The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block

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  • #816555

    And so getting back to my former question, was Jesus referring to the spiritually rich when he said the rich can’t obtain heaven? is that a question a temple dog might ask?


    are we all female, by what our profile reads yes. do we share the same body, no would be a little crowded.

    your speaking as a child, can you get to the point idk about Kar & LU but my time on this earth is limited.

    I don’t have to swear to your god to tell you the truth Andrew. All you have to do is ask.


    So I asked and wondered if you weren’t all actually the same person? and you still can’t answer it plainly. And is not Yahweh your God? or is it YWH or some other such concoction? and what does your time on earth have to do with my question? All our times on earth are limited btw.

    And except you become as a little child you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven 🙂


    Oh I get it, you think the only women that post on this board are one in the same. coming as chameleon’s and all that.

    I can assure you Andrew that is not the case with me. no wonder your question didn’t make any sense. and I know for sure Mia and LU are not the same person. LU doesn’t say boo to me anymore……..I think the comment about her two headed god ruined the relationship. Mia is dear to me.

    why you asking? You need pointers?

    you be the child, I’ll be wise as the serpent, innocent as the dove.

    smiley face, smiley face!


    Ok fine I just wondered and if I’m wrong it just shows I’m not a god 🙂 just a child,a serpent and a dove at the same time 🙂


    Think about the trinity!! Trinitarians say the three are EQUAL and THE SAME GOD… But different…!!! Why would there be a need for THREE EQUAL AND SAME GOD (triplets) that are exactly the same God if ONE OF THEM ALONE is ALL POWERFUL AND FULLY 100% that SINGLE GOD?

    Oh dear, but trip them up: it takes ALL THREE OF THEM to make the ONE GOD…. Why?

    So when Jesus ‘Emptied himself …and came as a servant in the form of man…and was obedient even unto [his] DEATH on a cross [“Hanging from a tree”: the most humiliating death display aside by being eaten by DOGS (or pigs)]’ (Phil 2), how was the trinity still maintained?

    Confused !! The trinitarians suddenly exclaimed with tears pouring from their eyes that:

    Although scriptures says Jesus emptied himself:
    …he DIDNT empty himself…

    And when Jesus died
    …he DIDNT DIE…

    And when he didn’t know things it was because:
    … He DID know everything (Peter: ‘Lord, you know everything….!!’) but chose to LIE (Jesus: ‘Of that day and hour NO ONE BUT THE FATHER KNOWS – NOT EVEN THE SON (me/Jesus)…!’)

    Oh, and Jesus is ‘Almighty God’ because Thomas said, ‘My Lord AND my God’ : notice the ‘MY’… Remember that Jesus had told Philip -” if you see me then you also see the Father’ (more later)) and he was cited in a prophetic psalm as being so (‘God said unto my God…!’ (Notice there are TWO DIFFERENT gods referred to here!! It actually refers to the minstrel singing about King David saying that “HEAVENLY KING AND RULER,Yahweh, said to my EARTHLY KING and RULER, David…’) but
    … When Jesus called Peter, ‘Satan’ (‘Get thee behind me, Satan, you are a stumbling block…!’) this suddenly doesn’t mean that Peter WAS Satan (Yes, obvious here because no one WANTS TO SAY that Peter WAS. Satan. So WHY (and we do know why) do they so unskilfully attempt to say ‘…my God’ (‘MY god!!!!!’)

    Ah, why do trinitarian not claim (oh some do!) that Jesus IS THE Father because he said ‘If you see me you see the father’… After all, what if Jesus had said, ‘If you see me you see God’? Surely then they would be claiming that Jesus was saying he IS God? But funnily here, they disclaim any suggestion that Jesus is saying he IS the Father!!


    Jael……Yes the trinity is the bigest “LIE” ever introduced into the churches of God, and the other is that Jesus preexisted his berth on this earth, also another “LIE”. IMO

    Jael……and anyone else you might be interested in this site,, they believe as we do brothers and sisters.

    peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene



    Trinitarians debate those things among themselves.


    Hi GB,

    Why advertise the vain works of men?


    Fellows, I would love you to confirm your beliefs by reference only to the scriptures. Why? Because anything introduced from outside as a supposed proof of anti-trinity theology could easily be countered by a trinitarian supposedly proving their ideology by reference to some other supportive outside reference…. See what I mean – what advantage would that be to debate using ‘Anecdotal theological’ proofs?


    Arguments and debates from a single common source concerning the truths of such a source is the only true way. Consider arguments over your favourite book, film, play, character, etc. Where would you be if debators started referring to some exterior personage claiming the author ‘thought this or that’; that ‘this of that’ part of the entity was ‘such and such’ yet none of these things were mention in it about the entity? Could anything like that to be taken as ‘Proof’? Of course not… At the MOST it would be ‘suggestible or intellectual conjecture’ – and conjecture is no proof of anything.


    NICK….We can be encouraged by like minded brethern, and if their work is of the spirit of God, it’s certinely is not vain. It’s a good site Nick check it out. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours. …….gene


    Sorry to strain the point but I just remembered that a trinitarian claim that Jesus is God (But NOT Almighty God… Why do they make a distinction here??) when Thomas said, ‘My Lord AND My God’…


    Apparently, this utterance is meant to prove that Thomas thought Jesus was God… despite ALL THE OTHER TEN DISCIPLES making absolutely no consternation about this (wouldn’t you be in awe if you knew GOD ALMIGHTY was standing in front of you?).


    The apparent (to the trinitarians) reason is that Thomas was seeing both a Man and [a] God in the one person of Jesus Christ. But the reality was that Thomas remembered (no, not a guess – not a conjecture!) that Philip heard Jesus say, ‘If you see me you see the Father also…’! Of course, Thomas was addressing his astonishment towards both Jesus and the Father; to His ‘Lord’ (Jesus) and His ‘God’ (The Father).


    Only a desperate, delusional and/or purposely misleading group or individual could devise or uphold a claim that [only one out of eleven] disciples was ‘seeing God almighty’ when Jesus himself had already stated that ‘No one has ever seen God…!’


    Of course, no trinitarian ever remembers nor configures their version of a trinity proof using such references? Why not? Hey, false proofs never come with references to the full truth – the ‘Theological Fifth Amendment’ is their fallback…:

    • “Never refer to scriptures if it proves to prove against your proof of proof!!!”


    It is literally impossible to use just the Scripture as evidence because it was written in another language, a dead one at that. We therefore rely on experts to translate it and make decisions about what scribal source to use and what scribal source not to use. In some cases we do not know if a passage is in the original source or was a not added by someone after wards. In addition there were repeated attempts at falsification that we know occurred. We trust experts to figure out what is true and what is false.

    I have seen case where people misinterpreted Scripture incorrectly because they made a English grammar error or relied on the gender indicated by an English pronoun. There is also a number of teachings that are used in Scripture but not actually taught within. They are all Jewish in origin but when cut off from that culture they become easier to misinterpret.

    One example is that Paul mention the third heaven in 2 Corinthians. It is from a Jewish teaching that is not clearly represented in Scripture. That teaching is that there are seven heaven of which God dwells in the highest. Some sects (traditions) teach other numbers. There is also the teaching of Sheol, the land of the dead, being divided into multiple realms; one of which is called Abrahams’ bosom. Abraham’s bosom is a paradise and possible the paradise with the tree of life within.

    Of course none of that is need since Trinitartians hold to a clearly broken teaching and therefore have to abandon reason to believe it. As long as they are willing to accept a broken teaching no evidence, even from Scripture, will convince them that they are in error.

    Ed J

    “Never refer to scriptures if it proves to prove against your proof of proof!!!”

    Hi Jael,

    What is this suppose to mean ???
    Can you re-translate it into English?
    Oh, and by the way welcome to H-net.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J


    It is literally impossible to use just the Scripture as evidence because it was written in another language, a dead one at that.

    Hi Kerwin,

    The bible was not written in Latin. Not sure about Aramaic…
    But Aramaic was only used in (most of) the book of Daniel.
    Hebrew and Greek are still spoken today: so live – No?

    God bless
    Ed J



    The Hebrew and Greek spoken today are different from the dead languages that preceded them just as modern English is different that old English.

    Many hypothesize that the NT was written in Koine Greek only but I do not know if there is any evidence to support that claim.


    Dear friends, are you not aware that scriptures justifies  itself? That all of Scriptures is understandable by means of the Holy Spirit of God?


    Jesus Christ always spoke in the manner of Spirit. The error many make is to interpret in the manner of flesh.


    Men, in the guise of trinitarian supporters, found that scriptures could not support their view and purposely decided to subtly alter parts of scriptures in order to attempt to pursuade readers, hearers and listeners that trinity was true. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for us, scriptures is written in such a code that altering part of it does not affect the truth of it IF the reader, Hearst, listener, is inspired enough to seek the truth. The result is that anomalies will arise as to the truth of that aspect that was altered leading to an alert to the fact of that alteration. Of course those who desire the falseness will never question the anomaly and will seek ways and means to reassure themselves and others that it doesn’t exist.


    Point of fact: Trinitarians say that ‘Jesus created everything’ and there is an APPARENT scripture verse claiming this… Hard wire that in a debate.

    Now measure that verse against the many verses that state that GOD created everything…and indeed, The Father, created everything BY HIS WORD. Add to that a verse which is used to claim that Jesus Christ is the ‘Beginning of the creation of God’.


    Now, dear friends, how could Jesus Christ be BOTH uncreated AS God AND created BY God AND with Jesus Christ being THE CREATOR of all things when Jesus Christ himself is described as being the ‘First OVER creation’?


    Where is the anomaly? Isn’t it that the scripture verse claiming that Jesus Christ created all things is impossible given all the other verses claiming GOD, indeed, the Father, created all things. Indeed, even a TRINITY God does not imply that ONE PERSON of that trinity created everything… In fact, trinitarians, desperate to maintain the ever failing lie, make a massive mistake by then claiming that this ‘Jesus created everything’ actually means that GOD created everything through Jesus Christ… What? They separate Jesus out of their trinity God? The other two created through the other one? Excuse me??? ‘No’, they say, ‘All three created…’ (confused????) ‘The Father ordered, the son executed, and the Holy Spirit activated’… Ummm… so Jesus DIDNT create everything, then? Remember the ‘hard code’…?


    Dear friends, are you seeing that any scriptures claiming that Jesus created everything MUST BE FALSE?


    Dear friends, ask yourself this question: ‘If Jesus Christ is supposed to have created everything, how comes he has to die an excruciating, humiliating, and fearful DEATH in order to become its ruler – to have it given to him as a reward for his noble and heroic deed BY THE FATHER (When the very word ‘Father’ means ‘Creator’ and ‘Giver of life’ and ‘Bringer into existence’… Who is it then that brought the created world into existence, who gave it life, who created it FOR THE SON…?!)

    Ed J

    Men, in the guise of trinitarian supporters, found that scriptures could not support their view and purposely decided to subtly alter parts of scriptures in order to attempt to pursuade readers, hearers and listeners that trinity was true. Unfortunately for them, and fortunately for us, scriptures is written in such a code that altering part of it does not affect the truth of it IF the reader, Hearst, listener, is inspired enough to seek the truth. The result is that anomalies will arise as to the truth of that aspect that was altered leading to an alert to the fact of that alteration. Of course those who desire the falseness will never question the anomaly and will seek ways and means to reassure themselves and others that it doesn’t exist.

    Hi Jael,

    I have a thread I would like you to read through…

    Trinity and non-Trinity



    Yes, the holy spirit leads those who seek true.

    Ed J


    It is literally impossible to use just the Scripture as evidence
    because it was written in another language, a dead one at that.

    Hi Kerwin,

    The bible was not written in Latin. Not sure about Aramaic…
    But Aramaic was only used in (most of) the book of Daniel.
    Hebrew and Greek are still spoken today: so alive – No?

    Ed J,

    The Hebrew and Greek spoken today are different from the dead languages
    that preceded them just as modern English is different that old English.

    Hi Kerwin,

    According to YOUR view then, “English” (like Hebrew and Greek)
    is a dead language since it too has been modernized – right?

    God bless
    Ed J

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