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    Mike,Jesus IS IN CHARGE OF HIS FATHER's Kingdom.It is what Jesus says that is done…You do remember Joseph being IN CHARGE OF PHAROAH's Kingdom (Fractals, Mike, that's what Fractals are for: qualification of Scriptures by Direct Similarities)

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    Kathi,You see what I mean.Even when Mike can't find anything to disagree with he still finds some side issue to continue his high and mighty 'I will not lose an argument' stance.Kathi, What Mike is saying is 'Thank you Kathi, I was wrong and you were right!'But don't worry, Kathi, tomorrow Mike will be saying exactly what you spent so much time…[Read more]

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    Kathi,You comment about pronoun to Mike…This what Mike has learnt during his disputes with the Trinitarians: how to make subtle changes to words, adding or removing words, or ignoring PARTS of what was said to him in order to try and make a point that he can't refute…The reader needs to be very observant as you have done here else they get…[Read more]

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    Yes Mike,It is not to Angels… Therefore Jesus NOW NOT an Angel!

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    Mike,I keep reminding you about using a TIMELINE…Jesus WAS a Prophet, An Angel, a Servant, etc. Mike, Jesus IS NOW… King, no longer Angel, nor prophet (Everyone who worship's God is 'Serving' God).Jesus NOW is First over Creation, being the First born from the dead.Every reference to Jesus should be checked against the time period the…[Read more]

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    Mike,The point of Sinless was because you twist and turn your demands for proof that no matter what anyone shows you you debase with further nonsense and demands for further frivolous proofs.There are ONLY TWO SINLESS HUMAN BEINGS EVER… the first was Adam, the first Man. This means he was a TRUE HUMAN SON OF GOD…in the FLESH.Jesus, the second…[Read more]

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    Mike,Abraham 'seeing' the day of the Lord does not mean a physical vision – the dead are dead!It means to see metaphorically!To see in vision that which is indescribable to others of the time.Why do you drive nonsense into everything you read from anyone else?Your whole demeanour is to wound the word of God, to Greive the Holy Spirit… Mike, I am…[Read more]

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    The Holy Mount of God is the 'Throne' of God.The Stones of fire are the 'Holy Sons' of God (Perhaps the Archangels)

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    SF and Mike,Regarding the 'card' that is cast away… Do you not read that the stone that was cast away became the chief cornerstone of the temple of God!Sf, your childish knee-jerk justifies your childish level of thought.And Mike, when I said you never agree with your opponent – is this the time you choose to agree with one?Well, 'Measure for…[Read more]

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    Hi Kar, you have it exactly right.I asked the question of what was Adam's in the beginning but dropped the baton – and how did Jesus picked up that baton and finished the race. What was that purpose?Jesus accomished what Adam failed at – what was it Jesus accomplished but to prove that adherence as a Son in the flesh to the word of God…[Read more]

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    Mike,Look back through the posts in here.. Every single person in this forum has accused you – some extremely vehemently yet you don't block them as quickly as you block me.The reason is you FEAR ME. the others you can happily argue with from morning till the cows come home because it appears that that is all you have to do with your time.To…[Read more]

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    Mike,Why do you stress the words of the Scriptures…Revelations 1 says that God gave the revelation to Jesus – and Jesus gave it to HIS Angel…You know that Jesus is ABOVE the Angels when God told them to Worship him (Please note everyone: ONLY THE ANGELS are to WORSHIP JESUS CHRIST!!)God 'Gave' power and authority to Christ, just as Pharoah…[Read more]

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    KarMarie,Excellent post again.Yes, as I outlined above – and many times before…:Jesus was (In heaven), then wasn't (on earth) and still isn't (In heaven) – an Angel.Jesus was not, then was (in the Flesh) and still is (but not in Flesh) – ManJesus was (In heaven), then was not (On earth) then was again (in heaven) – Spirit

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    Kathi,When Jesus emptied himself and came to earth as man that means he was no longer an Angel.When he was a man – he was not an angel.And the saying is pertaining to when he was a man on earth.Please please please – can everyone get their head out the sand and get things in perspective – everything will become easier:Angels … Are Spirit…[Read more]

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    Mike,If nothing else, please explain Hebrews 5:5-6 in your own understanding.'Christ did not glorify himself to become High Priest but it was HE (His Father and God) who said to him:'You are my Son, Today I have forgotten you'And verse 8:'Thought he was A Son…'

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    Mike,Where in Revelations does it say that Jesus is an Angel?Mike,What is the flow of verses in Hebrews 1?Is it not ALL ABOUT Jesus being raised from the dead and estaished as King and High Priest to God?Is this not aligned with three other Scripture verses that also relate to God raising Jesus from the dead and seating him at His right hand.Mike,…[Read more]

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    Mike,You are a 'Card', a real playing card, in fact, a Joker! You, Jack, WJ and SF… The four Jokers in this forum pack!Your last post proved it all…Irene, I've been saying Jesus WAS Angel for sometime now. Have you never read it. – this is aAmazing.All I can say is , like Kathi, if, at least you are saying the same thing from another source,…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ April 11 2011,06:52)Istari,Jesus, according to the flesh was led by the Spirit.  After He was risen, according to His flesh, He received the ok to give the Father's Spirit, together with the Spirit of the Son so that they would both dwell within the believers…by their spirit called 'the Comforter.'Kathi Kathi, are you telling…[Read more]

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    Kar,I smile at every revelation and thank my God and your God, and my Spiritual Father and your Spiritual Father, for those revelation and wisdom of understanding through his Son Jesus Christ, ourord and reigning king.My sadness is that others, Mikeboll in particular, has not been so profitably blessed.Oh, and I love you, too!

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,You really do take the biscuit sometimes (did I say 'Some- times'?).How many times have I outlined to you (And others) the deginitionS of 'Sonship':Why do you keep asking? Should I even answer?Ok, one more time (And not for the last time I guess!)”ALL WHO DO HEAR THE WORD OF GOD ARE SONS OF GOD”1) The Angels in Heaven are sons of God by the…[Read more]

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