
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #278742

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 17 2012,08:16)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,15:02)

    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 16 2012,22:45)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:58)

    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    “I think therefore I am.”
    I am means I exist.

    Jesus said, “Before Abraham I am”.

    Believe it or not.

    I believe it because Jesus sheep hear his voice and Jesus said it and I want to hear his voice.

    What stops you from hearing what Jesus said here Frank?
    Is it pride in defending a doctrine that caught your imagination years ago?


    Yes, Yahshua truly did exist just as many others existed AT THAT TIME, but Yahshua did not PRE-EXIST as a separate being with or apart from his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning as His word as many foolishly, falsely, deceptively, and demonically believe and teach.

    Nothing stops me from hearing Yahshua's voice or word that he was directed to speak by his and our Father Yahweh, but I most certainly would NEVER listen to YOUR “Jesus”!

    When Yahshua said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders), “Before Abraham was, I am.”, he was speaking of his preeminence over Abraham …

    Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are? (Yahchanan [John] 8:53)

    … and in his saying “I am” (ego eimi) he was simply giving reference to himself as any other person speaking Greek gives reference to themselves in saying 'ego eimi'. In fact, even Jewish people speaking Greek at that time also gave reference to themselves by saying 'ego eimi', just as Jewish people in this time period give reference to themselves by say “I am”.

    Note that he also said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders):

    Though you do not know Him, I know Him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know Him AND KEEP HIS WORD (Yahchanan [John] 8:55).

    No, Yahshua was not saying that he was keeping himself, but that he was keeping or obeying his and our Father Yahweh's word. Note that the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) were void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying what he was saying as you are also void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying:

    Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my time; he saw it and was glad. You are not yet fifty years old, the Jews said to him, and you have seen Abraham? (Yahchanan [John] 8:56-57)

    It is what he said next that angered the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) that caused them pick up stones to stone him:

    I tell you the truth, Yahshua answered, before Abraham was, I am! At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Yahshua hid himself and slipping away from the temple grounds (Yahchanan [John] 8:58-59).

    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?


    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?

    why do not go to a kindergarten school and ask the little ones their ,and see what they would tell you ,because the truth comes out of the children

    You write like you are still in kindergarten school!


    Hi F,
    Read your words.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 17 2012,08:42)
    Hi F,
    Read your words.


    I am the one who wrote the words and I most certainly would know if I have ever condemned anyone! Now, if you mean 'condemn' in the sense of my showing strong disapproval for what someone has taught in opposition to what Scripture truly teaches, then yes, in this sense I have condemned others and they have also condemned me in the same sense.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 17 2012,08:42)
    Hi F,
    Read your words.


    And by the way, are you not also condemning me in the sense of showing strong disapproval in what I wrote in response to others and wouldn't this make you hypocritical in how you have recently responded to me?



    Could you tell me what Frank cannot?

    WHEN was Jesus existing in the form of God?

    WHEN did he empty himself of this form/existence?

    WHEN did he subsequently become made in the likeness of a human being?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 17 2012,09:08)

    Could you tell me what Frank cannot?

    WHEN was Jesus existing in the form of God?

    WHEN did he empty himself of this form/existence?

    WHEN did he subsequently become made in the likeness of a human being?


    I have told you clearly in my previous posts that Yahshua existed in the form or image of his and our Father Yahweh when he was here on Earth (or “IN THE WORLD”), but you have ears that are dull of hearing. Yahshua existed right here on Earth (or “IN THE WORLD”) in the form or image of his and our Father Yahweh just as Yahweh had created the first Adam (mankind – man and woman) in his own image or form in the beginning of His creating.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,15:41)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 17 2012,08:16)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,15:02)

    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 16 2012,22:45)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:58)

    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    “I think therefore I am.”
    I am means I exist.

    Jesus said, “Before Abraham I am”.

    Believe it or not.

    I believe it because Jesus sheep hear his voice and Jesus said it and I want to hear his voice.

    What stops you from hearing what Jesus said here Frank?
    Is it pride in defending a doctrine that caught your imagination years ago?


    Yes, Yahshua truly did exist just as many others existed AT THAT TIME, but Yahshua did not PRE-EXIST as a separate being with or apart from his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning as His word as many foolishly, falsely, deceptively, and demonically believe and teach.

    Nothing stops me from hearing Yahshua's voice or word that he was directed to speak by his and our Father Yahweh, but I most certainly would NEVER listen to YOUR “Jesus”!

    When Yahshua said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders), “Before Abraham was, I am.”, he was speaking of his preeminence over Abraham …

    Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are? (Yahchanan [John] 8:53)

    … and in his saying “I am” (ego eimi) he was simply giving reference to himself as any other person speaking Greek gives reference to themselves in saying 'ego eimi'. In fact, even Jewish people speaking Greek at that time also gave reference to themselves by saying 'ego eimi', just as Jewish people in this time period give reference to themselves by say “I am”.

    Note that he also said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders):

    Though you do not know Him, I know Him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know Him AND KEEP HIS WORD (Yahchanan [John] 8:55).

    No, Yahshua was not saying that he was keeping himself, but that he was keeping or obeying his and our Father Yahweh's word. Note that the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) were void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying what he was saying as you are also void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying:

    Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my time; he saw it and was glad. You are not yet fifty years old, the Jews said to him, and you have seen Abraham? (Yahchanan [John] 8:56-57)

    It is what he said next that angered the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) that caused them pick up stones to stone him:

    I tell you the truth, Yahshua answered, before Abraham was, I am! At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Yahshua hid himself and slipping away from the temple grounds (Yahchanan [John] 8:58-59).

    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?


    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?

    why do not go to a kindergarten school and ask the little ones their ,and see what they would tell you ,because the truth comes out of the children

    You write like you are still in kindergarten school!


    that s why I have understanding ,I do not fight words ,when we can read it strait forward,

    it is so funny that Christ is given the Kingdom to those who are like children ,

    so you are in your kingdom and I am in Gods Kingdom thats fine with me


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 17 2012,09:42)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,15:41)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 17 2012,08:16)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,15:02)

    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 16 2012,22:45)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:58)

    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    “I think therefore I am.”
    I am means I exist.

    Jesus said, “Before Abraham I am”.

    Believe it or not.

    I believe it because Jesus sheep hear his voice and Jesus said it and I want to hear his voice.

    What stops you from hearing what Jesus said here Frank?
    Is it pride in defending a doctrine that caught your imagination years ago?


    Yes, Yahshua truly did exist just as many others existed AT THAT TIME, but Yahshua did not PRE-EXIST as a separate being with or apart from his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning as His word as many foolishly, falsely, deceptively, and demonically believe and teach.

    Nothing stops me from hearing Yahshua's voice or word that he was directed to speak by his and our Father Yahweh, but I most certainly would NEVER listen to YOUR “Jesus”!

    When Yahshua said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders), “Before Abraham was, I am.”, he was speaking of his preeminence over Abraham …

    Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are? (Yahchanan [John] 8:53)

    … and in his saying “I am” (ego eimi) he was simply giving reference to himself as any other person speaking Greek gives reference to themselves in saying 'ego eimi'. In fact, even Jewish people speaking Greek at that time also gave reference to themselves by saying 'ego eimi', just as Jewish people in this time period give reference to themselves by say “I am”.

    Note that he also said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders):

    Though you do not know Him, I know Him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know Him AND KEEP HIS WORD (Yahchanan [John] 8:55).

    No, Yahshua was not saying that he was keeping himself, but that he was keeping or obeying his and our Father Yahweh's word. Note that the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) were void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying what he was saying as you are also void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying:

    Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my time; he saw it and was glad. You are not yet fifty years old, the Jews said to him, and you have seen Abraham? (Yahchanan [John] 8:56-57)

    It is what he said next that angered the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) that caused them pick up stones to stone him:

    I tell you the truth, Yahshua answered, before Abraham was, I am! At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Yahshua hid himself and slipping away from the temple grounds (Yahchanan [John] 8:58-59).

    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?


    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?

    why do not go to a kindergarten school and ask the little ones their ,and see what they would tell you ,because the truth comes out of the children

    You write like you are still in kindergarten school!


    that s why I have understanding ,I do not fight words ,when we can read it strait forward,

    it is so funny that Christ is given the Kingdom to those who are like children ,

    so you are in your kingdom and I am in Gods Kingdom thats fine with me


    Your and I are both in this present world at this moment and not in Father Yahweh's Kingdom. Father Yahweh's Kingdom is a future event that will do away with these present governments (kingdoms) established mere men.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,16:17)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 17 2012,09:08)

    Could you tell me what Frank cannot?

    WHEN was Jesus existing in the form of God?

    WHEN did he empty himself of this form/existence?

    WHEN did he subsequently become made in the likeness of a human being?


    I have told you clearly in my previous posts that Yahshua existed in the form or image of his and our Father Yahweh when he was here on Earth (or “IN THE WORLD”), but you have ears that are dull of hearing. Yahshua existed right here on Earth (or “IN THE WORLD”) in the form or image of his and our Father Yahweh just as Yahweh had created the first Adam (mankind – man and woman) in his own image or form in the beginning of His creating.

    Okay Frank. That answers question #1 for me. What about #2 and #3?

    When did Jesus empty himself of this image of God?

    And when did he subsequently become made in the likeness of a human being (after he already was one according to you)?


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 17 2012,09:42)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,15:41)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 17 2012,08:16)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 17 2012,15:02)

    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 16 2012,22:45)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,11:58)

    You can wait till your blue in the face. The evidence I have presented, take it or leave it. Your choice!

    “I think therefore I am.”
    I am means I exist.

    Jesus said, “Before Abraham I am”.

    Believe it or not.

    I believe it because Jesus sheep hear his voice and Jesus said it and I want to hear his voice.

    What stops you from hearing what Jesus said here Frank?
    Is it pride in defending a doctrine that caught your imagination years ago?


    Yes, Yahshua truly did exist just as many others existed AT THAT TIME, but Yahshua did not PRE-EXIST as a separate being with or apart from his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning as His word as many foolishly, falsely, deceptively, and demonically believe and teach.

    Nothing stops me from hearing Yahshua's voice or word that he was directed to speak by his and our Father Yahweh, but I most certainly would NEVER listen to YOUR “Jesus”!

    When Yahshua said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders), “Before Abraham was, I am.”, he was speaking of his preeminence over Abraham …

    Are you greater than our father Abraham? He died, and so did the prophets. Who do you think you are? (Yahchanan [John] 8:53)

    … and in his saying “I am” (ego eimi) he was simply giving reference to himself as any other person speaking Greek gives reference to themselves in saying 'ego eimi'. In fact, even Jewish people speaking Greek at that time also gave reference to themselves by saying 'ego eimi', just as Jewish people in this time period give reference to themselves by say “I am”.

    Note that he also said in answer to the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders):

    Though you do not know Him, I know Him. If I said I did not, I would be a liar like you, but I do know Him AND KEEP HIS WORD (Yahchanan [John] 8:55).

    No, Yahshua was not saying that he was keeping himself, but that he was keeping or obeying his and our Father Yahweh's word. Note that the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) were void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying what he was saying as you are also void of understanding of what Yahshua was saying:

    Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my time; he saw it and was glad. You are not yet fifty years old, the Jews said to him, and you have seen Abraham? (Yahchanan [John] 8:56-57)

    It is what he said next that angered the Sanhedrin (Jewish religious leaders) that caused them pick up stones to stone him:

    I tell you the truth, Yahshua answered, before Abraham was, I am! At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Yahshua hid himself and slipping away from the temple grounds (Yahchanan [John] 8:58-59).

    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?


    What did Yahshua truly mean when he said:

    “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”?

    why do not go to a kindergarten school and ask the little ones their ,and see what they would tell you ,because the truth comes out of the children

    You write like you are still in kindergarten school!


    that s why I have understanding ,I do not fight words ,when we can read it strait forward,

    it is so funny that Christ is given the Kingdom to those who are like children ,

    so you are in your kingdom and I am in Gods Kingdom thats fine with me


    You and I are both in this present world at this moment and not in Father Yahweh's Kingdom. Father Yahweh's Kingdom is a future event that will do away with these present governments (kingdoms) established by mere men.

    And you do fight words! You have been doing it in your responses to others and I in this forum all along!


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 17 2012,10:05)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,16:17)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 17 2012,09:08)

    Could you tell me what Frank cannot?

    WHEN was Jesus existing in the form of God?

    WHEN did he empty himself of this form/existence?

    WHEN did he subsequently become made in the likeness of a human being?


    I have told you clearly in my previous posts that Yahshua existed in the form or image of his and our Father Yahweh when he was here on Earth (or “IN THE WORLD”), but you have ears that are dull of hearing. Yahshua existed right here on Earth (or “IN THE WORLD”) in the form or image of his and our Father Yahweh just as Yahweh had created the first Adam (mankind – man and woman) in his own image or form in the beginning of His creating.

    Okay Frank.  That answers question #1 for me.  What about #2 and #3?

    When did Jesus empty himself of this image of God?

    And when did he subsequently become made in the likeness of a human being (after he already was one according to you)?


    These questions I have also addressed in my previous post that you have so conveniently chose to ignore!

    “Jesus” emptying himself of the image of “God” is your belief, not mine! My belief is that Yahshua emptied himself of pride in that he never took upon himself pride in being boastful or proud, but gave ALL esteem to his and our Father Yahweh in his becoming a HUMBLE SERVANT to his and our Father Yahweh. Yahshua was MADE in the likeness of a human being when he was born.

    FYI, you do not “lord” over me in what it is that I believe. It is Father Yahweh Who is my Almighty One THROUGH (BY WAY OF) His son Yahshua who is my master.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,17:21)
    My belief is that Yahshua emptied himself of pride in that he never took upon himself pride in being boastful or proud………….

    If he never took pride upon himself, what pride did he empty himself of?


    Hi MB,
    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.
    The anointing is united with him.

    So the history of the anointing Spirit belongs to him.


    You cannot speak of Jesus Christ without speaking of the man AND the anointing.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 17 2012,10:23)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,17:21)
    My belief is that Yahshua emptied himself of pride in that he never took upon himself pride in being boastful or proud………….

    If he never took pride upon himself, what pride did he empty himself of?


    So, is it your stance that Yahshua was perfect and without sin from the very beginning of his birth? If so, I wonder how you can come to this conclusion when there in no record whatsoever of his childhood?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 16 2012,17:28)
    Hi MB,
    Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.
    The anointing is united with him.

    So the history of the anointing Spirit belongs to him.

    So then it was the anointing spirit that called God “Father” in John 17:5?  The anointing spirit is the SON of God?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 16 2012,17:42)
    You cannot speak of Jesus Christ without speaking of the man AND the anointing.

    Are we allowed to speak of David Christ as just a man? How about Cyrus Christ?


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 16 2012,18:02)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 17 2012,10:23)
    If he never took pride upon himself, what pride did he empty himself of?


    So, is it your stance that Yahshua was perfect and without sin from the very beginning of his birth? If so, I wonder how you can come to this conclusion when there in no record whatsoever of his childhood?

    Without sin? YES, for scripture says he was without sin.

    Perfect? NO, for scripture says he was perfected through suffering.

    Could you now answer my question, Frank?


    Frank and Nick…………..I tell you they just don't get it brothers. Jesus was just that, a MAN who was ANOINTED with the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD and that was Not a BODY MIKE of any kind he was anointed with, but the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD. When Jesus said the FATHER was (IN) HIM He Meant it Mike Pierre and T8, When are you people going to start to believe Jesus' own words? Instead of constituently try to worm around them with all kinds of Pagan false teachings. Jesus did not preexist as a sentinel being before his berth on the earth Period. No more then King Cyrus , Jeremiah, or John the Baptist did, God was not dealing with Angels or Demigods, but with Man, through a Man, Jesus the CHRIST> A man who came to “BEING” through the roots of Jesse and was and is the root and offspring of King David. Mike , Pierre, T8, and we don't have to try to play word games to try to alter that either as you people do. IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………………..gene



    Can you not yet see how one can twist your words, and in turn you call this someone being “honest”?

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