JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    Hi LU,
    Leadership is in all things that he showed men to do.
    He is more than being a commander giving orders
    We follow him in what he has done


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 28 2008,20:37)
    Hi LU,
    His anointing by the Spirit of God was witnessed at the Jordan and enabled him to begin his works of power.
    he was not a superman we cannot follow

    Are you competing with Him or following Him? The more super He is the, more I would want to follow Him. We can be like Him in that he overcame sin with the help of the Holy Spirit. He felt the temptations because of His having a fleshly nature. We also can be like Him by having the same attitude of humility, being of the same mind, and having the same love.


    Hi LU,
    The more you make him a god the harder it is to follow him.
    His abilities and speech were all because of God in him,
    just as God can be in us as His eternal Spirit.


    Hi Nick,
    No one can make Him anything that He is not and no one can lessen Him except in their mind. We ought not limit Him to meet our comfort zone and our specifications.

    If I needed a physician and I could choose between one with no experience and one with years of experience who has been taught under the best of all physicians, the latter one would be my choice. I follow greatness when I follow Christ, He is a perfect example of being filled and led by the Holy Spirit of His Father. He more than anybody knows the power of His Father. He witnessed and participated in creation under the Father's direction.

    Do you realize that I believe that He was born of God before creation with a “blank slate.” I really don't think that He came into being before creation with ready made powers or knowledge. I think that He was filled by His Father with whatever powers or knowledge He attained. He has always been the perfect vessel with a Godly nature. But this is my understanding.



    Hi LU,
    Was he filled with and led by the Spirit of the Father, or was he working in his own original powers you claim he had?
    Of what did he empty himself?


    Hi LU,
    ANOINTING is not getting the orders.

    22And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

    1And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,


    Hi LU,
    When Jesus was a crying infant was He full already of the power of God and aware that he was?
    Sounds like one of those portraits in a catholic church.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 28 2008,23:26)
    Hi LU,
    Was he filled with and led by the Spirit of the Father, or was he working in his own original powers you claim he had?
    Of what did he empty himself?

    Hi Nick,
    Please read this carefully because I don't think that you are grasping this:

    As I just stated in the above post, I do not think that He came into being with original or “pre-made” powers of His own, even as the begotten God. Everything He always had were given. The only thing that He was born with (before creation) was the nature of God and His own spirit and mind and heavenly body. His spirit was filled and led by His Father's spirit.

    He did not work in His own original powers since He did not have any. I have never claimed that He had any.

    He emptied Himself of the abilities of a heavenly body and the privileges of His royal position. He did not give up His royal position (He remained the begotten God), He just gave up His privileges that came with it.


    Hi LU,
    So the question is WHEN did he become anointed.
    The Spirit manifests in power but he showed no amazing powers till the Jordan.

    WE too can be filled with the Spirit but is it our SPIRIT that is filled?
    He had the NATURE of God without any power?
    Is that possible?


    Hi Nick,
    The Son of God, when He came as a human baby had the powers of a natural human baby-none except maybe cry, suck, and eliminate. The Son took on the limits of a human baby, no prior knowledge, no special abilities, just like a natural human baby. The same spirit that He was born with before creation continued within the human babe.



    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 29 2008,07:03)
    Thanks, Adam!

    Thanks for that encouragement Sis,
    Infact I learnt many new things from your posts. Let others also see this simple truth from Jn 1:1.

    Love and peace to you


    Hi again,

    So the question is WHEN did he become anointed.
    The Spirit manifests in power but he showed no amazing powers till the Jordan.

    Well, I believe that He was anointed with power whenever He needed to serve His Father in a powerful way. The power of the Holy Spirit can come and go and comes for different purposes. The filling of the Holy Spirit is a one time shot for all time if I understand it correctly.

    WE too can be filled with the Spirit but is it our SPIRIT that is filled?

    His spirit joins with our spirit and becomes one.

    He had the NATURE of God without any power?
    Is that possible?

    When you were born you had the nature of man without any power. Any power you have now is because of Him allowing you to gain it. Same with having the nature of God. Nature does not equal power.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 29 2008,07:45)
    Hi GM,
    It does not explain why scripture goes to great pains to tell us this WORD was WITH GOD.

    Are you suggesting that the ANOINTING of the Christ, the Spirit, was the WORD?

    JESUS was not made CHRIST, the anointed one, till the Jordan.

    So the WORD that became flesh was not the SPIRIT

    Hi brother Nick,
    Please read my post once again you will get the answer for your query on Jn 1:1. The word was nothing but God's own spoken command that has made Jesus the Messiah a flesh being. Yes you are correct in saying the same Jesus has been anointed by the Spirit of Christ at Jordan. Jesus has been exalted to be the body in whom the fullness of divinity rests as told by Paul in Col 2. He is the perfect image of the invisible God and we are also in the same process of being transformed into the same image like Jesus.

    Thanks and peace to you


    Quote (Lightenup @ Sep. 29 2008,15:55)
    Hi Nick,
    The Son of God, when He came as a human baby had the powers of a natural human baby-none except maybe cry, suck, and eliminate.  The Son took on the limits of a human baby, no prior knowledge, no special abilities, just like a natural human baby.  The same spirit that He was born with before creation continued within the human babe.


    Hi lU,
    The Spirit of God is not limited by donkeys, but human babies?

    We cannot be born Spirit filled so how can we follow him?


    Hi LU,
    So he lost that spirit at calvary?
    Mt 27.50


    Hi LU,
    So his anointing was an off and on thing?
    When kings are anointed it is in a moment.


    Hi LU,
    The Spirit of God can dwell in us.
    We can be led by this Spirit.
    This Spirit can agree with our spirit.

    9But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

    10And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

    11But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

    12Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.

    13For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

    14For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

    15For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

    16The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

    But where is it written that two spirits unite?


    Hi GM,
    So was God WITH His Command?
    How odd.


    Hi Nick,

    The Spirit of God is not limited by donkeys, but human babies?

    Say what?

    We cannot be born Spirit filled so how can we follow him?

    Did you know that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while in the womb of his mother?
    Luke 1:15-16
    15 “For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb.

    So he lost that spirit at calvary?

    Mt 27:50 says that He yielded up His spirit, not lost. His spirit was returned to Him upon His resurrection.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 29 2008,00:40)
    Hi LU,
    So his anointing was an off and on thing?
    When kings are anointed it is in a moment.

    The Holy Spirit does the will of the Father as to whom it will empower and when and for what purposes.

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