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    Ah Mikeybolls,What trash are you dragging up now…The Does not qualify anything you said. They are opinions from others.You did a poll – what did it achieve – nothing except that more people voted than take part – strange – why do they not participate?EDJ says you give a weird definition of 'Body'. Why?Why is your definition of body different…[Read more]

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    What is a SPIRITUAL PERSON?Is it an Angel?Can anyone name a SPIRITUAL PERSON from Scriptures?What does it mean to be SPIRITUAL?Is there such a thing as a NATURAL BODY – What IS a NATURAL BODY?Was Jesus' body a NATURAL BODY when he died?What type of Body did God raise Jesus up into?Jesus' Spirit (….) was dormant in heaven with God as are all who…[Read more]

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    EDJ,This thread IS irrelevant but there is a principle involved…What has happened is that it has exposed the depth to which some seemingly SPIRITUAL persons will go to defend wrongful thoughts IN FULL KNOWLEDGE of that wrongfulness.Mikeboll KNOWS that he is being deceptive but is using his new found ability to cheat and lie over Scriptures to…[Read more]

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    Hmmm… 'Body' is 'SHAPE'…?Mikeboll in a Police station doing an identity parade:Mike, What was the SHAPE of the robber?'Umm… He had two eyes, nose, flesh, Skin and hair and was wearing a donkey jacket'No, no, what Shape was he?'I just said… I don't know what other shape you mean – oh, he was in a Fit Shape like he'd been working out… Is…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ July 01 2011,03:48)Quote (mikeboll64 @ June 30 2011,17:28)Quote (Ed J @ June 29 2011,17:11)Hi Mike,Now that I know you define “body” as the “SHAPE” of an entity (and not physicality), I can support your efforts. :)Your brother in Christ, Jesus!Ed J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.org:)Mike it took edj 300 pages to…[Read more]

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    Mikeboll,Have you ever thought of making Standup Comedy your Profession?It seems you can take any situation and turn it into a joke!The points you summarise are so overblown as to be unbelievable.The points are a summarised list from DIFFERING VIEWS.You cannot conclude from a 'pick-n-mix' of views otherwise you do the exact same that I spoke of…[Read more]

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    Csaliba,Are you telling me that a Spirit does NOT have a body?Are you saying that 'Spiritual Body' DOESN'T mean 'A Body of Spirit' nor 'A Spirit Body'?So, Csaliba, – We know Jesus had a BODY when he ASCENDED into the Cloud – And we know that a BODY can't enter Heaven – So how did Jesus become a SPIRIT in Heaven – So what happened to the BODY he…

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    Can someone check out the reasoning of 'Raised a Spiritual Body' from this link:http://bible.cc/1_corinthians/15-44.htmI think Mikeboll and Terrarica and Irene might be interested also.Any comments on the various writers explanation would be helpful.

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    Kerwin,If you are only a student in Scriptures then Revelation is hardly a book you should be discussing…Even seasoned philosophers cannot bearly understand it.The symbolism needs to be understood.The whole history of the Jewish nation needs to be understood.The spiritual matters and structure of the forces of Powers in the heavenly places needs…[Read more]

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    What does the word 'Manifest' mean?

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    Has anyone asked Mike to explain his nonsense – end to end…?Mike normally just posts bitty bitty so that no one notices that each bitty bit doesn't match the other bitty bits.You know, like putting a toy train track together with the wrong pieces… Yes, if you only look at one small section at a time – that parts fits… Mike quickly breaks up…[Read more]

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    Mike says that the Body that Jesus was raised up in 'BECAME A SPIRIT BODY' just before Jesus entered Heaven.Oh, hold up… But the SPIRIT of Jesus had to have been put back into the FLESH AND BONE BODY THAT WAS RAISED UP ….before Jesus ascended … But none the less is there something we missed…?Yes… The Spirit of Jesus … Is PUT INTO THE…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Gene,Sorry but you are wrong about Mike's belief.There are two reasons for THIS GREAT ERROR of hisssss.1) Mike refuses to acknowledge being BEATEN so he will keep flailing around creating distorted ideas that he hopes will 'hit home' – he has more chance of finding another alien inhabited planet in the Universe… Mike is FRIGHTENED to give in…[Read more]

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    EDJ and Mike,Which one of you has seen an Angel in Heaven such that you aire a view on it's 'Body'?Which one of you has seen a description of an Angel in Heaven to know what you claim?This is all desperation conjecture based on desire to appear to be right – actually, since Mike already knows he is WRONG – he is simply trying to muddy the waters…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike, you prostitute yourself – you will go with anyone who you can pay a price to…You go with Gene when you know that Gene does not believe there are such things as Spirits as entities… So don't kid yourself…You know that Gene is seducing you and you getting seduced because you need suckling…Gene only sees Angels as BODIED ENTITIES WITH…[Read more]

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    Struth, Mikeboll does a KJ by pulling up verses and sticking them together in random order called “Premises” and then stating that the outcome is a truth.Mike, saysPremise 1) 'Jesus was raised a Spiritual Body'Premise 2) Jesus is a SpiritResult: The Spiritual Body is SpiritFalse false false – bad boy – bad bad bad boy, Mikeboll.That is not what…[Read more]

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    Mikeboll,'Let me think and pray on this'…Your problem is THINKING AT ALL.Where in Scriptures does it speak of ANY OTHER TYPE OF FLESH at the resurrection?'And how will the DEAD BE RAISED…' – the Scripture writer was speaking to the Corinthian hard heads who ASKED HIM, 'With what bodies will the DEAD BE RAISED?'Paul called them 'FOOLS' because…[Read more]

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    Tim,In regard to you last post – you are fully correct.There are those who cannot see with Spiritual Eyes and see only with Physical Eyes.They see the world through restrictions – 'can not do' Minds.The Flesh is restricted to boundaries – the Spirit has No boundaries – it goes where it Wills.It is here – it is there – it is EVERYWHERE…But – when…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    For Mikeboll64:Quote Psalms 139 (Concerning the Omnipresence of God)7: Where can I go to escape your spirit? Where can I flee to escape your presence?8: If I were to ascend to heaven, you would be there. If I were to sprawl out in Sheol, there you would be.9: If I were to fly away on the wings of the dawn, and settle down on the other side of the…[Read more]

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    our though open so you can confirm or deny what you are saying dependent on how the discussion goes.This is deceit – Mikeboll – and shows you are DEBATING – not professing a thought or idea…Yes, Mikeboll the Master DEBATOR..Being OMNIPRESENT means being Present in ALL PLACES ALL THE TIME.Spirits in the Spirit realm are OMNIPRESENT the Spirit…[Read more]

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