
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #278841
    Ed J

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,12:10)

    MY NAME IS NOT “F”! Did you all of the sudden get lazy? At least I have the respect to address you by your name and not address you as ” Hi N,”. I am also not a hypocrite and single out a particular individual and accuse them of condemning in the sense that you strongly disapprove of what they are saying if this is what you meant in your accusing me and not accuse others here and yourself when you are doing the same damn thing. I don't know, since you never responded to my post on this matter. It seems you intentionally did not respond. I am beginning to believe that you are in cahoots with mods Mike and t8 and have been set up as a diversion in this forum! The way this forum is set up where one can not even edit their posts makes me believe that this is done intentionally to entrap people in their words.

    Shalom Frank,

    You can any time realize God's name is (יהוה) YHVH, and you can even
    change your Avatar to reflect this new found truth! (Frank-For-YHVH)

    B'shem, YHVH (YÄ-hä-vā)
    עד (Ed) (Joshua 22:34)


    Frank………..You can ask for and get editing rights most here have them and you can edit you posts at any times you want to Brother.

    peace and love to you and yours Frank………………………………………..gene


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 16 2012,20:07)
    Hi MB,
    It was Jesus CHRIST who said it.

    So then Jesus Christ is the one who had glory alongside his God before the world began?

    Good Nick, because that's all I've been trying to tell you.


    Hi MB,
    The Spirit of Christ.
    Jesus is a son of Mary who was made one in God's Spirit.

    You can follow him into that unity.


    Now you're flip-flopping, Nick. You said that “Jesus Christ” said it. But now it seems you're changing that answer. Are you? Did the PERSON “Jesus Christ” say the statement in John 17:5?


    Hi MB,
    No you cannot grasp any deeper spiritual truth.
    Jesus CHRIST is the same yesterday today and forever.
    But the man Jesus was anointed at the Jordan.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 18 2012,22:02)
    Hi MB,
    No you cannot grasp any deeper spiritual truth.
    Jesus CHRIST is the same yesterday today and forever.
    But the man Jesus was anointed at the Jordan.


    why was Jesus anointed ???


    Hi T,
    So he could act as God among the people.
    He healed them and set them free and told them about rescue from an evil world.

    God has visited His people


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 17 2012,22:02)
    Hi MB,
    No you cannot grasp any deeper spiritual truth.
    Jesus CHRIST is the same yesterday today and forever.
    But the man Jesus was anointed at the Jordan.

    Nick, you are becomming ever more like the Trinitarians, I fear.  They too must explain their doctrine in riddles, peppered with a “you must have spirit”, or “you must have a deeper understanding” at the end of the nonsense they just claimed.

    It seems you even claimed to Pierre that God Himself came down from heaven in the flesh body of Jesus to visit His people.  It is a slippery slope, my friend.  Quick – grasp hold of a branch or something before you begin sliding too fast to stop yourself.

    Nick, it seems you would like us to believe that the anointing spirit of God merged with the human being Jesus at the Jordan, forming one complete being out of two separate things.

    If that is the case, why would the spirit merging with the man Jesus all of a sudden mean that the man Jesus had glory alongside his God before the world began?

    And if it was not Jesus who had the glory, why would the merger transform the anointing spirit into the Son of God?

    The words are “Father, glorify me………”  And the choices are:

    1.  The person Jesus said those words, and therefore had glory alongside his God before the world began.

    2.  The anointing spirit is who had glory alongside his God, and is therefore the Son of God.

    Which one is it, Nick?  Or what is the third option?  Spell it out plainly for those of us who are unable to “grasp your deeper spiritual truth”.


    Mike……..You have no idea what Nick is saying do you? He is saying the truth Jesus was a MAN who had the CHRISTOS or Anointing of GOD on HIM. You need to learn to separate Jesus a Man ONLY who came into existences at his berth on this earth from the CHRISTOS or Anointing that came to be (IN)and With him at the Jordan River after he was Baptized. That is exactly what NICK is saying, He is not flip flopping around nor is he a Trinitarian either, Nor is he a Preexistence Like you and the TRINITARIANS ARE> You people are the ones who are “Separatist”, and are constantly driving a wedge between Jesus' human Identity and ours God was not working with God's, Demigod's, Angels or any thing other that MAN by a MAN the MAN Jesus, who is called the “CHRISTOS”, “MESSIAH' , OR “ANOINTED ONE OF GOD”. Because this “MAN” was “ANOINTED” as such at the Jordan River and there the LOGOS came to be (IN) the FLESH MAN JESUS> No one is flip flopping here you are just using you talent of twisting up and ridiculing what other say that disagrees with you a badge you and Pierre share together it seems.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 18 2012,16:30)
    Hi T,
    So he could act as God among the people.
    He healed them and set them free and told them about rescue from an evil world.

    God has visited His people

    Nick………Yes indeed God was (TRULY) (IN) Jesus and Indeed did visit His People. And at time spoke directly to them through Jesus' very mouth First Person. Like ,
    Destroy this temple and in three days (I) God shall raise it up. That was not coming from Jesus but from God the Father who was (IN) Him, and again,

    Luk 13:34…> O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which kills the prophets, and stone them that are sent unto you; how often would I (GOD) have gathered your childern together; as a hen does her brood under her wings, and you would not! 35….> Behold you house is left unto you desolate: and verily I (GOD) say unto you, you shall not see me until the time come when you shall say Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.

    That was GOD speaking first person through Jesus' Mouth. Those word were not coming from Jesus himself.

    Peace and love to you and your Nick…………………………………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 18 2012,08:16)
    You need to learn to separate Jesus a Man ONLY who came into existences at his berth on this earth from the CHRISTOS or Anointing…………….

    And which one of those two had glory alongside his FATHER before the world began, Gene?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 18 2012,23:30)
    Hi T,
    So he could act as God among the people.
    He healed them and set them free and told them about rescue from an evil world.

    God has visited His people


    was Jesus not only like a god but was he not a god,like the son of God the father ?????

    so why would he ACT,only comedians act ,right ??


    Hi T,
    He lived and behaved and reacted just as God would have from his anointing.
    He was led by the Spirit of God


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 19 2012,12:08)
    Hi T,
    He lived and behaved and reacted just as God would have from his anointing.
    He was led by the Spirit of God


    this would be called doing the will of God ,right ??


    Hi T,
    He did the will of God by being led by the Spirit.
    That is the plan of God


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 19 2012,12:53)
    Hi T,
    He did the will of God by being led by the Spirit.
    That is the plan of God


    I believed that he did this out of LOVE for his God and father and for men because he  delighting in mankind.


    Hi T,
    So all these were of his own human nature?
    Why would you demean the work of God?

    Acts 10.38
    “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and power;who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil; for God was with him”



    8th post on the previous page?


    Hi MB,
    Jesus is now one with the eternal Spirit.
    Would you divide what God has joined together?

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