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  • #109533

    hi shania,
    thank you and our God the father and lor jesus for your great isights.


    mr. adam,
    satan not only affects flesh, but it influences your mind, and works.It has the power to remove your life(according to Job' Chapter) unless there is hedge of holy spirit around you.If God takes way holy spirit and lets satan to affect you, then only satan can do anything.But it always and constantly looks on you to make you fall so that it can get chance to accuse you beforw God.


    Hi Shania,
    That's another wonderful post on Second Adam. Jesus became the first born of all creation because of his obedience to his Father God which was intended to the first Adam but could not be kept because of his disobedience to his Father and creator God.

    Love and peace to you


    Quote (pulivarthy @ Oct. 03 2008,20:21)
    mr. adam,
    satan not only affects flesh, but it influences your mind, and works.It has the power to remove your life(according to Job' Chapter) unless there is hedge of holy spirit around you.If God takes way holy spirit and lets satan to affect you,  then only satan can do anything.But it always and constantly looks on you to make you fall so that it can get chance to accuse you beforw God.

    Thanks for that post Sarath.


    Quote (Shania @ Oct. 03 2008,17:21)

    Quote (942767 @ Sep. 28 2008,21:32)
    Hi Shania:

    Thanks for this post.  I especially like the following statement that you have made here:

    Prior to this event, Adam and Eve just took God at his word and obeyed Him because He knew good from evil and they did not.  They only did what He told them to do. [Hmm… I remember a “second adam” who said something like that…]

    God Bless

    I was just in prayer and something hit me-

    I was praying to have the heart of the son, (always submitted to the Father- would only do what his Father told him to), and repenting for doing things my way and deciding how to serve Him on my own terms based on what I thought was “good”— then I repented of eating of this fruit- going to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so that I could be in control and make my own way to serve Him- on my own terms, of course….

    We are to feed of the vine- not go to the tree.  He is our life source.  He said that if we do not feed off of Him, then we have no life in us.  He also said that His food was to do the will of the Father and accomplish His work.  

    The first adam's food was to gain knowledge to make his own decisions… the second adam's food was to do the will of His Father and that alone.

    He is called the “second adam.”  He is also called the “beginning.”  The “word that was with God in the beginning.”  Could this be because he is what the whole of creation was intended for?  He is the “second” but really the first because he was what YHWH intended when He created man.  He is the pattern son and we are to be exactly like Him.  

    What are we feeding on?  Is there life in us?

    Hi Shania:

    I believe that Jesus is called the “last Adam” rather than the “second Adam”.

    1Cr 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam [was made] a quickening spirit.

    He is the beginning:

    Col 1:18  And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all [things] he might have the preeminence.

    2Cr 5:17 Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  

    The first Adam was made a living soul like God in that he had a mind, a free will and emotions.  The last Adam was made a life giving spirit.  It is the Word of God that is his spirit and gives life to his and our soul.

    Jhn 6:32  Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.
    Jhn 6:33  For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.

    Jhn 6:53  Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

    Jhn 6:63  It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are life.

    God Bless


    Ofcourse brother 942767,
    You are right in saying Jesus is called Last Adam in the sense that he became the end for the mortal and sinful man who is under curse. Jesus became the first in the new creation of God in the realm of immortality and eternal life. But Jesus is also called as Second Adam by Paul in the sense he was similar to the first one.

    Thanks and love to you


    Hi 94,
    Indeed the first and the last.
    But first before last.


    Satan was created by God.
    But he was not created evil.

    Choice made him evil.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 05 2008,04:57)
    Hi 94,
    Indeed the first and the last.
    But first before last.

    Foreordained. Unless you can show me where he existed as Christ Jesus before he was born of the virgin Mary.


    Quote (gollamudi @ Oct. 04 2008,22:32)
    Ofcourse brother 942767,
    You are right in saying Jesus is called Last Adam in the sense that he became the end for the mortal and sinful man who is under curse. Jesus became the first in the new creation of God in the realm of immortality and eternal life. But Jesus is also called as Second Adam by Paul in the sense he was similar to the first one.

    Thanks and love to you

    Hi Adam:

    Where in the scriptures is Jesus called the second Adam by the Apostle Paul?


    Hi 94,
    You say
    ” It is the Word of God that is his spirit and gives life to his and our soul. “
    The Spirit gives life to us and while expressed in the Word the Spirit is more than that expression.


    Quote (942767 @ Oct. 05 2008,08:13)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 05 2008,04:57)
    Hi 94,
    Indeed the first and the last.
    But first before last.

    Foreordained.  Unless you can show me where he existed as Christ Jesus before he was born of the virgin Mary.

    Hi 94,
    Jesus was named Jesus by Mary and Joseph.
    The Christ truly became the Christ at his anointing.
    Jesus Christ came in the flesh= The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 05 2008,09:15)
    Hi 94,
    You say
    ” It is the Word of God that is his spirit and gives life to his and our soul. “
    The Spirit gives life to us and while expressed in the Word the Spirit is more than that expression.

    Hi Nick:

    The Holy Spirit is the life. It is because we abide in the Word of God that our Father can dwell within us.


    Hi 94,
    Some will be washed by the Word but most have put on Christ by being baptised into Christ.

    However the fruit of Christ being born by the Spirit into us takes much longer as Paul witnessed in Galatians


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 05 2008,10:42)
    Hi 94,
    Some will be washed by the Word but most have put on Christ by being baptised into Christ.

    However the fruit of Christ being born by the Spirit into us takes much longer as Paul witnessed in Galatians

    Hi Nick:

    We are saved by faith and faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, and so, the Apostle Peter preached “repent and be baptized…and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  This is the Word of God and the Holy Spirit dwells within when someone has believed with a repentant heart.

    Of course, someone who is at this stage in his walk in the Lord is a babe in Christ.  But nevertheless, he is in Christ


    Hi 94,
    To be given the seed is not enough but the soil must accept and make room in us that it may grow and continue to grow even unto fruit. Otherwise it remains as a single seed. Taking up the cross daily and denying ourselves and walking.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 05 2008,11:48)
    Hi 94,
    To be given the seed is not enough but the soil must accept and make room in us that it may grow and continue to grow even unto fruit.  Otherwise it remains as a single seed. Taking up the cross daily and denying ourselves and walking.

    True. I agree.


    Quote (942767 @ Oct. 05 2008,08:15)

    Quote (gollamudi @ Oct. 04 2008,22:32)
    Ofcourse brother 942767,
    You are right in saying Jesus is called Last Adam in the sense that he became the end for the mortal and sinful man who is under curse. Jesus became the first in the new creation of God in the realm of immortality and eternal life. But Jesus is also called as Second Adam by Paul in the sense he was similar to the first one.

    Thanks and love to you

    Hi Adam:

    Where in the scriptures is Jesus called the second Adam by the Apostle Paul?

    Hi brother 942767,
    Here are the verses for your query;

    1 Cor 15:47
    “The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven”.

    1 Cor 15:46
    “The spiritual does not come first, but the physical does, and then comes the spiritual”.

    In Genesis we learn sin and death entered human existence when Adam disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. Jesus is the “second Adam” because He reverses what the first Adam did. Jesus paid for sin and through Him we have entrance to freedom from sin and death. He is the first of a new type of Human Being–the second Adam. Jesus' resurrection from the dead is a demonstration of His righteousness, perfection and Holiness that death could not hold Him. He conquered death. He is the “first fruit” from the earth, the first of the resurrected dead who will be raised to eternal life in material bodies that can function both in the spirit realm and in the material realm equally.

    Hope this will clear your doubts on Second Adam (man). In Hebrew the word 'Adam' means 'human'.

    Thanks and love to you


    Hi GM,
    Jesus was the same kind of man we are, just one that overcame by the Spirit of God.
    He has already assumed his new body or surely he would not have been able to enter heaven.

    When he appears we will be alike to him.


    Amen and thanks brother Nick.

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