
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #276360

    Hi GB,
    God is spirit.
    The Holy Spirit is of God.
    God manifests Himself as the Spirit.
    Jesus was given the fulness of the Spirit of God.
    But God was still in heaven and Jesus told us to pray to Him there.

    God pours of His Spirit but doing so does not diminish Him. His plan is for all to share that Spirit of life.


    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 06 2012,21:16)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 31 2012,10:42)
    T8……….Wrong the LOGOS became FLESH (IN) Jesus.

    The word in is not there Gene.
    It is in your own head.

    I can't even count the number of times I've said this same thing to Gene in the last two years. ???

    You left out one of their additions to the scriptures, t8. In John 17:5, they must add, “the glory THE THOUGHT OF ME IN YOUR HEAD had before the world began”.



    Are they trying to get you to believe that Father Yahweh and His word was not in Yahshua? You and I know better though, right?


    Hi F4,
    God was in him reconciling the world to Himself.


    We're trying to get Gene to see that it is not good policy to go around ADDING your own words into the scriptures. You will never be able to come to a true, scriptural understanding when you add your own words to change what the scripture really says.

    Is that wrong of us?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 08 2012,02:34)
    T8………..So you do not believe Jesus when he said the FATHER is in Me so tell us in what “WAY” was the FATHER (IN) HIM. If not by His Spirit Which Jesus said was THE WORDS He SPOKE.  What you are saying is like you words are not really you either. The Logos became FLESH (IN) Christ Jesus. T8 it is just that simple brother.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………………………………………………..gene

    Gene we can all have the Spirit of God in us and we are one with God when his spirit is in us.

    Now if the Word became flesh and the Spirit is the Word thus meaning the Spirit became flesh and was in Jesus, then that means that flesh came in Jesus who's body was flesh.

    Flesh in flesh?

    You say it is that simple brother, but that is not simple, nor is it logical, understandable, and most importantly, it is not written that flesh came in flesh.

    That is what happens Gene when you add in words to the text that are not there.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 08 2012,05:32)
    I can't even count the number of times I've said this same thing to Gene in the last two years.  ???

    You left out one of their additions to the scriptures, t8.  In John 17:5, they must add, “the glory THE THOUGHT OF ME IN YOUR HEAD had before the world began”.

    Yes that is another addition.

    They seem to have a pattern of going for the opposite meaning, then they justify their view by adding in words, and then they call you crazy for not seeing what they see.

    The problem of course is that we indeed do see what they want us to see and that is why we reject it. We see that it is wrong because they add their own understanding.

    Like Trinitarians, they start with the understanding first and then force scripture into their paradigm.




    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 08 2012,09:44)
    Hi F4,
    God was in him reconciling the world to Himself.

    Nick Hassan,

    Was not Father Yahweh's word also in His son Yahshua just as Yahshua's word that he spoke can be in us?


    Hi F4,
    Yes the Spirit of Christ was also with the Israelites in the desert.[1Cor10]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 08 2012,12:44)
    Hi F4,
    Yes the Spirit of Christ was also with the Israelites in the desert.[1Cor10]

    Nick Hassan,

    So, you do agree that Father Yahweh's word was in Yahshua. It seemed that others here were trying to tell Gene that Father Yahweh''s word was not in Yahshua and falsely accusing him of adding words to the text.

    I would agree that the same spirit that was with and in the Messiah was also the same spirit that was with and in the Yisrylites in the desert. This is not saying that Yahshua Messiah pre-existed his birth as an actual being and was in the Yisrylites in the desert though.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 08 2012,13:00)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 08 2012,12:44)
    Hi F4,
    Yes the Spirit of Christ was also with the Israelites in the desert.[1Cor10]

    Nick Hassan,

    So, you do agree that Father Yahweh's word was in Yahshua. It seemed that others here were trying to tell Gene that Father Yahweh''s word was not in Yahshua and falsely accusing him of adding words to the text.

    I would agree that the same spirit that was with and in the Messiah was also the same spirit that was with and in the Yisrylites in the desert. This is not saying that Yahshua Messiah pre-existed his birth as an actual being and was in the Yisrylites in the desert though.

    I should have more accurately said:

    “This is not saying that Yahshua Messiah pre-existed his birth as an actual being and was in “AND WITH the Ysrylites in the desert though.”


    Hi F4,
    Jesus Christ spoke the words of God given him by God's Spirit.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 08 2012,13:20)
    Hi F4,
    Jesus Christ spoke the words of God given him by God's Spirit.

    Nick Hassan,

    I wholeheartedly agree with what you have just said, but the agenda of others here is to prove that Yahshua pre-existed his birth as “The Word” as separate being apart from his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning. Do you believe Yahshua pre-existed his birth as a separate being that was “The Word” that was with his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning?


    Hi F4,
    The book never says he was a BEING before birth.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 08 2012,13:00)
    So, you do agree that Father Yahweh's word was in Yahshua. It seemed that others here were trying to tell Gene that Father Yahweh''s word was not in Yahshua and falsely accusing him of adding words to the text.

    Your twisting words Frank.

    Show one example of anyone saying that the Father's words were not in Christ.

    If someone is called the Word of God, then why wouldn't he have the word of God in him? If someone was called the truth, then why wouldn't he have the truth of God in him.

    On the contrary, a name is given because it describes the person.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 08 2012,13:31)
    Hi F4,
    The book never says he was a BEING before birth.

    Yes, I don't think the word being is mentioned for Jesus, and this could be true after his birth too.

    It does describe his nature before being born, where it says in scripture in a number of places, that he existed in the form of God, emptied himself, came in the flesh, died, resurrected, and back in the glory that he had with the Father before the world began.


    T8………..The one twisting here is not Frank or Nick it is you preexistences who are adding to the word of God not I Nor Nick or Frank.

    The Logos who is God is SPIRIT and (IT) came to be (became) (IN) Jesus . This same Logos can be (IN) you me and all mankind also and that is exactly why Jesus said He was (IN) GOD and GOD was (IN) Him and he can be (IN ) us and we can be (IN) him. That is also why it said that GOD may be (IN) ALL and THROUGH “ALL”. That is accomplished by the LOGOS which is produced by GOD SPIRIT (IN) a Person.

    If you understood what Spirit really is this would all make clear sense to you, you are tripped up over the word Spirit. Spirit is not a Being it is (Cognate Thought) or simply Intellect. And words are the expression of those intellects and that is why Jesus said the words He spoke to us were not “HIS” words but the words or LOGOS of him that sent HIM. God who is Spirit and HIS LOGOS
    are one and the same thing and can be in All and through ALL>

    You deny that the LOGOS who (IS) GOD and WAS GOD was (IN) Jesus becasue you falsely try to make Jesus the Logos “himself” when he plainly said he was not the logos or “WORD”. WE as well as Jesus are cleansed by the WORD (LOGOS) of GOD and His words are spirit or don't you believe Jesus when he said that? The LOGOS or WORDS I speak unto you “ARE” SPIRIT and “THEY the WORDS Or LOGOS ARE LIFE”. Where it say the LOGOS became or (came to be) flesh means it came to be (IN) Flesh, (IT) the LOGOS was (IN) Jesus and that was the FATHER (IN) HIM as he plainly said . The FATHER was (IN) HIM.

    T8……..You look at the FATHER as a PERSON as Many do, but Jesus said he spoke of Him in a Proverbial (factious illustration) Language, God the Father is a Spirit It is not a person Just as Wisdom is not a SHE but a KIND of SPIRIT, and a Satan is not a person but a type or kind of Spirit and all of these Types and Kinds of spirit can come to be (IN) a PERSON, but they themselves are not persons they are spirits (cognate thought) or giving us our (INTELLECTS) we have (IN) us.

    Jesus recieved the Holy Spirit at the Jordan it descended on him like a dove, this was the LOGOS of GOD and it told him to go into the wilderness to be tested and BY the LOGOS (word of GOD) He overcame Himself his “OWN WILL” his own human nature was put to death and then He was sent out into the World to Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of GOD . IMO

    peace and love…………………………………………………..gene


    Hi T8,
    Yes that describes the anointing on Jesus CHRIST.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Feb. 08 2012,13:28)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 08 2012,13:20)
    Hi F4,
    Jesus Christ spoke the words of God given him by God's Spirit.

    Nick Hassan,

    I wholeheartedly agree with what you have just said, but the agenda of others here is to prove that Yahshua pre-existed his birth as “The Word” as separate being apart from his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning. Do you believe Yahshua pre-existed his birth as a separate being that was “The Word” that was with his and our Father Yahweh in the beginning?

    The beginning of what?

    Is there any scripture that talks about the beginning of God?

    God has no beginning, every one else, and everything else, does; including his son.

    Why do you think he is called his son?


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