John 18:5-6

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  • #791664

    Hi GB,

    You cannot be wrong so walk on alone.


    The Word was God.

    But you say Jesus is God??


    Yes, don’t you know what the Scriptures say – “He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.”


    Men still love darkness rather than light.


    Hi davidl,

    Then come out of darkness.

    The creation was done by the Spirit of God.


    ps 104.30

    ” You send forth Your Spirit, they are created, and You renew the face of the ground.”


    Know that what is spoken is about the Spirit and not the vessel of man.



    Yes, don’t you know what the Scriptures say – “He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.”

    Men still love darkness rather than light.

    Who taught you that passage is speaking of Jesus and not of the very word that comes out of the mouth of God.  Do you not read that all things were created through God’s word even as it is written that God said “Let there be light” and there was.  To claim that passage is speaking of Jesus is to add to Scripture.




    If that is where I think it is then it is speaking of the Word of God that is in Jesus as it is addressing a time after the Word has took on the character of flesh.  That is what make Jesus the Son of God.



    The creation was done by the Spirit of God.

    good point


    If you just listened to the word of Scripture you wouldn’t get into such a confusing tangle…


    But if you have not yet received Jesus, what more can I expect..?




    Hi davidl,

    Poor answer.

    Show your love of scripture and discard what is of man.


    Show your love of scripture and discard what is of man.


    Yes Nick – if you haven’t noticed yet, that’s what I’m doing..!


    Hi davidl,

    We must have missed it

    All you seem to promote is of man.


    please enlighten us…!


    Yes when Jesus answered”I am” in response to his own question of “whom do you seek?” in Jn18:5,6 it was affirmative of Jesus the Nazarene.But why should they draw back and fall to the ground over that? unless Jesus was a divine being, which is the main point of St.John’s gospel that Jesus is the Son of God.

    In Jn8:58 when he says before Abraham was I was or am,he’s plainly claiming to be greater than Abraham and giving himself a divine status whether or not one thinks he’s calling himself God-the I AM of Exodus.

    In St.Jn12:41 it says”these things Isaiah said because he saw His glory and he spoke of him” and this is in reference to Jesus while in Isaiah 6 it refers to the prophets vision of Jehovah.So Jesus is the avatar or theophany of Jehovah as Jesus quite plainly says in Jn12:44″He who believes in me does not believe in me,but in him who sent me”.-that’s a verse I don’t hear preached on very often.

    So was Jesus claiming to be God or a god or a Divine Son of God to be worshiped in John’s gospel? It appears so to me.



    Yes when Jesus answered”I am” in response to his own question of “whom do you seek?” in Jn18:5,6 it was affirmative of Jesus the Nazarene.But why should they draw back and fall to the ground over that? unless Jesus was a divine being, which is the main point of St.John’s gospel that Jesus is the Son of God.

    That is speculation based on an event.

    John’s description of the event makes it sound like they fainted when they confronted him and considering what the happened when certain soldiers confronted a prophet of God in the past they may have good reason to faint as they were literally playing with fire.  These were temple soldiers and so trained in Scripture.  Like you I am speculating in saying all this even though my speculation has more basis than yours.

    The bottom line is that Scripture teaches us Jesus is a human being that mediates between humanity and God.  You either believe those words or do not (1 Timothy 2:5).



    hi Andrew,

    Wow you are easily convinced.

    We know that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself from Scripture but this is evidence to you that he also was a divine being?



    Hi Andrew,

    Many wonderful miracles happened at the hands of the prophets and apostles too.

    How many divine beings does that make?


    Hi Andrew,

    In St.Jn12:41 it says”these things Isaiah said because he saw His glory and he spoke of him” and this is in reference to Jesus while in Isaiah 6 it refers to the prophets vision of Jehovah.So Jesus is the avatar or theophany of Jehovah as Jesus quite plainly says in Jn12:44″He who believes in me does not believe in me,but in him who sent me”.-that’s a verse I don’t hear preached on very often.””


    Check this out.

    The NIV even ADDS the word JESUS to Jn 12

    But the glory spoken of is of God and his throne as comparison with Rev 4 shows.

    Jesus was not another god with his own throne as idol worshippers would offer.


    To Kerwin and Nick,

    Kerwin, I know you read the rest of my post.But you choose to pick on the part about the people falling down? And who says temple soldiers were trained in scripture? They weren’t rabbi’s or scribes and that has nothing to do with it anyway.What if they were total unbelievers just doing their job? you don’t know what they believed.

    When Isaiah saw a vision of Jehovah did he really see Jesus? that’s what John’s gospel plainly says.Do you believe that or not Kerwin? He that sees Jesus sees the Father and he that believeth on Jesus believes not on him but the One who sent him.Is that right? he can still be the divine mediator can’t he? Do you worship Jesus? if not maybe you should just convert to Judaism.I know some reformed Jews and I like them,they are not too different from me other than the fact they don’t worship Jesus or eat pork or shrimp.They think Jesus was an alright Jewish rabbi.

    Nick, I’m easily convinced? I don’t think so but I’m just saying what the author of John’s gospel says about Isaiah seeing Jesus when he thought he had a vision of Jehovah or was it Yahweh? And was Jesus born of a virgin as in Luke or Matthew? maybe you were too? Do you believe that? Some christians don’t even believe that but I won’t say they are not Christians.Did Jesus preexist in some form as a divine being or Lord? Do you worship him? Only God is to be worshiped,is that right?


    Hi Andrew,

    I guess you do not like your beliefs to be challenged.

    I hope you take the time to do some research rather than staying in that place.


    Hi Andrew,

    The Word JESUS is not in the manuscripts from which Jn 12 of the bible is written.

    Despite your opinion that it does speak of Jesus you have no foundation except your opinion.

    Is that enough for you?


    Lol Nick,you truly do make me laugh or I would not say that.In John 12 it plainly refers to Isaiah seeing Jesus in the context of the whole chapter.Why is that such a big deal to you? Does it hurt your”holy dogmas”? Oh gosh Nick I hope you’re not damned.I’ll pray for you.I guess you don’t worship Jesus either and maybe you should also convert to Judaism,only being an orthodox one might fit you better.Do you have enough hair to braid? if not just pray for it!Remember whatever things you ask for in faith will be granted.

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