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    Mikeboll,I have no dealing with you in this thread any more.You are the worst of all these in this thread because you are adopting your views so as to conform with EXACTLY WHAT I HAVE BEEN SAYING FROM THE BEGINNING -while all the time DENYING AND VILLIFYING EVERYTHING I SAID.In the end you will AGREE with me and yet say of yourself 'THAT IS WHAT…[Read more]

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    Terraricca,Please explain what is the “IT” in your quote as pertaining to 1 Corinth 15:42.'And so also it will be with the resurrection,The body is sown in Corruption, IT is raised in Incorruption'How can that be faithfully rephrased:'the body that is put into the ground in a corrupted stateIs the same body that is raised but in an incorrupted…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Too true, Gene, too true..

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene and Terraricca,Two questions:1) What do you understand by 'Resurrection' (Perhaps I am not understanding what this means)?2) What do you understand by the terms 'Earthy and 'HeavenLy' in context what you quote above?My understanding is as follows:1) The COMING BACK TO LIFE in the BODY that was dead.The undyable Spirit of the dead (Fish,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Sorry,EPHESIANS 4:24 (Not Hebrews 4:25…)

  • Profile picture of Istari

    But we have learned a lot about each other and about the resurrection of the dead.- hey, in the SPIRIT of things, maybe someone could start a thread on that MATTER – here's now there's a thought, eh!!

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    Gene,Thanks for your spiritual support.Your words are 'Righteous and Holy' (Hebrews 4:25) in this regard.Someone, in a very recent post, said that “It does not matter with what body the dead will rise.”Saint Paul, in answer to Corinthian's hardheadedess, said “But some will say 'With what bodies will the dead be raised?”then he calls them…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ok,The devil is too strong for me – I'm out of here…Scriptures says God will send a Spirit of delusion so as to make them fail to understand – and this is clear in this thread…Goodbye..

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And SPIRITUAL BODY:Hebrews 4: 22-24, “that you PUT OFF, concerning your former conduct, the old man (sinful nature of the NATURAL BODY) which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,And be Renewed in the Spirit of your MIND,and that you PUT ON the new Man (The Spiritual Nature) which was created according to God, in true righteousness and…[Read more]

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    Mikeboll's LAST STRAW is to DEMAND FROM SHIMMER an answer to how Paul is looking forward to having his body transform to that like jesus has and becoming a citizen of Heaven.Mike doesn't understand what 'Being a Citizen' means even as he should know that Paul was a citizen of Rome, conforming to the rules, laws, regulations, privileges,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    And I ask for a definition of SPIRIT – nothing …They are so SCARED – FEARFILLED that they DARE NOT try to even defend their claim.Why not: Because to define 'Spirit' so we agree on what we discussing, is to AGREE THAT 'SPIRIT' means 'Invisible, Disembodied, Immaterial'.In addition, SPIRITUAL does not mean SPIRIT…Mike stresses a point of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    So obvious a missing point here is the definition of a SPIRITUAL BODY.Neither Mikeboll, Nor Irene WILL OFFER A DEFINITION.Irene hides behind her misunderstanding and just post the same verses over and over BECAUSE SHE DARE NOT POST ANYTHING ELSE.She dare not because there IS NOTHING ELSE that she can hide behind.An honest poster would even attempt…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Ok guys,You have, all three shown you have a spirit of delusion and therefore it is impossible to show you truth.Mike, your agreement with Irene is Pathetic because nothing you agreed on was anything I said – so that was pure emptiness and shows that you will even agree with emptiness if you think it benefits you…Irene has SKEWED EVERYTHING in…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    It is just as I felt in my Spirit – just as I thought…Irene cannot, like Mikeboll, answer anything.She THINKS she is answering by writing words but they are just bumblings…What Irene is saying is that Jesus WAS NOT RAISED FROM THE DEAD (in a body) but directly as a SPIRIT…A little research on the internet shows that this is what JEHOVAH…[Read more]

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    actually, Mikeboll might like to offer an opinion too – Mike?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,Add another point to that list:What does Galations 6:1 mean by the 'Spiritual Man' (Who are human beings in flesh and blood bodies)Please answer in the context of your misunderstand and relate it to 'SPIRIT MAN'.

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mike,I keep asking a question and you keep trying to hide from it hoping it will go away (Phew!!)What IS the SPIRIT in relation to the BODY?

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Mikeboll has shown again that he has nothing to say.Mike has nothing to offer – he is spent – dried up – wasted.Every so-called 'proof' he has brought to the table has been soundly trashed by reason and logic and commonsense (Commonsense I call 'God sense' for EVERYONE has it – well, all excepting Mikeboll, Terraricca and Irene, it seems ON THIS…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Irene,For the purpose of the record – please tell us:1) what YOU MEAN by the SPIRITUAL BODY2) give some examples of where Scriptures alludes to suchLet me set some parameters – feel free t break them.1) 'Spiritual body' (SlB) is the term under consideration – not 'SPIRIT BODY'2) Jesus was RAISED FROM THE DEAD INTO SlB3) Jesus PROVED HIS RISING…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ July 11 2011,04:13)Quote (Istari @ July 10 2011,02:24)1) Mike says (Said in the 'Begotten' Thread) that Jesus was not CREATED but is the direct SON OF GOD – but in this Thread he says that Jesus was PART OF THAT WHICH WAS CREATED… well, which was it?What?  Jesus is the firstborn of all creation, meaning he is the first thing…[Read more]

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