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    Here comes a beaten man who thinks he can hide from a beating by saying 'I sw'eT byor vnukles var aw bwuise'd fwom aw thwe bweatin yu gwiwen me – gwive it wup cwos yu nwot hhhurthin me – woopz – hwhere di my wlast toof go!'Mike, you know you are a beaten soul so all this shnakin around means nothing.I asked you to post your proof but you CANNOT.…[Read more]

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    Irene,If you are corrected, Once, TWICE, THREE TIMES… How do you continue to force your opinion on others like Mikeboll (At least you ADMIT your error after frustrating others very much)Mikeboll just hides away for a while after he DISCOVERS his errors only to return when the heat is off and continue in his new wiggly line of thought as if he…[Read more]

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    And Mikeboll thinks that this sort of support makes his posts credible – boy, how he must be desperate for a companion of like mind such that he chooses one of NO MIND!And then also you, Irene, one of debased mind.If you can say that 'Celestial' means 'Spirit' and 'Terrestrial' means 'Sun, Moon and Stars' then you cannot possibly have much wisdom…[Read more]

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    If Jesus was not raised from the dead – then what was all that which took place…?I think you are on your own here, madam.And if Terraricca comes to your aid with his nonsense then he will share in your iniquity.Although he actually never says WHAT THE PROBLEM IS – he just says 'Hey you guys…whatever you write I'll just say: you are…[Read more]

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    1 Corinthians 15:29 says:Quote Now if there is no resurrection, what will those do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why are people baptized for them?Irene, give me an example of some one from Scriptures who was 'Raised from the dead'.

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    Irene,Why do you bring extraneous points into this thread?What has the SACRIFICE got to do with raising of the dead: 'For if the dead are not raised then what value was there in baptism for the dead – and all our works have been in vain!'

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    Irene,What does 'risen from the dead' or 'raised from the dead' mean to you.What exactly is 'risen' or 'raised' from the dead?Was Lazarus RAISED from the dead?Was the Widows Son raised from the dead?And the Soldier's daughter?For what reason were these miracles performed?And if the Raising of the dead is not physical then for what purpose is there…[Read more]

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    Shimmer,Who is teaching that Jesus was NOT risen from the dead in the Flesh.As far as I can see, 99.99% of people say he did. In this forum only the 'Three Kings DISORIENTED ARE' say otherwise…And that only because they were deluded by their leader, Mikeboll64.They struggle and have to LIE concerning the Scriptures out of SHAME and…[Read more]

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    Terraricca,On this subject matter – I never want to understand it from your point of view.Simply speaking : you have no idea what you are saying. In fact, you aren't saying ANYTHING at all.There is NOTHING that you have ever said regarding this topic that has been useful, instructive, constructive, or revealing.You just post negativity for the…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic Where is God? in the forum View Points 13 years, 2 months ago

    Terraricca,Although we disagree in other threads – what you are saying here is perfectly correct.And by the way, the POWER AND AUTHORITY given to Christ is by means of the HOLY SPIRIT – which is the POWER OF GOD.TRUTH is Power – and the Holy Spirit IS the SPIRIT OF TRUTH.For this reason, if you blaspheme Jesus, you can be forgiven, even if you…[Read more]

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    In fact, Irene, there is no point in your presentation as they are so far from anything that Scriptures says concerning this issue I can only imagine that the 'GOD' that revealed these things to you and your husband is not the same 'God' that Scriotures speaks of as Almighty – but the 'other God' who is misleading the whole world…Did your 'God'…[Read more]

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    Irene,It is impossible to understand what you believe.I cannot understand what logic you use to present your claims because not of it makes any sense.

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    Terraricca,I don't see what you are trying to say…

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    Excellent presentation, Shimmer.Only one point of order: say, 'A spirit does not have flesh and bone AS YOU SEE I HAVE' as opposed to '…like I have' because although the general meaning is the same, there are those who can see and seize on possible ambiguity – and claim that Jesus was saying that a Spirit does not have Flesh and blood LIKE…[Read more]

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    In fact,What does 'Spiritually discerned' mean?How does flesh and blood man discern the things of God (In his SPIRIT? his Mind, his Spiritual intellect? Perhaps)

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    From Shimmer's post:Quote “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (I Corinthians 2:14). “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them,…[Read more]

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    Irene, Mikeboll,I challenge you to post ONE SINGLE CREDIBLE WRITING ON “Spirit Body”!If you can then 350 forum pages of discussion has been for nothing!Irene – and Mikeboll64 – if you are honest posters here in this forum, then please respond to the challenge..

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    And Irene,At least you admit your error… That is a good start!But now you have started down the road of inventing ideas that are not found in Scriptures.Irene, you MUST HAVE KNOWN you were doing that when you did it.So the question is 'Why!' – why did you feel the need to do that.Shimmer has shown you three incorrect points you made… All three…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll must have been born in house of comedians.The man is a perfect joker…Mikeboll, explain 'Heavenly Clime'…Also, I see you have nothing to say about ALL VAST NUMBERS OF ERRORS that your mate in spirit, Irene, is making.Nor any response to my post other than trifling 'war of the words' according to your desparate and limited knowledge of…[Read more]

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    Irene,I won't even bother to respond to your points here as it is clear that you have not understood what you yourself are reading…In fact, I dont understand why you posted the quote that clearly states the definition of the Spiritual Body as being the prototype of the one Jrsus was RAISED UP IN – and you yourself ask the question: 'What was the…[Read more]

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