JOHN 1:1 who is the WORD?

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  • #165527

    Quote (uoflfan @ Dec. 21 2009,06:12)

    Quote (thethinker @ Dec. 21 2009,06:02)

    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 21 2009,04:32)

    Quote (thethinker @ Dec. 19 2009,20:56)

    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 19 2009,22:54)

    Quote (Constitutionalist @ Dec. 19 2009,17:41)
    You are correct, and don't see things like these.
    Trinitarians can't compare verses for some reason.

    Trinitarians also think the image of God is God as if the image of me in the mirror is me.  Logical reasoning is not their strong point.

    Misrepresentation! Hebrews 1 says that the Son is the express image of God's substance. It means that Christ's being was not derived. The sun's rays are the “exact image” of the sun's substance.

    The term “express image” or “exact representation” is NEVER used of other men. At best it means the Son is God. In the least it means that Jesus was a unique man.


    I agree that Jesus is a unique man since he is the Anointed One.

    Jesus was not “unique” because He was anointed. Moses was anointed too. Try again.


    Jesus was unique because he had all the fullness of Deity in bodily form but it was Gods good pleasure for the Fullness to dwell in Christ. Which means Christ did not always possess it, it was given to him.

    Jesus always possessed the fulness of the Deity. He gave up only the free exercise of His Divine perogatives.

    Though your view is lacking it is far better than Gene's



    Hi TT,
    So you say but you stand alone.
    Which deity was he always filled with?


    You are adding your own words to the scriptures.
    If it was not Gods good pleasure for the fullness of deity to dwell in Christ, then it would not of.


    Quote (uoflfan @ Dec. 21 2009,07:13)
    You are adding your own words to the scriptures.
    If it was not Gods good pleasure for the fullness of deity to dwell in Christ, then it would not of.

    What! Adding my own words?

    “For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell” Colossians 1:19


    “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” Colossians 2:9

    I add nothing. You are subtracting from scripture. May God spare you from judgment.



    Hi TT,
    God dwelled in him.
    God should be at work in you to will and to do as well.[phil2]


    hi all
    all of you talk about God in you ? Christ in you ?God in Christ/what this means???????????????????????????????????????????????
    anyone can explain?????????????????????


    Yahshua gave all esteem [glory] to Father Yahweh (Yahchanan [John] 3:34; 4:26; 5:19,30; 7:16,18,28, 8:17,18,28,42,50; 12:47-50; 14:24; 17:8; Mattithyah [Matthew] 20:23; 26:39; Acts 3:22,26).


    Hi T,
    Men are vessels.[2Tim2]
    Designed to be temples and to hold the treasure of God's Spirit.[2Cor4]
    But other agents have taken up residence in men since the submission of Adam to the serpent.

    The carpenter came to angrily overturn the tables of worldly commerce and restore the temples to their purpose.


    hi nick,Ron
    it seems i have not been answered


    Hi T,
    You tell us you never ask questions unless you already know the answers?
    Well I expect you rarely find agreement then.


    There seems to be a great amount of controversy and confusion about the word “firstborn” in many posts.

    In the Old Testament the word “firstborn” is used over 100 times and refers primarily to the one born first, the oldest child in a family.

    In the New Testament, the Gospels speak of Mary who gave birth (brought forth) her “firstborn” son, who was named Jesus. There can (or should) be no doubt that Jesus is the “firstborn” son of His father – God Almighty, and of His mother – Mary.

    In Romans 8:29 Jesus is called the “firstborn among many brethren.” The word “brethren” can have two meanings and one could simply be that He was the oldest, the firstborn, in Mary’s family, which He was. The other and most likely meaning is that it makes reference to converted people who have become part of the Family of God.

    In Colossians 1:15 Jesus is called the “firstborn of every creature.” This, I would say, makes reference to the fact that he was “born first” before every creature, may it be human, angelic or animal.

    In Colossian 1:18 Jesus is called the “beginning, the firstborn from the dead.”

    So, the question is: How was Jesus the “firstborn” among many brethren and of every creature, and how was He the “firstborn” from the dead? Since the answer is the same for all three conditions, here is my answer: Jesus became the “firstborn” son of his father God and His mother Mary when God impregnated His wife Mary, 2000 years ago (the alternative would be that God committed fornication with a betrothed woman – not very likely). Jesus was BEGOTTEN of God when Mary conceived. Nine month later Jesus was BORN a human being from His human mother Mary, but remained a BEGOTTEN son of God. For 33 ½ years Jesus lived as a fully BORN human being, but was only a BEGOTTEN God being, able to sin and to die. Jesus lived, suffered, did not commit any sin and died. After three days and three nights in the grave (as prove that He was the prophesied Messiah) God resurrected Him from the dead which was His second birth. Jesus, by a resurrection was BORN AGAIN as a spirit God being, never able to die again.

    Jesus was the “firstborn” BORN AGAIN among many brethren, He was the “firstborn” BORN AGAIN of every creature, and He was the “firstborn” BORN AGAIN from the dead.

    Jesus was first in all! He is our example and forerunner, and commanded that we too must be BORN AGAIN to enter and see the kingdom of God.


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 20 2009,19:53)
    hi all
    all of you talk about God in you ? Christ in you ?God in Christ/what this means???????????????????????????????????????????????
    anyone can explain?????????????????????

    His teachings, His word, his spirit. You have been answered.

    I was waiting for “all” to answer you. :)


    Quote (logoslogic @ Dec. 22 2009,15:49)
    There seems to be a great amount of controversy and confusion about the word “firstborn” in many posts.

    In the Old Testament the word “firstborn” is used over 100 times and refers primarily to the one born first, the oldest child in a family.

    In the New Testament, the Gospels speak of Mary who gave birth (brought forth) her “firstborn” son, who was named Jesus. There can (or should) be no doubt that Jesus is the “firstborn” son of His father – God Almighty, and of His mother – Mary.

    In Romans 8:29 Jesus is called the “firstborn among many brethren.” The word “brethren” can have two meanings and one could simply be that He was the oldest, the firstborn, in Mary’s family, which He was. The other and most likely meaning is that it makes reference to converted people who have become part of the Family of God.

    In Colossians 1:15 Jesus is called the “firstborn of every creature.” This, I would say, makes reference to the fact that he was “born first” before every creature, may it be human, angelic or animal.

    In Colossian 1:18 Jesus is called the “beginning, the firstborn from the dead.”

    So, the question is: How was Jesus the “firstborn” among many brethren and of every creature, and how was He the “firstborn” from the dead? Since the answer is the same for all three conditions, here is my answer: Jesus became the “firstborn” son of his father God and His mother Mary when God impregnated His wife Mary, 2000 years ago (the alternative would be that God committed fornication with a betrothed woman – not very likely). Jesus was BEGOTTEN of God when Mary conceived. Nine month later Jesus was BORN a human being from His human mother Mary, but remained a BEGOTTEN son of God. For 33 ½ years Jesus lived as a fully BORN human being, but was only a BEGOTTEN God being, able to sin and to die. Jesus lived, suffered, did not commit any sin and died. After three days and three nights in the grave (as prove that He was the prophesied Messiah) God resurrected Him from the dead which was His second birth. Jesus, by a resurrection was BORN AGAIN as a spirit God being, never able to die again.

    Jesus was the “firstborn” BORN AGAIN among many brethren, He was the “firstborn” BORN AGAIN of every creature, and He was the “firstborn” BORN AGAIN from the dead.

    Jesus was first in all! He is our example and forerunner, and commanded that we too must be BORN AGAIN to enter and see the kingdom of God.

    Only questioned by the trini's


    hi con
    yes two out of three,what is the spirit of christ ?


    I would like your thoughts on this.

    I am not trying to tie Jesus as being The Word of God even thought it is expressed in the bible.

    But is The Word of God…God himself?

    After i get a bunch of your responses, I'll post a verse explicitely showing WHO The Word of God is, so be careful in your analysis or else i'll embarrass you lol.


    BTW a simple yes or no will suffice.
    Feel free to post a scripture or two, but please no novels of scripture, and no questions redirected back to me.

    Just simply answer it and post (optional) a verse or two supporting your belief.


    Hi RM,
    Is the Spirit not of God?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 18 2010,20:44)
    Hi RM,
    Is the Spirit not of God?

    Did I not explictely say, do not redirect questions back to me?

    Do you have some sort of instruction complex?

    It's people like you that make it difficult for others to find truth, you add to confusion.

    Follow the instructions or don't post here at all.



    Hi RM,
    Answers come by asking questions.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 18 2010,20:47)
    Hi RM,
    Answers come by asking questions.

    Yes but that is not how i want to handle this thread, because you've been asking questions on everyone else's threads for God knows how long, and nothing comes from it.

    Answers also come by answering. Try that please.

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