JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #200773

    Hi RM,
    You come to lecture and abuse those who do not see things your way?


    Mike am i crazy AM I CRAZY!! a little *giggles*

    My version?…. my gosh Mike,
    My Gosh!!!
    I want you to clearly admit that the scripture in collosians speaks of a fullness.  
    again you admitted it about the greek.

    Now, think about it Dennison.  If by God giving Jesus “all fullness” it made Jesus be God, then by us “attaining to the WHOLE measure of the FULLNESS OF CHRIST”, it means we are striving to be God.  Is that how you think?  Do you think that someday YOU can be God?  If not, then just take it as it is written along WITH all the other scriptures and know that it means Jesus is the greatest being in existence……NEXT TO HIS GOD.

    No, we strive to be Christ like in the physically and spiritualy within our testimony.
    In Revelations expresses God all, that he will be the source of everything, no more flashlights and what not.
    If God is the source in the End,
    And Christ has been the source in the beginning.
    Christ is the begining and the end,
    He is expressed as the one who never changes,
    he is the same today, yesturday and forever. What is next to God? isnt God omnipresent!
    We strive to be ONE with God.

    Jehovah God is the source of all life, including Jesus'.  If God made it so we need oxygen to breathe or we will die, that doesn't mean oxygen is our “source of life”.  We need water or we will die, but water is not our “source of life”.  Etc, etc…..  So, if God decided that we can not come to everlasting life except by means of His Son, it does not mean the Son is the source of that life, only something we need to attain it. And because God chose to create all things THROUGH His Son, it still means God is the source and Jesus is just the means by which He decided to create.  Much like water and oxygen is necessary for us to live in these bodies, Jesus is necessary for us to live eternally.  Why?  BECAUSE JESUS' GOD JEHOVAH SAID THAT'S THE WAY IT'S GOING TO BE.   :D

    ps, don't accuse me of playing games.  I don't, but you showed last night when it took three attempts to get a single direct question answered that you do.  Ask a clear direct question, and I will always give a clear direct answer…..if it's on topic.

    Lets make things clear, Jesus created Oxygen and Water,
    He expresses how he is the bread of life,
    WE know that he is LIFE,
    He Gives life for those who believe in him.
    God is suppose to be the center of our life,
    he expresses in genesis how out of his nostrils came the breath of life,
    God Jehovah is expressed to be the creator always,
    even though we very well know that Jesus created everything.
    Genesis says it was EL, Elohim, who say let there be light! and he said it was good.
    So are you saying that Elohim gave Jesus an order and thats why things are the way they are?
    The bibles says he created everything to be for himself,
    Co 1:16For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
    17And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

    Yet in revelations it expresses how God will be the center of our lives, no more sun.
    God living with us as the Authority as the Father, as one of us being the source of life, and being in us,

    So that God maybe all in all.

    its very simple.

    Jesus is not an element, he is not a Sun, or a star, he is everything to us.

    Here is another Question,
    Do you agree that Jesus is the creator?

    Your abandoned your point by point method.
    We were all a roll and you went off course.

    Ed J

    Quote (RokkaMan @ June 29 2010,18:42)

    Quote (Ed J @ June 28 2010,18:22)

    Quote (RokkaMan @ June 28 2010,15:41)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 28 2010,15:32)
    Hi RM,
    Name calling is the resort of the confused and desperate.
    Bad fruit?

    No it's not, Jesus called the pharisees son's of the devil?

    Did he produce bad fruit?


    In conclusion, you've made an inaccurate statement.

    Hi RokkaMan,

    John 15:17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.
    If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
    If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because
    ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world,
    therefore the world hateth you. Remember the word that I said
    unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have
    persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept
    my saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will
    they do unto you for my (יהשוע) name's sake, because they
    know not him (יהוה) that sent me.

    Ed J

    I love Nick.

    Who says I can't name call and love the one I am calling a name?

    That is like saying, you cannot spank your child or else you hate them?


    Now lets not dwell,

    Back to the topic!

    Hi RokkaMan,

    Go back and reread the title bar, Nick or the lack of Nick is in the title bar!

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi SF,
    The eternal Spirit of Christ creates.
    Jesus was born 2000 years ago.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,01:40)
    Hi SF,
    The eternal Spirit of Christ creates.
    Jesus was born 2000 years ago.

    Are you sure 2000 years exactly or was that a educated guess?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 29 2010,08:23)
    Hi SF,
    Yes I have a father and lots of kids,
    But I am not my father and my kids are not me etc etc

    Hi nick,

    So yoru a Son of your Father, and a Father to your kids?

    Wow so you are a Son/FAther.


    Hi SF,
    You do not need to make up stuff.
    God is the Father of Jesus.
    Jesus is the Son of God


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,08:46)
    Hi SF,
    You do not need to make up stuff.
    God is the Father of Jesus.
    Jesus is the Son of God

    So you are not a son to your father
    and your not a father to yoru son nick?


    Hi SF,
    Why do you not believe Jesus of Nazareth when he said he is the Son of God?
    Why do you not believe him when he says the Father is the One the Jews called God[Jn8.54]?
    Why do you prefer the teachings of deceived catholicism to those of the one God has appointed Lord of all?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,09:43)
    Hi SF,
    Why do you not believe Jesus of Nazareth when he said he is the Son of God?
    Why do you not believe him when he says the Father is the One the Jews called God[Jn8.54]?
    Why do you prefer the teachings of deceived catholicism to those of the one God has appointed Lord of all?

    Why do you not believe that your a Son to yoru Father,

    Why do you not believe your a Father to your sons

    why do you not believe that your both father and son


    Hi SF,
    My sons are not their father or grandfather and my father is not his son.
    Nor is my father my son nor my grandsons their great grandfather

    But you think Jesus is his own father??


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,10:02)
    Hi SF,
    My sons are not their father or grandfather and my father is not his son.
    Nor is my father my son nor my grandsons their great grandfather

    But you think Jesus is his own father??

    Nick is a Father a Son and a Grandson to his Grandfather


    Hi SF,
    I thought you were confused


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,10:54)
    Hi SF,
    I thought you were confused

    I always thought you were


    The Spirit of God manifested in Jesus and his teachings.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,13:08)
    The Spirit of God manifested in Jesus and his teachings.

    Hi Nick,
    God is Love Jn 4


    Hi SF,
    Yes and that love was manifested fully in this wonderful servant.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,13:13)
    Hi SF,
    Yes and that love was manifested fully in this wonderful servant.

    Hi Nick,
    Love is not puffed up, 1Cor13


    Hi SF,
    Are you feeling judged by Scripture?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 30 2010,13:59)
    Hi SF,
    Are you feeling judged by Scripture?

    Hi Nick,
    Your not Scripture,
    are you?

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