Why is Jesus called the second Adam if you say he came from Adam???

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  • #846181

    ANTHONY,  again do you believe Jesus ?  What did he say ,  the Father is “in” me, , yes I do believe God the Father was “in” him.  That being said, did Jesus ever say he was the God that was “in” him,  yes/no please’  Jesus also said the son of man can so “nothing” of himself,  the Father who is “in” me “He”  does the work.  Now if you put that together you come  up with this, GOD was ‘in” Jesus, how?, by the anointing spirit, but did that ever make Jesus the God that was “ln” him, “NO” IT DID NOT.

    Therein lies you problem you people try desperately to make “the man”  Jesus , the God that was “in” him.  The God that was reconciling the world unto “himself”  through the man Jesus.  

    Here is how you change truth for a lie , you deny GOD was “in” Jesus  and make Jesus your GOD.  Who you worship as your God. This change of Jesus into a God, is commiting idolatry, why ? , because GO THE Father said “you shall have no other GOD besides me, you shall make no “image’ of me in heaven above or earth beneath. We are commanded that we should make no likeness of God,  but you people have another God, JESUS, NOT only are you sinning, but you are Making the ‘mam” Jesus out to be a sinner also. How by creating that “false” image of him. 

    Anthony you are fulfilling what the apostle Paul said in 2ths2,  go read it, and think about it.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene





    God can make an image of himself; we cannot make an image of God for we do not understand how to do that.

    Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:…

    Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:




    Weymouth New Testament
    John 1:14 And the Word (John 1:1) came in the flesh, and lived for a time in our midst, so that we saw His glory–the glory as of the Father’s only Son, sent from His presence. He was full of grace and TRUTH (spirit).

    John 14:7 If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him…11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works’ sake.

    Me: God was in Christ through the Word or express image of his mind in the Messiah.

    John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. 15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Me: “All things” the Father has in mine include the thoughts of God.  These are  the spirit minds of God and the Messiah


    Matt 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father WHICH ART IN HEAVEN Hallowed be thy name.

    John 17:1 These words spake Jesus, and LIFTED HIS EYES TO HEAVEN, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee

    Me: Our heavenly Father’s mind of the holy spirit is in heaven.  Christ’s mind of the holy spirit was in him on  earth.  

    John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth…10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not


    TC…..The word “of God” came true, as the “flesh” man Jesus, that was the word of God promised us,  yes it did come true.

    And the words he spoke to was was given him by GOD THE FATHER,  through the “holy spirit” at his anointing after he was baptized by John in the Jordan river. God the father who is spirit, came to dwell “in” Jesus just as Jesus said he was.  Remember Jesus said clearly, the son of man (Jesus ) could do nothing of “himself”,  the FATHER (God) that was “in” him “he” did the works. How simple to understand, Jesus was and still is a flesh son of man, he is also a Son of God  by the anointing spirit given him at the Jordan river, he was born again from above via, the Spirit of God. Understanding that brings many scriptures to mind,  like  “you must be born again”, that also applied to him, as well as us.  We must be born again from above, by the FATHERS spirit,

    John said “whosoever is born of God does not commit sin, why? , for his (God’s) seed (the Spirit of God) remains “in” him ;  and he cannot sin, because he is “born” of God”.   

    That all being said,  none of that makes us a GOD, nor did it make our lord Jesus a God either.  But it will make “GOD” all and “in” all.  So, there is to us (true believers)  “one” God, and “one” mediator between men and God,  the “man” Jesus”.  the human anointed one of God, the firstborn of God, the first resurected from the dead, the head of the house hold of God the Father.  

    TC, it’s very important  we do not  “seperate” Jesus from our own idenity with him,  as a human being, he is one of us always was and always will be. This is our hope,

    Eph 4:13….Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a Perfect “man” unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.   Unto a “Perfect man” , TC not a perfect something else brother.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …..gene





    You have failed to separate the humanity in the Son of God from the Son of God.  Also, you have failed to separate the humanity in us from what we shall be, the sons of God.

    1 John 3:1 Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. 2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.



    Hi Anthony,


    You: The conception of Christ. When the Father caused His conception to occur in the womb of Mary (John 1:14), it was not Mary’s physical ovum that was engendered to cause Christ to become “flesh.” Christ became the seed of Mary (the woman of prophecy) by means of a heavenly-created ovum placed in Mary’s womb, which was then impregnated by the Spirit. Everything about Christ’s conception was spiritual and had nothing to do with the uniting of a human sperm with a human ovum.
    The ovum impregnated by the Spirit was not from Mary’s ovum. Mary was actually a surrogate mother to Christ Jesus and neither her ovum nor Joseph’s sperm created Him. The fetus that grew in Mary’s womb was NOT a descendant of Adam and Eve (it would have inherited sin), but from a sinless God in heaven.

    Me: See “John 3 Born Again” page 6, reply
    #846203 and #846204


    Rather “John 3 Born Again” page 6, reply
    #846206 and #846207  


    Hi Anthony

    YOU:You: The conception of Christ. When the Father caused His conception to occur in the womb of Mary (John 1:14), it was not Mary’s physical ovum that was engendered to cause Christ to become “flesh.” Christ became the seed of Mary (the woman of prophecy) by means of a heavenly-created ovum placed in Mary’s womb, which was then impregnated by the Spirit.

    ME: You speak falsely against the direct word of God, you follow fables, you are a child that has been tossed to and fro believing in a deceiving doctrine of lies. 

    The Anointed did not exist and become flesh. A man of flesh was MADE into our Lord and Messiah. 

    36 Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath MADE that same JESUS, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Christ.

    First you have Jesus and then you have God making him our master and our Messiah.

    Anthony, the WORD origin of Christos is CHRIO, “to anointJesus directly tells you that he was CHRIO, and Acts 10 tells you directly that Jesus of Nazareth was CHRIO AFTER the time of John preaching baptism. 

    Jesus was CHRIO BECOMING the CHRISTOS, if that is not a clear connection for you to comprehend you are as blind as any could be.

    After the baptism that John preached when God ANOINTED Jesus and SENT him out into the world, that is exactly the time that the gospel is said to have begun, and what do you know that is also exactly the time when fame began to spread about him, and what do you know that is exactly the time when people began calling him the Christ, and what do you know that is exactly the time when PEOPLE “cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.

    Jesus COMES in the name of the LORD having been anointed and sent to PREACH God’s Gospel, Jesus says the Spirit was upon him, he was CHRIO, and he was SENT, speaking not his own words but the LORD’s WORDS, thus he was coming in the name of the Lord, speaking for the LORD, preaching the LORD”S Gospel. WHO do they CALL, that has come in the name of the Lord, THE SON OF DAVID, that is WHO, the SON OF DAVID ACCORDING TO the FRUIT of HIS LOINS. Prophesy fulfilled. God’s oath made true in the flesh of Jesus of Nazareth, a Son of Man the son of David coming in the name of the LORD. 



    Hi Anthony,

    You have no clue who Christ actually is and you have created some of the most absurd doctrines I have ever heard.

    YOU:The fetus that grew in Mary’s womb was NOT a descendant of Adam and Eve (it would have inherited sin), but from a sinless God in heaven.

    ME: Anthony God cannot be tempted, but Adam could be tempted, so how does this work in your doctrine??

    Also what is most extremely ridiculous is that you just flat out deny the simple word, Jesus is of the fruit of David’s loins, his GENESIS comes from the STOCK of Adam, Abraham, Jesse, David and Joseph. YOU just FLAT out deny God’s OATH that He gave to David concerning his SEED. Seriously Anthony, God’s PROMISE was that of the SEED of David a man would fulfill all of God’s will, not by a legal adoption. Your doctrine is such a blatant lie it is so astonishing. 

    Hebrews 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

    Anthony, Jesus is the offspring of Jesse who was CALLED to righteousness where God would HOLD his HAND and KEEP him for a covenant. Why was God calling him to righteousness, if what you say is true? Why was God needing to hold his hand and what was it that God was working to KEEP Jesus from in order to be a covenant? 

    Anthony, WHY do you so blatantly disregard the word of God that says of Jesse God rested His Spirit upon him, calling him to righteousness???

    Romans 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

    Jesus was in the likeness of sinful flesh in that he could be tempted by his flesh, but having been born of God’s Spirit being a Son of God being fully led by God’s Spirit he was able to condemn sin in his flesh. 

    I John 3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. 10 In this the CHILDREN of God are manifest.

    Anthony, not a one and only child, but CHILDREN of God are manifest. 

    Jesus died to pay the penalty of our sins which is death so that we could be raised from the dead. Those who have faith in God it is counted as their righteousness and they are worthy to become joint heirs with Christ being an heir of God, being BORN of God’s Spirit able to not commit sin. 

    Jesus paid the penalty for our sins but it is God’s Spirit that will cause us to sin no more. We have to be born again just as Jesus was born again to see God’s kingdom.  Jesus preached that one must be born again, not of corruptible seed where we are tempted and sin and die and decay, but of the seed/Spirit of God where we are called to righteousness, we are no longer tempted, we can sin no more, and thus there exists no death for us, only eternal life. 

    Jesus was in fact born of corruptible seed, he could be tempted, he could die, if it were not for him being born of God’s Spirit he would have sinned, but because he did not sin, though he died God would not allow his pure and spotless flesh to see decay, instead He made that which was sown corruptible into being incorruptible.



    Hi Jodi

    I think the same of you Jodi, you don’t have a clue.

    Romans 5:19
    It was not their own disobedience that made the many to be reckoned as sinners. Paul said it was Adam’s sin.

    Jesus Christ had a legal right through Joseph, Jesus Christ was Joseph adopted Son. Jesus Christ was God’s Son when He was conceived by the virgin Mary. The Word became the Son to die for the sins of the world. To put it plainly, Paul taught that all of us are sinful (initially) because we inherited sinful flesh from our first father, Adam.

    Jodi If Jesus Christ had a biological connection to any human He would have inherited sinful flesh, like Paul said it was Adam’s sin.

    For one you simply don’t like what I’ve said, it completely debunks your teaching that Jesus Christ is just a man. Jodi you make it seem like I don’t believe that Jesus Christ took on the form of man, and was sent by His Father in to this world to die for the sins of the world, you neglect to see who Jesus Christ is. The Son of God. You make out that the Son of God and the Son of Man are two different ones, there not both are the Messiah, Jesus Christ.


    Hi Anthony,

    Once again you deny straightforward scripture,

    the prophecy was concerning the actual seed of David,

    the one to receive and eternal throne was to be of the seed of David,

    of the FRUIT of David’s loins our Christ sits on God’s throne,

    Paul tells you directly that Jesus the Christ is OF the offspring of David and is God’s Son according to the Spirit.

    You are told directly that God would BEGET David’s son with His Spirit,

    You are directly told that the offspring of Jesse God’s Spirit rested upon him, the one who God’s Spirit rested upon it was called an anointing.

    You are directly told that of the seed of David God would RAISE up a savior.

    You are directly told that the child to be born will receive his father David’s kingdom, and that he “shall be called the Son of the Highest”.

    OT prophecy, You are directly told that God would be mindful of a man, that God would visit this Son of man, this man would be MADE lower than the angels, to then be crowned with glory and honor.

    NT fulfillment, You are directly told that the Son of Man HAS COME, come to save that which was lost.

    OT prophecy, You are directly told that of David’s offspring God would MAKE him his firstborn

    NT fulfillment, You are directly told that Jesus is the firstborn of the dead of many brethren

    Anthony, I see you have NO comment on how the word CHRISTOS (anointed) comes from the word CHRIO (to anoint). 

    OT prophecy, God would anoint the offspring of Jesse

    NT fulfillment, After the baptism that John preached Jesus was CHRIO made the CHRISTOS!! Jesus tells you directly he was CHRIO and was SENT out to preach God’s Gospel.

    YOU:Romans 5:19
    It was not their own disobedience that made the many to be reckoned as sinners. Paul said it was Adam’s sin.


    Romans 5:19 For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.

    You are completely missing the message, let’s look at MORE than just Romans 5:19,

    Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned— 13 To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not charged against anyone’s account where there is no law.

    Hebrews 2:15 and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.

    Romans 6:6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

    Anthony Adam’s punishment brought all of mankind into mortality, into weak flesh,

    Man wasn’t going to tend to God’s garden in peace and enjoy the taste of fruit, he now needed the fruit to live and he would bring forth food by the sweat of his back, he would have to fight against thorns, weeds, pestilence, famine flood, other hungry people.

    God gave the law to teach man how to serve the flesh in a righteous manner, do not steal, lie, kill. Man is incapable of following the law however, it is given to us that the law was a school master to Christ, for God “to anoint” CHRIO a man, that is how one can keep the law of God, follow God’s ways. Only God is good and any good deed we do comes from God working in us.

    Because of Adam bringing forth mortality and thus weak flesh, mankind was now subjected to SERVE his own flesh, by man’s very nature he had to serve his flesh in order to live. Such is the enmity that God placed upon man, a carnal mind now subjected to weak flesh that has to serve that flesh in order to live.  The TRUTH however is that man cannot live on bread alone, to live man must live on the word of God,


    our very nature of weak mortal flesh that fears death and thus is in BONDAGE CAUSES our carnal mind, day in and day out to slander God, as it tempts us telling us that we must serve the flesh OVER serving God. 

    Jesus was a man, through being CALLED to righteousness having been born of God’s Spirit, CHRIO made the Christos, who was able through God’s Spirit to condemn sin in the flesh, fight off all temptation, destroy the enmity, for he never once gave into temptation, his thoughts to serve his flesh aroused by his weak flesh, CHRIST never served his flesh OVER serving God.

    Jesus of Nazareth through having God in him and with him, holding his hand and keeping him from sin, was able to destroy the enmity, the slanderer, that has had all men subjected in bondage being a slave to sin. 

    Anthony all of history was God bringing mankind to know exactly who we are, we are nothing without God, Adam and Eve had ignorant carnal minds, carnal minds that had lack of faith in God, they were like a serpent by their nature their minds were deaf and blind not knowing God. To know God you must learn from God, He must instruct you, He must share His Spirit with you. You receive a commandment from God, He knows that you cannot keep that commandment without Him, He gives you the commandment so that you can realize the truth, that He is the source for you to be able to keep it, otherwise we might think that we ourselves are gods. God made us weak, God brought forth death, to make His power known so that we would be drawn to desire Him and have faith in Him, so God could make His power and wisdom known.

    Jesus, the Son of Man (a son of David) COULD do nothing of himself, he made that clear, Jesus did what he learned from God, he made that very clear. We are also told directly that God was WITH him and IN him, not by a special conception, but by being BORN again, David’s son being begotten by God on a certain day just as was promised, fulfilled at the river Jordan. 

    Anthony you really want to deny that Jesus said just before he was baptized that he needed to be baptized in order to fulfill all righteousness, and deny that prophecy said that the offspring of Jesse God would rest His Spirit upon him CALLING him to righteousness, and deny that upon his baptism the Spirit descended upon him, and God said “this is My beloved Son”, and deny that Paul teaches that those that are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God, and that “no one who is born of God continues to sin and this is how we know who the children of God are?”


    Hi Anthony,

    I don’t like what you said because it is not of scripture, it is a lie against scripture.

    A Man made THEORY does not supersede DIRECT SCRIPTURE, only someone who is delusional would think it does.

    Scripture tells you that Jesus is the Son of a HUMAN, you are told repeatedly that he is a MAN (anthropos -human) specifically he is of the fruit of David’s loins.

    30 Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne;

    FRUIT – Karpos
    the fruit of one’s loins, i.e. his progeny, his posterity

    Loins  OSPHUS -the hip (loin)
    to gird, gird about, the loins
    a loin, the (two) loins
    the place where the Hebrews thought the generative power (semen) resided

    Anthony you make God directly into a LIAR.

    God raised up the offspring of David to sit on David’s throne, God promised David that God would beget his son on a certain day MAKING David’s son into His own Son.

    Psalm 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 

    Acts 13:33 God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus again; as it is also written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee. 34 And as concerning that he raised him up from the dead, now no more to return to corruption, he said on this wise*, I will give you the sure mercies of David.


    20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept.

    35 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come? 36 Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:

    42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

    Jesus was born with a BODY sown in corruption, sown in dishonour, sown in weakness, he was able to be tempted, able to sin, able to die, but God CALLED him to righteousness, God begat him with His Spirit, where God held his hand and KEPT him FROM sin so that he could be a covenant, be a lamb without spot or blemish, showing that it is by God’s Spirit, as a man can do nothing of himself, that sin can be condemned even in weak flesh. God called him and he followed God perfectly UPON that calling, he was baptized and the Spirit descended upon him in order that he would fulfill all righteousness through that Spirit.  Those that are BORN again cannot sin. The Son of God is a perfect MAN UNTO the measure and stature of the fullness of an ANOINTING, an anointing of God’s Spirit without measure. 

    David WAS ANOINTED with God’s Spirit, but it was by measure. Jesus is the ONLY MORTAL to have been begotten by God’s Spirit where he would fulfill ALL righteousness, be FULLY led by God’s Spirit, and thus was the only begotten Son sent out into the world so that he could destroy the works of the slanderer, so that he could condemn sin in the flesh, so that he could overcome the CARNAL mind that lies to all men day in and day out when it is aroused by the weak flesh to serve that flesh. 

    Do you get that Anthony?

    When God made Adam and Eve mortals able to die, he brought enmity, man in order to live would have to serve his flesh, he would have to eat, drink water, make shelter in order to live. When we are hungry and their is no food our carnal mind devices ways in which to get that food, that hunger makes us weak where man is known to do anything to serve his flesh to feed his belly. Only God is good, man in his weak flesh is destined to sin in serving that flesh.

    So the carnal mind is a deceiver to us, it is ignorant to God, like a serpent who is deaf and blind, crawling on it’s belly to serve it’s belly, licking the dust of the earth to sense food.  The carnal mind slanders God, it tells us we must serve our flesh, it devices ways using it’s imagination to serve that flesh. 

    The truth is that we must live by God’s word in order to have life. Jesus received God’s Spirit, a calling to righteousness, he was anointed to speak God’s word and fulfill God’s word, live by it, follow all of God’s commands and in doing so he condemned sin in the flesh, he destroyed the enmity, the power of the carnal mind aroused by weak flesh being tempted was no match for God’s Spirit that was in him. God’s Spirit was an influence in his mind that superseded his thoughts of temptation that were aroused by his weak flesh.





    Hi Jodi

    You said: Anthony, I see you have NO comment on how the word CHRISTOS (anointed) comes from the word CHRIO (to anoint).

    To the four consonants YHWH of the Name, which had come to be regarded as too sacred to be pronounced, they attached vowel signs indicating that in its place should be read the Hebrew word Adonai meaning “Lord” (or Elohim meaning “God”). The ancient Greek translators substituted the word Kyrios (Lord) for the Name. The Vulgate likewise used the Latin word Dominus.

    The name of God most often used in the Hebrew Bible is the Tetragrammaton (YHWH יהוה). … It was thus replaced vocally in the synagogue ritual by the Hebrew word Adonai (“My Lords”), which was translated as Kyrios (“Lord”) in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Hebrew scriptures.

    In Christianity, Christ (Greek: Χριστός, Christós, meaning”the anointed one”) is a title for the saviour and redeemer who would bring salvation to the whole House of Israel.Christians believe Jesus is the Israelite messiah foretold in both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament.

    Jodi it’s a transliteration from the Hebrew word Messiah, The Anointed One.

    God bless 🙏


    Hi Jodi

    Jesus Christ is the firstborn of creation, and the firstborn of Mary,and the firstborn of the dead.

    You said: God raised up the offspring of David to sit on David’s throne, God promised David that God would beget his son on a certain day MAKING David’s son into His own Son.

    Me: Jodi David’s son is Solomon, Nathan, and so on. Jesus Christ is God’s only Begotten Son.

    You said: Making David’s son into His on Son.

    Me: what’s with the small s and the capital S? Making is that your way of saying that God adopted Jesus Christ at His Baptismal. See What I would say is, that Joseph adopted Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Jodi that’s what you believe the Jesus Christ was adopted at His Baptismal. You just won’t say that, and I know why, and you do too.

    He is more then just a man, Praise Him

    God bless 🙏



    You:In Christianity, Christ (Greek: Χριστός, Christós, meaning”the anointed one”) is a title for the saviour and redeemer who would bring salvation to the whole House of Israel.Christians believe Jesus is the Israelite messiah foretold in both the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament

    ME: And Chrio means “to anoint”, and once you are CHRIO you thus can be called CHRISTOS “anointed”, the word origin of CHRISTOS is CHRIO.

    And you are missing the entire point, Acts 10 says that AFTER the baptism that John had preached HOW GOD CHRIO Jesus of Nazareth WITH the Holy Spirit and Power and he WENT out being SENT to do good as God was WITH him. 

    This Jesus CAME to the people as their CHRISTOS having been CHRIO by God.

    You don’t become the CHRISTOS without CHRIO. God was going “to anoint” Jesus of Nazareth and He did thus making him CHRISTOS  “anointed”.

    Can you discuss ACTS 10 Anthony? 



    Hi Anthony,

    YOU:Jesus Christ is the firstborn of creation, and the firstborn of Mary,and the firstborn of the dead.

    ME: Yes Jesus Christ, the one who shed his blood and when Paul was speaking he was sitting at that moment at God’s right hand. HE IS, said by Paul, to be the firstborn overall creation, DONT CHANGE the “he” that Paul is talking about, which is exactly what you do, and then you also change the creation that Paul is speaking of. Which is really ridiculous because Paul goes on to establish in further detail exactly what it is he is talking about, a new creation being firstborn of the dead. 

    ALSO, this Jesus who shed his blood is the Son of Man who was sitting at God’s right hand at the time Paul was speaking. What do we know about God and man? God made man in His own image, and this Jesus who shed his blood is said to be the image of the invisible God.

    Anthony you don’t REALLY believe that Jesus is in fact the firstborn of the dead, because he has to be one of the brethren to be such, and you do not believe that he is one of us, that he is actually your brother.

    Anthony, what is the POINT to believe that if God raised Jesus from the dead we should have faith that we too shall be raised from the dead? If he did not die as a man like us, then how shall our resurrection be the same as his, which it is directly said to be mind you? Our faith that God raised Jesus from the dead is to give us FAITH in God that he shall do the same for us, this is pointless to us if he was not a man like us, what would we care if a GOD was raised from the dead? What would we care if some one of a kind non flesh Son of God was in the form/appearance of a man and then was raised from the dead? It would mean nothing to us, it would not build our faith in God, but the fact that Jesus was a man and died as a man but then was raised from the dead, gives us hope to our own resurrection.


    Hi Anthony,

    Please tell me how exactly you think you can equate Jesus being of the fruit of David’s loins, of the GENESIS of David and the Genea of David, to that meaning that he was a legal adopted son of David?

    This is such a HUGE problem for you and it makes you appear to be a man fully immersed in false doctrine, where if you cannot believe in this simple truth you lose all credibility.



    Anthony……if you don’t see Jesus as “another” flesh human being ,who came into his “only” existence as a human being,  exactly as we did,  you haven’t even began to understand the truth of scriptures.   Our hope is that we will be resurected, from the Grave exactly as he was m by the exact same power of GOD.

    “You” are completely caught up in the biggest LIEm ever fostered on humanity. , A LIE THAT Jesus himself at his return will abolish, by his very own mouth,  2thes2.   

    Jodi  and I have both explained scriptures  rightly and truthfully to you, and you refuse to acknowledge the truth, they were explained and placed right in front of you to see. But you have been led down ‘“mystery religion” so long, it would take an absolute miracle change you.   

    We simply tell you over and over t h e same things, but they just go right over your head time and time again. Sad ANTHONY.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene


    Let me guess, without following this topic closely, the Ordinary Jesus Brigade is desperately trying to prove that Jesus is of Adam despite being called the Last Adam.

    Some are of earthly Adam and others are of the the Last Adam from Heaven.

    Why would those who follow the man from Heaven teach that their messiah is of Earth. Very telling isn’t it.

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