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- July 25, 2016 at 10:34 am#816198
ParticipantHi Jael,
The judgements of the talents are a warning to us.
We who have repented and been baptised are given a portion of the Spirit, a talent.
It is our job to work on our relationship with our God on His throne of grace, praying in the Spirit for grace.
Listen to Peter at the start of his second letter encouraging us .
Trees that do not produce fruit are useless.
And all fruit comes from grace.
July 25, 2016 at 3:09 pm#816205AndrewAD
ParticipantIn Matthews version of the judgement Christians would be rejected/condemned,and in the book of Revelation chapter 20 it doesn’t say that there were no names written in the Lamb’s book of life now does it? Yet the popular dispensational thinking is that all who appear at this judgement are condemned already. I don’t buy into two judgements as I don’t buy into two second comings/advents either.
July 25, 2016 at 3:36 pm#816206AndrewAD
I come not in the name of trinity,but you need to realize the various books of the bible you refer to do not use the same type of logic.They each need to be considered individually in their own context.
July 25, 2016 at 11:28 pm#816211Jael
Participanthi Nick, how about a topic for such a point as you mention. To me just joining it seems like this specific topic has moved away from the vast subject that it is. Considering how it is said here that trinity is misleading the Christian believing world with its false ideology I do find very little discussing or debate in this thread. Instead it seems the topic is about other themes – has this thread run its course – is it that there are no trinitarians to oppose (give their point of view / defend …attempt to defend) their belief?
In a belief system that declares its source as being from the highest authority, the ultimate sovereign, the very God of the world, if any part is found to be false, disingenuous, impossible, unprovable, dis-unified among those who support it, hopelessly ‘mysterious’… how can this be said to be the true belief?
It is for this and other reasons that Islam laughs at Christianity, Atheists gain strength in their disbelief, philosophers mass in purposeless debate concerning how this false doctrine can be reworded to try to make it sound true…
I find it hard to think that such a topic has lost its impetus when there is so much opportunity to expose its fallacy so others can make fully and properly informed decisions on the true belief: aka, ‘Jesus, a man sanctifies by God and sent into the world to declare the good news of the Father and to give his life for the hope of salvation to all mankind’.
July 26, 2016 at 7:32 am#816216NickHassan
ParticipantHi Jael,
Those of other gods such as trinity are always welcome to share their views.
Most come and go, their ears singed with scriptural truth.
July 27, 2016 at 2:20 am#816226GeneBalthrop
ParticipantJael, many many TRINITAARIANS have come her over the years, but when confronted with solid scriptures they try to dodge and skirt around , but when forced into a corner they put their tail between their legs a leave. Don’t be deceived this site is a major stand against TRINITARIANS at least every sense I have been here and that been a long time. We who have remained here have fought the fight and have so far held our ground brother. You can go back and read the past threads and this should be very evident to you. The last here a few weeks ago was Hoghead1 who also left the site because he couldn’t take the heat from scriptures here, he was a major proponent of the trinity and himself more.
We welcome all here to express their views, but we certainly run their words through the fire of scriptures no matter who they think they are. And we have found all who preach the trinity deceived and have bought into the biggest LIE Satan ever fostered on true Christanity . IMO
peace and love to you and yours……..gene
July 27, 2016 at 9:14 pm#816239Miia
ParticipantIt is a very cleaver plan from Satan himself , as 2Ths2 shows, Paul spoke of the infection of the trinity that would cause the church to fall into apostasy , by the rising up of a man being a God and being worshipped as a God, that man is a false IMAGE about Jesus being a God, created by the fallen churches. 2 Ths2 was Pauls warning to the church, and it all finally took place at the council of Necia in 325 AD. That is when Jesus became proclaimed as a God to the fallen churches.
Gene, if it’s true as you say that the man of sin is the worship of Jesus as God – then why did Jesus not warn anybody beforehand? Rather; when the disciples worshiped him he said nothing, but later said “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” So, your man of sin theory doesn’t seem true.
Be blessed.
July 28, 2016 at 2:08 pm#816255AndrewAD
ParticipantNo it is never said in 2Thess that a false version of Jesus or a trinity would declare himself God but rather a man of sin would.But Gene in his rose colored machinations would have us believe this.
July 28, 2016 at 4:49 pm#816261kerwin
ParticipantYou said:
They are two different beings and together they are the one God, YHVH in the fullest sense. YHVH is both, the Father and the Son, the God of gods AND the Lord of lords. One is seen in the OT and NT and one is unseen.
The flaw is your reasoning is that it introduces the broken teaching that Jesus is the one God at the same time he is the human kind even though he is not croosbreed between the two. It is an impossibility just like is impossible for God to be tempted of sin.
Philippians 2 claims that being in the form of God lowered himself to the form of a servant because he did not seek to rob God of his glory. It is the mindset that we are to have as Christians. It has nothing to do with emptying himself of being the one true God.
God would not empty himself of himself because then he would not be God. The AV of the King James interprets “emptied himself” as meaning “but made himself of no reputation” which is in the neighborhood of what it means. To be more exact he emptied himself is equivalent to the words denied himself. It is an instruction he also gave to his students in Matthew 16:24 and elsewhere. He also demonstrates doing so with the words “your will, not mine”. That is the emptying that is important.
In conclusion Jesus teaches us Scripture cannot be broken and if you believe those words of his then you will find the teaching that Jesus is God to be false.
July 29, 2016 at 2:56 am#816271GeneBalthrop
ParticipantMiia…. Take all the points in 2 Ths2 and put then together,
1…..it was a preexisting “iniquity” that was working already in the churches at the time of the apostles.
2….. It says God would send them a spirit of dilution in order for them to believe the “LIE”. So what ever it was it was a LIE about something, and that something was A human being who is being displayed as a God, and being worshiped as a God also. Who do you know that is a human being who is worshiped as a True God today by the churches.
3….. It was a working of Satan, himself it says also, producing the iniquity which was “already working” in the apostate or fallen churches forming in the day of Paul and John. Paul and John was not talking about the world as some presume, but what was already taking place in the churches of their day.
4…… This “LIE” about Jesus created a false “IMAGE” of him in the churches turning the IMAGE of him into a “MAN OF SIN” . How?, because it breakers the first commandment, “you shall have no other God besides me”. There is NO “REAL” MAN OF SIN, IT’S JUST A “FALSE” IMAGE OF JESUS BEING PORTRAYED AS A GOD IN THE FALLEN CHURCHES.
5…… Jesus will abolish this “LIE” at his return buy his very own mouth, just as it says.
6……Ask yourselves Who is the only human being “ever” portrayed in the churches of God, as a God and worshiped as such?, answer, Jesus.
All who believe Jesus is a God and worship him as such are “IDOLATERS” And God is against them all and they are heading for destruction unless they repent. IMO
peace and love to you and yours………gene
July 29, 2016 at 11:44 pm#816289Miia
ParticipantNo it is never said in 2Thess that a false version of Jesus or a trinity would declare himself God but rather a man of sin would.But Gene in his rose colored machinations would have us believe this.
Strange that Jesus never warned anyone. Gene has to warn everyone instead. Perhaps it slipped Jesus’ mind?
July 29, 2016 at 11:49 pm#816290Miia
Participant2….. It says God would send them a spirit of dilution in order for them to believe the “LIE”.
I take it “dilution” is a typo, lol.
Take all the points in 2 Ths2 and put then together,
1…..it was a preexisting “iniquity” that was working already in the churches at the time of the apostles.
2….. It says God would send them a spirit of dilution in order for them to believe the “LIE”. So what ever it was it was a LIE about something, and that something was A human being who is being displayed as a God, and being worshiped as a God also. Who do you know that is a human being who is worshiped as a True God today by the churches.
3….. It was a working of Satan, himself it says also, producing the iniquity which was “already working” in the apostate or fallen churches forming in the day of Paul and John. Paul and John was not talking about the world as some presume, but what was already taking place in the churches of their day.
4…… This “LIE” about Jesus created a false “IMAGE” of him in the churches turning the IMAGE of him into a “MAN OF SIN” . How?, because it breakers the first commandment, “you shall have no other God besides me”. There is NO “REAL” MAN OF SIN, IT’S JUST A “FALSE” IMAGE OF JESUS BEING PORTRAYED AS A GOD IN THE FALLEN CHURCHES.
5…… Jesus will abolish this “LIE” at his return buy his very own mouth, just as it says.
6……Ask yourselves Who is the only human being “ever” portrayed in the churches of God, as a God and worshiped as such?, answer, Jesus.
Please go over 2 Thess 2 again.
It’s definitely not Jesus.Jesus is not a man (as Paul might say). Because ‘cursed is he who follows man’.
July 30, 2016 at 12:13 am#816291Jael
ParticipantKerwin, you are bordering on truth in what you said.
Thank you also, Gene, for your input which was very pointed at the truth.
Many seemingly trinitarian-approved proofs indeed fall way short of credibility. Take for instances these:
- “God said let us create man in our image…” Trinitarians declare that this shows ‘US’ means ‘Trinity’ (Three persons speaking to each other). But why would three persons who are ‘equal in every way’ (Oops, except when they are NOT!!!)including their Will, discuss such an event? Did ‘they’ discuss any of the other monumental, universally important events concerning the creation? Indeed, since when does ‘US’ and ‘We’ only means ‘Three’!? Controversially, the Angel latterly named The Satan’, was also in heaven at the creation. I notice that trinitarians are (to the detriment of their belief) refusing to discuss the role of the Angels (Spirit Sons of God… Ha ha ha – sad ironic laugh – also making them ‘God
’ in trinity ideology!!) . Satan…was so proud of his input that he sought the worship of mankind just as God alone was entitled. How could such a proud, most beautifully adorned and lofty spirit creature subscribe to such a notion unless he had been party to such creation? Consider that SCRIPTURES declared that ‘the’ Satan was ‘Ruler of the [created] world’ and Satan himself stated to Jesus at the temptation: ‘All the kingdoms of the world I will GIVE to you if you bow down and worship me….[and crucially] … It is MINE to give to whom I please!’. The devilishness was not in handing over rulership flies us that was Satans at the time but that before any handover could occur, worship would have made Jesus fail his mission and no handover would take place… To wit: Satanwas a Steward of [over] Creation until a rightful holy sinless huMAN was found… A fully enabled ‘Son of God’ (of which much to speak elsetime!!). Jesus Christ was tempted to gain the rulership (to become GOD over creation) without going through the awful humilification, pain, suffering, being disbelieved by his own (the Jews) and horrific death (not the method of death of itself – others were crucified before and after – indeed suffered worse (check it out!) but because thedesthofa holy sinless individual for the sake of the sins of one man (Adam) was spiritually worse than anything imaginable – hence Jesus ‘sweated blood’ over it and …almost… but begged the Father to cohos (the fathers) will – not his (Jesus’) own. - …more later….
July 30, 2016 at 6:00 am#816292GeneBalthrop
Participantmiia….JESUS DID WARN US, “many shall come in my name saying i am, and “decieve” many. THIS also Jesus said in prayer, “for thou are the “only” “true” God”,now if he professed GOD THE FATHER AS THE “ONLY” “TRUE” GOD, then “ALL” others call a GOD are “false” God’s right? JESUS WAS A PURE “HUMAN” BEING, NO God, not then nor now is he himself a GOD., no more then you or i are, even if we have GOD the Fathers spirit abiding in us also.
Go back and put 2 Ths 2, together, and come out of false Christendom into the light of the truth. As long as you believe Jesus to be a God himself you will abide in deception and darkness . Remember what John told us, “LITTLE CHILDREN KEEP YOURSELFS FROM IDOLS”.
He that has an ear let him here.
peace and love to you and yours……….gene
July 30, 2016 at 6:13 am#816293GeneBalthrop
ParticipantAndrewAD. …If it clearly said it then no one could be “decieved” now could they? if you buy into Jesus being a GOD, YOU buy not loving the truth and have recieved a deluding spirit from GOD, that you might believe a “LIE” and that “LIE” is that JESUS IS A GOD. If that be the case you are of the “apostate churches” IMO
peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene
July 30, 2016 at 7:30 am#816294NickHassan
ParticipantHi Jael,
By the idolatrous obedience of Adam and Eve to the Serpent lordship over man and earth was ceded to Satan.
From that moment onwards God has planned to recover His rightful Sovereignty.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
July 30, 2016 at 10:27 am#816297kerwin
Hadrian seems to have fulfilled that particular prophecy.
July 30, 2016 at 10:52 am#816298kerwin
ParticipantGod was most likely speaking as a member of the unity of the Spirit in which messengers and servants take part. We are told that their part was to celebrate when he pit the foundation stone in place.
That passage is vague as it was wrote with unwritten context so it is open to interpretation.
Note: If it is line with other creation stories in the same region then God well be talking to earth as a sculpture speaks to his medium. I prefer the unity argument.
July 30, 2016 at 11:33 am#816299NickHassan
ParticipantHi KW,
You like hiding behind Jewish mysticism?
July 30, 2016 at 11:57 am#816300GeneBalthrop
Participantkerwin…..Hardian was not a GOD IN THE “APOSTATE” CHURCHES. PAUL was not speaking about the world but was “specific” to the churches, as John was also, and where WAS HARDIAN PROCLAIMED BY THE CHURCH OF GOD, AS A GOD, DOES Jesus at his return destory that lie. kerwin it is vitle you and others come to understand 2Ths2. we must not take just parts of it and FORCE THE TEXT TO FIT SOMETHING while rejecting the rest, it only fits those scriptures if, that man who is portrayed as a GOD takes place IN THE “APOSTATE CHURCHES” IS IN FACT no one has but JESUS, in the DOCTRIN OF THE TRINITY., nothing else will fit all those specific scriptures. this truth is now exposed to you and those few here, take advantage of this revealed truth while you can brother.
who ever has ears to hear let him hear.
peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene
- “God said let us create man in our image…” Trinitarians declare that this shows ‘US’ means ‘Trinity’ (Three persons speaking to each other). But why would three persons who are ‘equal in every way’ (Oops, except when they are NOT!!!)including their Will, discuss such an event? Did ‘they’ discuss any of the other monumental, universally important events concerning the creation? Indeed, since when does ‘US’ and ‘We’ only means ‘Three’!? Controversially, the Angel latterly named The Satan’, was also in heaven at the creation. I notice that trinitarians are (to the detriment of their belief) refusing to discuss the role of the Angels (Spirit Sons of God… Ha ha ha – sad ironic laugh – also making them ‘God
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