Mikeboll’s belief in a flat world

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  • #829947

    Not verified in this topic. But I think the FEers have an answer to this. The second light (moon) appears like that on a FE too. So a person looking at the moon on one side sees a different orientation to someone on the other side of the moon. However, yes there is probably a problem because a person in South America shouldn’t see the moon at all if citizens of Canada can see the moon.

    Would be a good experiment to do. Are you on the West Coast of Canada? If so, we could do this observation I think.


    T8, all you have done is created a strawman argument. When the word day is used the context must be taken into account, as I have repeatedly said. However, when it is said that there was evening and morning one day, what does this tell you about the context? Be honest.


    To all, the earth is a sphere, any simpleton should know that, there are millions of pictures and movies, and hundreds I witness astronauts who have seen this earth from space stations and moon landings, ect. That apsolute prove it. So why is this foolishness still going on? This thread is nothing but a complete wast of time, designed to take people away from what really counts. The kingdom of God , and His rightiousness. Remember what Jesus said, “seek you (first) the kingdom of God and (HIS) rightiousness”.

    Peace and love to you all and yours. …..gene


    Perhaps you’re right Gene, maybe most simpletons believe the earth is a sphere.

    As for why have a thread like this one, maybe God just wants to see who believes His Word.


    Hi Dig4truth,

    I believe God’s Word. I also believe the globe earth agrees with it.



    Hi Dig4,

    You think God judges faithfulness to His scriptures by your warped view of them?

    Who do you think you are?


    Hi Dig4,

    Become as a little child.

    Or a simpleton perhaps?


    Dig4truth…..whats amazing to me is how anyone today could not know the earth is a sphere, with all the available truth. You would have to be an easely decieved person to even begin to think the earth is actually flat. Wake up man!

    peace and love to you and yours. ……gene


    The supposed Strawman argument accusation exposed

    T8, all you have done is created a strawman argument. When the word day is used the context must be taken into account, as I have repeatedly said. However, when it is said that there was evening and morning one day, what does this tell you about the context? Be honest.

    Strawman argument? You didn’t address the points because you couldn’t is more like it.

    Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

    I don’t see you arguing for that being the last hour do I, and why not? Because you are guilty of cherry picking when to apply the Dig Rule to scripture and when not to. That is called ‘hypocrisy’ Dig.

    But you say that this day had a morning and an evening, so the context is 24 hours. Guess what, you also say there was no sun. Evening and morning on Earth is created by the sun. Even on a Flat Earth. lol.

    Mars has a different sized day as does every planet. Yet you say that the creation days are 24 hours even before the Sun. That God’s own day is 24 hours. Your theology is so Earth based it cannot possibly touch on the spiritual. Earth based or worldly has another name, ‘carnal’.

    God is the centre of everything Dig. The sooner you put yourself in God’s orbit and not have God orbit you, the sooner the true light will expose deceptions in the darkness.


    The Flat Earth Endgame

    Seriously, how many people do not believe in God because the Earth is a sphere. I don’t know anyone.

    But how many people will not believe in God if Christians insist the Bible teaches a Flat Earth?
    Tell you what, that could end up being millions of souls.

    This is the end game you are aiming at Dig and Mike. You may not be aware of it, but ignorance makes people question and doubt the integrity of your belief system. It could have a bad effect on God like many of the other bad witnesses that are done in God’s name. I know heaps of people have a problem with believing in God because of the burning in an eternal hell doctrine and burning people at the stake practice. The Flat Earth 24 hour creation days is just another thing that will put people off God.

    Life is too short guys. Anyone one of us could have their last day tomorrow. Do what is important now. Run the race and cast off all excess weight. Focus on what’s important. The Bible teaching a Flat Earth is not only unimportant to salvation and reward in Heaven, it is adding to God’s holy word and would certainly make unbelievers think your whole doctrine is stone age or primitive. When men add to God’s truth, all manner of deception can arise and has arisen. Every seed turns into a tree or a weed.


    T8/strawman 1) Okay, let’s run with your hypothesis and see how far it gets us. You have established that because the word ‘day’ is mentioned, it then is specifically referring to a 24 hour period. So you take an absolute literal sense.


    I have always maintained that the use of the word “day” is always predicated on the context. In the specific case of creation week the qualifiers “evening and morning” and “day one, two, three, etc.” are used. The usage of these qualifiers always denotes a literal day. You have not acknowledged this.



    T8/strawman 2) So the Dig Rule simply states that everything is literal including measurements of time in scripture.


    I have never said, nor do I believe that “everything is literal” in Scripture.



    T8/strawman 3) And as mentioned more than once, the Dig Rule is looking for a return of Jesus who has a literal sword coming from his mouth.


    This is just silly and quite frankly, a little beneath you. But as you can see it follows from all the strawmen you have set up, none of which are true. I noticed that you never once quoted me to support your points. Where did I say that everything is literal in Scripture? You do know what it’s called when you say something that isn’t true about another person, don’t you?




    T8/strawman 4I don’t see you arguing for that being the last hour do I, and why not? Because you are guilty of cherry picking when to apply the Dig Rule to scripture and when not to. That is called ‘hypocrisy’ Dig.


    This is is a strawman because this verse has never come up. It has not been discussed. How then could I have argued for it in any way? Calling someone a hypocrite is serious. What’s going on here t8?



    In my father’s day [long period of time] he would always say, “work while it is still day [the daylight hours] because the night is sure to follow”. He maintained this position until the day [literal day] he died.


    Common sense people.

    My father was born on the first day of the second month in the year 1939.

    Which meaning does the word “day” have in the above sentence? Notice the qualifiers? Pretty easy huh?

    Some here may maintain that it could mean a million years! Now, I ask you, is that common sense?


    Dig…Again with the shall games, if you can’t believe in simple things like a sherical earth, with tons of evidence available, why should we think you are capable of any scriptural truth?

    Peace and love to you and yours. …..gene


    Gene, scriptural truth teaches that the sun was created on day 4 after the earth was created. Is that what you believe?


    “tons of evidence available, why should we think you are capable of any scriptural truth? ”

    Since when does scriptural truth require any evidence, isn’t it about faith?


    Don’t be too hard on them Andrew, they’ll come around.


    Mike:  T8, how many days did God command for us to work before taking one day off? And more importantly, what was the reason that Jehovah Himself gave for this commandment?

    T8:  The Earth has reflections or images of heaven. We are God’s image. Eden and the rivers were like Paradise and the river of life. That river of life is spirit, but all physical life needs water, as our spirit needs God’s spirit. Jesus said he had water that gave eternal life.

    Our week is a reflection of the creation week and we rest in the last stage as God did. It is written nowhere that the creation days were 24 hours. That is adding to scripture. We know that a day for God is not like a day for us. That we do know.

    But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

    T8, please answer the two questions I asked in an honest and direct manner.  Thanks.


    Kathi:  Here is an opposing view where the aliens are demons…

    It’s not an opposing view, but right in line with how I think the deception will unfold.  Here’s what I have in my mind…

    1.  Demons masquerade as aliens from a distant galaxy.
    2.  They help mankind by offering us hidden knowledge about weaponry and cures for diseases.
    3. They gain the love and trust of mankind for all the good they’ve done us.
    4. Their leader is voted as ruler of the world, since he is much more enlightened than stupid humans… and therefore a much better choice to rule over us than any man.
    5. There is a mark of support that people will receive on their heads and hands, signifying their allegiance to our new enlightened leader, who can perform many signs and wonders that leave us awestruck, and who has convinced us that there is no god – just a universe full of other big bang accidents like us, and like his race who evolved faster than we did.
    6. Those who refuse to prominently display the mark of this gracious savior of mankind will be considered ungrateful, science-denying heretics who can’t accept the truth that they’re seeing with their own eyes. (We will be presented many convincing and seemingly undeniable proofs – such that they will even deceive the elect, if possible. – Matt 24:24) Those who refuse the mark will be shunned; the vast majority of the earth’s inhabitants will hate them, and have nothing to do with them – including buying their products, hiring them, or selling them the things they need to survive.  Many of them will reluctantly receive the mark of our gracious interstellar savior eventually- as a last resort before starving to death.  Most of those who refuse the mark to the end will die of starvation.  Many will be viciously attacked and beaten to death by proud mark-bearing thugs who roam the streets looking for those who don’t have the mark.  Their starving children will be tortured, raped and killed right before their eyes, and then they will suffer the same fate… all for not having the mark of servitude to this great and honorable alien leader who helped mankind in so many ways.  A few who refuse the mark will escape to barren deserts and wastelands, where they do their best to survive day to day on next to nothing.
    7. At some point, our gracious alien leader-god will announce the terrible news that another alien force is on it’s way to earth from a different distant galaxy.  These other aliens are not loving and gracious like the first, and they intend to do great evil to the earth and its inhabitants.
    8. A call will be sent out around the earth for all inhabitants to gather at one place.  There they will be given “space-age” weapons of technology that far surpass anything humans have ever devised.  They will train and wait for the arrival of the bad alien forces.
    9. The bad aliens will finally arrive, only to be greeted by all the kings and armies of the earth, heavily armed and immediately attacking them.
    10. The “evil alien force” will overpower the “gracious aliens” and the armies of the earth, because they will be led by a most powerful leader, who rides a white horse and has a sword protruding out of his mouth.

    And all of it made possible by the Copernican heliocentric model, which gave us the accidental big bang, accidental abiogenesis, billions of years of accidental evolution that led to mankind, and a universe filled with countless suns, planets, and alien species… but no loving Creator God.



    AndrewAD….So to you true faith does not require and real evidence, right? , well that’s the way that christanity today thinks.

    So let see what scripture says ok?, now take this very slow, so you can understand it.

    Heb 11:1…..”For faith (IS) the substance of things hoped for, the (EVIDENCE) of things not seen.”

    Have you ever seen God?, so how can you have any real (EVIDENCE) OF HIS EXISTENCE?, is it not by answered prayers in you life? Evidently you have never had that take place in your life, or you would not have said that right? Why do you think miracles were perforned in peoples lives and in front of them, if not to give them (EVIDENCE) of the existence of A GOD?

    You believe like the world does, just except whatever you want to, with out any proof, and you have faith, Pure garabage, no wonder you backup the FLAT EARTHERS. You haven’t come to love the truth and truth always produces (evidence) or you just have supositions, like false “christanity” and like flat earthers.

    Peace and love to you and yours. …gene


    Nick: Hi Mike,

    So you have found one literal use of the word DAY.

    And that gives you the right to make it’s use ALWAYS LITERAL.

    Nick, can you offer my one valid scriptural reason to not accept the creation days as literal 24 hour days with an evening and a morning?

    While you’re working on it, see if you can answer what T8 could not…

    Exodus 20:8-11

    “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

    How many days are we to work before taking a day off?  And more importantly, what is the reason God Himself gave for giving us this schedule?

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