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    Hello csaliba,I'm not quite sure what you just said but I have said before and say again that the Gospel of John contains anomalies…John writes from AFTER the RISEN CHRIST therefore he refers to things pertaining to Jesus from their ALREADY HAVING OCCURED.This is born out by the fact that the Gospel of John is the ONLY writing that calls Jesus…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ha ha ha … Yes SF,You really are juvenile and therefore I must be even more juvenile to be disputing with you…'You have much to learn, young man!' like courtesy to your elders, then!You say that Jesus is a Son of God but not a Child of God – now that really IS JUVENILE…Have Ot your own way then and I will show the adult in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    SF,All you have done in that last post is put the word 'Not' in front of everything you wrote.It shows you really don't have anything to say.And both you and Mike are wrong about JA and Istari.T8 said that he had restored JustAskin but I still couldn't post. I petissioned t8 several times and he said he had unblocked me but yet – no! So I created…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Hey, SF,Thank you for you post. It exposed your inner mind and confirmed what I thought of you – and justified my non-debate with you.In fact, from what I read from your posts – you don't actually know WHAT you believe.You adopted Trinitarianism from your posting in this forum and haven't quite got to grips with its nonsensicallness therefore you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    SF,I can't figure out what you are – a deceived, a self-deceived, a deceiver, or confused…Everything you have written above is a mishmash of what you said, what I said and lots of stuff that neither of us said… Oh, and stuff you dont realise that you are saying…I have no desire to debate with you – I have seen your debates with Mikeboll, and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,I am off to work now so any other points I will get back to you on later.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,WJ has no views on when Jesus was Begotten. He is only following Jack to back him up against you.WJ has never expressed a view by his own argument.Your line of argument here suggests you have reached the end of your line. I see you used that point of argument before. Being the ONLY ONE WHO says a particular thing DOES NOT MAKE ONE WRONG.How…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Just responding to your first point.Can you re-read what I said concerning the thief…and what I have rewritten elsewhere and always believed… I said:: 'I tell you this day,….'.Mike, do you see the comma, the separating vocal pause… Yes, Mike, I said what you are saying.See Mike, you argue with someone even when they are AGREEING WITH…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    SF,Have you correctly timelined your reading of 'Will be Conformed to the image of the Son'?The verse is referring to the RISEN CHRIST…However, I see you also ignore that which refutes your illegitimate belief.Reading on in Romans 8:16, does it not say 'The Spirit itself beats witness with our Spirit that we are Children of God…'SF, if 'we'…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Did John the Baptist go to Heaven when he died?Why do you pick frivolous points to argue over? Is it because you are not actually trying to understand what anyone else says but only want to read what YOU want to read and say what YOU want to say.Jesus Christ was the ONLY ONE ON EARTH (As was The First Adam) who was totally Holy and Sinless…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    SF,Because the Jews did not know the truth.This is the error that Trinitarians make in claiming that 'Jesus IS God because the Jews thought so'!Do Trinitarians ever acknowledge the words of the accused?He, Jesus, replied, 'What of it that I call myself SON OF GOD; did not God himself call them 'Gods' of whom the word of God came'…'if I do the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,I wrote you an example of past-present, or present-past:'He whom does not believe he can win the race has already lost it'Think about it!!Condemned… The condemndenation is at the Judgement. This is the FINAL Condemntion and Jesus is saying that it is AS IF they are Already Condemned.Fractals: The thief on the cross who repented… Was SAVED…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kathi,A 'Son of God' as used in Scriotures, is anyone who does the will of God.So all the following are Sons of God: 1) All Angels (Spirits) in Heaven 2) All of Mankind who hear and follow the word of God 3) Jesus Christ and the Saints of the first resurrectionThe latter group (3) are or will be EVERLASTING SONS OF GOD.The former other two are…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kathi,You are failing to understand the premise of the discussion. We are not disputing RELATIONSHIPS…nor that Jesus is Son of God, or Son of Man, or Christ, or Messaiah, or Lord, or King, or anything else such, but linguist syntax.Syntax, not Semantics!

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kathi,I think you do not understand what Mike and myself are discussing.For your interest: it is about John 3:16 or such… Mike is saying that, specifically, it says that Jesus said 'Those that HAD NOT BELIEVED in his name are condemned'Mike is asking how can they have not believed in his name, 'The only begotten Son of God' if hevonly received…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Was it Jesus the 'Angel/Spirit' who was/Is the Begotten Son of God or Jesus 'the Man' who is Begotten Son of God Romans 8:15 says that the human Apostles received the Spirit of ADOPTION by which they become CHILDREN OF GOD, 'and if Children, then heirs, and joint heirs with Christ (Trinnies: then they are also God Almighty?). Indeed, they…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Even John 2:22 fastforwards to the Disciples 'Remembering what Jesus HAD SAID to them'.And 3:35 states that 'the Father HAS given ALL THINGS into his (Jesus) Hand', yet we know that it was not so until after he was risen!Following on in verse 36: 'He who BELIEVES in the Son has everlasting life; And he who does not believe the Son shall not…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,Can you take a look at verse 13, 'No one has ASCENDED to Heaven but he who came down from Heaven, that is, the Son of Man who IS IN HEAVEN”(This also puts paid to the 'Poor man in the Bosom of Abraham in Heaven' story – Jack, take note!!)Mike, how is Jesus telling the Teachers of Israel that the Son of Man (Himself) IS the only one who has…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Kathi,Neither Mike nor myself believe that 'No Son existed before creation'.All sentient entities created by God and has the Spirit of God, IS a Son of God!!Romans 8:14, 'For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the Sons of God'And, are not even Angels 'Led by the Spirit of God'?And was not Jesus 'Led by the Spirit of God'?And, when…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,That's not how I read it which is why I couldn't see your point.I will read it again with your point of view in mind because seeing it the way you state it above does cause an anomaly.

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