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    Oh, WJ, we have been through this – why do you keep bringing up what has already been laid to rest!'In the NAME OF' means 'In the Authority Of/by the authority of'!'In the name of the Law' – what is the name of the Law?'in the name of common sense' – what does this mean?Kathi, Keith,Who is the FATHER OF…

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Then Kathi, Jesus lost NOTHING by his sacrifice!Kathi, NOBODY's SPIRIT DIES… not Adam, Cain, Abraham, Satan, The Demon Angels, Lazarus, David, Saul, Samuel, Elijah….the Saints, the Apostles… No one!SO, in that, how is Jesus different? No way at all : Before his Body died he committed it to God (!!!) his Father… And so did Saint…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Then Kathi, Jesus lost NOTHING by his sacrifice!Kathi, NOBODY's SPIRIT DIES… not Adam, Cain, Abraham, Satan, The Demon Angels, Lazarus, David, Saul, Samuel, Elijah….the Saints, the Apostles… No one!SO, in that, how is Jesus different? No way at all : Before his Body died he committed it to God (!!!) his Father… And so did Saint…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    WJ,You are aware of what you just said!You are aware of what you have committed yourself to!You are now held to your words!But you can still repent – but only in earnest!WJ, if you believe so fervently in what you said, WHY OH WHY did it take so much effort to get it out of you?? Were you CONSIDERING, were you DOUBTING, were you DECIDING what you…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    WJ,You are aware of what you just said!You are aware of what you have committed yourself to!You are now held to your words!But you can still repent – but only in earnest!WJ, if you believe so fervently in what you said, WHY OH WHY did it take so much effort to get it out of you?? Were you CONSIDERING, were you DOUBTING, were you DECIDING what you…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Sorry, Elijah (not Joshua)!Is there any significance in that Jesus and his brothers are Vowelled?- JAmes- JEsus- SImon- JOseph- JUde/JUdas

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    Ha ha, WJ… Ha ha … Wow !!!Out of left field!!!WJ, there are many TRINITIES mentioned in the Scriptures:- Joseph, Mary and Jesus.- Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael.- The three Spirits in the cloud on the mountain (Jesus, Moses and Joshua)- The Rich man, the Poor man and Abraham.- The three Angels with Abraham.- more (and more significant…[Read more]

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    Irene,We say a prayer for your loved ones for their safe keeping in Christ Jesus.At times the very knowledge that someone is praying for you gives you the strength to go on.But if the outcome is not as expected then we know that God was with them and they will wake in the twinkling of an eye into the glorious new Paradise earth.So it is in God's…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    WJ,You are clever – I called you a God!But you are not even half as clever as you think you are.You don't answer me because what you say would discredit you: You DO NOT WORSHIP THE HOLY SPIRIT – NEITHER DO YOU WORSHIP JESUS.You only say these things to uphold your view of the Trinity.Ask me: 'Do you, JA, worship Jesus?'I answer: 'No, Keith, I do…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    WJ,You are clever – I called you a God!But you are not even half as clever as you think you are.You don't answer me because what you say would discredit you: You DO NOT WORSHIP THE HOLY SPIRIT – NEITHER DO YOU WORSHIP JESUS.You only say these things to uphold your view of the Trinity.Ask me: 'Do you, JA, worship Jesus?'I answer: 'No, Keith, I do…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    And what use is a Sacrifice if the Sacrificed person still retained all that he had during the sacrificial period?If a rich man was being tested to see if he could live as a poor man – whywould he still have access to all his riches while 'pretending' to be a poor man?But, if while being poor, he reaches out in petition to one who can aid him in…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    And what use is a Sacrifice if the Sacrificed person still retained all that he had during the sacrificial period?If a rich man was being tested to see if he could live as a poor man – whywould he still have access to all his riches while 'pretending' to be a poor man?But, if while being poor, he reaches out in petition to one who can aid him in…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Esau was the stronger – but sold his birthright to Jacob.David's eldest brother was haughty and sinned.Adam, the first man, sinnedIshmael, despised his younger brother, IsaacJosephs brothers despised him, put him 'in the pit' (figurative death)Jesus' brothers (Jews) put him in (the pit of) SheolIsrael was figuratively dead when the temple was…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Esau was the stronger – but sold his birthright to Jacob.David's eldest brother was haughty and sinned.Adam, the first man, sinnedIshmael, despised his younger brother, IsaacJosephs brothers despised him, put him 'in the pit' (figurative death)Jesus' brothers (Jews) put him in (the pit of) SheolIsrael was figuratively dead when the temple was…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Quick question to all …What is the significance of the CONSTANT use of the FRACTAL of the most beloved of God Almighty being the LEAST/Smallest/Youngest of the Sonship/Nations/Peoples…?Israel was the 'Fewest' of the nations.David was the Youngest of his brothers and smallest and least 'comely'.Lucifer was the 'Most bejewelled' of the Sons of…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Quick question to all …What is the significance of the CONSTANT use of the FRACTAL of the most beloved of God Almighty being the LEAST/Smallest/Youngest of the Sonship/Nations/Peoples…?Israel was the 'Fewest' of the nations.David was the Youngest of his brothers and smallest and least 'comely'.Lucifer was the 'Most bejewelled' of the Sons of…[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Oh, and I just noticed the sneaky 'MY God' in WJ's post.This is significant in that WJ is not saying that Jesus is GOD ALMIGHTY (YHVH) but that Jesus, Like THOMAS, is his personal ('MY') Mighty Saviour… Which is a Truism… Jesus IS a MIGHTY SAVIOUR: a 'Mighty God' – which Scriptures says.So WJ has said nothing but made a smokescreen and nearly[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Istari

    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    Oh, and I just noticed the sneaky 'MY God' in WJ's post.This is significant in that WJ is not saying that Jesus is GOD ALMIGHTY (YHVH) but that Jesus, Like THOMAS, is his personal ('MY') Mighty Saviour… Which is a Truism… Jesus IS a MIGHTY SAVIOUR: a 'Mighty God' – which Scriptures says.So WJ has said nothing but made a smokescreen and nearly[Read more]

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    So this 'Right to an opinion' is WJ's reply to my questions on 'Trinity: the fallacy'?Is this tantamount to 'Taking the Fifth', WJ?You 'DON'T worship the HOLY SPIRIT', like your doctrine suggests?And what of the rest – is the light starting to shine – I hope so… For your sake!

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    Istari replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 13 years, 3 months ago

    So this 'Right to an opinion' is WJ's reply to my questions on 'Trinity: the fallacy'?Is this tantamount to 'Taking the Fifth', WJ?You 'DON'T worship the HOLY SPIRIT', like your doctrine suggests?And what of the rest – is the light starting to shine – I hope so… For your sake!

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