
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #267793

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 14 2011,10:39)
    Oh, I see.  So it WASN'T in the quote you posted just today?




    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 14 2011,10:30)

    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 14 2011,10:28)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 14 2011,10:19)
    Yahweh's word was with Him in the beginning and still is with Him and is a part of Him.

    For God sake man.
    Who in their right mind would concur with that logic.


    Certainly not an illogical fool such as you!  :D

    Let me interpet that for you.

    You are saying Na na na na na na na.
    You are ugly and I am not.

    Something like that anyway.

    Last time I had a conversation like that was when I was like 5 years old.



    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 14 2011,10:46)
    The word “WITH”, by definition, indicates TWO or more separate things that are in close proximity to each other. I believe Father Yahweh and His word are in close proximity to each other!

    Blow the trumpets.

    We have progress.

    And Jesus is the Word of God.
    In fact the whole Book of John is about who Jesus is.

    And all things were made through him and for him.
    And when the word became flesh it was Jesus.

    And we know that Jesus existed with divine nature before emptying himself and coming in the flesh.

    It certainly must be thorn in your side Frank, knowing that Jesus ascended to the Father in the same way he descended and is now in the glory he had with the Father before the world began.

    Is that thorn at least annoying you?


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 14 2011,10:38)
    Further explanation of my above comment.

    Can only concur with that logic if the Word was someone or something else to God himself.


    No need to further explain your foolishness to me! I believe I have had enough! :D


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 13 2011,17:46)

    I fully agree with t8's definition of the word 'with'!

    The word “WITH”, by definition, indicates TWO or more separate things that are in close proximity to each other. I believe Father Yahweh and His word are in close proximity to each other!

    You're HALF way there now, Frank. Here's part 2:

    If TWO or more things are in close proximity to EACH OTHER, then those TWO things are not the same ONE thing.

    Are you STILL with me?


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 13 2011,17:50)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 14 2011,10:39)
    Oh, I see.  So it WASN'T in the quote you posted just today?



    Then why would you act as if it WAS in today's post, and we were just too dumb to see it? ???

    Didn't you re-post the same exact quote you posted earlier, while calling us fools for not seeing anything about 6:62? ???

    And now you're saying that there really was nothing about 6:62 in THAT post? ???

    Frank, you're too much.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 14 2011,11:10)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 14 2011,10:46)
    The word “WITH”, by definition, indicates TWO or more separate things that are in close proximity to each other. I believe Father Yahweh and His word are in close proximity to each other!

    Blow the trumpets.

    We have progress.

    And Jesus is the Word of God.
    In fact the whole Book of John is about who Jesus is.

    And all things were made through him and for him.
    And when the word became flesh it was Jesus.

    And we know that Jesus existed with divine nature before emptying himself and coming in the flesh.

    It certainly must be thorn in your side Frank, knowing that Jesus ascended to the Father in the same way he descended and is now in the glory he had with the Father before the world began.

    Is that thorn at least annoying you?


    No, the Messiah is not his and our Father Yahweh's word! He is the spokesman of his and our Father Yahweh's word in this last time period as Hebrews 1:1-2 makes perfectly clear.

    By the power of Father Yahweh's word what he spoke came into existence. Read about this in the first part of Genesis! You might also want to further read in what you refer to as the so-called “Old Testament” where Father Yahweh says that it was He “ALONE” that created the Heavens and the Earth and ALL THINGS IN THEM and that there was no Redeemer beside Him in the beginning. You might also want to search through what you refer to as the so-called “New Testament” and see if you can find where His son Yahshua ever proclaimed that he had created ANYTHING. Certainly if Yahshua had created ANYTHING, he would have let us know about it! Hey! I have a great idea! How about if you no longer respond to me until you do find where Yahshua proclaimed that he had created ANYTHING? :D


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 14 2011,11:18)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 13 2011,17:50)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 14 2011,10:39)
    Oh, I see.  So it WASN'T in the quote you posted just today?



    Then why would you act as if it WAS in today's post, and we were just too dumb to see it?  ???

    Didn't you re-post the same exact quote you posted earlier, while calling us fools for not seeing anything about 6:62?  ???

    And now you're saying that there really was nothing about 6:62 in THAT post?  ???

    Frank, you're too much.


    Please show me where in my posts where you detected that I was “act[ing] as if it WAS in today's post”. While your at it, why don't you also show me in my post where “I [said] that there really was nothing about 6:62 in THAT post.”

    Mike, your not enough! :D


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 14 2011,11:14)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 13 2011,17:46)

    I fully agree with t8's definition of the word 'with'!

    The word “WITH”, by definition, indicates TWO or more separate things that are in close proximity to each other. I believe Father Yahweh and His word are in close proximity to each other!

    You're HALF way there now, Frank.  Here's part 2:

    If TWO or more things are in close proximity to EACH OTHER, then those TWO things are not the same ONE thing.

    Are you STILL with me?


    I have never been WITH you! Catch on? :D

    Yes, my body and all of it's parts are in close proximity with me and are most definitely me. So is my word! :)


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 14 2011,11:26)

    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 14 2011,11:10)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 14 2011,10:46)
    The word “WITH”, by definition, indicates TWO or more separate things that are in close proximity to each other. I believe Father Yahweh and His word are in close proximity to each other!

    Blow the trumpets.

    We have progress.

    And Jesus is the Word of God.
    In fact the whole Book of John is about who Jesus is.

    And all things were made through him and for him.
    And when the word became flesh it was Jesus.

    And we know that Jesus existed with divine nature before emptying himself and coming in the flesh.

    It certainly must be thorn in your side Frank, knowing that Jesus ascended to the Father in the same way he descended and is now in the glory he had with the Father before the world began.

    Is that thorn at least annoying you?


    No, the Messiah is not his and our Father Yahweh's word! He is the spokesman of his and our Father Yahweh's word in this last time period as Hebrews 1:1-2 makes perfectly clear.

    By the power of Father Yahweh's word what he spoke came into existence. Read about this in the first part of Genesis! You might also want to further read in what you refer to as the so-called “Old Testament” where Father Yahweh says that it was He “ALONE” that created the Heavens and the Earth and ALL THINGS IN THEM and that there was no Redeemer beside Him in the beginning. You might also want to search through what you refer to as the so-called “New Testament” and see if you can find where His son Yahshua ever proclaimed that he had created ANYTHING. Certainly if Yahshua had created ANYTHING, he would have let us know about it! Hey! I have a great idea! How about if you no longer respond to me until you do find where Yahshua proclaimed that he had created ANYTHING?  :D

    When God created everything alone Frank, that included you.
    This does not negate that God created you, albeit through agency including your parents who preceded you.

    Now God made all things through him and for him as it is written. Nothing was made that wasn't made without being made through him.

    He is before all things and is the first-born of all creation and in him bodily is the fullness of God. He represents the invisible God just a logo represents a company.


    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 14 2011,11:44)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 14 2011,11:26)

    Quote (t8 @ Dec. 14 2011,11:10)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 14 2011,10:46)
    The word “WITH”, by definition, indicates TWO or more separate things that are in close proximity to each other. I believe Father Yahweh and His word are in close proximity to each other!

    Blow the trumpets.

    We have progress.

    And Jesus is the Word of God.
    In fact the whole Book of John is about who Jesus is.

    And all things were made through him and for him.
    And when the word became flesh it was Jesus.

    And we know that Jesus existed with divine nature before emptying himself and coming in the flesh.

    It certainly must be thorn in your side Frank, knowing that Jesus ascended to the Father in the same way he descended and is now in the glory he had with the Father before the world began.

    Is that thorn at least annoying you?


    No, the Messiah is not his and our Father Yahweh's word! He is the spokesman of his and our Father Yahweh's word in this last time period as Hebrews 1:1-2 makes perfectly clear.

    By the power of Father Yahweh's word what he spoke came into existence. Read about this in the first part of Genesis! You might also want to further read in what you refer to as the so-called “Old Testament” where Father Yahweh says that it was He “ALONE” that created the Heavens and the Earth and ALL THINGS IN THEM and that there was no Redeemer beside Him in the beginning. You might also want to search through what you refer to as the so-called “New Testament” and see if you can find where His son Yahshua ever proclaimed that he had created ANYTHING. Certainly if Yahshua had created ANYTHING, he would have let us know about it! Hey! I have a great idea! How about if you no longer respond to me until you do find where Yahshua proclaimed that he had created ANYTHING?  :D

    When God created everything alone Frank, that included you.
    This does not negate that God created you, albeit through agency including your parents who preceded you.

    Now God made all things through him and for him as it is written. Nothing was made that wasn't made without being made through him.

    He is before all things and is the first-born of all creation and in him bodily is the fullness of God. He represents the invisible God just a logo represents a company.


    I am speaking of Yahweh's creating in the beginning just as Yahchanan was speaking of Yahweh's creating in the beginning. Father Yahweh did not create me in the beginning! I am a product of Yahweh's creation and was not directly created by Father Yahweh in the beginning.



    You thought you were making progress! Poppycock! :D


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 13 2011,18:34)

    Please show me where in my posts where you detected that I was “act[ing] as if it WAS in today's post”. While your at it, why don't you also show me in my post where “I [said] that there really was nothing about 6:62 in THAT post.”

    Hey Frank,

    I have an idea. Instead of playing childish little games, as if you were a five year old, how about you just ADDRESS John 6:62 for us? IN YOUR OWN WORDS, genius. Then we wouldn't have to read through miles of propaganda you COPIED from other men, as if you need them to do your thinking for you.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Dec. 13 2011,18:43)
    Yes, my body and all of it's parts are in close proximity with me and are most definitely me.

    And this is how it always ends; not with a bang, but with a wimper.

    When you push people who have unscriptural doctrines far enough towards the truth, it never fails that they will eventually get backed into a corner so far that they have no choice but to start spouting nonsense.  It happens with Trinitarians, and with non-preexisters.  In fact, it happens with anyone whose beliefs aren't in line with the actual words of the scriptures.

    I have heard Kangaroo Jack vehemently asserting that he is the same exact being as his own father, just to keep a strained grasp on his claim that Jesus and his Father are the same being.

    We have seen Paul claim that God is always invisible…………except for when He isn't – just to keep his grasp on his “Jesus was God on earth” claim.

    We have heard Worshipping Jesus claim to be God's BROTHER, but only according to God's humanity.

    We have seen Gene claim that the thought of Jesus in God's head is what had glory alongside God before the creation of the world.

    And now this, from Frank.  :)  Frank, tell me:  What does the word “my” imply?  As in “my car”?  Or “my stereo”?  Or “my body”?  As far as I know, the word “my” implies POSSESSION.  So if it is YOUR body, then it is something that YOU possess, and therefore not really YOU at all.

    Try your statement again without saying “my” and “its parts”.  It will then read closer to:

    Yes, me and all of me is in close proximity to me and is most definitely me.

    Once you say “my body”, or “my word”, then you've already indicated that those things are NOT you, but possession OF you. Likewise, once you say the words “WITH me”, you have already explained that you are talking about something that is NOT you yourself, but WITH you.

    But if that's the kind of nonsensical statements you want to base your scriptural understanding around, then I really have no more time for you anyway.  You are rude, childish, and quite frankly, a waste of MY time.  (That's right Frank, the “my” indicates something that BELONGS TO me.  It does NOT indicate that time IS me.)

    After reading this post, I do now understand why you copy other people's words as answers, instead of answering with your own words. :)


    :D :D :D :D :D
    :D :D :D :D
    :D :D :D
    :D :D



    Yes, it is in accordance with Scripture!


    That is no answer at all, no Scripture given… that is backing out of explanation and it is not according to what Jesus said, that they do not worship the Father……..and you do not either by worship to Jesus… Almighty God is not pleased with those that do….Irene


    To All…….> many think their renditions of Scriptures are “THE TRUTH”, and in fact scriptures in their “ORIGINAL” forms are true and do not contradict each other. But nearly several thousand years of influenced translators have corrupted them in some case whole sentences and Paragraphs have been add in the New Testament , the most accurate of the two testaments are the ORIGINAL TESTAMENT and if the New can not be affirmed by the ORIGINAL, then it most likely has been altered to fit the Trinitarian beliefs who (ARE) Preexistences of Jesus being a Morphed GOD or ANGEL of Some kind.

    Trinitarians hid the fact Jesus was simply a human being a Second ADAM. Calling him a GOD

    Preexistence hide the fact Jesus was a Second Adam by saying he some kind morphed of Angelic Being

    Both (ARE) Preexistences Just one says He was a GOD another says he was an Angel. Any on who holds to any of these tow type of Preexistences are equally as wrong as the other is. There Doctrine only works to SEPARATE JESUS FROM OUR EXACT IDENTITY AS A HUMAN BEING, DESTROYING THE WORK OF GOD IN THE HUMAN RACE , HIS WORK OF PERFECTING MAN KIND THROUGH A HUMAN BEING . . They effectively, through their false teaching take the work of God (IN) mankind out of the equation and it a work God was Doing in himself or in an Angel. Both are equally as wrong as the other, but at least the Trinitarians do see GOD'S Presents in Jesus, so in my opinion they are better of then those who think Jesus was a Morphed Angel of some kind.

    The truth is Jesus was a second Adam Just as Paul said, He was simply a human being who came into existence at his Berth on this earth through Mary, he never preexisted his berth on this earth. IMO

    peace and love to you all…………………………………………gene


    What you fail to realise Gene is that angels can come in the appearance of men.
    And we know that Jesus existed in the form of God, emptied himself and came in the flesh.

    You deny that he existed in the form of God.
    But we are simply believing that which is written.

    Give us one good reason as to why we should believe you over scripture.

    I don't think there is any good reason to do that.


    T8……..> When Paul said that Jesus was already gone from earth , Paul was relating about his time on earth as a Human being, You preexistences move that time to before he even existed on earth Paul was talking about His earth existence, can't you understand that. Jesus had the Nature of GOD when he was ON EARTH,God was (IN HIM) and yielded and did not think it was something to grab at, but he yielded and humbled himself before the might hand of GOD while he was on this earth, setting us an example as a true fellow human being of how to have a right relationship with GOD and man also. Just because he existed here on earth with that divine nature he did not think to try to rob GOD by making himself. T8 you people just are not getting it brother,


    You people say you believe the scripture and Jesus well when are you going to truly believe what Jesus has said then. And quit altering scriptures to meet you preconceived dogmas. You can start by seeing GOD WAS TRULY (IN) JESUS doing the WORKS and speaking to us not BY a SON but “THROUGH a SON” . when is that light going to come on. God is Spirit and can (INDWELL US HIMSELF> We are accounted as His SEED because His seed abides (IN) us , and because of that we are accounted as His childern.

    You people just do not understand what Spirit really is or it would be clear to you, GOD is A SPIRIT and can be (IN) a Person and Live (IN)and (THROUGH ) HIM. T8 come on man start coming out of the blind state your in brother.

    peace and love to you and yours T8………………………………………………………..gene


    T8……..> When Paul said that Jesus was already gone from earth , Paul was relating about his time on earth as a Human being, You preexistences move that time to before he even existed on earth Paul was talking about His earth existence, can't you understand that. Jesus had the Nature of GOD when he was ON EARTH,God was (IN HIM) and yielded and did not think it was something to grab at, but he yielded and humbled himself before the might hand of GOD while he was on this earth, setting us an example as a true fellow human being of how to have a right relationship with GOD and man also. Just because he existed here on earth with that divine nature he did not think to try to rob GOD by making himself.  T8 you people just are not getting it brother,  


    You people say you believe the scripture and Jesus well when are you going to truly believe what Jesus has said then. And quit altering scriptures to meet you preconceived dogmas.  You can start by seeing GOD WAS TRULY (IN) JESUS doing the WORKS and speaking to us not BY a SON but “THROUGH a SON” . when is that light going to come on. God is Spirit and can (INDWELL US HIMSELF> We are accounted as His SEED because His seed abides (IN) us , and because of that we are accounted as His childern.

    You people just do  not understand what Spirit really is or it would be clear to you, GOD is A SPIRIT and can be (IN) a Person and Live (IN)and (THROUGH ) HIM. T8 come on man start coming out of the blind state your in brother.

    peace and love to you and yours T8………………………………………………………..gene

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