JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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    my teaching is also the teaching of the apostle.
    what i say, can be found in the bible. i do not promote opinions from men.

    read john 1.1 over and over and you will see the answer


    Quote (jammin @ April 06 2012,13:27)
    i already posted that the word is the son of God.
    and i dont need to publish my own version bec the bible supports my teachings.
    unlike you b0y, you should do your own version bec your man made doctrine cant be read in the bible. LOL


    Okay, then here is my version that says the word is the father:

    The word is the father. – Frank4YAHWEH Version, April 5, 2012. Now, do I have your permission to talk to you again? :D


    Hi Jammin,
    Are they?
    You need adjusted bibles so they are yours.
    You think a man was in heaven before being given flesh in a surrogate mother?


    where can i buy that? LOL

    i told you to publish your version LOL



    your question is out of the topic. make your own thread


    Hi Jammin,
    YOUR teachings are no more true to scripture than the AMPLIFIED bible.


    sorry nick
    you need to publish your own version so that your man made doctrine will be supported


    Quote (jammin @ April 06 2012,13:37)
    where can i buy that? LOL

    i told you to publish your version LOL


    Send $60.00 US dollars in cash to the following address and I will send you the version that I have just published:

    Franklin Eugene Rhoads
    101 N 17th Street
    Richmond, Indiana 47374




    better luck next time boy frank


    Hi Jammin,
    Here is part of Rom 1 in the amplified version
    ” 1 FROM Paul, a bond servant of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, called to be an apostle, (a special messenger) set apart to [preach] the Gospel (good news) of and from God,

    2 Which He promised in advance [long ago] through His prophets in the sacred Scriptures,

    3 [The Gospel] regarding His Son, Who as to the flesh (His human nature) was descended from David;

    4 And [as to His divine nature] according to the Spirit of holiness, was openly designated the Son of God in power — in a striking, triumphant and miraculous manner — by His resurrection from the dead, even Jesus Christ our Lord, the Messiah, the Anointed One.

    5 It is through Him that we have received grace — God’s unmerited favor — and [our] apostleship to promote obedience to the faith and make disciples for His name’s sake among all the nations,

    6 And this includes yourselves, called of Jesus Christ and invited [as you are] to belong to Him.

    7 To [you then,] all God’s beloved ones in Rome, called to be saints and designated for a consecrated life: Grace and spiritual blessing and peace be yours from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

    8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because [the report of] your faith is made known to all the world and is a commended everywhere.

    9 For God is my witness, Whom I serve with [all] my spirit — rendering priestly and spiritual service — in [preaching] the Gospel and telling the good news of His Son, how incessantly I always mention you when at my prayers.”\

    We were warned not to tamper with the sacred words as every addition compromises the text and the bias of the person adding is incorporated.

    See verse 4 -DIVINE NATURE is from bias


    Quote (jammin @ April 06 2012,13:45)

    better luck next time boy frank


    I'm not into “luck”! Did you forget already? :D



    that is not a bias. christ is really divine.
    is your christ not divine? LOL


    plant some trees to help your country LOL


    Quote (jammin @ April 06 2012,13:51)

    that is not a bias. christ is really divine.
    is your christ not divine? LOL


    plant some trees to help your country LOL


    What version did you find the quote “christ is really divine” in? :D

    Following are more appropriate and accurate versions of Yahchanan [John] 1:1:

    1. “All things were made by it” (Tyndale, 1534)
    2. “The worde … All things were made by the same” (Coverdale, 1535)
    3. “All things were made by it and without it nothing was made” (Matthews’ Bible, 1537)
    4. “All things were made by it and without it was made nothing that was made” (The Great Bible, 1539)
    5. “All things were made by it” (Taverner NT, 1540)
    6. “All things were made by it”(Whittingham, 1557)
    7. “All things were made by it” (The Geneva Bible, 1560)
    8. “All things were made by it” (Bishops’ Bible, 1568)
    9. “All things were made by it” (Tomson NT, 1607)
    10. “Nor can anything be produced that has been made without it [Reason]” (John LeClerc, 1701)
    11. “The word … through the same all things were made” (Mortimer, 1761)
    12. “In the beginning was Wisdom … All things were made by it” (Wakefield NT, 1791)
    13. “The Word … All things were made by it” (Alexander Campbell, founder of the Church of Christ, 1826)
    14. “The Word … All things were formed by it” (Dickinson, A New and Corrected Version of the NT, 1833)
    15. “All things were made by it” (Barnard, 1847)
    16. “Through it [the logos] everything was done” (Wilson, Emphatic Diaglott, 1864)
    17. “All things through it arose into being” (Folsom, 1869)
    18. “All things were made through it” (Sharpe, Revision of the Authorized English Version, 1898)
    19. “All things were made by the Love thought” (Goddard, 1916)
    20. “All things came into being in this God-conception and apart from it came not anything into being that came into being” (Overbury, 1925)
    21. “All came into being through it” (Knoch, 1926)
    22. “The word … the living expression of the Father’s thought” (Blount, Half Hours with John’sGospel, 1930)
    23. “The word was god” (C.C. Torrey, The Four Gospels, 1933)
    24. “Through the divine reason all things came into being” (Wade, The Documents of the NT Translated, 1934)
    25. “Without it nothing created sprang into existence” (Johannes Greber, 1937)
    26. “It was in the beginning with God, by its activity all things came into being” (Martin Dibelius, The Message of Jesus Christ, translated by F.C. Grant, 1939)
    27. “Through its agency all things came into being and apart from it has not one thing come to be” (William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, Readings from St. John’s Gospel, 1939)
    28. “The energizing mind was in existence from the very beginning” (Crofts, The Four Gospels, 1949)
    29. “First there was the Thought and the Thought was in God … He, him” (Hoare, Translation from the Greek, 1949)
    30. “In the beginning God expressed Himself … That personal expression, that word … He” (J.B. Philips, NT in Modern English, 1958)
    31. “All was done through it” (Tomanek, 1958)
    32. “The Word was the life principle [in creation]” (William Barclay, NT, 1969)
    33. “This same idea was at home with God when life began … He” (Jordan, Cottonpatch Version, 1970)
    34. “All things became what they are through the Word” (Dale, NT, 1973)
    35. “Within the Word was life” (Edington, 1976)
    36. “It was his last werd. Ony it come first” (Gospels in Scouse, 1977)
    37. “By it everything had being, and without it nothing had being” (Schonfield, The Original NT, 1985)
    38. “All things were made through the Word” (Inclusive Language Lectionary, 1986)
    39. “In the beginning was the Plan of Yahweh. All things were done according to it” (Hawkins, Book of Yahweh, 1987)
    40. “All things happened through it” (Gaus, Unvarnished NT, 1991)
    41. “In the beginning was the divine word and wisdom … everything came to be by means of it” (Robert Miller, The Complete Gospels, Annotated Scholars’ Version, 1992


    those versions did not say that the word is the father.
    so you need to do one LOL


    Hi Jammin,
    Men are not divine.
    But like us the treasure of God's Spirit is in him.


    Christ is not divine?


    Hi T,
    This may come as a shock to you but there is ONE GOD and Jesus Christ is the SON of that God.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 06 2012,07:05)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 04 2012,14:18)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 04 2012,08:17)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 04 2012,12:47)

    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 04 2012,05:44)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 04 2012,09:20)
    Hi Frank
    Your source says
    “A deeper understanding of this is that he word or doctrine in God the Father produced the flesh [word or doctrine] in Jesus Christ's mind. We find Jesus' flesh being his word in John 6:51 and 63. “

    Sounds gnostic


    You obviously do not know what you are talking about!  :D


    Your source is long and convoluted.   It is also technical.  See if you can break it down to smaller bites that the non-technical mind can grasp.

    Why is the Word Yahweh?
    Why is the Word with Yahweh in the beginning?

    Father Yahweh's word is just that, His word. Father Yahweh's word was with Him in the beginning just as my word was with me when I began to speak and still is with me to this very time period. Is not your word with you? If not, who do you believe that your word is with? You can have words with someone, but the fact is, your word originated with you yourself. One can also act as a spokesman of your word, but then again, your word that another can be the spokesman of in fact originated with you. Certainly you do not believe that the one who can be the spokesman of your word is literally your word, do you?


    You are preaching to the choir as I know Scripture testifies that God, his Spirit; and his Word were all there in the beginning.  It is all witnessed in what God called the First Day.

    I also know that scripture testifies all that has been being created has been being created through her/him/it and nothing has been being created without it as the event of creation demonstrates.

    We know there is life in the Word because man does not live on bread alone but on the Word of God.

    Even Trinitarian translations speak of these things.

    My request is that you simplify your message without compromising God's message so that the simple ones of this world can understand your language.


    I was simply answering your questions to the best of my knowledge in plain English language. If you do not approve of my posts and how it is that I answer them, then I would simply suggest to you that you do not read them or respond to them. It is that simple!  :D


    I want to understand your views on this matter and my advice was in hopes that you would speak your words in such a way that they would be understood.

    I seem to agree with you on what you understand and so believe your words are from God on this matter.  When your words are not from God; then may they not be understood or held to by anyone.

    Try not to let others draw you into vain exchanges that serve no real purpose.  These things I have learned and am learning.


    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ April 06 2012,08:58)

    Quote (jammin @ April 06 2012,13:51)

    that is not a bias. christ is really divine.
    is your christ not divine? LOL


    plant some trees to help your country LOL


    What version did you find the quote “christ is really divine” in?   :D

    Following are more appropriate and accurate versions of Yahchanan [John] 1:1:

    1. “All things were made by it” (Tyndale, 1534)
    2. “The worde … All things were made by the same” (Coverdale, 1535)
    3. “All things were made by it and without it nothing was made” (Matthews’ Bible, 1537)
    4. “All things were made by it and without it was made nothing that was made” (The Great Bible, 1539)
    5. “All things were made by it” (Taverner NT, 1540)
    6. “All things were made by it”(Whittingham, 1557)
    7. “All things were made by it” (The Geneva Bible, 1560)
    8. “All things were made by it” (Bishops’ Bible, 1568)
    9. “All things were made by it” (Tomson NT, 1607)
    10. “Nor can anything be produced that has been made without it [Reason]” (John LeClerc, 1701)
    11. “The word … through the same all things were made” (Mortimer, 1761)
    12. “In the beginning was Wisdom … All things were made by it” (Wakefield NT, 1791)
    13. “The Word … All things were made by it” (Alexander Campbell, founder of the Church of Christ, 1826)
    14. “The Word … All things were formed by it” (Dickinson, A New and Corrected Version of the NT, 1833)
    15. “All things were made by it” (Barnard, 1847)
    16. “Through it [the logos] everything was done” (Wilson, Emphatic Diaglott, 1864)
    17. “All things through it arose into being” (Folsom, 1869)
    18. “All things were made through it” (Sharpe, Revision of the Authorized English Version, 1898)
    19. “All things were made by the Love thought” (Goddard, 1916)
    20. “All things came into being in this God-conception and apart from it came not anything into being that came into being” (Overbury, 1925)
    21. “All came into being through it” (Knoch, 1926)
    22. “The word … the living expression of the Father’s thought” (Blount, Half Hours with John’sGospel, 1930)
    23. “The word was god” (C.C. Torrey, The Four Gospels, 1933)
    24. “Through the divine reason all things came into being” (Wade, The Documents of the NT Translated, 1934)
    25. “Without it nothing created sprang into existence” (Johannes Greber, 1937)
    26. “It was in the beginning with God, by its activity all things came into being” (Martin Dibelius, The Message of Jesus Christ, translated by F.C. Grant, 1939)
    27. “Through its agency all things came into being and apart from it has not one thing come to be” (William Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury, Readings from St. John’s Gospel, 1939)
    28. “The energizing mind was in existence from the very beginning” (Crofts, The Four Gospels, 1949)
    29. “First there was the Thought and the Thought was in God … He, him” (Hoare, Translation from the Greek, 1949)
    30. “In the beginning God expressed Himself … That personal expression, that word … He” (J.B. Philips, NT in Modern English, 1958)
    31. “All was done through it” (Tomanek, 1958)
    32. “The Word was the life principle [in creation]” (William Barclay, NT, 1969)
    33. “This same idea was at home with God when life began … He” (Jordan, Cottonpatch Version, 1970)
    34. “All things became what they are through the Word” (Dale, NT, 1973)
    35. “Within the Word was life” (Edington, 1976)
    36. “It was his last werd. Ony it come first” (Gospels in Scouse, 1977)
    37. “By it everything had being, and without it nothing had being” (Schonfield, The Original NT, 1985)
    38. “All things were made through the Word” (Inclusive Language Lectionary, 1986)
    39. “In the beginning was the Plan of Yahweh. All things were done according to it” (Hawkins, Book of Yahweh, 1987)
    40. “All things happened through it” (Gaus, Unvarnished NT, 1991)
    41. “In the beginning was the divine word and wisdom … everything came to be by means of it” (Robert Miller, The Complete Gospels, Annotated Scholars’ Version, 1992


    Your own words are brief and simple in this though evidence is extensive.

    I prefer those versions that use “he” but then I understand that Word is a masculine noun in Ancient Greek just like Wisdom is a feminine noun in Hebrew. This seems to confuse those who lack knowledge or corrupt since English does not use gender based nouns. For such “it” may well be best.



    answer my question
    is christ not divine?

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