Natural or manufactured?

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  • #895339

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    From Bloomberg News (an MSM source)…

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    They’re trying to normalize the (false) idea that very young people just drop dead from heart attacks all the time.  It helps them to cover for the unheard of hundreds of cases like this…

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    Of course these are MSM articles – and they’re only published because the sheer amount of woman having problems after being vaxxed is too much for them to hide from.  Notice that they don’t tell you about all the spontaneous abortions, the children born with serious health problems, the children getting serious health problems after breast-feeding, and the women who can no longer become pregnant.


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    But it’s all about them caring for our safety and well-being as we fight this terrible cold that has a 99.9% survivability rate, right?


    A little humor to offset the seriousness of the evil tyrants we’re currently dealing with.  How to keep from wearing your mask on your flight.  🤣😂😅


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    If you haven’t seen Project Veritas’ latest reveal… wow!  They released hidden DARPA docs that were leaked to them.  The basic gist…

    1.  Peter Daszak  (Fauci’s buddy) approached DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) for funding for his gain of function research on a bat virus.

    2. DARPA turned him down because there was a moratorium placed on gain of function research that could be used for biological weapons.

    3.  Daszak then when to Fauci at NIAID – who gave him the funding despite the moratorium.

    4.  The research was conducted in Wuhan – AND in numerous American cities.

    5.  The result was a synthetic spike protein chimera that was intentionally engineered to attach to human ACE2 receptors.

    6.  It was intentionally aerosolized to make airborne infection possible.

    7.  It isn’t a “virus”, but a spike protein hitching a ride on a quasi-virus.

    8.  The “vaccines” are useless against it, because they are THE SAME DAMN THING!

    9.  The difference is that when you encounter this man-made spike protein naturally, your body has dozens of different armies to fight it off – starting with your nose, throat, lungs, etc.  But when you have it injected directly into your bloodstream, you bypass all those other natural armies that God endowed us with.

    10.  In most natural infections, the spike protein is stopped in the nose – which is why so many people defeated it without ever knowing they had it.

    11.  The injections are a code that instructs your body to make these spike proteins – and they readily distribute themselves throughout the entire body – even passing the blood-brain barrier.  They seem to settle in the ovaries of women, and cause all kinds of menstrual and reproduction issues.

    12.  The last paragraph above shows that the US Government knew that both Ivermectin and HCQ were curative back in April of 2020.


    Yeah… this is anything but a natural virus that just happened to come onto the scene.  This was a planned, engineered, and coordinated event to usher in the New World Order of tyrannical rule.  And once certain doctors stumbled upon HCQ and Ivermectin by chance (by trying anything and everything to help the suffering), our governments launched a full on attack against these extremely safe medicines so that people would be scared to use the very things that would cure them and save their lives.  When that stopped working, they went as far as to PROHIBIT the use of these safe medicines, and punish doctors who tried to save people’s lives with them.

    May God allow justice to be served on these evil bastards.

    Danny Dabbs

    Get well soon Adam!

    God bless




    Mike, I agree that like anything in life, the vaccines will cause some people problems. even serious problems. The thing is though, Covid-19 causes serious problems, some life long, even death. So it is about which is the greater risk.

    However, it looks to me that Omicron is not that serious as it stays in the throat and doesn’t go to the lungs like Delta and Alpha. It could be the endemic. And yes, I also believe that tyrants are taking advantage of the virus. They take advantage of anything they can.


    Hi Gadam,

    Sorry to hear it.

    I already had it back in March.

    Jesus is with you!

    God bless



    Dear All, thank you so much for your concern for me. Here is the test report of mine.

    I am feeling very weak but no complications. My fever is controlled now but having mild nose running with little cough. I had severe body pains with head ache initially and had loose stools only once. I  am having home treatment in consultation with my doctor.

    I think my two jab Vaccination helped me for not having complications.




    Thanks for the update gadam. Sounds like you are on the mend. I’m praying for you.

    I contracted Swine Flu in South America about 12 years ago and I was pretty ill for a week or more. But also got a flu here in NZ some years later which was even worse. I had blood shot eyes and looked like a zombie. That lasted 2 weeks I think. Of course I got over them probably because I wasn’t too old. You are a younger man and vaccinated so I’m guessing you will be fine. And thanks for sharing this with us. It is interesting to me as we have so few Covid cases in NZ. I suspect that the virus will eventually escape into the general populace and infect thousands every day.  So it is good to know what happens and the procedure too as we may have to face this too.


    Israeli vaccine chief: “We have made mistakes”

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    Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How He Profited From Pandemic

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    Hello friends, thanks a lot for all your good wishes for me. This is the Seventh day of the infection. I have been suffering from severe cold and congestion for the past three days but no cough or breathing problems.


    Looks like you are winning the battle. We will all probably have to face this virus at some point. Thank you once gain for sharing this here. It makes me think what I may expect.


    Milder disease with Omicron: is it the virus or the pre-existing immunity?

    At the population level we are seeing milder disease during the Omicron wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Is this due to the virus or pre-existing immunity, and what should we expect next?

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