Joseph, Jesus’ father? Crazy people would believe this!

  • This topic has 461 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Jodi.
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  • #865517

    Hi Ed J,

    Jesus was speaking of YHVH of course.

    Jesus is in the temple with teacher’s of God, he is among his Israelite brothers, where as we are told in the OT that God is a FATHER to Israel, and that Israel is His son. 

    Likewise in Luke you are told that Jesus is a son of Adam, who is the son of God, that makes Jesus also a son of God. 

    You are also told in Acts 17 “28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. 29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God.

    Jesus is the only son of God to have been begotten without measure with God’s anointing Spirit. Jesus’s father Solomon was God’s son who was given the Spirit of Wisdom. Jesus on the other hand was called to righteousness where God would direct all his ways, giving him the Spirit of Wisdom, of Understanding, of Council and Might, of Knowledge and Fear of the LORD. 


    Ed J


    Jésus Son of GOD IS thé Only one Divine being made flesh. Very special being. He Come from Heaven…..

    Hi Berean,

    You’re preaching to the choir brother.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi Ed J,

    Am I changing more words to fit my narrative?

    Not only are you giving the most absurd false accusations you are exposing some serious ignorance on your part.

    I use the EXACT word “genealogy” that many translators use. Did you not see my post above?

    Ed J, the word man in the OT is Adam, which means human being or humankind. Multiple translators translate the original word Adam to human or human being.

    Psalm 8:4 NRS what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?

    In the NT the word translated to man is anthropos, a HUMAN BEING, whether male or female

    Matthew 16:27 For the Son of man (anthropos, HUMAN BEING) shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

    Hi Jodi,

    I’m not concerned with the way the myriad of English bible’s alter God’s word.
    In order to get a copyright they are required to change 10% of the wording.

    Let me ask you something Jodi…

    Do you believe that some scripture may have more than on meaning?

    God bless
    Ed J



    Do you believe that I write  YES or NO

    “Jesus Son of GOD IS the Only one Divine being made flesh. Very special being. He Come from Heaven….”


    JESUSE,was never a “devine” being  Made into  Flesh,  where is that exactly written inc scriptures at?  Please Don’t give us your privite inturpitions either.  Show a single scripture that say Jesus “was” a “DEVINE” being before he came into his existence in the flesh.

    Peace and love to you and yours……gene


    JESUSE,was never a “devine” being Made into Flesh, where is that exactly written inc scriptures at? Please Don’t give us your privite inturpitions either. Show a single scripture that say Jesus “was” a “DEVINE” being before he came into his existence in the flesh.

    Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;

    rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

     And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death– even death on a cross!


    Edj…….Bottom line is you haven’t a clue what your talking about , unable to produce any specific scriptures tbat back up what you are saying , while all the time denying what  JODI and I have been posting from “directly quoted solid Scriptures” .  Bottom line Edj m you like many others are not about the truth , but about TRIDITIONS you “assume are true”.  

    YOU remind me of those who are always seeking to establish yourself as knowing the truth, but alway denying the truth.  Even scriptures so clear a child could uderstand. IMO.  

    You people never stop trying to make Jesus appear different them his Brothers and Sisters, to cause people to loose heart in thinking they could become “exactly” like Jesus in “every” way.  Satan couldn’t even hope for better servants then you people. Your doing a great job for him , keep up the work, see where that gets you in the end.  You may get what you preach in the end, just like I told Carmel.  You people want to seperate  Jesus make him   out to be different different the you, and the rest of us,  may get the “Seperating”,  you preach applied to youself unless you repent. 2THS2. 

    Peace and love to you and yours……….gene



    Hi Ed J and Beran,

    Jesus of Nazareth gave all credit to God because God’s Spirit was upon him. With that Spirit that came upon the man Jesus he was THEN SENT being able to deliver captives. Without that Spirit he could do nothing of himself. 

    Read and believe in Jesus’s words in Luke 4, as it is God’s word of prophecy made true in the flesh.

    Jesus said in John 8 that he came from heaven being not of this world, you need to stop denying the fact that Jesus ALSO SAID in John 17 that they were not of this world as he was of this world, and that as they were sent he was likewise sent. 

    Jesus was anointed with the Spirit without measure and sent, they were anointed with measure and were sent. Where he and they came from was not of this world, he and they came FROM HEAVEN, down directly from God himself to do His good will and pleasure.

    Jesus tells you WHEN he was sent but you deny him.

    God’s word tells you that the savior had not come UNTIL AFTER the baptism John preached.

    The beginning of the Gospel is the WORD of God made true in the flesh that began in Galilee after the baptism John preached, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”

    The above is the Gospel, the good news, a man being anointed with God’s Spirit THEN sent to save that which was lost. He is the example of our own anointing, as Jesus promised that we will be baptized with the baptism he was baptized with and that we would drink of the same cup that he drinks of, which it is the One Spirit that we drink of.

    The Gospel is not some divine spirit son coming down from heaven and entering Mary’s womb so that the world could be saved.


    Proclaimer…..So you continue to force text to say what in fact they,  Do not say.   Where is therca scripture that say being in the nature of God means you youself are a “Devin”  being,  equal to a God.  Do you think by you not understanding  what the word “nature”  really means , that gives you right to force the text to say what it in fact does not say “specifically say” .  Every who has the Spirit of God the Father “in’ them, have the nature of God “in” them,  so I guess infring by what you preach then, that all those who have God’s Spirit “in” them “ARE DEVINE”. Beings also, right? 

    Having the Spirit of God IN US DOES GIVE US a  new Nature, but none of that makes us, nor Jesus a “Devine being” That is reserved for GOD THE FARTHER HIMSELF ALONE.   Are you ALSO ROBBING GOD THE FATHER AND PAYING Jesus. Alway trying to make Jesus “appear” different then we are,  I am sure Satan love that, espically sense you run the site.  But like I told the rest,  if you want to make Jesus always appear different by “SEPERATING” his likeness from yours and  our likeness, in the end even  you may get your wish, unless you repent.  

    The scripture you quoted was not even speaking of the Divinity of Jesuscat all, but his humility.  And he never tries to “rob” God the Father by taking the miracles God the Father did through him, to himself as if he was the one doing them.   That was the whole point of that scripture, nothing to do with the “Devin” of Jesus at all.

    Peace and love to you and yours……..gene


    Hi Jodi,

    YOU: The genealogy that is given in Matthew 1 is that of Joseph’s and we are told we are being given the GENEALOGY of JESUS,

    that makes Jesus of the genealogy of Joseph.




    Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself was beginning about the age of thirty years;

    being (AS IT WAS SUPPOSED) the son of Joseph,….





    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    Proclaimer…..So you continue to force text to say what in fact they,  Do not say.   Where is therca scripture that say being in the nature of God means you youself are a “Devin”  being,  equal to a God

    Who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage

    Ed J

    Hi Jodi,

    When Jesus was twelve years old, he said:
    “I must be about my Father’s business”
    Who is Jesus referring to as his Father?

    Hi Ed J,

    Jesus was speaking of YHVH of course.

    Jesus is in the temple with teacher’s of God, he is among his Israelite brothers,
    where as we are told in the OT that God is a FATHER to Israel, and that Israel is His son.

    Hi Jodi,

    So you answer is Jesus was speaking collectively in behalf of Israel,
    rather then indicating that God is his birth Father – is that your answer?
    It is nice when we can discuss things, rather than taking turns giving speeches.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J


    Do you believe that I write  YES or NO

    “Jesus Son of GOD IS the Only one Divine being made flesh. Very special being. He Come from Heaven….”

    Hi Berean,

    Yes, but that doesn’t make Mary a surrogate mother to Jesus.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J


    Have you now joined Jodi in the rant speeches?

    Ed J

    Hi Ed J,

    (1)Jesus of Nazareth gave all credit to God…
    (2)The Gospel is not some divine spirit son coming down from heaven and entering Mary’s womb so that the world could be saved.

    Hi Jodi,

    1) Nazareth means: “the city of Branches”. What you write fulfills this prophecy concerning Jesus

    “Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose name is The BRANCH;
    and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD” (Zech 6:12)

    2) The spirit of Christ (the bread from Heaven) was born in Bethlehem (the house of bread). (Micah 5:2)

    Why do you believe one Prophecy(#1), but discount another(#2)?
    Sad that you are selective on what parts of the bible you choose to believe.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J


    Do you believe that some scripture may have more than on meaning?

    “Yes” or “No” ?

    Ed J

    Hi Jodi,

    YOU: The genealogy that is given in Matthew 1 is that of Joseph’s and we are told we are being given the GENEALOGY of JESUS,

    that makes Jesus of the genealogy of Joseph.




    Luke 3:23 And Jesus himself was beginning about the age of thirty years;
    being (AS IT WAS SUPPOSED) the son of Joseph,….




    Peace and love in Jesus Christ

    Hi Carmel,

    Jodi is selective on what Scripture she chooses to believe.
    Apparently she won’t let Luke correct her understanding.
    But it’s obvious to everyone Jodi is wrong, wrong, wrong,
    in wrongly thinking that Joseph is Jesus’ biological father.

    Even Gene doesn’t believe Joseph is Jesus biological father

    God bless
    Ed J




    God formed a human body to the Son of God in the womb of Mary without the need of human intervention.



    Edj…..if God took the exact DNA OF YOU,  and implanted it in a woman , would that make him your progeny,   Seening his DNA WAS EXACTLY LIKE YOURS.

    Jesus also told us this,  Luke 23:9…… call “no man”,  your father upon the earth, for one is your Father which is in heaven.

    Now if Jesus told me to call to “no man”  my father upon the earth, can I “also”  do the same as he does,  seening he told me not to call “no man” upon the earth, my father?  Can  I say as he does to God “my father”. 

    Does that mean I then do not have the DNA OF MY EARTHLY FATHER. “IN” ME?, of course not!

    Scripture clearly says in many places,  Jesus” linage ( his linkage)  was from the line of  KING DAVID.  But the bottom line all DNA comes from God the Father, that formed it in the first place.  So God is the orgin of all life no matter how he does it, or what type of life it is, it all comes from God the Father who is “in” heaven.  

    ” In the “image” of God created “he” them, male and female created he them”. 

    You people never stop trying to make Jesus appear “different” then we,  his brothers and sisters are.  If you “truly” believed Jesus , then you would believe , what his said,  ” call “no man” your father upon the earth, for on is you Father, which is in heaven”.  BUT YOU PEOPLE, say it’s ok to say Jesus’ has a father who is God, but we do not have the “same” Father as he.  You never stop trying to make Jesus appear “different” then we are. My warning to you is,   Becareful you may get your wish. 

    Peace and love to you and yours……..gene




    When the human body begins to form in the womb it is female, meaning we all started out as female. So by most on this thread. God is female.

    How about that! the ancients knew there had to be both male and female in our creation you can’t get away from it, people complicate matters too much, muddy the waters and say here drink this it’s the best!

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