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    Quote (shimmer @ July 09 2011,23:06)Istari, the only place, that I know of, that teaches what Terrarica and Irene is saying is the Jehovahs Witnesses.  Google: jehovahs witnesses jesus raised in spirit ransomShimmer!  Not only Pierre and Irene says so, but Scriptures do   I have given you this before.1Cr 15:42   So also the resurrection of the…[Read more]

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    Gene! To put us in the same boat then the trinatarians is really uncalled for. You know darn well that we don't believe in the trinity. Your attitude of only having the truth is as false as your understanding of the Scriptures. Many of them, not only one….. Talking about evil work. Who is saying what? It is YOU who are saying we are…[Read more]

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    Quote Irene also says that Jesus was NOT RAISED PHYSICALL (In Body) from the Dead?Istari!And that body went to Heaven and is seated at the right hand of His Father?  Is that what you want me to believe?  Irene

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    Quote (shimmer @ July 08 2011,22:30)Irene, Jesus showed his hands and feet after the ressurection and said  'Look – touch me and see – a spirit does not have flesh and bone like I have” Thats what JESUS said. Irene, youv'e been reading too many books and magazines. Have faith and believe what Jesus said. What you state – that they never…[Read more]

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    Quote ut now you have started down the road of inventing ideas that are not found in Scriptures.Irene, you MUST HAVE KNOWN you were doing that when you did it.I invented nothing. I gave Scriptures and reasons why Christs body had to stay dead. You do not understand the ransom. Period……Your post is all accusation against Mike and me. You…[Read more]

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    Shimmer! No that is not what I meant, that Jesus manifested Himself as a Spiritual Body. To show them that it was Jesus, He manifest Himself as A Human being in flesh and blood, just as the 3 Angels when they came down from heaven, and Abraham prepared them food and drink, which they did eat.But He did not go to Heaven to be seated at the right…[Read more]

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    Tim! The Law was not nailed to the cross. What was is the animal sacrifice. Jesus is our perfect Sacrifice. We are under the New Covenant.Luk 22:20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup the new covenant in my blood, which is shed for you. And then Jesus gave us the great commandment inMat 22:36 Master, which the great…[Read more]

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    Istari and Gene! Question? Can flesh and blood enter the Kingdom of God? Scripture states it cannot. The body Jesus was raised in was a Spiritual body according to 1Cr 15:42 So also the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 1Cr 15:43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 07 2011,14:44)Quote (Pastry @ July 06 2011,15:16)When Paul speaks of a spiritual body, he means a material yet incorruptible and immortal body adapted to the heavenly clime, and this is in contrast to the natural body, which refers to the corruptible and mortal body that is adapted to the earthly clime.Instead, the obvious…[Read more]

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    Quote (Istari @ July 07 2011,18:46)The writer CLEARLY states that the resurrected body, the SPIRITUAL BODY, is in regard to that of the resurrected body of Jesus.Yet you happily (Ignorantly) point out that Jesus is a Spirit.Well, Mike, Jesus WAS NOT RESURRECTED as a Spirit – was he?Mike, what was Jesus resurrected as?And can that which was…[Read more]

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    Quote (Paladin @ July 07 2011,20:00)Quote (Pastry @ July 07 2011,00:54)Paladin!  You tell me where you said YOU were wrong?Now, Irene, plese explain so I can understand it, why you think ignorance is better than knowledge, and blind faith better than faith based upon knowledge.Paladin! I didn't say that ignorance is better then knowledge. What…[Read more]

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    Quote (Paladin @ July 07 2011,08:11)Quote (Pastry @ July 07 2011,05:58)Quote Is that the new standard on this board Irene?Paladin!  There is no new standard.  I am not concerned about the Greek either.  I don't care what you think any Scripture means in the Greek.  I go by what the Bible says, Period……It was good enough before you came.  We…[Read more]

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    The above article compares it to Christ's resurrected body. Now we do know that Christ at the present is seated at the right hand of the Father. In order to be there, He has to be a Spirit Being. Because flesh and body cannot inherit the Kingdom of God….1Cr 15:50 ¶ Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of…[Read more]

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