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    Shimmer,You are a shining light…Excellent post again.I certainly think YOU KNOW WHAT IS LIKE TO BE IN SPIRIT WITH SOMEONE.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Shimmer,Excellent post again…Why does Mike hate you?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And Mikeboll,You made a claim that you were going to present evidence on the body of Angels – have you run away seeing that now you know that that was all nonsense – you just posturing…!Yes…Another 'U-Turn' – just like the inate action of a SNAKE.The SPIRIT of Jesus is in All who believe in Him…Mike, please explain how this works from your…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll quotes a partial quote and makes a claim with it… The guy is having a laugh…Anyone can do that to make anyone seem to say anything.Where is EDJ? Didn't he get a Tile for doing something like this?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Terraricca,I have no idea what you just said…

  • Profile picture of Istari

    All are missing a point here:Why not use the term 'TITLE' as it should be used.Define: 'ADAM' – TITLE of the SPECIES OF MAN.Define: 'The ADAM' – Reference to the Definite TITLE of the SPECIES OF MAN.Define: 'An ADAM' – Reference to the Indefinite TITLE of the SPECIES OF MAN.Define: 'Adam' – NAME of ONE from the Species of Man ('ADAM') – An ADAM…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    How DOES a CRAFTSMAN become or demonstrate his CRAFTSMANSHIP without CREATING ANYTHING?Mike claims vagariously that Jesus DID NOT CREATE ANYTHING – yet calls Jesus 'The Master Craftsman'?Yet, states that 'All other things were created THROUGH HIM'Yet states 'Nothing was created BY HIM'Yet states 'All things were created by him and for him'Yet…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Oh, and another point:Scriptures does NOT say, nor is there ANY attributation given to Jesus being 'Wisdom, the master craftsman, at God's side'.This is often mis-used by those claiming Jesus 'Created the Heavens (plural) and the Earth' (The Universe, the VISIBLE, MATERIAL PHYSICAL WORLD), and backed up by a seemingly spurious verse stating that…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    This is all laughable…Do you both know that when you are feverishly involved in a discussion there are many points lost in translation: nothing to do with the film although there is this bit:Quote Bob and Charlotte suffer both confusion and hilarity due to the cultural and language differences between themselves and the Japanese. As the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    It is certainly true that I said that Jesus was the only one in heaven with a body – a new creation – the new man.But this was not meant the way it came out because at the time there was no need.The point I was making was that 'Of the SPIRIT CREATURES' Jesus, In Heaven, is the Only one who Has a Permanent body… All the angels create TEMPORARY…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Shimmer,It's ok – just let Mike rant on… You notice he says he isnt avoiding my question BUT THAT IS EXACTLY what he IS doing.He wants a one to one Q&A as way of avoiding what is to come and so he can control what is said.No, I will not be joining him in a Q&A (Questionable and Acrimonious) discussion.Whatever he has to say can be said here – I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 10 2011,07:28)Quote (Istari @ July 09 2011,12:39)In this thread it was clear from the beginning that the emphasis was on SPIRITS IN HEAVEN – Angels…Yet, because there was NO EVIDENCE AVAILABLE, Mikeboll brought the ONLY VERSE HE COULD FIND that APPEARED TO SUPPORT ANYTHING OF HIS THOUGHT…………Did you mean to say,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    No deal Mike,I am not here to bandy words with you.Whatever you want to say – say it here and now.Over the year(s) you have shown that your pointless 'One point at a time' – is a waste of time because there is only one thing you want to hear – that which you want to hear.No deal – in fact, I don't know why I'm even responding to you on that.You…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    See – how many posts have I made and Mikeboll has not answered one single question from any of them… Why – because he CANNOT.He is at this very moment frantically searching for some way to refute what I've said against that which is written in Scriptures… He's taking his time though…If he really had something to say why does he not say it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ah, I see mike has run away when challenged about his 'Description of angels bodies'.Perhaps he was dreaming of the Metaphysical and Symbolic descriptions given in Revelations.Then perhaps he would like to explain why Jesus is a 'Slain Lamb' (Actually it say 'as if slain) in one place and in another Jesus has a DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD as a Tongue and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    See, Mike ignores the questions I ask because he cannot answer – poor chap is flummoxed – has nothing Scriptural to say:By the way, there is no need for a Q&A – this is an open thread – anything you wanna say, anything you gotta say, say it here… Don't ask stupid questions and you will get an answer? Ask MIKEBOLL questions and you are less…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll, what are you on about Angel Bodies look like?What strange wilderland are you straying into now?What Scriptures talks of Angel bodies – and if so, how comes you ONLY NOW, after 350+ pages bringing it to the fore?Stop hedging and speak out – your credibility is way off line enough as it is? Why you just 'teasing' the points…like you do…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    See Mike's response has nothing to do with Scriptures or trying to prove his point. All he us doing is trying to get me banned (Trying to Get me to do something to be banned).His taunts are empty because I know WHY he is doing it.See, it might have had an effect if there was a doubt in my mind (ooh, er, maybe …!) but No!Mike knows he is caught:…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (terraricca @ July 10 2011,04:22)Quote (Istari @ July 10 2011,06:57)If Jesus was not raised from the dead – then what was all that which took place…?I think you are on your own here, madam.And if Terraricca comes to your aid with his nonsense then he will share in your iniquity.Although he actually never says WHAT THE PROBLEM IS – he just…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote Paul's teachings about spiritual men refer to human beings who are guided, not by desires of the flesh, but by God's Spirit.  It has much more to do with a man's thoughts and heart and spirit and soul than with his BODY.  A BODY does not think or make decisions for a human being.  A BODY does have ungodly urges.  But Paul's teachings exp…[Read more]

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