The last generation will only hear things that “tickle their ears”

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    For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. – 2 Timothy 4:3

    One warning about the last generation is that they can only hear things that “tickle their ears” or make them feel good (see II Timothy 4:3-4). It is hard to imagine a generation that better fits that description than the one now emerging. They have been conditioned to reject, and even be offended by, anything that challenges the humanistic propaganda they have been fed through education, entertainment, and the media. Previous generations have had their own fits of worldliness and carnality, but never have we seen the kind of violence and outrage that the emerging generation displays toward ideas that challenge their safe spaces and comfort zones. Such a “safe place” mentality could not be a more dangerous place, and this will ultimately lead to the most terrible consequences of all.

    Is there anything we can do to help those in such eternal jeopardy? Yes there is. Read here


    Hi T8,

    You offer MORNING STAR MINISTRIES under Rick Joyner.

    They are trinity worshipers.


    How could they help those who worship the Father find safety?


    The last generation will not hear anything much. Their minds will be mostly unbeknowingly rewired by the Internet, music, images, drugs, medications, pollution, stress, the media …. etc. We are in the generation of environmentally caused spiritual desensitisation.


    Jesus asked if he would find any faith on Earth when he returned.

    I think the only way we can have faith now is to live like a desert hermit?


    Ed J

    The last generation will not hear anything much.

    Hi Miia,

    Where does the bible speak of “the last generation” ?

    I don’t remember reading any such a thing ???

    God bless
    Ed J


    Double posted


    Hi Ed. That is what this topic is titled… yes there will be a last generation. We are most likely it, because the signs are all there.


    Add to my list above viruses sometimes with lasting consequences, and sleep deprivation, overwork.


    Alcahol and sin


    Miia….I ALSO BELIEVE JESUS’ RETURN IS SOON , WE ARE IN THE 11th HOUR, and like he said, Matt 20:1-20 those workers who were the last hired done very little work and they did not bare the heat of the day, but were given the same pay as those who were hired first for the last shall be first and the first shall be last to be paid and the last shall recieve as much as the first.

    I agree with you time is very short.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …..gene

    Ed J

    Hi Miia,

    “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.” (Eccl 1:4)



    Ear ticklers do not paint the real picture.

    God cannot relate to sinful man and His wrath awaits them.

    Only Jesus Christ can bridge the gap and solve the problem that causes us guilt and anxiety.

    be needy.

    be poor.

    be desperate

    God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith.



    Hi Ed,

    Whole Bible, not just a bit here and there. “Forever” in that one scripture means longer than a generation of human.


    Like the smoke goes up ‘forever’.


    Yes Gene. How much further can man go. Amazing how life has been for thousands of years and only just recently humans have advanced into the technological age so fast. We battle against so much today without even knowing it.


    Yep, wise words Nick


    Hi Miia,

    Knowledge will increase. Dan 12.4

    But it can all be a distraction from what is important.


    Miia…The things that have changed in my lifetime, i remember when the ditch tenders were still using a team of horeses to mow the ditch banks, and pull out vines in vinyards. Our neighborhood had a ten party phone line, no televisions, just radios, no computers or electric typewriters, or jet airplanes, no autonatic wash machines, and dryers. Now days things change so fast you can’t even keep up with the changes. I REALLY THINK WE ARE CLOSE TO JESUS’ RETURN. HOPE WE CAN ALL BE READY, HAVE ENOUGH OIL IN OUR LAMPS WITH SOME EXTRA , REMEMBER FIVE WERE WISE AND FIVE WERE FOOLISH.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …gene.


    Yep Gene.

    We seem too comfortable which is a deception maybe.


    Just finished a fiction book where  the moon moved closer to Earth, causing devastating tidal waves, earthquakes, weather, famine, death. We don’t know what’s around the corner, and we must be strong within and ready.

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