JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #295961

    Hi Colter,
    If you can judge the Word and God's servants it must be hard not to visualise yourself as judge of all.


    Hi Colter,
    So the name of your god is science.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2012,09:32)

    Quote (Colter @ May 01 2012,16:25)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2012,09:17)

    Quote (Colter @ May 01 2012,13:06)

    2 Timothy 3:16  (“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” ) was not yet “scripture” when it was written.

    But the entire Old Testament, including the great flood of Noah's day, was a part of the “All scripture” that Paul said was God-breathed, right?

    That would be a good point, if Paul wrote Timothy 2 (which is disputed) then this merely shows what Paul’s personal opinion was.

    Ya know, for 2,000 years the Jews have been using their “scripture” to show that Jesus wasn't the Jewish Messiah? They know their own writing pretty well.


    So then it's not just the OT that you take aim at, but parts of the NT as well?

    How do you personally judge for yourself which scripture is inspired of God and which one is not?

    (And I think your source concluded that 2nd Timothy was the letter Paul actually wrote, right?)

    Jesus said that we will know truth by it's fruits, not by new scripture or fetishistic writings. But that frightens people, living by faith. It is easier to petrify sacred writings into a God of sorts.

    To answer you question, I see Jesus as the inspired word, his life you could say is the inspired word, but other then that I don't see any of the bible as inspired. I think “inspired” is a false religion in itself.



    Hi Colter,
    Perhaps man is your god and science is your sacred truth?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 02 2012,09:44)
    Hi Colter,
    Perhaps man is your god and science is your sacred truth?

    You would make a good grand inquisitor nick with all the crap you come up with but no, true religion and true science have no real quarrel.



    Hi Colter,
    As long as science rules?


    Hi Colter,
    You cannot serve two masters.
    So if science rules then miracles cannot happen. True?

    Ed J

    Quote (Colter @ May 02 2012,09:01)

    Quote (Ed J @ May 02 2012,07:52)

    Quote (Colter @ May 02 2012,05:58)

    Quote (Ed J @ May 02 2012,05:11)

    Quote (Colter @ May 01 2012,21:20)

    Quote (Ed J @ May 01 2012,11:52)

    Quote (Colter @ May 01 2012,11:36)

    Quote (Ed J @ May 01 2012,09:20)
    HI Colter,

    Hearsay and popular opinion,
    nothing that could be considered as evidence?

    Pointing to (Chronicles and Kings) the books of the scribes of the king,
    to classify these as less than canon, would the book of Urantia not fall into this same classification?

    God bless
    Ed J

    Pride blinds Ed j, you have your entire faith life invested in the perfection of the Bible. There is little chance that you could ever concede imperfection of “the idol”. The Jehovah's Witness sect would not be happy with you either.

    I find that people don't believe some of the bigger whoppers in the bible because they sound true, they believe them because they are in the current collection of books that comprise the Bible.

    For instance, if the flood story was not in the Bible and someone recently dug up a story like that with the Dead Sea scrolls, then thinking men would discount such a ridiculous story out of hand. But, because the Hebrews wrote that in to connect dead end blood lines with Adam, people actually teach that nonsense. And not only do innocent children trust it because the adults teach it, but adults actually still believe the flood story.

    Anyhow, you can and will ignore the analysis used to show the  evidence of multiple authors in the OT books, carry on.


    Hi Colter, (Link to evidence)

    Rudimentary logic proves nothing either.
    I have documented the authenticity of the “The Bible's” divine Authorship.
    The only thing the book of Urania has is its self proclamations. (kinda like the quran)

    God bless
    Ed J

    (1)The Urantia book revealed unknown scientific facts in it's day, science is now catching up with those bold statements.

    To the contrary, (2)science has continually shown that the historic facts of the Bible are inaccurate, but (3)bible worshippers tend to be intellectually dishonest people (4)because they have put their faith in the book instead of the God whose actions inspired some events that the human authors wrote about in the books of the various cannon's.


    Hi Colter,

    Where is the evidence of  these “three” assertions  that YOU make?

    4) spin

    God bless
    Ed J

    1) UB The News

    2) Radiometric Dating

    3) My experience


    Hi Colter,

    1) What specific piece or pieces of news is your evidence?

    2) No time-lines are given concerning how old the earth is.

    3) Opinion is not eyewitness testimony; no evidence here.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    ED j,

    The reports are on the link I provided. If you want to know what has been substantiated by science as concerns the UB then you will need to do some work, I realize that you don't really want an answer rather you just want to quibble.

    Swats at gnats, swallows camels!


    Hi Colter,

    Providing evidence for YOUR assertions is YOUR work, not mine!

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (kerwin @ May 01 2012,18:43)

    The dead sea has manuscripts of the OT in both Hebrew and Greek.  

    Of the New Testiment, The Codex Sinaiticus  is a Greek language and some earlier papari also in Greek are the earliest found.

    There were probably Hebrew, Greek, and Latin copies originally as those three languages were used on the sign that Jesus' cross bore.

    I already addressed a Hebrew point of view of that period and you did not like it.


    Who said it it did not? I made no mention is existing manuscripts! Did not the so-called Old Testament” come long before the so-called “New Testament”


    Quote (Colter @ May 02 2012,10:01)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 02 2012,09:44)
    Hi Colter,
    Perhaps man is your god and science is your sacred truth?

    You would make a good grand inquisitor nick with all the crap you come up with but no, true religion and true science have no real quarrel.



    Now that I can agree with!


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ May 02 2012,11:07)

    Quote (Colter @ May 02 2012,10:01)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 02 2012,09:44)
    Hi Colter,
    Perhaps man is your god and science is your sacred truth?

    You would make a good grand inquisitor nick with all the crap you come up with but no, true religion and true science have no real quarrel.



    Now that I can agree with!


    I was agreeing with your saying “… true religion and true science have no real quarrel.”


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 02 2012,10:07)
    Hi Colter,
    You cannot serve two masters.
    So if science rules then miracles cannot happen. True?

    I never said that science rules, that’s >your< prosecutorial characterization not mine. Truth never suffers from honest examination, only the superstitious errors of


    religion will be nullified.

    What scriptures were they using before Moses wrote Genesis????? Moses was a reformer, what did he reform?


    Ed J

    Quote (Colter @ May 02 2012,05:58)

    UB The News


    Hi Colter,

    I looked at the news brief and seen no evidence,
    so it is no wonder you couldn't produce any.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Ed J

    Quote (Colter @ May 02 2012,05:58)

    1) UB The News

    2) Radiometric Dating

    3) My experience


    Hi Colter,

    (3)and experiential similarities;  
    nothing, anyone could call as evidence.

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Hi Colter,
    You say
    Moses was a reformer, what did he reform?”
    Where does scripture call him a reformer?

    the whole history of the bible is the history of what God has done…and the behaviours of notable fools.

    Yet men uphold the ants that they are unaware of the footfall coming.


    are there still misunderstanding here?
    the illusion boys are still insisting that the word in john 1.1 is the HS.

    i suggest they should make their own bible LOL


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 02 2012,04:17)

    Quote (Colter @ May 01 2012,13:06)

    2 Timothy 3:16  (“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” ) was not yet “scripture” when it was written.

    But the entire Old Testament, including the great flood of Noah's day, was a part of the “All scripture” that Paul said was God-breathed, right?


    I believe that that particular Scripture means the whole old testament which is divided into the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.  The books of the  new testament came later.

    Hebrew words can be vague and such is the case with “erets” which can mean anything from a piece of land to the whole world. I favor the traditional view though the evidence outside of Scripture appears to be against it. I am well aware appearances can be deceptive.

    The bottom line is that correctly interpreted passages are “useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”.



    However, many liberal biblical scholars argue that 2 Timothy was not written by Paul but by an anonymous follower, after Paul's death in the First Century.[1]

    The word “liberal” damages the creditability of the Scholar as it declares her biased.   In addition when you have a disagreement among experts it is a fallacious logical argument to call on their authority.

    The Law and the Prophets do declare they are God breathed.  David is a prophet and so his words are considered to be from God and so are Solomon’s who was given Wisdom of God.  God breathed may take a different slant in the rest of the Writings in being the words of honest men.  Whatever the case, I know for a fact that they are all useful for “for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” as the proof is in the pudding.  

    I look for that which teaches me how to love as God loves and those lessons make it clear that God is teaching me; no matter what tool he chooses to use.  The experts look to destroy faith with their meaningless suppositions.


    Quote (Colter @ May 02 2012,06:59)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 02 2012,10:07)
    Hi Colter,
    You cannot serve two masters.
    So if science rules then miracles cannot happen. True?

    I never said that science rules, that’s >your< prosecutorial characterization not mine. Truth never suffers from honest examination, only the superstitious errors of


    religion will be nullified.

    What scriptures were they using before Moses wrote Genesis????? Moses was a reformer, what did he reform?



    I see no honest examination; just the works of those that fall short of God's glory.


    Quote (jammin @ May 02 2012,16:42)
    are there still misunderstanding here?
    the illusion boys are still insisting that the word in john 1.1 is the HS.

    i suggest they should make their own bible LOL

    are you sitting On the right hand or Jesus? On Johns Knee…your forbidding people to attack the battle before its won? or perhaps
    your trying to see if its been won?
    never the less, the days should be used in checking wither ones own way that seemeth right, will be fitting for the Lord!

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