The Case for Ancient Monotheism

The consensus among historians is that Monotheism emerged around 500 BC, with polytheism prevalent before that. But there is overwhelming evidence now that monotheism may precede all other forms of religion. This is interesting because it would indicate that all men believed in a most high God with pantheons of gods emerging after that.

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    perfect others know 2 abram brought yahweh with him when he left a culture of pantheon worship. he was a war god in the old pantheon. wasn’t long after he took over the trade route. 4/5 king war. anyone know if the rules of smashing children head off stones were applied

    i disagree that paul’s christ is not from abraham’s lineage. one was war god, the other a blood god.                1 become 2 become 3.

    fantastic coincidence that most religions have that one, just one they pick to be a man god & take into full account & belief that this person speaks for their god  majority of which are males. such malevolent behavior.  

    gadam. when i first encountered your name i thought it to read another, then after reading your  C&P writing manner  i can say it as i had first read. truly was this intentional or purely speculation on your part?  !0! don’t fight it,  paul was a true pharisee he did not disappoint.   !0! seriously !0!

    excerpt: PVC 152 Rome

    “an intolerant religion which places extreme emphasis on orthodoxy of belief” 

    presently. they are still to figure it out.

    the blood they drink & the flesh they eat the blood splattered words they write will not change. the thirst for blood is never quenched, never. 



    Mike…..if The word GOD IS A person. Then which God is he,  why does scriptures  say,“the God “of” This,  or the God of that?  So obviously the word “God” , is a ‘description’ of a kind of “relationship ”  different people of the earth had with things , like rocks, stones, living  creatures and so forth.  God is never used as a “proper” Name   Itself . But like this,  “the “LORD” (Yehovah) our GOD.” Yehovah, is the proper name, and our God is what defines what  he is to us,  It is the descriptor of our relationship with him, that can be applied to anything. 

    The simple meaning of the word<God is > the ‘POWER’ , A PERSON , ANY PERSON, LEANS ON  OR TRUSTS ” IN” ,  THAT IS “THEIR” true,  GOD .  GOD IS NOT A PERSON IT IS A “DESCRIPTOR” OF “YOUR” FAITH and TRUST in something, ONLY.

    Most ‘trinitarians’  worship Jesus as their  God,  along with Yehovah  , and the Holy Spirit,   They have three things or beings or deities,  they  give  their relationship to, as their GOD’S.

    I believe in “only” one “true” God, and no other, God’s , that  peoples have made unto themselves.  I believe what” Yehovah ”  said, that he looked for another GOD,  and found “NO” OTHER GOD, BESIDES HIM.  He said clearly’ I only am “your” God , you,  shall have no other God besides me.
    Again repeat, “anything” can be your God, if it fits what the word God “means”.  Even though it’s a rock or stone idol,  it will indeed be “unto you”,   “your” true  God. Even if it is a  false God to others . But you will be labeled a “Idolater “.

    peace and love to you and yours………….gene


    Gene:  God is never used as a “proper” Name   Itself 

    Genesis 1:1… In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    The very first verse in the Bible, Gene.


    Gene, you are unable to grasp that there are many theos, but for US, there is one theos the Father.

    But I will explain it for the readers.

    Theos like Adam is a person but can also be used to describe nature.

    For example, Eve is adam (mankind) but she is not Adam (the person).

    So the Word is theos (divine) but is not God the person.

    And the Word became flesh, (Jesus Christ came in the flesh).

    He emptied himself, came in the flesh, was obedient to God, died for our sins, rose from the dead, and is at the right-hand of God in the glory he had with him before the cosmos.

    This is what the New Testament teaches.

    You are allowed to not believe the message in the New Testament because you have free will.

    Have a nice day!


    I would need to check this, but I think an earthquake can be yahweh too.

    Once again, a difference between identity and nature that confuses many.


    Wow, I was actually impressed by this, something i don’t see often enough.

    Once again, a difference between identity and nature that confuses many.

    this……not so much

    He emptied himself  you mean God did. it took 33 years for his emptiness to work. well if you think about it, really think about, you wouldn’t want to take a young boy, just not kosher, an elderly man eh, doesn’t have that vitality, to take a man of that age of christ, now you have something to work with. shot down in the prime of his life for god. that’s big. propaganda or promotional haven’t figure out witch.

    came in the flesh, you mean he became human. nothing new under the sun kinda thing. this is the man of god type of personality, pretty sure across the board of religion, is that one chosen one i.e. buddha, mohamed , marduk, Osiris, Lucifer just to name a few.

    was obedient to God, are you sure, do you really know the rules of the game.  you know what they say, winners write history. who were they winners then……..oh yes the Romans. one of the most brutal civilization and you take their word for it, literally!

    died for our sins.  now, now tell the story right, the blood is what washes away your sins. be honest up front. its like you shy away from it. just go with it, its the blood. there i wrote in red, like you do to represent the blood of christ. or do you just do it for emphasis on what he said. i always take it as its the color of  blood why wouldn’t they use it for their words.

    had to die, of course he did, did you think he was going to stay on earth forever, gods have things to do. anyway he was a sacrifice kinda guy. pretty sly of him though. being god & all then dying.

    rose from the dead, its hard to kill a god. but wait folks, wasn’t it mary that found him, so he showed himself to a woman first…that is somewhat out of character for the day. she is mentioned to be there at the crucifixion, preparing his body….hum then shows himself to her…..they must have been pretty close. to be in each event is a pretty big thing back then, only family or spouses had the right. off topic.

    , and is at the right-hand of God in the glory he had with him before the cosmos. is his right hand or his right hand its hard to make out, due to the coming in the flesh thing, was it gods right hand that came down and only his hand. wonder if gods can do that? now that would change the game…………

    thank you for giving undeniable proof that PVC 152 Rome excerpt

    “an intolerant religion which places extreme emphasis on orthodoxy of belief”

    is true.

    about the cosmos, you have no idea, none, your words prove it.



    ***edited : bold faced: quoted from proclaimer, to ensure clarity.


    Well it is good to know that I am not here to impress anyone. Just to preach and teach what is written. Up to each individual to reject it or accept it. That part is not my responsibility and I believe in freedom of speech and freedom to believe what you want.

    Danny Dabbs

    YHWH is El Elyon the Most High God.
    There are NO two different Gods.
    Jesus Christ is His Son.
    See Acts 4:26 and Psalm 2:2

    The “two different Gods thing” comes from the lying freemasons.
    We know their attempt to destroy the truth.
    All they can do is to attack either the Father or the Son.
    Because we need them BOTH.

    The devil god of the Masons (the former anointed Cherub) will never win.

    God bless,



    Amen Danny Dabbs!

    These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.(Revelation 17:14)

    God bless

    Danny Dabbs

    Amen Berean!

    God bless

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