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    Terrarica,Quote and i do not want men praise, I have never like it ,Who was praising you – Seems you were praising yourself and then deny your own self praise…Is there anyone in this forum who has any sense – or does this forum make people like this?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Terrarica,Quote it seems that you feed more on women and seniors ,and hardly see scriptures quotes,Do you have an EYESIGHT Problem Terrarica, or just an INSIGHT Problem?Where do you get this idea from? Who is in this forum to debate with wisdom but Women (disguised as Men) and Seniors.Terrarica – Name one Godly MAN in this forum? Quote but why…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Shimmer,Leaning Ok, yah!! so lent over he kept falling down time and time again…but he is an expert at getting back up again sneakily (I didn't fall over, I was looking for something on the floor!), having had loads of practice.None the less you show Godly forgiveness to one who throughout this and many other threads, has been the at the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Terraric,Who are you? Where did you come from to put your penneth worth in right at the last.have you come to gloat at the fallen bodies of your previous companions: Irene and Mikeboll64 thinking -“At least i wasn't there at the end”no Terrarica, your posts are also here in the forum thread for all to see – and you too must share in their…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hello Kerwin,hi to you…I d not believe in WIKIPEDIA – The post was only as a means of introduction to the thread because i didn't know how else to introduce myself into it.No, I do not believe that Spirit have bodies – and as you say, nothing in Scriptures purports to say so – Despite what this Mikeboll64 character says.I see this Mikeboll64…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    hello Dennison,You asked me,Quote Istari,Let me ask you something Honestly and Sincerely, I would like to know what you think.Was God always the Father? And If so, how could that be? (Knowing full well for a being to have the title “Father” he must have Children to fufill that Role and fullfill his role to provide and teach his children) But I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hello Mikeboll64,Are you saying that “I AM” is past tense? Is that right what I think you are saying?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,This is EXACTLY what I expected you to say.Quote Tell you what, we all have to stand in front of God and show God who is Love, how we respond to others.Irene, so you think that Jesus was wrong for trashing the people's property who were sullying the Temple of God – Jesus was in a RAGE!!! What would you have said to Jesus afterwards “Bad boy!…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Shimmer,What was the “Good” that you say Mikeboll64 did. Is deceit “Good”?I Mikeboll64 admitted changing his mind and accepted the truth then that is “GOOD”.If simply stating truth (Incomplete – I might add) is “GOOD” then that is also “GOOD”.But it is clear from reading his posts that Mikeboll64 will do ANYTHING to get out of admitting an error -…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    To Mikeboll64,It appears you chose a good time to leave this thread.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,See, Mikeboll64 has bailed out on you and George when he has realised he has gotten what he want – used you – but you did not use him.He has used you to get around his deceptive postings to the extent that he his speaking truth – check over his initial and middling posts – they are a hotchpotch of nonesense ideas.He has summarised them now…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,I see you refuse to post a definition of Celestial bodies” but insists on posting definition of “Celestial” only.Is there a problem with “Celestial Bodies” that cause you to be incapable of typing that TERM into 'goggle'?Irene, why do i feel you are hiding something dreadful -?Irene, I will ask ONE MORE TIME – and then you will be…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,I see that you replied stating that you only looked at Spiritual.Again “Paul says “SPIRITUAL BODIES”And again again, you say “Celestial” and “Terrestrial” when Paul says “CELESTIAL BODIES” and “TERRESTRIAL BODIES”Irene, is this why this thread has been going on so long – because posters are changing the words of the gospel writers – for what…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,Can you post me definitions of “Celestial Bodies” as spoken of by Paul.Thanks.(Irene, what is the problem with posting what you clearly believe…Post the proof of your Godly belief: “CELESTIAL BODIES” as spoken of by Paul – and in context – Please – thanks)

  • Profile picture of Istari

    To Mikeboll64,Since reading your posts I feel your are extremely deceitful. Sorry to say this – but your posts are not of a spiritual nature.Irene did not say that Jesus was lying. It is you who are saying what Irene did not say. And in fact, your posts don't make any sense…seeing with a fresh eye instead of how the others have been drawn in to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi people,I'm not sure what this thread is about – there are two of them but people are posting in them even though it says “Mikeboll64 vs francis”.I'm sure i got told of as Astaria in the other thread? Why are there two and how come some can post in here and not et told off.Anyway, ceasing the moment…!Can I ask Worshipping Jesus a question I've…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Shimmer, you appear to be steering a heavenly course.Are your posts always so Spiritual?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi Irene,Again, i'm sorry – I thought EVERYONE KNEW that that was how Christmas came about – I'm goggled…to see that there are believing Christians who do not know this.Do the churches not teach such matters – if not perhaps – WHY NOT!!!! Are they not meant to teach TRUTH of Jesus and God.Or perhaps they LIKE the festivals because it's the only…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hi Irene,sorry, but I don't seem to be able to find anything on the internet that give the definition you give.Please can you post where you got it from. and also how Paul's writing in 1 Corinthians has anything to do with “Celestial beings, Divine Heaven or Heavenly hosts. Paul doesn't mention any of those things.Paul mentions Celestial bodies as…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    ohhh…I see someone has led the thread off topic and said “Conceived” when the thread topic said “Born” sorry… ok, but it was amusingly confusing for a while…

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