JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    read the context.
    Christ is the WORD in john 1.1 and not the HS.

    these people are still lost. they want their own opinion to be accepted by men but without biblical facts.


    Hi Jammin,
    Tell us of the Word that WAS with God and WAS God


    Quote (Ed J @ May 04 2012,21:33)
    Hi Pierre,

    None of those verses assert what you suggest,
    so you will at least need to show more that actually do.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    edj, N, K

    just tell me about whom they refer to ???

    like John 1;14 ;talks that the word became flesh ???

    in col 1;15. it says what and whom is Paul talking about ???

    and in Pro;8 ;22– the same talk who was that was in the beginning ????

    all those verses say the same thing ;but about whom ????


    Hi T,
    The WORD.
    The WORD was made flesh-in Jesus of Nazareth

    Ed J

    Quote (terraricca @ May 04 2012,15:45)

    Quote (Ed J @ May 04 2012,21:33)
    Hi Pierre,

    None of those verses assert what you suggest,
    so you will at least need to show more that actually do.

    God bless
    Ed J

    edj, N, K

    just tell me about whom they refer to ???

    (1) like John 1;14 ;talks that the word became flesh ???

    (2) in col 1;15. it says what  and whom is Paul talking about ???

    (3) and in Pro;8 ;22– the same talk who was that was in the beginning ????

    all those verses say the same thing ;but about whom ????


    1) “The Word”

    2) Col.1:15 is about Jesus' preeminence,
        not a time-line as you're suggesting. (no connection)

    3) “Wisdom” (no connection here either)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    1} It is a true statement that The Word of God was continuously God in the beginning because God lives according to his Word.

    2} It is a true statement that the Word of God was continuously with God in the beginning because the word's he speaks are with him.

    3} It is a true statement that all things were made through the Word and nothing was made without it;  Just as we are taught that God created all things by his Word.

    4} It is a true statement that life exists in the Word of God; since men cannot live on bread alone.

    5} It is true this Life that is in the Word shined in the valley of death; but those who love sin do not understand it.

    6} It is true that John the Baptist bear witness to the life that is in the Word of God.

    7} It is true that John who speaks the Word is not the life that is in the Word but only bears witness to it.

    8} It is true that the Life that was coming into the world; and was in the World was rejected by the House of Israel.

    9} It is true that those; including Jesus; who did not reject the Life that is in the Word become the sons of God as they are born by the Word.

    10} It is true that The Word became Jesus Christ as Jesus put on the Word and lives according to the Word.  

    11} It is true that The Word, now united with Jesus, makes a home among humanity.

    12} It is true that The Word, still in union with Jesus, has a glory like that of an only begotten of God; the glory that is full of grace and truth.

    13} It is true that John bears witness to the Word that is united with Jesus.

    14} It is true that the spoken and written Word came by Mosses but the glory of that Word which is full of grace and truth comes by Jesus the Messiah.

    15} It is true no one knows the deep things of God but his Spirit;  the Spirit he put in Jesus; The Spirit of Sonship; who is at the bosom of God; and reveals Yahweh to own children.

    These 15 things are true just as John teaches us.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 04 2012,23:40)

    1} It is a true statement that The Word of God was continuously God in the beginning because God lives according to his Word.

    2} It is a true statement that the Word of God was continuously with God in the beginning because the word's he speaks are with him.

    3} It is a true statement that all things were made through the Word and nothing was made without it;  Just as we are taught that God created all things by his Word.

    4} It is a true statement that life exists in the Word of God; since men cannot live on bread alone.

    5} It is true this Life that is in the Word shined in the valley of death; but those who love sin do not understand it.

    6} It is true that John the Baptist bear witness to the life that is in the Word of God.

    7} It is true that John who speaks the Word is not the life that is in the Word but only bears witness to it.

    8} It is true that the Life that was coming into the world; and was in the World was rejected by the House of Israel.

    9} It is true that those; including Jesus; who did not reject the Life that is in the Word become the sons of God as they are born by the Word.

    10} It is true that The Word became Jesus Christ as Jesus put on the Word and lives according to the Word.  

    11} It is true that The Word, now united with Jesus, makes a home among humanity.

    12} It is true that The Word, still in union with Jesus, has a glory like that of an only begotten of God; the glory that is full of grace and truth.

    13} It is true that John bears witness to the Word that is united with Jesus.

    14} It is true that the spoken and written Word came by Mosses but the glory of that Word which is full of grace and truth comes by Jesus the Messiah.

    15} It is true no one knows the deep things of God but his Spirit;  the Spirit he put in Jesus; The Spirit of Sonship; who is at the bosom of God; and reveals Yahweh to own children.

    These 15 things are true just as John teaches us.


    Now,just to make it true to God words ,could you put one

    scriptures to each one,of your 15 opinion ,because ,you made many up with opinions,

    The scripture will make the truth ,and do not twist scriptures for your interpretation,

    Being part of those that will receive sonship with the son of God are Called not self indulge ,and only 144k are so called ,are you one of them


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 04 2012,15:22)
    Hi Jammin,
    Tell us of the Word that WAS with God and WAS God

    read the context
    john 1.1-4

    1 εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος

    2 ουτος ην εν αρχη προς τον θεον

    3 παντα δι αυτου εγενετο και χωρις αυτου εγενετο ουδε εν ο γεγονεν

    4 εν αυτω ζωη ην και η ζωη ην το φως των ανθρωπων

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2 The same was in the beginning with God.

    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    14 και ο λογος σαρξ εγενετο και εσκηνωσεν εν ημιν και εθεασαμεθα την δοξαν αυτου δοξαν ως μονογενους παρα πατρος πληρης χαριτος και αληθειας

    15 ιωαννης μαρτυρει περι αυτου και κεκραγεν λεγων ουτος ην ον ειπον ο οπισω μου ερχομενος εμπροσθεν μου γεγονεν οτι πρωτος μου ην

    16 και εκ του πληρωματος αυτου ημεις παντες ελαβομεν και χαριν αντι χαριτος

    17 οτι ο νομος δια μωσεως εδοθη η χαρις και η αληθεια δια ιησου χριστου εγενετο

    18 θεον ουδεις εωρακεν πωποτε ο μονογενης υιος ο ων εις τον κολπον του πατρος εκεινος εξηγησατο

    in verse 3 and 4 it says “HIM”
    the word HIM (auto in greek) clearly explains that this “WORD” is not just a word that comes out from your mouth. it is a person!

    a person means an individual. verse 14 and 18 identified this WORD in john 1.1, HE is the SON OF GOD! begotten son! monogenes huios in greek!

    read well your bible and study hard nick.

    for those who believe that the WORD is the HS, you can not read your opinion and i am 100% sure for that!
    john did not say that the WORD is the HS but the son of GOD! monogenes huios!


    Hi Jammin,
    The Man from Nazareth certainly became the Son of God by being begotten of the Word .


    begotten of the WORD? LOL
    where can you read that? LOL

    before making any conclusion nick, read well my post! read your bible well and study hard



    The statements I wrote are true in themselves and not because they are recorded in Scripture.  Never the less they are recorded in Scripture as you can attest for your own self.

    I feel silly to direct you to those things that are self evident.  Why would you question that God does as he states?  Why would you question that his Word is with him; as is common with all beings? Why would you question that all things were created through God's Word.  

    I could continue through the rest; but you like Nicodemus before you; should know these things already.  Since you seem not to lets find those you doubt and cover them in more detail.  To do this I need to know which ones they are.


    Quote (jammin @ May 04 2012,13:59)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 04 2012,15:22)
    Hi Jammin,
    Tell us of the Word that WAS with God and WAS God

    read the context
    john 1.1-4

    1 εν αρχη ην ο λογος και ο λογος ην προς τον θεον και θεος ην ο λογος

    2 ουτος ην εν αρχη προς τον θεον

    3 παντα δι αυτου εγενετο και χωρις αυτου εγενετο ουδε εν ο γεγονεν

    4 εν αυτω ζωη ην και η ζωη ην το φως των ανθρωπων

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2 The same was in the beginning with God.

    3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

    14 και ο λογος σαρξ εγενετο και εσκηνωσεν εν ημιν και εθεασαμεθα την δοξαν αυτου δοξαν ως μονογενους παρα πατρος πληρης χαριτος και αληθειας

    15 ιωαννης μαρτυρει περι αυτου και κεκραγεν λεγων ουτος ην ον ειπον ο οπισω μου ερχομενος εμπροσθεν μου γεγονεν οτι πρωτος μου ην

    16 και εκ του πληρωματος αυτου ημεις παντες ελαβομεν και χαριν αντι χαριτος

    17 οτι ο νομος δια μωσεως εδοθη η χαρις και η αληθεια δια ιησου χριστου εγενετο

    18 θεον ουδεις εωρακεν πωποτε ο μονογενης υιος ο ων εις τον κολπον του πατρος εκεινος εξηγησατο

    in verse 3 and 4 it says “HIM”
    the word HIM (auto in greek) clearly explains that this “WORD” is not just a word that comes out from your mouth. it is a person!

    a person means an individual. verse 14 and 18 identified this WORD in john 1.1, HE is the SON OF GOD! begotten son! monogenes huios in greek!

    read well your bible and study hard nick.

    for those who believe that the WORD is the HS, you can not read your opinion and i am 100% sure for that!
    john did not say that the WORD is the HS but the son of GOD! monogenes huios!


    Why does Jesus call Wisdom her?

    Luke 7:35
    King James Version (KJV)

    35 But wisdom is justified of all her children.

    Since Wisdom has children is not the Word of God his Son?


    Hi Jammin,
    The fruit of divine wisdom in practice is proof that that is what it is.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 05 2012,02:07)

    The statements I wrote are true in themselves and not because they are recorded in Scripture.  Never the less they are recorded in Scripture as you can attest for your own self.

    I feel silly to direct you to those things that are self evident.  Why would you question that God does as he states?  Why would you question that his Word is with him; as is common with all beings? Why would you question that all things were created through God's Word.  

    I could continue through the rest; but you like Nicodemus before you; should know these things already.  Since you seem not to lets find those you doubt and cover them in more detail.  To do this I need to know which ones they are.


    5} It is true this Life that is in the Word shined in the valley of death; but those who love sin do not understand it.

    like this one I can not find that scripture were is it ???

    and this one;;

    8} It is true that the Life that was coming into the world; and was in the World was rejected by the House of Israel.
    still can not find the scripture


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 05 2012,02:01)
    Hi Jammin,
    The Man from Nazareth certainly became the Son of God by being begotten of the Word .


    show that scripture so all can learn


    Hi T,
    Where have you been in the last 6 months?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 05 2012,13:27)
    Hi T,
    Where have you been in the last 6 months?


    I use the scriptures for the past 50 years ,

    why would you not use them ????

    The Man from Nazareth certainly became the Son of God by being begotten of the Word .

    show me were it say this ;I do not want your view but the scriptures view as it is written ,


    Hi T,
    If you cannot hear what has been given you before this why would anyone continue to cast pearls before you?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 05 2012,13:42)
    Hi T,
    If you cannot hear what has been given you before this why would anyone continue to cast pearls before you?


    you right Nick ,I will from now on apply your words to you ,

    have a great day


    The Word proceeded from God
    and came from God.
    Jn 8.42

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