What does it mean that Jesus came in the flesh?

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    Kerwin…….Nick does not understand what a spritual body means , he leans toward thinking they are “SPIRIT BODIES”, BUT CANNOT PRODUCE A SINGLE SCRIPTURE THAT SAYS A SPIRIT IS A BODY OF ANY KIND.

    Peace and love to you and yours………….gene


    Nick…….has nothing to do with me being great then Paul, it has to do with you not understanding what Paul actually.

    Your perverted teachings do not back what Paul said at all. I think it is you who thinks you know more the Paul, and that is obviously proven by you not answering the simple question I ask you about what was the “IT” PAUL WAS TALKING ABOUT.

    Peace and love to you and yours………………..gene



    .Nick does not understand what a spritual body means , he leans toward thinking they are “SPIRIT BODIES”, BUT CANNOT PRODUCE A SINGLE SCRIPTURE THAT SAYS A SPIRIT IS A BODY OF ANY KIND.

    You may be correct but if so then he would be wise to open his eyes to it and change his ways.


    Hi KW,

    What a spiritual body is is not my concern but that Paul said they exist.

    A grain of wheat must fall to the ground and die but you want to keep it as a grain and not let the plant God plans it to become grow?


    Ed J

    Ed J wrote: Are you suggesting that the term “only begotten” refers to a special preexistent state.
    There is no evidence to suggest that is what the term means at all; unless you have some,
    do you? Why can’t it instead simply mean that Jesus had no human biological father?

    In Hebrews Isaac is referred to as Abraham’s only begotten son. (ref. Heb 11:17)
    Yet we know, Abraham also had a son named Ismael, who by the way
    was the FIRSTBORN. So the term “only begotten” CANNOT mean ‘firstborn’.

    T8 wrote: Only begotten of the Father means only born of the Father. Which makes sense when you consider that the head of man is Christ, and the head of Christ is God. He came from God while creation came from God through the Word.


    Jesus was the “only born” of the Father at his physical birth.
    Why are you trying to apply its meaning as a pre-existent state?

    Certainly Isaac as Abraham “only begotten son” does not mean FIRSTBORN,
    nor does it imply a pre-existent state; as you are saying applies in Jesus’ case.
    You are not consistent in the data that you are suggesting makes a case for your belief.

    Will you please address this inconsistency.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
    http://www.holycitybiblecode.org _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    ”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” – JEHOVAH GOD


    Nick…….It should be your concern because that is what your whole argument is all about. The word spiritual does not mean a “Spirit” body. Because no such “BODY” EXISTS. Spirits live “IN” bodies. PAUL was speaking of a spiritually driven body. Our bodies will be “resurrected” back to life just as PAUL SAID the “IT” that was sown, WOULD BE , and as God demonstrated by the resurection of the man Jesus, the Christos, WITH THE SAME BODY HE HAS EVEN NOW. A GLORIOUS BODY AND POWERFULL SPIRITUAL ACTIVATED BODY,NEVER TO DIE AGAIN.

    THE RESURECTION WAS NOT A SHAM, IT WAS REAL AND IT IS EXACTLY THE WAY WE WILL BE RESURECTED ALSO, GOD DOES NOT PLAYED GAMES nor disguise the resurection as something different then what took place with Jesus’ body. Jesus was our exact example of a true resuection. Not one ounce of difference mentioned in any scripture. He had his body he was born with and that body became powerful and was glorified. The same applies to us at the resurection or our change when he returns, from this body being natural sustained, to this same body being spiritually sustained. That is the only difference PAUL WAS REFERENCING. NOT A SPIRIT BODY, becaus there is no “SPIRIT BODIES” JUST “SPIRITUALLY SUSTAINED ONES. A Physical BODY, spiritually sustained. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours….. ……………..gene


    Hi GB,

    Seeds do not grow up as seeds.

    Paul compared the old body to a seed.


    Hi GB,

    If resurrection to the surface of earth is all you hope for that is sad.

    We must become like the man from heaven to be taken up with him.


    Hi GB,

    EWe do not know what we will be like.

    Paul called those who asked what kind of body they will be raised in FOOLS.


    But you know??


    To all……To doubt Jesus has a flesh body that he was raised with, can amount to saying, the resurection was a hocks, that GOD the Father and Jesus was being deceptive about the resurection of Jesus with a flesh and bone body. Some do not believe our bodies can, with God’s help, perform great and powerful feats, even though scripture is full of examples. Men being tossed into a burning fire and Comming out, with out even a sing, men walking on water, disappearing, going into the heavens, going through a closed door, going forty days without food and water, their face so bright a Vail had to be put over it, able to single handedly defeat 1000 soliders, to bring down a stone temple, our bodies with the spirit of God can accomplish all these things just as they are with God’s spirit in them, including live for ever, just as God SAID ABOUT ADAM AND EVE, so why is it so hard for people not to believe it?

    Peace and love to you all……………………gene


    Hi GB,

    Who doubts that?

    The issue is how he was taken up from the earth and whether he too was CHANGED as happens with us.


    Hi GB,

    Jesus showed his original natural body to his brothers.

    But you KNOW he is still in it?


    Nick…….I also believe Jesus was changed from mortal to immortal, as we are to be. But that does not mean the exact bodies we now have are not themselves changed to that state after they are resurected, from the grave. There would be no point for PAUL TO SAY “IT”,meaning our present bodies are sown in weakness and “IT” MEANING THE SAME BODY IS RAISED IN POWER, if that were not he case. He would have said “it” is sown in weakness and a different body is raised , he implies that it is the same body that is remade again and spiritually sustained. That is my only point, I do believe, the body Jesus was raised with was a flesh and bone body that was exactly as it was, but was spiritually activated to live forever by the SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD.

    I ALSO BELIEVE WHERE IT SAYS, Rom 8:11…….”But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also, QUICKEN (bring to life) YOUR MORTAL (dead body) bodies by his Spirit that dwells in you”.

    So I do realize something does take place with these bodies of ours I am not saying there isn’t, they do become spiritually activated, that is evident from those scriptures.

    No where there does it imply a different body, but your “mortal” (dead) body is what is quickened and raised from the grave. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    hi GB,

    You stumble over linguistics ignoring what is written because of how it is written.

    God’s ways are not our ways so do not try to force Him to meet your criteria.


    The Spirit of God quickens the living and the dead.


    Hi GB,

    Why do you bless from one side of your mouth and curse from the other?



    Hi GB,

    “You fool.

    That which you sow does not come to life unless it dies”


    So the SEED [natural body] dies.

    Yet you would rebuild it?


    Nick…….You are the one stumbling over linguistics here, not able to understand what Paul actually is saying, not I . Your last post even proves that, ” that which you sow does not come to life, “UNLESS” “IT” DIES. NOW ASK YOURSELF WHAT COMES BACK TO LIFE “THAT WHICH DIES”, GET IT? NOT SOMETHING ELSE COMES TO LIFE BUT THAT WHICH “DIES”.
    I simply showed you his EXACT WORDS, YOU SIMPLY on the other hand refused to admit them, even though they are clearly written.

    And where have I cursed you out of one side of my mouth and on the other side and blessed you, because I tell you, I disagree with you, that to you means I am cursing you?, How weird is that? I have not cursed anyone here to my knowledge. I in fact bless them and you, that have speak personally against me, and my ability to understand scriptures.

    Peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Hi GB,

    A body.

    Like a seed it must die that it’s potential as a plant can grow.” God gives it a body just as He wished”

    But in your case it grows to be the same seed?



    Hi GB,

    You do not understand or respect scriptures as you think.

    Otherwise why would you add words like INTELLECT?



    What a spiritual body is is not my concern but that Paul said they exist.

    So you do not believe it is composed of a mysterious material called spirit like some.
    No one in Scripture literally states the risen body will be composed of this or that.
    There are examples of those who rise in mortal bodies and died again later.
    There are those that rise in flesh bodies that go on to be immortal, Jesus, the two witnesses, and those saints who rose with Jesus.
    The resurrection of Jesus is used as an example to prove that there will be a resurrection of the dead.
    Jesus is called the firstborn of the dead.
    There may be others.

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